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Halloween Between the Sheets: A Reverse Harem Anthology of Spooky Scenes that Get to the Point

Page 4

by L. A. Boruff

  Mother fucking Halloween.

  Monster Mash played through the speakers for the fourth time since I’d arrived, and the same damn plastic bat hit me in the forehead for the second time.

  I hated parties and mother fucking Halloween.

  I grabbed the rubber bat that hung from the supposedly translucent wire, squeezing the remaining air from it as the head of it deflated between my fingers, causing a slight squeaking sound to echo around me.

  I hated Halloween.

  The only reason I’d ventured out was for the soul that I needed to reap. And now the job was done, but for some reason I’d remained at this infernal Halloween party, where the idiots was vast, and liquor flowed like water.

  Where, in order to blend in to the environment, I changed into a costume I’d found marked ‘Goddess Attire’ at the local store. At the time, I found it vastly amusing and ironic to wear. Now, after seeing the fifth Goddess wannabe I thought maybe I should have grabbed the fairy costume. But fairies were fucking annoying as hell. Damn things were too fucking perky.


  Bat forgotten, I dropped it amongst the red cups and bottles on the floor. Turning, I found the stranger who spoke seconds ago, mere inches in front of me.

  With a black mask dusted with gold covering his face, I couldn't make out much but the high cheekbones, green eyes and black hair. His body, though, told a different story. With a physique I hadn't seen since the Roman Era,the black suit he wore fit like a glove. He was the whole package, and he knew it. The only downside… He was vampire.

  “What do you want, fangs?”

  He smiled, his fangs peeking out. “I'm actually The Phantom of the Opera.”

  “And I'm the vampire.”

  Angry I hadn't noticed the second vampire coming up behind me, I whirled around and stopped abruptly.

  Twins. They were mirror images of each other and both vampires. Whoever had turned them—I was almost certain it was a she—had a fetish.

  Back and forth I glanced between the two, intrigued.

  “So, you're twin fangers. That must make Twilight girls go crazy. Two Edwards.”

  The one behind me moved to stand beside his brother, who had a look of distaste on his face.

  “Whom is this Edward?”

  His brother, who I'd noticed was the more carefree one, smiled. “It's from a book, brother, and don’t worry—we’re much better.”

  His brother raised his eyebrow. “I have no doubt.”

  All right then. Two vamps full of themselves. What could be more stereotypical?

  Hip cocked, I looked at the full of shit, albeit beautiful, twin fangers. “Well as much fun as this is, I've got to go, and...well, have a life. I'd say it was a pleasure, but I hate to lie. So bye.”

  I turned to leave the Halloween party from hell, when a slightly calloused hand wrapped around my upper arm.


  I resisted the urge to fling him across the room. It was almost hilarious that I was being picked up by two vampires who didn’t know who or what I was. To them, I was their possible next meal. When in reality, they could possibly be mine.

  I looked down at the hand circling my bicep. Eyebrow raised, I glanced at the cocky twin. “Can I help you?”

  He smiled, while his brother stood in the background coughing “ass” into his hand.

  “Listen, I’m Alex, and that guy behind me who is saying ass weirdly is named Andrew. Now pretty girl, what’s yours.”

  He was cocky. But smooth. And I liked it. It was really too bad that they didn’t know who I was. Then things could really get fun.

  “Oh, I don’t think you can pronounce my name. It’s kind of old school.”

  Andrew, who’d been standing at the background, moved closer, eyeing me and asked, “What about a nickname?”

  Oh, so he was interested as well, it seemed. Two had been a while since I’d had brothers. Interesting….

  Eyes still on Andrew, I smiled. “It’s Resh.”

  He smiled back. “Hello, Resh. Would you like to accompany my brother and me to a more...comfortable place, where we”

  It looked like Alex wasn’t the only smooth talker in the family.

  I placed my hand on his arm and winked at his brother. “Gentlemen, lead the way.”

