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Brought to His Knees-Tough Guys Laid Low By Love

Page 51

by A. M. Griffin, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Cynthia D'Alba, Danica Avet, Felice Fox, Jennifer Kacey, Lynne Silver, Sabrina York, Sayde Grace, Tina Donahue

  … … …

  Ellie listened. Among the sometimes tinkling, sometimes raucous laughter of her new friends crickets made their music, as did frogs in the nearby creek. They were hunting and camping in a forest on Cameron land–a birthday gift of sorts from that family to Janie. Curls of smoke lifted beyond the silhouettes of sweeping tree branches and into the starry night above. She knew she should share more and, at the same moment, Talia asked her a question.

  They were all looking at her, but she had no idea what it had been. Had to be one of the ’how old were you when’ questions girls ask each other at times like this. Period or virginity? She hadn’t been paying attention. All she could think of was Brody, how he’d burst out of the truck when he saw her, his needy hands all over her butt.

  “Sorry, I missed the question,” she said sheepishly.

  “Awww yeah, sure you didn’t hear it!” Janie said as the women cracked up again. “Well, you bought yourself a few seconds reprieve. Question is, and everybody’s got to answer, have you ever been spanked? As a grown woman, that is.”

  Was Janie reading her thoughts?

  Apparently Ellie had too many drinks, her poker face long gone, because the women burst out laughing.

  “And she liked it!” Talia pointed, popping the top off another bottle.

  “Who here thinks Janie needs some birthday spanks?” Ellie said.

  “Oh, no you don’t! You’re not deflecting this question. Not now! And wait a minute–as the birthday girl I have a follow up question to this. When was the last time you got spanked?”

  They leaned in, all eager smiles around the campfire. Except for Holly. The expression on her face held more than curiosity. She looked…hopeful.


  “I had never been spanked until recently. And, yes. I did like it. Hell yes, I did. It was like I was…in a trance or something…”

  Ellie stopped. She’d said too much. Yes, the experience moved her. The feeling was unexpected and new. A layer that hid her sensual self was peeled away when Brody did it, but she wasn’t about to tell the girls.

  “Sounds like you were spanked by someone who knew what he was doing.”

  “Well there is a difference isn’t there?” Talia said. “Some guys know how to do it.”

  “Does Abel ever spank you?”

  “She spanks Abel!”

  Ellie’s eyes flew to Talia, as the rest of the women broke into fits of laughter again. Talia’s smug expression told the truth and Ellie was relieved the conversation had moved on from her ass to someone else’s. At some point, Ellie swayed to her feet to head into the woods for relief, waving a hand out for someone to give her a flashlight.

  “Elsie.” Marcie held on to the end of the light as Ellie grasped it, tugging her to attention. She’d been uncharacteristically quiet.

  “There’s a ton of women around here that would kill to be you right now.”

  “What? A drunk girl going to pee in the woods?”

  “Smart ass.”

  As far as she could tell, Marcie liked girls, so she couldn’t have been referring to herself. Contrition wasn’t her point, either.

  “Yeah, well, I expect there are tons of girls who have been me right now.”

  “No. You’re different.”

  “Reciprocity,” she heard herself say. The word bubbled up from her tipsy insides, a truth she couldn’t deny. Brody was getting what he needed, but what was in it for her? She was discovering her body was capable of sensations she’d always suspected she could achieve. But she wanted them long term, with someone who loved her. She wanted it to be a major feature of her everyday life.

  Marcie released the flashlight and Ellie stumbled a little, needing more support than she’d realized.

  “You get somethin’ out of it,” Janie said.

  Quiet giggles.

  “Beyond the physical? If there is a ’something’ to be gained here for anyone, it belongs to Brody, not me.”

  As she turned from the campfire, her words trailed off and the front of her body cooled. She shivered at the loss of heat and the sense of comfort which accompanied it, but she gained much needed alone time. The thing she missed being with Brody wasn’t something she could share with strangers.

  Ellie had a great life. She only lacked the deep, sexually connected component. She was the kind of woman who loved to be aroused. She’d always known her body was a conduit, capable of untold depths, but to travel there she needed the right partner. She suspected it would be someone selfless, who knew her soul, yet treated her as a mystery unfolding. Someone who adored and understood her–and that certainly wasn’t Brody Cameron.

  Ellie wound through trees, looking for a small clearing beyond the view of the campsite.

  Life back home was frenetic. Being centered and at peace meant forced, calculated moments–meditation at seven, yoga at nine. Her body craved to give way to something more. She sensed a wall within her–not a defense, but a place beyond which something untried and beautiful existed, something that once exposed would stun and release her.

  Her sensual self.

  Her erotic potential.

  It was spiritual. It was locked within her and it was no use trying to free it all with just anyone. Whoever he was would have to match her point for point. Equals in love.

