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Unwrapping Daddy: A Christmas Holiday Romance

Page 14

by Lisa Lace

  I leave, furious. Why don’t they care? I’m shocked when I realize Zoe’s words are echoing through my own mind. I understand why she was upset last night.

  I start thinking through all my options if Megan isn’t found today. She’ll be on the front page of every publication I own. I’ll call in every favor until she’s home.

  My cell starts to vibrate in my pocket. I pick it up, expecting it to be Zoe checking in. Maybe she’s forgiven me.

  I can’t believe my eyes when I see it’s Megan calling. I almost drop my Bluetooth in my rush to answer. “Megan?”

  She’s crying. “Uncle Tom?”

  “Where are you? Are you okay? Where have you been? Jesus, Megan, I’ve been worried sick.”

  Megan’s sobbing on the line. I realize that raising my voice is doing no good, so I lower it to a level volume, and speak in a gentler tone. “What’s going on, kiddo? We’ve been looking for you.”

  “I was with Justin, but we got in a fight, and now he’s gone.”

  “Where are you now?”

  She hesitates, then stammers out the truth. “Boston?”

  My heart drops to my stomach. “You’re in Massachusetts?”

  She cries some more. “Please don’t tell my mom or Aunt Zoe. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s all right. Calm down. I’ll come and get you. Where are you specifically?”

  “I’m at a motel. The Ramada.”

  “What’s the address?”

  She reels it off, and I write it down.

  “Are you still in the room?”

  Her sobbing intensifies. “No. Check-out was two hours ago. I’m stuck in the lobby.”

  “Do you have enough money to book another room?”

  “No. My card’s maxed out.”

  “I’m going to transfer some money over. I want you to book another room, and stay there until I get there. Order room service. Get yourself some lunch. Whatever you need. Stay put. I’m coming.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Tom. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s all right, Megan. I’m on my way.” I open my laptop and immediately transfer a couple hundred dollars to Megan’s account. Then I call Zoe.

  She answers on the first ring. “Tom! Any news?”

  “I know where she is.”

  “Thank God. Where is she?”

  “She was with Justin. Don’t worry. I’m going to get her now.”

  “I’m going to kill that boy.”

  “Tess is going to be hearing about it, don’t you worry. I wish I knew the kid who lied to me on the phone. You can relax now. She’s safe, and will be home tonight.”



  “Thank you, and I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “For the things I said last night. I was scared, and I took it out on you.”

  “No, you were right. I was cold. It took me a bit longer than you for the panic to kick in, but when it did, it was intense. I don’t blame you for calling me out.”

  “We’ll talk tonight.”

  “We should. We might be a bit late getting in, but don’t worry. Oh, that reminds me. Can you pick up Jack?”

  “Of course. How far are you going? Where was she?”

  “It doesn’t matter. She’s safe. That’s all. Look, I have to go. I’ll see you when we get in.”

  “Thanks, Tom. Bye.”

  I’m still outside the police station. I step back in and sheepishly explain what’s happened.

  The officer smiles knowingly but doesn’t gloat. “I’m glad she’s turned up safe. I’ll take her off the system.”

  “Thank you.”

  I get back in my car, fill up with gas, and begin the two-hour journey to Massachusetts.

  I pull up outside the Ramada and call Megan on my cell. Two minutes later, she appears at the entrance, and timidly opens the car door and climbs in.

  Keeping my emotions in check, I raise my eyebrows. “Quite the adventure you went on last night. Want to talk about it?”


  I take a moment to look Megan over before I set off. Her eyes are tear-stained, and her clothes are a bit disheveled—probably from sleeping in them. But other than that, she looks unharmed.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, Uncle Tom. I’m fine. I just want to go home.”

  I look at her more carefully. Her skin is gray, and she has one arm wrapped around her middle like she feels sick.

  I recognize that look. “Hungover?”

  She looks up guiltily. She doesn’t answer, but her face says it all.