  The place I’d visited for the reaping reminded me of the Castles from my past, with rock columns and stone walls, as the twins tugged me down the hallways. I felt at home. Which didn’t happen often. Being as old as I was, a house usually never became a home, just somewhere to live for a short time until I was needed elsewhere. But something about this place called to me—whether from reminiscing or the lingering effects of reaping, I didn’t know.

  Lagging behind, my shadows slowly trailed behind me, either my conquest of the night didn’t notice my three shadows,which happened to be male formed to my petite form or just didn’t care. They paid no mind to them, but I watched as they reluctantly followed. We’d done this hundreds of times before, but for some reason, this time, I felt their eyes.

  Too soon for me to think more on it, we stopped in front of a red door.

  Andrew,the more chivalrous—though that was pushing it—of the two reached out opening the door. I let go of Alex’s arm, curtseying to both of them before I walked into the room.

  Red and gold wallpaper covered the walls, while a golden bed with a red comforter and red canopy sat in the center. My shadows I noticed, acting out of turn, went to the darkened corner to watch.

  I made myself at home, as I sat on the bed, bouncing softly. Good or evil, I think everyone enjoys a good bed, and this one felt wonderful.”Whose room is this?”

  Alex, untying his red tie, slid onto the bed beside me, “Does it really matter?” He leaned in brushing my hair away from my face, “No one’s here now.”

  Andrew the more silent of the two, or at least it seemed that way, had taken his mask off as soon as we entered the bedroom. His and his brother’s cheekbones combined with their full lips and high foreheads reminded me of the men from my past. The men that I tried not to think about, for it only brought heartache. Though, watching him, he seemed like a tiger as he walked closer to me, and I remembered why I preferred men like this. Strong, silent...dominant. Without a word, he unbuttoned his jacket,and let it fall to the floor. With an upturn of his lips, he looked at his brother then back at me.

  “Alex, is right. Normally, I hate Halloween, but if I got a beautiful girl like you every year, I’d make trick or treating my new tradition.”

  I smiled at Andrew as Alex took my palm, tracing patterns up and down my arm. “You...a vampire hates Halloween? I thought this was your night?”

  Andrew smirked as he climbed onto the bed, before he knelt behind me peppering kisses down my neck. Between Alex tracing patterns up and down my arm and Andrew’s kisses, I couldn’t stop the shivers that racked my body. Andrew pressed his lips to my ear, nibbling softly as he answered my question, “I thought it was yours too?”

  I looked at the vampire behind me, then at Alex. Neither seemed put off or upset at realizing what I was.Surprised that they quickly figured what I was,and that they weren’t running,I tried to appear that I didn’t care if they knew or if they left. I raised my eyebrows and looked between the two. “Smarter than you look, aren’t you, fangers?”

  Alex, not insulted in the least, lifted my hand and kissed my wrist, working his way up to my elbow. “I’ll pretend you meant that we’re smart on top of gorgeous.”

  His eyes connected with mine as he pressed one last kiss to my arm, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his lips. That were so full and identical to his brother’s—the brother who still nibbled on my ear and neck.

  Pleasure coursed through me, but I managed to stay on topic. “You both know you’re gorgeous, but let’s face it. Smart doesn’t usually go hand-in-hand with looks.” I shrugged, the movement attracting the attention of Andrew, and he drew down the strap of my dress, b
aring my shoulders.

  His fingers lingered against my skin and a lazy swirl of desire whispered through me. I shook it off and refocused. What had I been saying? He touched me again and I hesitated before gathering my thoughts

  “ know, few men want to stay when they know they’re fixing to sleep with Death herself.”

  Even if I wanted them in my bed. I grimaced at the reminder of the occupational hazard. I looked Andrew up and down. And I did want him in my bed. Very much.

  Alex cleared his throat, a small sound in a quiet room, where the only noise was my breathing. Them, I amended. I wanted to sleep with both of them.

  Alex grinned showing the sharp points of his fangs as he came closer,and I raised my hand to my neck before trailing my fingers down to my collarbone. His eyes flared at the small movement, but his gaze lingered at the point below my ear. My dress draped across the top of my breasts, barely hung on. Alex shifted his gaze at the fabric. He moved his hand so fast I felt more then saw the movement, and he gently tugged to let my bodice fall around my waist.