  What lay within was dormant and sweet. She could live her whole life without its release, but she didn’t want to.

  Ellie popped the top button of her jeans and started to shimmy them down when the crunch of feet sounded and she jumped, yanking her jeans up. Her heart flooded with warmth at the sight of Brody bathed in moonlight and shadows. The sheen on his bare, muscle–bound arms and the wedge of skin revealed by his V–neck glowed. He was beautiful.

  Ellie shook her head in disbelief, her eyes smiling. Had he been waiting for her?

  Brody stepped closer and put his hand over hers, his warm fingers brushing the exposed skin of her belly. He shook his head no and her heart thudded. No, what? Her eyes pleaded with him, once again.

  Talk. To. Me.

  He jutted his chin and took her flashlight to illuminate a patch of poison oak directly behind her. Right where her butt would have gone.

  “You saved my ass,” she laughed.

  His lips parted to respond, but he caught himself, making Ellie smile. She hugged and released him.

  Gratitude in a gesture. What more do we have?

  Brody grinned back and pursed his lips in a show of mock concern, but a moment later, eyes following hers, his expression softened. He took her hand and led her deeper into the woods, then shined the flashlight in a safe spot. He turned around to give her privacy, without her asking.

  When she was done, he took her in his arms. He kissed her sweetly, once, then held her to him, stroking her hair, pulling her in tight.

  It was intimate.


  Had he heard the conversation at the campfire?

  What had she said…? Ellie tried to remember if she’d let loose about her ’erotic potential’ but didn’t think she had. Even with a few beers in her, self–preservation prevailed when it came to that subject.

  After a while, Brody walked her back, but didn’t go all the way to the campsite. He put a finger to his lips, then kissed her forehead. Holding each of her hands in his, by his sides, Brody dipped his head and captured her lips in a warm, sweet suckle, rubbing his freshly shaven cheek against hers, smelling of spice and manliness, then released her.

  He didn’t try anything more, and that was when it dawned on her.

  He had been there. Watching her. Not to pull her into the woods and fuck her, but because he simply wanted to see her. To be with her.

  A tiny seed of hope sprouted.

  … … …

  Wind twisted through Brody’s fingers like cowboy poetry, rough and familiar. He hopped up the back steps to his father’s house and quietly eased the door closed behind him. Shucking his boots in the mud room, he was smiling over the simple
perfection of kissing Elsie in the woods, uncomplicated by words. Upstairs in his bed, tablet resting on his knees, Brody searched the Internet again for any sign of her, having a sudden need to know more about her. He started to feel frustrated, though. The woman had no digital imprint whatsoever.

  Even though it was late, he texted Rico, at home with his own folks in Colorado before the next event.

  What’s the name of the outfit Elsie works for?

  Apparently still awake, he answered back right away.

  Never said. I wondered about it myself.

  Brody fought his discomfort over this for a few minutes.

  Do you think maybe

  He started to type, but Rico sent another text before he’d even finished.

  If ur starting to have feelings for her mayb time to start talking and stop worrying about winning

  Not a chance. Not after Gavin talked to him tonight.

  Family is more important.

  So make her family, Rico shot back.

  Brody turned off his phone and put it on the nightstand. Elsie Durham, or whoever she was, would have to wait. But as he lay awake in the dark, hands tucked behind his head on the pillow, Brody was struck with an idea. It was time to introduce her to his pride and joy.

  Just past sun–up, two days later, the women returned. He hung back at first, stunned by how Elsie looked after a weekend in the woods. Wisps of blonde hair escaped from a braid starting above her right temple and ending in a ponytail in the back. Her jeans still hugged every soft curve. Brody edged his chin with the back of his hand as if to make sure he wasn’t drooling. He didn’t mind a bit that her Carhartt jacket was snug. Probably borrowed it from one of the smaller women.

  So, pretty much, she was perfect.

  He took a deep breath and headed across the drive, as Janie hopped up in the bed of her truck and handed some gear out to Holly.

  One by one, they noticed him there. Nobody addressed him. They weren’t exactly ignoring him. Keeping quiet in his presence in solidarity with the situation at hand.

  Brody toed the dirt a bit, nodding to himself. He could ask Janie if he could come out to her place for a couple days and ride some of her bulls for practice. But no, that wouldn’t be right. It would put him in too close proximity, assuming Elsie was spending the rest of the week at Musgrave’s. Anyway, he wanted a little time to show her something of himself.

  Brody jetted his hand out and grasped Elsie’s. Her eyes shot to his and he blinked at what he saw there. A softness he wasn’t expecting. But it was a good thing. If he’d seen the needy heat in her eyes right now, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to do the thing he wanted to do. Holly stepped in, eyebrow raised, but Brody held tight to Elsie’s hand. He raised a finger, not to threaten Holly, but to say he knew what he was doing and wouldn’t cross the line. He…needed a minute.