  “Did they serve you alcohol in there?” I’m ready to get out the car and give them a piece of my mind.

  Megan shakes her head, and shuts her eyes, leaning back against the headrest. “No. Justin took a bottle of vodka from home.”

  My grip tightens on the steering wheel as I step on the gas. “Let me get this right: Justin steals you away in the middle of the night, drives you out of state, gets you drunk enough to be hungover the next day, then leaves you stranded alone at a motel?”

  She starts sobbing. “I know. Fucking bastard.”


  Half a smile emerges through the tears. “Uncle Tom, you’re learning.”

  I hold in my own smile. This situation is too serious to joke about. “This isn’t funny, Megan. What happened last night was very serious. We went to the police.”

  She winces at the thought and gazes down at her lap. “I’m really sorry.”

  “What were you thinking?”

  “It was Justin’s idea.”

  “What was he planning?”

  “He said we should go to New York.”

  “I could have taken you to New York and put you up in a penthouse. I sure as hell wouldn’t have left you at the Boston Ramada.”

  Megan falls against the car door, kicking off her boots and curling her feet up under her. She looks exhausted and emotionally drained.

  “Why did you want to go to New York?”

  She chokes up when she tries to answer. “I don’t know. I wanted to get away. I know you think I’m stupid and selfish.”

  I glance over at her. “That’s what they said about me when I left for New York.”

  Megan looks up at me. She seems surprised that her clueless Uncle Tom might be the one to understand.

  “I left because I didn’t feel good enough for my family. I thought it would be better if I went away, but it made everything worse. When my dad got sick, I didn’t think it was right to go back. It would start up all those old arguments; rub salt in the wounds. So, I stayed away. Then my mom got ill, and I knew she would never forgive me for not being there when my dad died, so I stayed away again. Then your dad passed away—”

  “And you stayed away.” Megan finishes my sentence and sits up a little straighter. She’s looking at me intently, hanging onto my words.

  “The thing is, Megan, running away doesn’t solve the problem. A lot of the time, it makes it worse. Take it from me.”

  “Justin convinced me. He made me worry about what was going to happen.”

  “Then what?”

  “I started getting nervous once we crossed state lines. I started thinking about Mom in the hospital.”

  “Did you ask him to turn around?”


  “So, you got as far as Boston?”

  “Yes. We booked into the motel.”

  “You drank.”

  She bites down on her lip. I see a couple of tears spill. “Yes.”

  “And then?”

  “I got emotional. I couldn’t stop thinking about Mom and the fact that I was abandoning her. I started thinking about how worried Aunt Zoe would be. I realized that I was making a mistake. I told Justin I wanted to go home.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He got mad that we drove all the way there, and now I wanted to go home. He told me I was drunk, and that I should sleep it off. He said if I stil
l wanted to leave in the morning, he’d take me back.”

  “And that didn’t happen?”

  She shakes her head. “In the morning, I told him I still wanted to go home. He flipped out and said his mom would kill him if he went back now. He said he’d already planned somewhere for us to stay in New York. I told him I didn’t care. I wanted to go home. He said he was going to New York, whether I wanted to go or not.”

  “And he left you there?”

  “I told him to fuck off.”

  “I’m proud you stood your ground, but you understand that you put yourself in a very dangerous position going off with him like that. Underage drinking? You realize the kind of serious trouble you could get in if you were caught?”

  “Please don’t tell my mom. Please don’t tell Aunt Zoe.”

  “What about Justin’s mother? She thinks he’s staying with a friend. You can be damned sure I’m going to tell her the truth. When she realizes that Justin is gone, she’s going to be worried sick.”

  “I know where he’s planning on going. I’ll tell her exactly where he is.”

  “I’ll think about it. This is very serious, Megan.”

  She’s crying again. “I know. I knew it was stupid as soon as we set off. I don’t know what I was thinking. Everything with Mom was too much. I had to get away.”

