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Brought to His Knees-Tough Guys Laid Low By Love

Page 41

by A. M. Griffin, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Cynthia D'Alba, Danica Avet, Felice Fox, Jennifer Kacey, Lynne Silver, Sabrina York, Sayde Grace, Tina Donahue

  “Sin!” she cried out, her hands slapping against the hood, her hips bucking up to meet his thrusts. “God, I’m–Ah!”

  Inner muscles clenched around his fingers, pulling on him, and Sin rode her through her orgasm, curling his soaked digits to reach that hard to find spot inside her that set her off again. But this time Taylor screamed as her moisture coated his hand. Then he was buried face first in her again, gorging himself on the sweetly addicting flavor of Taylor.

  Chapter Four

  She was going to die. The pleasure had been…too much. Taylor’s lungs screamed for air, which she tried to give them with great gasping breaths. Aftershocks of pleasure wracked her body. She’d never experienced anything like that before in her life. Or imagined it was even possible. One orgasm she could do with her handy silver bullet. But two soaking wet, body–quaking orgasms? No. She hadn’t even known her body could do that. Well, she’d heard it could happen, but to experience it? No, she’d never imagined… The man who’d given her so much pleasure eased to his feet between her splayed thighs, her arousal dampening his chin.

  Then she was being turned over onto her stomach by Sin’s steady hands. Good thing he was directing the action now because her legs were about as solid as limp noodles. It took her a few minutes to ease past the wild pounding of her blood rushing through her body and the haze of pleasure surrounding her to realize what was about to happen.

  Gasping, secretly thrilled down to her bare toes, she glanced over her shoulder to see Sin smoothing a condom onto his extremely impressive cock. She’d touched him and had him in her mouth and knew he was big, but seeing was believing. And the man definitely had the cock of a man who’d reached legendary status in bed. Of course, she shouldn’t have been surprised. Couldn’t become a modern day Don Juan by having a mini–weenie. But there was a tiny shred of doubt that he’d fit. Logically, she knew it was possible. Illogically, her inner muscles clenched at the thought of having all that thick, long flesh inside of her.

  “This was what I wanted,” he said, breaking into her fearful, yet gleeful thoughts. She glanced up from his cock to see him staring at her, chin and lips still shiny from her arousal. “I’ve dreamed of bending you over and fucking you like this. Just ripping those goddamn coveralls down to your ankles so I could pound into you.”

  Taylor licked her lips. “You did?” she whispered, because it sounded too good to be true.

  Sin gripped his cock, stroking himself with slow, purposeful movements. “Every fucking time you bent over an engine block in my shop, every time you bent over to get a new tool, I got hard.” He pressed against her, his jeans rough against the backs of her thighs. “I won’t be gentle with you. I can’t. I shouldn’t even be fucking doing this, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna stop now.”

  She wanted to ask him why he thought they shouldn’t be together, except he stole the words out of her mouth by thrusting into her. Taylor’s hands scrambled on the hood, gripping the blanket in a desperate bid to hold onto something, anything as stinging pleasure shot through her. He was big. Very big. And her body was in a state of holy–fuck as it struggled to accept all of him.

  “Oh god!” she cried when he ground into her, making her feel every thick inch of him caressing her walls, bringing every nerve ending to startling, breathless life.

  “Fuck, you’re tight. So fucking tight,” he muttered, as he gripped her hips and tilted them up, somehow managing to sink into her all the way to the hilt.

  There was an immense, deep pressure inside her. Her eyes rolled back as pleasure and pain mingled together. It was uncomfortable but, at the same time, felt so good she thought she’d die from it. Sin didn’t give her that option, because he eased out of her nice and slow, the friction making her squirm as she tried to get him back inside her. Then he was in again with a hard, fast thrust that slammed their hips together. Over and over, he would withdraw in a slow, almost gentle glide and then pound into her.

  The dichotomy was more than Taylor could handle. “Sin! Please, fuck me hard, fuck me, fuck me!” she screamed. And she didn’t care if the entire town of Grand Terre could hear her. All she knew was she needed him to give it to her, to pound her straight into the orgasm she could feel gathering in her womb.

