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EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection)

Page 20

by Madison Drips

  “Right,s well it’s something we all have to deal with. Separating our personal life and professional life is extremely hard, but somehow we are all meant to do it.” Scotty gave it deep thought and scribbled it down.

  “How was that for you, Drew?”

  “Fine.” She responded. The look in her eyes made him know she knew he wasn’t paying attention to her acting this time…

  The class ended and the students rushed out. All in their little cliques. Drew always seemed to be the first to rush out of class. She never cared about anything. She texts in class, she’s full on fell asleep and snored, and sometimes she will just leave, but somehow she learns the most out of everyone. It’s remarkable. She just gets it. That day was the same with her. The moment that class was done she rushed out, without a good-bye, nothing.

  The theatre was clear for the day. He did a round of picking up left behind trash, then he got to Drew’s seat; back right corner, and there was that velvet dress. He picked it up and it was still warm, just crumpled in the seat. He never knew why, but he stuffed the dress into his bag and went off to pick up his son.

  David picked up his son from soccer practice, completely muddy, but at least tired out. He didn’t even want to think about having to clean up the backseat since Brandon already tracked dirt in. When they pulled into the house Brandon ran straight into the house with his shoes on.

  “Hey! I told you no shoes in the house!” David yelled after him while picking up his shin guards and hat.

  “Mom says it’s okay!” Brandon was already completely undressed and jumping in shower. He’s been proud of himself for doing that by himself now so he’s been taking 4 a day.

  “You’re mother isn’t even ever here…” David muttered to himself as he locked his car and walked in. He got straight to work picking up after Brandon. Even though the water bill has gone up, he’s thankful to get 15 minutes to himself. David cleaned the sink, wrote out a grocery list, and started to make shrimp and mac&cheese for dinner. David and Brandon sat some what silent at dinner. Brandon was completely occupied with his phone.

  “So? Did you do what I told you? With the teacher?” David asked.

  “Mhmm.” Brandon replied.

  “How was soccer practice?”

  “Oh yeah that reminds me, can I go to a movie with Travis next week?”

  “That sounds like a great idea! It’s been awhile since his parents chaperoned hasn’t it?”

  “What?” Brandon might not know what chaperone means quite yet. “So I can?”

  “Of course, what are you going to see?”

  “Finding Dory maybe. I want to see X-men though.”

  “Not everyone is ready for X-men like you are, bud.”

  “I know…we are still going to see it right?”

  “Of course” David loved his son. For the most part it was only them two together. Brandon finished all his food and offered to wash the dishes that night for a change. Granted he didn’t wash them he just put water in them, but it’s the thought that counts. Brandon was off in his room playing video games while David was washing the dishes from dinner. His wife sent him the evening set of texts.

  “Did you feed our son? How is he doing? Did you clean the sink? Did you pick up apple juice? I won’t be home until late late tonight okay?” Then an unknown number popped up.

  “Hey David! It’s Drew, did you by any chance see my dress at the studio?” His heart skipped a beat for a moment. He didn't even care about responding to his wife.

  “Yeah I have it with me.” He replied.

  “Haha you took it home with you?” she said. It did sound weird to him now that he said it out loud. He moved to his living room coach.

  “Well I wanted to keep it safe.” he said.

  “Oh why thank you just don’t do anything bad to it ;)” she replied. Was she flirting with him? He sat there wondering. He didn’t know what to say in response so he left it alone. There was just something about her that turned him on. Maybe the fact that she was young and cocky or maybe that she shows defiance. He rid his mind of her and went to bed.

  Every time he closed his eyes he saw Drew’s perky little nipples poking through that dress. He wanted to just feel them. He and his wife hadn’t been romantic in years due to the child and her successful career. He wanted to feel her womanly curves from her breasts to her bum. He wanted to touch those nipples and see if she liked it. He wanted to see if she was shaved or natural. He wanted to know what she tasted like. He has seen a hint of her tongue ring and wanted to give it go. He felt himself hardening. He couldn’t resist his urges and started to stroke himself and thought about her. He thought about himself taking control of her. Spanking her. Fucking her. He came, harder than he has in a very long time and fell asleep.