  “You’re going through a super tough time right now.”

  Megan wipes her eyes with her sleeve. “I really thought she was going to die. I had this sudden fear that me and Jack were going to have nobody left. Dad’s gone. Grandma can’t look after us. What would happen? Justin convinced me that it was better to leave on my own terms then get shoved into the foster system.”

  “You know your aunt Zoe would never let that happen. And, maybe you don’t believe me, but I would never let that happen.” I glance over at her. “I mean that, Megan. No matter what happens to your mom, you’re going to have a home at the end of it, with Zoe or with me.”


  Even though Tom said he’d be late getting back, I’m surprised at how late it is when he returns with Megan.

  When she walked through the door, looking a little worse for wear, but safe and sound, I almost collapse with relief. I rush over to her before either of them have a chance to speak and throw my arms around her. Megan bursts into tears and hugs me back.

  I pull back, putting my hands on either side of Megan’s face, searching her expression for any signs that anything’s wrong. “Where have you been? I was so worried.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her chin is wobbling. Her eyes are swollen and puffy. I guess she’s been crying for hours.

  Tom smiles watching our reunion. He places his keys down on the cabinet in the hall. His eyes are surrounded by dark circles. He looks exhausted.

  “Don’t cry, sweetheart. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  Megan looks up at me anxiously. “How’s Mom doing?”

  “She’s out of surgery and stable. They have her on every single blood thinner to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  Her body slumps with relief. Her face crumples with guilt. She shakes her head. “Please don’t tell her I left. It was a huge mistake. I’m so sorry.”

  I hug her. “I won’t say a word, but you have to promise me that you’re never going to scare us like that again! We were worried out of our minds.”

  Megan bows her head. “I know. Uncle Tom told me you called the police and everything.”

  “We wanted you to be safe.”

  “I’m safe.”

  “And Justin?”

  Tom casts me a warning glare, and I guess that something has happened. I say no more.

  “You look exhausted, sweetheart. Get yourself ready for bed, and I’ll make you a hot chocolate and something to eat.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Zoe.”

  “We’ll talk more in the morning.”

  Megan is out cold within twenty minutes. I don’t know what adventure she’s had, but it’s taken every last ounce of her energy. I stand in her doorway watching her after she’s fallen asleep. I’m terrified that she’ll slip away again. When I finally leave her, I leave the door ajar.

  Downstairs, Tom has collapsed onto the sofa, a cold beer in his hand. I sit beside him, offering him a warm smile. “Out of the woods for another day.”

  He lets out a long breath and smiles. “Thank God. Today was a tough one.”

  “What happened with Megan?”

  “I’ll leave out the details. Let’s just say Justin is going to have hell to pay when Tess finds out what he’s been playing at. Megan needs to stay away from him from now on.”

  “Really? I always thought he was a nice boy.”

  “He’s a predator. She deserves better than him.”

  I smile. “It’s good to see you sticking up for her. I thought you’d be furious when she came home.”

  “I was, but then we had a long heart-to-heart, and I can’t be mad. She reminds me too much of myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Things get overwhelming, and she bolts. Credit to her, though; she stuck it out a lot longer than I ever did. I’m proud of her for coping as long as she did, and I’m proud of her for coming back.”

  It warms my heart to hear Tom talk about Megan like that. He’s learned to put her first, even when she’s testing him. To me, that shows how much he cares.

  “What did you guys talk about?”

  “Everything. She’s a tough cookie, isn’t she?”

  I smile. “Yes, she is. Just like her mom.”

  “I didn’t realize how hard Mike’s death had hit her.”

  “It did. She adored him. Is that what this was about?”

  Tom looks over his shoulder to make sure Megan isn’t in earshot and lowers his voice. “She thought Laura might not make it, and got scared. She wondered what would happen to her and Jack with no parents.”

  Poor Megan. “I would come live with them permanently,” I say. “No question. I’d treat them like my own.”