  For a moment, she didn’t think he would listen to her, that he’d continue this slow then fast pace as a means of showing her who was boss. She so didn’t need it. From the minute he’d agreed to her outrageous suggestion, he’d owned her. Even before then. Sin’s brand was all over her heart, soul and now her body.

  But, as though he was just as impatient for completion as she was, he really began to fuck her, pounding into her hard, fast and deep. Just the way she needed it. Each thrust made her cry out, her voice a sharp counterpoint to the slap of their flesh meeting as he powered into her. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips, ten small points of pain that only escalated her arousal. The scrape of his jeans against the backs of her legs, the sweat gathering along her spine, the gentle abrasion of the blanket on her sensitive nipples, all of it combined to create an almost vicious hunger inside her. Tighter and tighter, the pleasure coiled in her stomach, consumed her.

  Then it snapped.

  Taylor threw her head back, a soundless scream straining in her throat as her body convulsed around Sin’s cock. She clawed at the blanket beneath her, hips bucking back to meet his now erratic strokes, the tight clamping of her inner muscles drawing grunts from Sin’s throat.

  When he came, it was with a loud, guttural groan. They were connected so well, Taylor could feel each pulse of his cock as it expelled his seed into the end of the condom, milked from him by each fisting of her body around him. He rocked into her, grinding his hips into her ass as he jerked again and again.

  Sin slumped over Taylor’s limp body, sweat soaking his shirt, dick still deflating in the tight clasp of her cunt, and tried his best to breathe, to come back to himself. His whole fucking world became the point where they were still connected, the air scented of sex and Taylor that filled his lungs, the sight of her smooth, slick curves spread out beneath him. This was why he’d avoided the physical side of a relationship with her; sheer self–preservation.

  Her pussy gave another flutter around his sensitive cock and he shuddered in response. “God, stop doing that,” he muttered harshly.

  “Mm,” she seemed to purr, her breaths slowly evening out. “Stop doing what?” Her voice was raspy and hoarse from all the screaming and crying she’d done and Sin’s dick jerked in reaction. In the process of lifting her hand to move the short strands of hair sticking to her cheek, Taylor tensed, her inner muscles flexing around him. “Again?”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at the disbelieving yet hopeful note in her voice. “Not just yet,” he assured her, as he disengaged their bodies, drawing a groan from both of them. His dick was already thickening. “Think I need a little more time to recover, babe.”

  “So…you want to do this again?”

  The way she asked the question, hesitant and uncertain, had Sin coming to a standstill with the used condom hanging from his fingers. It was a stupid reaction to a simple query, especially considering the way they’d come together. He was sure there had to at least have been a few times when the sex had been this good, he just couldn’t remember a single instance to draw a comparison. His mind was filled with all the things he still wanted to do to Taylor, all the little scenarios he’d pondered over six long years. No, he wasn’t exactly finished with her, but did that mean he wanted to pursue more with her? He didn’t fucking know and he hated his own indecisiveness.

  Instead of answering her unspoken question, the one about whether this was going to last more than a night, Sin tucked his dick away and zipped his pants but left them unbuttoned.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he told her.

  Taylor turned to face him, her gorgeous body on display. She tilted her head back to look at him, a sassy smile on her lips. “Are you sure you can keep up? I mean, I
know a man your age isn’t as…energetic as a woman my age.”

  The little witch, he thought in amusement. “Are you implying I’m old?” He leaned into her, setting his hands on the truck on either side of her tempting body.

  For a woman who’d never plied her feminine wiles, as far as he knew, Taylor sure had the moves down pat. She gave her head a flirtatious toss, that smile widening. “Well, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you having a heart attack on me or anything.” She winked. “Old man.”

  “I’ll show you what this old man can do,” Sin threatened as he leaned down and hoisted her to his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. She laughed loudly, the joyous sound echoing around his isolated, lonely yard. “You need to learn to respect your elders.” He joked as he slapped her on the ass when she squirmed to get down. Her gasp was loud and indignant, but he felt the way her whole body shuddered in response. Now that gave him ideas he planned to act on tonight. “That’ll be your first lesson of the night.”