  The next few weeks his primal urges started to take over. His wife had been out of town for a few days and won’t be back for another week and he couldn’t help himself anymore. He needed to feel a woman again. He felt like it had been so long he almost forgot how to do it, but seeing Drew and flirting with her made him remember. He didn’t look at any other student that way. Just her and she knew it. This was probably some weird game she is playing with him. It has to be. How can a young hot 19 year old want a old man like him? She would text him every night and attempt to flirt, but David never gave in until about a week ago. David had been drinking that night with a friend and Drew had happened to text at 2am when he was getting home after a few drinks. She started with “Hey Boo” and somehow it went on from there and he confessed all the naughty things he wanted to do to her and she reciprocated. He was just most on edge of coming back to class. He never does this and he didn’t want to lose respect or have there be some unnecessary scandal.

  She paid him no extra attention when they were together in class. She acted like he hadn’t told her wanted her. Her hugs were different and sometimes when she’d pass him to go to the bathroom she would give his shoulder or leg a squeeze, but he stayed cool even though his insides were fiery.

  The class ended. Everyone did fantastically except for him. No one seemed to noticed, but he knew he didn’t pay attention as closely to the scenes as he usually does. In the back of his head he knew she was sitting behind him in her chair, not paying attention, twiddling on her phone. In his fantasies he wanted to grab her by the hair and drag her on to his lap and spanked her for her disobeying the rules.

  Drew took an extra long time to pack up that day. She wore no makeup, her hair was in a messy bun and she just had some loose sweatpants on, sneakers, and a tank top. She looked like a little girl swimming in a father clothes or something. Some how it made her cuter. It was odd that she was staying behind. She usually is the first one to bolt out of there like a bat out of hell.

  David always had students coming up to him to talk about their work for that day, and to talk about coaching and auditions and television shows. It always took him about an extra forty-five minutes to leave the studio after class was done since everyone wants to talk to him. Drew wasn’t the only one trying to hook up with David. In his mind he was just a man, but to many of his female students he was a person of power, someone they looked up to. They always looked into his deep dark eyes and listened to his passionate words intently. She waited though till everyone was gone. She gave him a tender hug. Her hand curled up behind his neck and she pulled him in close.

  “Did you need to talk to me about something?” David inquired.

  “Do you have my dress?” She asked straight forward. David quickly looked through his bag to realized he had left it at home to wash. He had used it last week during their provocative texting.

  “Ah, shit I left it at my house, I’m sorry I’ll bring it next week.”

  “Of course you did.” Drew smiled and leaned into him. “Well I need it this weekend for a date… Maybe I can come over late tonight or tomorrow to pick it up.” And with that she let her hand stroke his arm and she slid out of the theatre.

  For the rest of the day,
she was on his mind. What was he going to do? He was strongly considering inviting her over. Just because she came over didn’t mean they were going to sleep together right? He felt sick when he picked up his son and he could see his wife’s face in Brandon. She didn’t care for either of them though he knew that, she just wanted her career. Sure he was happy for her, but he felt lonely at the end of the day and felt as though he had just become a simple house husband which he had. He needed to get his manhood back.

  After endless thought he decided if she were to text him, she could come over, but just for the dress and nothing more. He figured the consequences were to great for one night of pleasure. She was a smart girl and would understand. He finally got her out of his mind and got to do some work and spend a nice dinner with his son. As he put Brandon to bed, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He finished his time with his son and made sure he fell asleep when he finally looked at it. Thirty minutes had passed when he finally saw she was asking if she could swing by. It was already 10pm when he responded with his address and his heart started to thump. He never got nervous, but he was rehearsing what he was going to say all up until the point when she texted him saying she was outside.

  She came looking not at all different than she normally does. She looked like she had rolled out of bed to come here, but her face was still fresh and she had thrown on some lipstick and slightly tighter clothing. He opened the door to her, she gave him the same gently and loving hug she had given after class and invited herself inside. This wasn’t part of the plan, but it didn’t ruin it either.

