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The Price of Liberty (Empire Rising Book 4)

Page 24

by D. J. Holmes

  Whether it was due to James’ actions or the last minute evasive maneuvers from Goliath’s navigation officer, two of the three Indian missiles closing with the heavy cruiser overshot their target and exploded harmlessly. The third however struck a glancing blow with the heavy cruiser, for some reason the nuclear warhead failed to explode on impact, instead it exploded less than a millisecond later. The delay made all the difference in the world, for in that millisecond the missile was deflected by Goliath’s valstronium armor. Its explosive force still washed over the heavy cruiser, but it failed to penetrate into the hull of the ship.

  Several other ships within the British squadron weren’t so lucky. The medium cruiser Bastion took two direct hits and though the warship was still intact, it lost all power and fell out of formation. A frigate and destroyer were also hit and there was no sign of either ship other than expanding balls of debris.

  Endeavors’ crew had no time to mourn such losses. Foley sent orders to reform the British squadron. Just a couple of minutes later, the British launched their second salvo towards the Indians.

  While the first salvo had been aimed at the Indian fleet, this salvo of missiles had another target. As the Indians fired their second salvo, the British missiles received updated targeting information. Just over a month ago Rooke had tried the same trick against Admiral Khan’s fleet. James knew this time, Foley was banking on the fact the fleet they were now facing consisted of ships from three different sectors. The battlecruiser and some of its escorts had clearly come from the Sol system, while the latest additions to this New Delhi fleet had come from Haven. Alongside those two groups of ships, there were doubtless ships that had been part of the fleet assigned to protect the colony of New Delhi. With such a wide mix of ships, Foley was hoping at least some of the missiles fired by the Indian fleet were not protected against the harmful radiation thermonuclear explosions pumped into space.

  As the two groups of missiles passed through one another all ninety British missiles exploded in an attempt to knock out their Indian counterparts. Foley’s guess had been correct. Four Indian missiles were destroyed as British missiles exploded nearby, the explosive force alone destroying them. Another twenty were knocked out as their targeting sensors were fried by the electromagnetic radiation. The other one hundred and eighty six were either immune to such bursts of electromagnetic radiation, or passed through the exploding British missiles unscathed.

  “Here they come,” Malik shouted as the British fleet opened fire on the Indian missiles. Flak cannon rounds, AM missiles and plasma cannon bolts reached out to pluck the missiles out of existence before they got close enough to damage the British ships.

  Indian missiles exploded around the British ships. Endeavour’s navigation officer threw the exploration cruiser out of the way of one incoming missile but it still managed a proximity hit which damaged several point defense plasma cannons and burnt off a lot of Endeavour’s stern port armor. The damage and concussion wave set off a series of alarms around the bridge. When Endeavour’s sensors were able to peer through the waves of electromagnetic energy given off by the nuclear explosions, a light cruiser, a destroyer and a frigate were missing from the British fleet. Several other ships were also reporting damage from proximity hits.

  “We’re still in the battle,” James said. “Send Foley’s orders to our drones and shuttles, get them to close the distance to the fleet.”

  “Aye Sir,” Lieutenant Becket replied.

  “Captain, getting orders from Foley,” Sub Lieutenant King reported. “He’s requesting all ships hold fire until the Indians fire their third volley.”

  “He is going to try the same trick again,” James said. “Acknowledge the order, let’s hope it works.”

  When the Indians fired their third volley, their warships began to brake to keep the British ships at the optimal range for a missile duel. As soon as Foley identified the trajectory of the Indian missiles he ordered his ships to launch their volley. Then he sent another order.

  “Follow the flagship,” James said to his navigation officer. “Match her trajectory and velocity.”

  As Goliath turned towards the Indian ships, she lit off her drive, forcing as much power into her engines as her reactors would allow. The rest of the British ships were only a split second behind the heavy cruiser and together they turned and dove towards the Indian fleet. As they had already been traveling at their maximum safe velocity of 0.29c, they quickly surpassed it. However, by now everyone in the British fleet was used to facing the risk of a cosmic particle strike, and they had all taken as many precautions as they could to protect themselves against the increased levels of radiation that would be penetrating their ships. Not that it mattered much. They knew what their fate would be.


  “What are they doing?” Admiral Kapoor demanded as soon as the British ships accelerated. “Their ships can’t go faster than that, can they?”

  Without waiting for an answer, he sprang into action. “Send a general order to the fleet, I want full deceleration now.”

  As his ships responded, Kapoor punched his command console. The British ships just kept accelerating, 0.33c, 0.36c. 0.38c, 0.41c. His ships couldn’t brake fast enough. If those British ships survived his third missile salvo they would get into plasma cannon range. If they did, he knew Kali would be their main target. Everything now depended on the two hundred and ten missiles he had targeted at the British squadron.