  Leaving her clothes in the truck for now, because she didn’t need them, Sin carried her into his house and made his way to his bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed where she landed with a grunt, bouncing a couple of times before she sat up with a laugh. Sin hit the lights, the glare almost overwhelming after the darkness of his yard, but he wouldn’t turn them out. Not now when he had the woman he’d wanted for the last six years in his bed, her brown eyes sparkling with mischief, her body flushed pink with arousal and the scent of her honey perfuming the air.

  Sin paused at the foot of the bed, watching as Taylor looked around curiously before her gaze settled on him again. And, just like that, she went from playful and mischievous to hungry. Rolling around until her knees were beneath her, she crawled across the wide expanse of mattress, her small breasts swaying with the movement. The tightness in his chest eased, a band he hadn’t even realized was there–until he saw Taylor naked and in his bed, her body his for the taking–loosened and he felt he could almost relax.

  He kept still, waiting to see what she’d do once she reached him. Her gaze went to the crown of his cock peeking over the open vee of his jeans, that dangerous little tongue of hers sweeping across her lips, as though she could already taste him. And that sounded mighty fine to Sin.

  Gripping the back of her head, fingers digging into her hair, he tilted her head back a bit until she met his gaze. “The lessons have now begun,” he murmured into her flushed face.

  Chapter Five

  Taylor stretched out the aches that seemed to radiate from every muscle in her body. It wasn’t a bad ache, but one that came from knowing you had one hell of a workout the day before. Remembering exactly how she’d gotten her workout, her cheeks heated and she turned her head, expecting to see Sin sleeping next to her, but the pale light cascading through the big picture windows of his bedroom showed that the bed was empty.

  Reaching for the sheet, tugging the twisted material up to tuck under her arms, she sat up and looked around the room. Like really looked, because she’d never been in Sin’s bedroom before. She’d been to his house plenty of times over the years for casual parties he sometimes held, to watch a game, or work on a car, but she’d never been invited to his bedroom.

  It was plain. Not surprising considering Sin was a minimalist at best and a pure bachelor at worst. A grin tugged at her mouth as she stared at the blinding white walls that had nary a picture or ornament to break the monotony. Even the furniture was bland but beautiful dark mahogany, but there were no trinkets or picture frames littering the surfaces. Well, except for one.

  Spying a rectangular silver object turned away from her on a small table on the far side of the bed, Taylor scooted across the mattress. She paused with her hand outstretched. Was this considered snooping? What if Sin didn’t want anyone to see whoever he had a picture of? She bit her lip. It was too early in the morning after the night she’d had to debate the morality of looking at a picture he had displayed in the room he’d brought her to. If he hadn’t wanted anyone to see it, he wouldn’t have it out, she reasoned, as curiosity got the best of her.

  Taylor plucked the frame off the nightstand and turned it to see the picture, only to lose her breath. Dots danced in front of her eyes, a stupid reaction to a simple image, but the more she stared at it, the more she realized it wasn’t just a picture. It was love. Pure love.

  Sin stood with his arms around a woman, both of them smiling at the camera. And the woman was, of course, absolutely gorgeous. She was stunning really, with silvery–blue eyes, black hair that spilled down her back like a waterfall of silk and a face that could’ve been on the covers of magazines around the world. They were standing against the backdrop of a deep blue sea and white sand, the sun shining brightly around them. The obvious tropical location meant Taylor had an excellent view of the woman’s voluptuous body, displayed in a bikini top and a tasteful sarong, while Sin wore a pair of long swim trunks, his torso bare. They were perfect together, both of them smiling at the camera, their arms around each other with an ease born of long acquaintance. And she felt sick to her stomach.

  It’s probably an old girlfriend or hook–up. The picture was probably taken years ago.