  “You don’t scare us, Goddess. We’re already dead.”

  Before I could answer, his mouth met mine,showing how little he cared that I was death and it thrilled me. His lips warm from his earlier feed, coaxed mine apart and his tongue flicked gently against the inside of my mouth. My body reacted instantly, my skin heating as my thoughts scattered, but I responded to his explorations with due hesitance. Those little teeth of his would be sharp.

  Alex’s lips caressed mine, and he nibbled the top one as if savouring the sweetness from a strawberry. The graze of his fang across my fragile skin sent a shiver of lust-fueled apprehension through me.

  After a rustle of sheets behind me, Andrew grasped my thighs, his touch searing heat into me, and he lifted me without effort. Than he drew the rest of my toga dress down my legs, leaving it to pool on the floor with me bared before them.

  He moved to stand beside his brother, his pupils dilated with desire. And they both watched me, although I couldn’t tell if they thought me precious or prey.

  I swallowed and fixed a pointed gaze at their waistlines. “Well boys,” I injected a lazy drawl into my words as I skimmed my fingers down my upper arm, tantalisingly close to my breast, and my nipple hardened in response. “I’m not sure, but I think this might be the time when a certain part I’m lacking is needed.”

  Alex, nodded, the movement mechanical, but his fingers were nimble and eager as he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it, along with his jacket, from his shoulders. Muscles he’d clearly earned when human stood out in sharp relief as shadows danced and flickered across his sculpted torso.

  I reclined on the bed, stretching sinuously, then propped myself on my elbows to enjoy the show. A movement alongside Alex drew my attention. Andrew dropped his jacket to the floor and slid his top button undone. I pressed my teeth into my lower lip as he slid each button free. A scar, red and angry, ran down his left side, but in all other respects, he mirrored his brother. I flickered my fingers but resisted the temptation to touch the smooth flesh of the mark. Clearly it had been made not long before Andrews turning. Usually, such stories intrigued me, but I tucked away my curiosity. There would be time enough for those later.

  My tongue grazed my lips as I gazed upon dual male perfection. They each had chiseled chests as if they’d been carved by an artist. Their smooth skin covered maps of grooves and ridges on their torsos that I curled my fingers to resist exploring. Fine trails of hair led my gaze down, down, down to waistbands that strained against the twins’ growing desire. I forced my gaze onward, not daring to linger as I wound my control tighter. Already, sparks of heat streaked through me, warming my cheeks, my breasts, my core. I reached out a hand and their powerful thighs flexed before I even brushed against them as if they anticipated the feel of my touch and responded to it.

  I tried not to grin at the small movements they couldn’t hide.

  Oh, yes. Now I remembered why I liked brothers so much.

  Lust flared in their eyes as I shifted, leaning close enough to scrape my nail along Alex’s thigh. He hissed as I touched him, and I smiled.

  And it excited me.

  Andrew reached out urging me down onto the silken sheets. The twins lay on either side of me, encircling me with their warmth.

  Alex placed his hand against my stomach, spreading his fingers in a gesture of possession and tugged my back against his chest. The hardness of his erection jutted against my ass, and I couldn’t help but grind myself against him—just a little. When he moaned softly into my hair, I pressed my hand between our bodies and took him into my grip.

  Andrew patiently watched his brother’s hand splayed across me, and the small thrusts of my hips as my body reached for fulfilment yet grew more frustrated by the second as I teased us both.

  I, needed more. I exhaled a quiet groan as Alex continued to press his hardness against me, and I inwardly cursed the thin fabric between us. My breathing grew more ragged as I held Andrew’s stare. His eyes darkened through thirst or lust...or maybe both. That he would be excited watching me fuelled my own hunger. I lusted for both men. As if I willed it, Andrew slid his hand across his stomach, pressing the firm muscles there before he slid his fingers under his waistband. My eyes widened as his hips bucked when he smoothed his cock before taking it in his hand. The sharp point of his fangs poked between his lips as he reached toward me with other hand. He strummed his thumb across my nipple and my eyes fluttered closed at the sensation before his small movements and short breaths drew my attention again. I wanted to see the man with his cock in his hand. I wanted to watch him.