  Chapter 20 – Ultimate Sacrifice

  Dying for the Empire is seen as the ultimate expression of one’s duty. Dying for one’s friends the ultimate expression of one’s love.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD

  “We got then this time,” Malik reported after the third salvo of British missiles exploded right in front of the incoming Indian missiles.

  “At least it’s something,” James said as he tried to lift the spirits of his bridge crew. “Foley’s plan is good, it may just work. Remember why we’re doing this, in another eight hours Rooke will be able to jump to safety, whether or not we get into plasma cannon range of these Indian ships.”

  Before James could think of anything more to say, King spoke up, “Captain, Foley’s requesting a COM channel be opened with you and Captain Gupta.”

  “Okay,” James said. “Send it to my command chair.”

  As King sent the COM transmission to his command chair, both Captain Foley and Captain Gupta’s faces appeared from the Holo projector. “We don’t have much time,” Foley began. “I have new orders for both of you, and you’re going to do what I command. I’m not here to listen to arguments.”

  James didn’t know where Foley was going with this, but he wasn’t about to accept something blindly. “Just what are you talking about?” he asked.

  “This is an order Captain Somerville, Captain Gupta,” Foley said looking both Captains in the eye. “When our fleet goes into stealth, both of you are going to keep your ships in stealth until you pass through the Indian fleet. I know your ships’ plasma cannons have capacitors that allow them to fire from stealth. It might be a small chance, but it’s better than no chance at all. If both of your ships stay in stealth, you may be able to make it through the plasma cannon fire fight unscathed. If you can, then you may have a chance to escape. I’m ordering you to take it.”

  “Not a chance,” James said. “This suicide mission was my idea, I led you all to this point. I’m not about to turn tail and run now, especially when no one else has a chance to escape.”

  “I said this was an order Captain Somerville,” Foley said. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re like, I saw the court martial back on Earth. You may have been found not guilty, but you risked your career and your mission unnecessarily. And if you don’t follow my order now, you’ll be doing exactly the same thing. You have a chance to get your crew home. It may be a slim one but you’re going to take it. End of discussion.”

  Before James could say anything more, Foley cut the transmission
. James was left staring in anger at Gupta. He went to open his mouth to complain to her, but she beat him to the punch. “He’s right you know,” she said. “Why exactly are you going to disobey his order? Because of your pride? Or because of your sense of shame? The others will die because of your idea, nothing can change that now. I don’t like Foley’s order any better than you, but I know I am responsible for my crew. If I can get them out of this alive then I’m going to do it. You should too Captain.”

  “I…” James began to say, but as the sound came out of his mouth he couldn’t think of what he wanted to follow it up with. What am I complaining about? he asked himself. If we go into stealth we can still fire our plasma cannons at the Indians. You want to go down in a blaze of glory, the answer came. Foley and the rest of the squadron are going to go down in history, you want to join them.

  His own thoughts stung him, but James knew there was an element of truth to them. He wanted to be remembered as the one who had saved the British fleet at New Delhi. Not as the one who let others die while he snuck home safe and sound. With the thought of home, images of Suzanna popped into his head. Throughout the battle he had intentionally suppressed any temptation to think of her. Now, as he remembered the last moments they had spent together and the tears in her eyes at their parting, he realized how foolish he was being. Every one of his crew had loved ones or family members who were waiting for them to get home. If he could get them home, then he would happily live with whatever personal shame he might have to endure.

  “Okay,” James said to Gupta. “I’ll do it, it probably won’t work anyway, but if it does I’ll see you on the other side. It’s been a privilege to serve with you Captain.”

  “The feeling’s mutual James,” Gupta said as she saluted. James saluted back and switched off the COM unit.

  “Listen up everyone,” James said, raising his voice. “Once we’re in stealth, we’re going to remain in stealth and see if we can pass through the Indian fleet undetected. As we pass, we’re going to take out one of the Indian ships with our heavy plasma cannons. Mallory, I want you and Malik to go over the Indian fleet formation, see if you can find us a hole that we can pass through undetected.”

  “Aye Captain,” Mallory said with a wide grin on his face. “I reckon we can find just the spot.”

  Around the bridge other smiles broke out and optimism reappeared among the officers. They were all thinking the same thing, where moments before they had been prepared for certain death, now there was hope.

  We still have to survive this last missile salvo, James thought. He held back from expressing his thought as he wanted his crew to enjoy a few moments with their own thoughts before the action heated up again.

  Just before it was time to put Foley’s last plan into action, Mallory came back with a suggested course for Endeavour to take through the Indian fleet. James took a couple of seconds to review it before sending it on to Sub Lieutenant Jennings at the navigation console. “As soon as we go into stealth, take us onto this new heading Sub Lieutenant,” he ordered.

  Before Jennings could respond, Malik reported a new communication from Goliath. “The fleet is to enter stealth in one minute forty-five seconds,” he reported.

  “Acknowledge the order,” James commanded.

  “I hope this works,” Mallory said from his command chair beside James.

  “As do I,” James said. “We’ll find out soon enough.”