  She put her bag down and sat in his kitchen. She had been there previously, but with two other people to rehearse a scene and to get coaching so it was never a personal matter. He offered her a drink and she went with wine. He did too. Their meeting never got to intimate, but he had never just hung out with student before. He always kept personal and business separate so it was strange. She asked a lot about his life, but when he asked about hers, the answers were short and nondescript. It was probably best that way. The less he knew about her the less personal it was. She didn’t flirt and she felt comfortable around him.

  When the second glass of wine was poured, Drew started to lean into him. She put her feet up onto his lap and he naturally started to rub her them and caress her legs, slowly up to her thighs. By the time the glasses were nearly empty, David got a text from his wife. She said she was going to bed and told him to make sure he took the trash cans out that night. He ignored it and looked back at her and knew he couldn’t do this. He just wasn’t going to ruin what he had for this student of his. He took his hands off of her and explained that he wasn’t going to go further and that he was so sorry that he lead her on. He told her about his marriage, about his child that he hadn’t mentioned until then and his policies about his job.

  “Why would you want to fool around with an old man anyways?” he asked after a long pause, genuinely wondering. She took her foot from his lap and seemed to understand. She stood and walked over to him.

  “Curiosity” she said. She reached down and brushed her fingers over his cock. A rush of passion flew through him in an instant. It took his whole body to ignore it. He made a decision and he was going to stick to it. She came around him to kiss his neck and he didn’t resist. The tickle of her soft lips were hard to say no to as her lips traveled to his. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and that had sealed the deal. They started to make out passionately. She grabbed as his cock again, but this time he could feel her working her fingers to release his belt. She succeeded and yanked down his pants as fast she could. She took his big cock into her hands and licked it. She has a little stud in his tongue too. He knew she was a bad girl. She sucked his cock like a pro. Slow and steady, yet deep and hard. His cock went all the way down her throat and then some. He reached down and felt those perky little nipples he was dreaming about. He pinched one and she squirmed. They were swollen and sensitive and she was pressing them into his hands. He wanted more, so he grabbed her from under her arms and pulls her up on the kitchen table. A long stream of saliva follows her lips as she's being pulled away from his cock. It fell onto her stomach.

  He took this moment careful and gently. He wanted to make her squirm. He wanted to feel and taste every part of her. He hadn’t felt a women in years and he needed it bad. He took her breads into his hands. They fit perfectly in his palm. He flicked her hard nipples and she gasped. He couldn’t help but suck on them. Squeezing her breasts and sucking on the hard nipples. He twisted them with his teeth slightly and then flicked them with his tongue a few times. His hands curiously traveled down her chest and stomach. Her face was already blushed and she was so wet it was dripping onto the table, but his fingers found her slit anyways and he rubbed her entire slit as she trembled. He kissed her slit as he slowly slid a tongue from the top of her clit straight down to her asshole. She didn’t flinch when he went there. He knew she would like it. She started to open herself up to him, shoving her shaved glistening pussy in his face. He breathed a warm breathe against it.

  He pulled her down from the kitchen table back onto her knees. He loved being in control of her. Her eyes looked up at him and she clasped her hands behind her back. He knew then he could take her any way he wanted. He took her head in his hands and started to face fuck her. Her tongue ring felt good and tickled his cock. She sucked it vigorously and took a moment for a gasp a breathe and looked up at him. She went back to take him in her mouth again, but instead he bent her over the kitchen table. He stood over her and spread her ass cheeks and pussy lips

  apart. Her skin was beautiful and pale. When he smacked her ass she gave out a whimper as a perfect handprint appeared. He licked her deeply as he loved the way she tasted. She tasted sweet and young. She pushed herself back into his face. He loved that she wanted more. He sucked on her clit and flicked it with his tongue. He slid his tongue into her pussy and let it drag to her asshole and he’d slip it in there. He prepared her pussy for his cock by fucking her with two fingers while still playing with her clit. She was dripping wet and was panting from the pleasure.