  I tightened my grip on his brother and mirrored every movement Andrew made. Alex gasped and his head dropped back against the pillow.

  Andrew was a tease, and I both loved and hated it. I arched myself closer to his hand, gasping as he palmed my full breast before drawing my nipple to a hard point between his fingers. Andrew grinned at my greedy need for his touch as he began to smooth my nipple in beat with his stroking until everything fell into rhythm. Alex thrust against me, and Andrew had both himself and me in hand.

  I hissed out a breath, the combination of feeling so much and seeing so much more almost driving me to completion. We’d barely begun, and I was putty in their hands. With their barely-there caresses and small thrusts, I wanted everything else they had to offer.

  A movement in the shadowed corner of the room caught my attention. My shadows moved as if to get a better look at what was going on between my vampires and me. Could my shadows be secret voyeurs? I’d never noticed before, but today they seemed to almost understand what was happening and something new vibrated in the air around them. Their behaviour extended beyond that of casual observer as they seemed to crowd into the light seeking a better view.

  Alex grazed his fangs against my neck, but instead of worry, desire spiked through me at the danger, launching molten heat to my core. I closed my eyes against the assault on my senses as Alex continued to press himself against me, Andrew nudged me with his hand each time he stroked his cock and my shadows filled the room with restless anticipation. They were watching, and I was wanton and happy to be watched. My orgasm crested over me, the power unexpected, and I moaned as Alex pressed his fangs harder but not puncturing. I wanted him to puncture. I wanted him to take me all the way. Just not yet. I pulled away slightly, but I fought against letting him bite me when his forlorn gaze met my glance.

  To remedy his crestfallen look, I turned slightly, shaking the cramps from my hands before I reached for both of their impressive shafts. As my fingers closed around identical bulges in their briefs, I almost laughed. Then I smiled as they both hissed. But I wasn’t done, and my curiosity was piqued. Were the twin vampires truly identical? Only one way to find out. With their eyes closed tight, I slid my hands against their skin and pushed the unwanted clothing away. I looked back and forth, watching as their eyes popped open then dropped to where my fingers w
rapped around them, holding them firmly as wetness beaded up to coat their tips.

  Alex relaxed against the bed, crossing his arms behind his head with an easy smile and closed his eyes as his body moved against me with each stroke of my hand. “You, my dear Resh, are a naughty, naughty girl, letting me think that you didn’t want my fangs.”

  He didn’t know how much I wanted them. And I would have them...soon. I had time to be patient, after all. But I couldn’t reward his arrogance so early into our game, so I turned my attention to Andrew, whose hands had tightened against the silk sheets, his iron grip making the veins in his hands stand out. I altered my speed and the veins in his neck popped as he gritted his teeth against fresh waves of sensation.

  Never one to hold back or doing anything half-assed I bent towards the head of Andrew’s cock while I kept pumping on Alex’s hard form. Andrew’s cock glistened and I couldn’t resist sticking my tongue forward, to have a quick taste. His hardness jumped in my hand as I swirled my tongue around the tip, and I savored the slight salty taste. I glanced at him, and he watched me, his pupils growing as I drew the head of his cock into my mouth. As I flicked my tongue again, his eyes closed, and he exhaled sharply. After a brief moan against him, I drew away and continued to stroke them both, looking between the two brothers. One relaxed, enjoying what I gave; the other fought the control I took.

  Identical but so different.

  To gain Andrew’s attention I squeezed my fingers until his groan tightened to almost-pain. Once his eyes were open, I made eye contact with him, and his breathing stuttered.

  “I don’t like to be teased, I like to do the teasing.” I smiled as I spoke. They should know who held the power.

  Andrew, who seemed to be fighting grabbing my hand and taking over to bring himself relief, spoke between gritted teeth, “Duly noted.”

  Alex still relaxed with his hands behind his head, caught his brother’s attention. “I say let her tease away, brother. It’s not every day we have a goddess between our legs. I for one, would love to feel her lips around me.”


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