  Tom smiles at me. His eyes are filled with fondness and something else. Admiration? “That’s what I love about you, Zoe. You’re selfless. I’ve never met anyone who gives quite as much.”

  “Of course, you have. Laura does.”

  “You’re right. She gives her all as well. And here’s me, thinking that everyone was always asking too much of me. I’ve never been there for any of them.”

  I lay my hand on his arm. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all handle our griefs and our difficulties in different ways.”

  “I don’t handle them at all, do I? I run. I’ve always run.”

  “Not this time.”

  He turns to me and smiles. “No. Not this time.”

  I catch his eyes; he doesn’t look away. I’m aware of my own heart beating. Time stands still as we hold onto each other’s gaze. A blush rises up my cheeks; I smile, then look away.

  “You’ve done so much for this family since Laura’s accident. You made sure she got the best care. You’ve looked after the kids. You’ve kept everyone’s spirits up when times have been tough. You gave us all a wonderful Thanksgiving. You dropped everything to rescue Megan today. Whatever has happened before, this time, you couldn’t have done more.”

  “I’m trying to be less cold and emotionless.”

  He’s teasing, but I feel a pang of guilt anyway, and bow my head. “I didn’t mean that.”

  “Yes, you did. You were right. You know, my time here on this visit has opened my eyes to a lot. I’ve been missing out on so much. Is it stupid to say that I’ve enjoyed playing this role for a while?” He laughs at himself and looks away. “I feel like a terrible person saying it. Laura’s in the hospital, and I’m having a good time with her best friend and her kids. It’s like a glimpse into a different life.”

  I look into his eyes. They’re filled with regret and longing. The cold, heartless exterior is thawing. Inside is my Tom, my mystery man. The One.

  “It’s not stupid. I’v
e felt it, too.”

  Tom turns to me. His hand slips into the hair behind my ear, his palm resting against my jaw. He leans in.

  His breath is warm on my face. I smell his intoxicating cologne. He hasn’t shaved since Laura took a turn for the worse. When he kisses me, his stubble brushes against my lips. My body reacts to the rough, sweet sensation.

  I climb onto his lap, straddling him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to taste him again. He parts my lips with his, his kiss growing in urgency. His body is warm against mine. I hold onto the gray fabric of his T-shirt, feeling the taut muscles beneath.

  Tom’s haircut has grown out. His dark hair is wild; the way I like it. I run my hands through it, sinking my fingers into his hair as I kiss him deeply. He slips his hands under my top; they rest on either side of my navel.

  I step away from him. Tom slumps in disappointment; he thinks I’m holding my distance again. Instead, I pull him up by his hand and lead him to the bedroom, closing the door behind us and drawing the drapes shut.

  It’s dark in the bedroom. I turn on the bedside lamp, throwing a crimson scarf over it to dim the light. It casts a soft red glow across the room.

  I approach Tom and lift his shirt. He pulls it over his head, and it drops to the floor. He grins.

  Seeing him smile with hunger in his eyes fills me with desire. I’ve wanted him for so long. Tom has been patient and true to his word. He’s put the kids first. He’s stepped up.

  And every day I spend with him, I love him a little bit more.

  I unbutton Tom’s jeans, pulling the denim to the floor, followed by his briefs. He’s completely naked; the red glow of the lamp highlights every muscle, the rows of his abdomen perfectly ripped, ending in a V at his pelvis.

  Beneath his perfect abs, his cock is swollen and throbbing. I grow wet at the sight of him so hard for me, as ready as I am to give in to what we both so desperately desire.

  I drop slowly to my knees, keeping my eyes fixed on Tom’s face as my lips close around the head of his cock. He leans his back against the wall and threads his hands gently in my hair.

  He softly guides my mouth against his cock. He’s long and hard. I wrap one hand around him as I suck until Tom begins to let out soft moans of appreciation. He stops pressing, instead just resting his hands on my head, caressing my hair while I take him deep into my mouth.


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