  But the more Taylor stared at it, studied everything about the couple, she noticed something that did more than make her feel sick to her stomach. It made her heart ache. Because on Sin’s arm was a healing cut. She remembered when he got that, while helping to lift an engine block out of an old Oldsmobile. Now she knew where he’d disappeared to for an extra–long weekend five weeks ago.

  So either this was Sin’s old girlfriend who he was pining over, or this was a woman he was still involved with. While fucking Taylor. Knowing damn well Sin wasn’t the kind of man to mope after any woman, she knew this woman meant something to him. A lot actually, if her picture was the only one he had in his bedroom, the frame kept at his bedside.

  Hands shaking, as disappointment crept over her, Taylor replaced the frame in the exact spot he’d had it, turning it slightly away from the bed. Then she huddled in the center of the bed, trying to make herself not care. All she’d wanted was a single night with him, right? She’d gotten her wish, all right, but she hadn’t expected it to hurt this much. The worst part was it was her own damn fault. She’d known Sin was a heartbreak waiting to happen, she’d even sort of anticipated that, but, for some stupid reason, she’d thought she would be different. She’d done like most women and thought she was the person who’d change a man she loved.

  Suddenly, the pleasure Sin had given her the night before, the ways he’d twisted her up and made her come, seemed tawdry and shameful. He was obviously in some deep relationship with that woman in the picture, but was still doing his tomcatting on the side. Had this striking beauty thought the same thing Taylor had? That she could be the one to change him into a faithful, loving man?

  Oh god. She was the other woman. Taylor’s throat convulsed as bile rose in silent protest. Scrambling from the bed, she stumbled for the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her before she fell to her knees in front of the toilet to empty her stomach. She didn’t know how long she slumped over the bowl, heaving into it until she thought her eyes would explode from the force of her convulsions.

  Crying now, both from the heartache and the nausea, Taylor sat back on her heels, feeling like a fool. She’d known better than this, but she’d still let her body dictate her actions. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t known he was in a relationship. She’d gone after him. If she hadn’t done the whole pretending–she–was–a–porn–star routine, Sin would’ve never touched her. And she wouldn’t have the memories of their shared pleasure to warm her. Although now those memories were tainted by the realization that she’d helped him cheat on his girlfriend.

  Anger kindled in her soul. No, anger was too weak a word for how she felt. It was fury. For both herself and the mystery woman. Neither of them deserved to be treated as though their feelings didn’t matter. The pig.

  “Hey, ba
be, you okay in there?” Sin suddenly asked on the other side of the bathroom door, his voice sounding oh so concerned.

  The fucker.

  “I’m fine,” she managed to warble, as she realized she was trapped in the bathroom without clothes or a way back to town. Shit.

  “You sure?” His skepticism was clear in his voice, as was his unease.

  “Yeah.” God, how the hell was she going to get out of here without having to face him?

  And then Sin saved her day. “I put your clothes on the bed if you want to take a shower. I’ll be in the kitchen making breakfast.” He paused. “You still like your coffee with two sugars and cream, right?”

  Oh gag me with a fucking spoon. “Yup, sure do,” she trilled instead, forcing some cheer into her voice.

  “Okay.” She sensed his hesitation. Then, “I’ll keep your plate warm for you.”

  “Thanks, I’ll be out in a bit.”

  He stayed on the other side of the door so long Taylor started the water running in the shower, just to get him moving. The last thing she wanted to do was talk with him this morning, not as angry and hurt as she was. She’d probably do something stupid like cry in front of him.

  She waited a few more minutes, until she was absolutely sure he was gone, before she hurried into the bedroom, snatched up her clothes and purse, and scurried back to the bathroom. She didn’t take advantage of the running shower, cleaning up with a wet towel and dressing in record time. Staring at herself in the mirror, as steam slowly filled the bathroom, Taylor plainly saw the evidence of Sin’s possession in the beard burns on her cheeks and neck, the passion marks along her pulse points and the puffiness of her mouth. How many times had he taken her? At least four times, with her jumping him at least twice. It’d been an amazing night. Too bad the morning hadn’t turned out so well.


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