  While playing with her he heard her say “Fuck me.” Did she really just say that? Did he dream that? He flipped her over and pinned her down with his forearm on her chest and him vigorously pumping his fingers. She licked her hand and grabbed for his cock. Her face was complete bliss and again she told him to fuck her. This time he saw with his own eyes the words escape from her mouth. He came around and scooted her to the end of the table. He took it slow. She lay there in front of him spreading her pussy lips for him waiting for him to enter her. He rubbed his cock over her pussy and slowly pushed the head into her. He slowly let the rest of his cock enter her tight little pussy and they both let out a gasp of pleasure. He fucked her slowly at first. She grabbed his ass and thighs with her hands and squeezed and pulled him deeper inside of her. She was loving it. He fucked her harder and harder, then picked her up and flipped her over. Her asshole and pussy were being offered to him, she dripped onto the table and his hand print was still vividly on her ass cheek and had started to swell. He couldn’t help but to spank her again on the other side as he thrust into her. She yelped, but it was a yelp of pleasure. She pulled her ass cheeks apart and he stuck his finger into her asshole. She thrusted back into him and her ass sucked in his finger. He loved the way he could feel himself inside of her. He could feel the deeper he went the more she clenched and squeezed him, holding him inside of her. He could feel himself climaxing. As he was almost there he started to quickly rub her clit as she had a huge orgasm, screaming and clutching onto the bed with one had and digging her fingers into his arm with the other. Her juices flowed out of her onto the table and he pulled out and came all over her back.

  She relaxed onto the table and he plopped down in a chair and breathed heavily. He was the most satisfied he had been in such a long time. It might’ve been the best fuck he had ever had that he could remember. After he caught his breath, he rolled off the chair a
nd and got a glass of water and a bath towel to wipe her off. He wiped his cum off of her back and butt and it almost made him hard again. She didn’t say a word after she just rolled over onto her back. He leaned over her offering her water. She drank as he started to stroke her face lovingly. It was the first time David hadn’t felt lonely in a long time. She starred blankly up at the ceiling as he snuggled his head into her breast. She rolled to get her phone.

  “It’s midnight, I should go.” With that she got up and started to immediately put her clothes back on.

  “Wait, it’s late, you can stay here if you want. It’s fine, Brandon doesn’t have school till 7 in the morning and he’s obviously knocked out.” He just wanted one night where he could cuddle with someone as he drifted to sleep, but she was nearly out the door.

  “I’ll see you, peace man.” She gave him a peace sign and walked out of his house without a kiss and without a hug. David was confused, but maybe this is just what kids do these days. He didn’t give it much thought and passed out in bliss.

  He texted her the next morning. He texted her the next day. She never responded. He thought it was odd, but he just couldn’t worry about it. He would see her in class. Class came and went and she never showed up. After class, he picked up his son from soccer practice on time like his wife always asked. When he pulled up into the driveway he realized his wife must have just gotten home from her trip. She was sitting at the kitchen table when he entered. Brandon ran straight up to her and hugged her deeply. She sent him to his room with a popsicle, the ones he’s not supposed to be having unless he does all his chores.

  “Have fun while I was gone?” She knew. She knew he had slept with someone else. How did she know? She couldn’t have? Was she spying on him?

  “Excuse me?” He didn’t know what else to do than to see how much she really knew. Maybe it was just a suspicion.

  “A little birdie told me… a little birdie named Drew.” He felt like someone had punched him in the gut. He wanted to puke. This wasn’t fair. That night, instead of a fight they finally talked about all their issues. He was shocked that she actually listened to him for once. She told him she just wanted to test him and that she realized it was wrong of her since they hadn’t slept together since they birth of their child. She admitted she had paid Drew for her services and that Drew had actually been deep in a drug issue that she needed the money for. He asked what happened to her and why she has been missing. His wife told him she felt guilty about going through with the act, but she will tell her everything worked out for the best and ever since then David and his wife had a much more open and understanding relationship. Drew never picked up that dress. Sometimes a sexy little birdie is the way to fix a marriage.


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