  The bridge came alive as the Indian missile salvo entered point defense range of the British ships. The Indian missiles were met with a cloud of flak cannon fire and then wave after wave of point defense plasma cannon fire and AM missiles. The two hundred enemy missiles were reduced to fifty. Nevertheless, as those fifty missiles dove towards their final targets it looked like the British fleet was done for.

  Then, every remaining ship in the British squadron disappeared. Following Foley’s instructions, they had gone into stealth mode. Simultaneously, over two hundred drones and shuttles positioned less than a hundredth of a light second behind the fleet came alive. Each drone and shuttle had been programmed to emit electromagnetic radiation that mimicked one of the ships in the British squadron. The targeting computers on each Indian missile had less than a split second to analyze all the new sensor data and make final targeting decisions. Five of the missiles still managed to get a strong enough reflection from their own radar arrays to lock onto the British warships. The other forty-five flew past the British squadron and exploded among the drones and shuttles following just behind the British ships.

  “It looks like we’re still in one piece,” Mallory said with more than a hint of relief in his voice. Endeavour, along with her sister ship Discovery, were equipped with the latest state-of-the-art stealth technologies. Even so, they weren’t designed to hide a warship from a hostile missile making its final attack run.

  “What is the damage to the fleet?” James asked, he knew other warships wouldn’t have been so lucky.

  “It looks like the heavy cruiser Dragon has taken two direct hits, she is spinning out of formation. Both Swiftsure and Audacious are reporting proximity hits, but they seem to be intact,” Sub Lieutenant Malik reported.

  “Project Dragon’s new trajectory on the holo display,” James requested.

  Seconds later a new line appeared on the plot showing the likely trajectory that Dragon’s spin would take her on. “She’ll still get into plasma cannon range of the Indian fleet, assuming her plasma cannons are still working.” James said. “Good, we’re going to hurt them.”

  The rest of the British ships clearly received a new order from Foley, for, as one, they reappeared on the holo plot. As if coming out of stealth opened up the destroyer to being targeted by some new Indian weapon, Spartan exploded.

  “A cosmic particle strike,” Mallory said, “what damn luck.”

  James didn’t say anything, the fleet had been accelerating far beyond its maximum safe velocity for more than ten minutes now, they were lucky things weren’t any worse. As soon as Endeavour had gone into stealth he had ordered his ship to decelerate to 0.38c so as to avoid a similar fate. The rest of the British ships didn’t have such a luxury, if they were going to close to plasma cannon range they had to keep going as fast as they could.

  The British squadron accelerated towards the Indian fleet. More out of anger than a hope to achieve anything, the Indian fleet fired a fourth salvo of over two hundred missiles at the British. Before the missiles got into range, all hell broke out on the holo plot.

  Plasma cannon technology was at an almost identical stage of development across all the major space faring powers. As a result, both fleets opened up with the heavy plasma cannons at almost the exact same moment. Designed to deflect and reduce the expanding energy of a thermonuclear explosion, valstronium armor could do little to hold back a heavy plasma bolt as it tried to burn its way into the inner hull of a warship. As more than a hundred heavy plasma bolts crisscrossed space, both fleets erupted in a mass of explosions.

  Goliath, along with the remaining medium and light cruisers had targeted their plasma bolts on the Indian battlecruiser. Within seconds of firing, twelve explosions rippled across its hull. Four of them hit weakened areas and burst right through the ship and exploded out its other side. The rest did almost as much damage as they broke in and destroyed whole sections of the warship. Two bolts punched through the thick valstronium armor protecting her reactors, as they came into contact they vaporized three of the cruiser’s four fusion reactors. A massive wave of energy was released and a third of the battlecruiser exploded in a giant fireball. The force ripped what remained of the ship into three sections, and each spun off into space.

  The other six ships in the British fleet had each targeted another Indian ship and all of them managed to get a kill. The returning Indian fire was just as deadly. Not one British warship remained.

  “They’re all gone,” Sub Lieutenant Scott said in disbelief.

  “They are,” James said, hardening
his voice. “But now is not the time to dwell on that. Focus on your responsibilities.”

  “Yes Sir,” Scott replied, chastened.

  “Becket, hold your fire until we pass through their formation,” James ordered. “Target the heavy cruiser identified as alpha two. We’ll fire right at the edge of our maximum range.”

  It took Endeavour almost two and a half minutes to pass through the Indian formation. The missiles the Indian fleet had launched were no threat to them, for their course change to pass through the Indian formation took them away from the area targeted by the missiles. Instead they harmlessly exploded among the wreckage that had once been Foley’s squadron.

  For their part, the Indians looked in disarray. Losing their battlecruiser along with whatever Admiral had been commanding the fleet had shocked the rest of the Indian ships. If James had been worried about being detected while still in stealth, he realized he needn’t have bothered. It seemed like each Indian ship thought the battle was over, they were all focusing their sensors on what remained of their flagship as shuttles launched and looked for survivors.


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