Return for the Gold
Page 15
My gratitude also goes to the late Douglas Ames and Ken Gough for information and research on Canterbury prisons in the 1880s and for the legal details of the trials. I also received excellent research details from books written by David Gee about Lyttelton Prison, and from Gordon Ogilvie about Banks Peninsula.
Thanks also to Mary Sullivan and Carlene Packham for help with accuracy in the account of Katie’s crisis. And to John Sullivan and the late Jack Condon for valuable details about early cattle drives from South Westland. Thanks to computer expert Joanne McLoughlin and especially to my excellent and very patient typist, Alison Alldridge.
To these and many other wonderful people who helped me, my sincere thanks.
About the Author
WHEN MARGARET HALL was twelve her mother took her by sea to England to meet the aunts.
Already a writer of poems and stories since the age of eight, she made use of the long voyage to ‘work her passage’, helping the crew and making notes. A life at sea became her great desire.
However, she became a New Zealand librarian, but kept her love of the sea. In 1953 she did Naval training in England before starting the Girls’ Nautical Training Corps in Christchurch.
When she retired, she moved to Fox Glacier with her father and sister, where she began to write about ‘Swag & Tucker’.
Also by Margaret Hall:
Black Sands and Golden Years 1979
After the Earthquake 1989
Swag & Tucker 1993
Published with the assistance of
This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of Longacre Press and the author.
Margaret Hall asserts her moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
© Margaret Hall
ISBN 978–1–775531–68–5
First published by Longacre Press, 2009
30 Moray Place, Dunedin, New Zealand
A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand.
Book design by Christine Buess
Cover design by Katy Yiakmis
Maps by Margaret Hall
Printed by Griffin Press, Australia