  Holly stepped back.

  Brody cocked his head and Elsie went with him. In silence he led her to the stables, shadowy and cool. He noticed the smells of hay and horses and the lack of light. All the creaks and worn places he was used to and never heard or saw anymore, the way you do when someone comes over you want to impress. He’d never cared before.

  Ellie hadn’t showered in three days so she was almost relieved he’d brought her into the stables. It also gave her a good excuse not to disrobe. She focused on the feel of his hand and the way he looked back at her as he led her down through the stalls. Each was occupied and had a name plate of engraved brass–Daisy Mae…Lone Ranger…Banjo Blue–but Brody didn’t stop to say hello until he reached the far end, turned a corner and came to a stall in which a glistening chestnut horse appeared to be waiting for him.

  Ellie felt a shiver of pleasure down her neck and across her shoulders as the horse nickered softly.

  She loves him.

  Brody was grinning when he gave her a brief, backward glance. She noticed his breathing, like hers, was shallow. Ellie stood still where she was as he released her hand, and took note of the nameplate: Midnight. The plate looked different from the others, but it took a second to see why. The brass plate was larger, mounted on shiny wood, the horse’s name written in beautifully scrolled tattoo lettering.

  Ellie looked up as Midnight swung her head away from Brody and considered him sideways before coming back to nuzzle. Brody lowered his head and the horse did the same until his forehead touched the mid–length of her nose and the horse’s nostrils puffed with delicate breaths around his face. Brody breathed and nickered back at her, his shoulders dropping peacefully. After a few moments, he lifted his head and turned to Ellie with soft eyes. The horse looked at her too. Two sets of mellow, brown eyes gentling her, calling her forward.

  Taking a small step back, he reached for her to nestle her in front of him. Standing before Midnight, so close, Ellie lifted a hand to pet her nose, but Brody caught her tenderly in a hug, wrapping her hands to her sides.

  Let her come to you.

  He held her there as Midnight began to smell her. He kissed the back of her head, nosed under her ponytail and kissed the back of her neck too. Ellie’s eyes fell closed, deep in pleasure, warm puffs of breath wafting over her as Midnight–Brody’s horse, for sure–got to know her.

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she opened them to blink them away.

  Are we the two women in his life?

  Is that what this means?

  The conversation with Janie echoed, allowing her to clear her mind. If you think talking’s the only way to get to know someone, you ain’t never been in love with a cowboy.

  Midnight lowered her head again, the way she’d done with Brody. He hugged her tighter, bringing his chin over her shoulder, his smooth cheek grazing hers, and her eyes fell closed again as he swayed her gently. She felt the horse nuzzle in over the top of her head, soft whiskers brushing her cheek, her forehead.

  Brody soon took a deep breath and raised his head. Ellie followed suit. He released one arm, reached in his back pocket and handed Ellie a carrot, then lifted his chin towards Midnight. Midnight lifted her chin up too. Ellie offered the carrot, Midnight took it and crunched away, then seemed to be looking for more. Brody laughed softly at her, then took Ellie’s hand and led her away along the stalls of other curious horses.

  Ellie looked back as she turned the corner to see Midnight staring after them.

  Chapter Eight

  Colorado Springs, Colorado

  Ellie pulled her new boots up under her and sank into the leather couch of the VIP room. She hadn’t seen Brody in six long days, the longest they’d gone without catching a glimpse of each other in over a month. Not since he’d introduced her to Midnight. She eyed the utility closet on her way into the arena tonight, her pussy heating and tingling in anticipation. She’d been conditioned alright.

  Notepad in hand, she grinned at the display of food and drink, bottles of imported artesian and coconut water and trays of mouthwatering appetizers much fancier than the cowboys standing over them. There was a cash bar and–was that sushi? She popped up to make herself a small plate when her phone buzzed in her pocket.

  How good could the sushi be in Colorado anyway? Whoever it was on the phone was probably saving her from a tummy ache later.

  “What news, Coop?”

  “Good news, Ellie.”

  She brightened at the familiar sound of his voice. She’d been living amongst strangers, trying hard to get to know them, but there was a price to pay for fast friendships–at some point you realize the foundation is still under construction–you need to be understood but they don’t know you well enough for you to feel entirely at home.

  Ellie wandered out into the hall and back behind the chutes, looking for a quiet place to talk and wishing she could share some good news of her own. She was falling in love. It seemed wrong to say it out loud to anyone else, since she couldn’t say it to Brody.

  “What’s your good news?” she asked.

  “You’re coming home.”

  Ellie went cold. “No. Sor
ry–I mean–I’m not ready.”

  “Circumstances have changed. I need you back here.”

  “This is a good story, Cooper. I’m not giving up on it.”

  “You can write it with what you’ve got. We’ll focus on the bucking bulls angle you’ve been working on.”

  “The season’s not over,” she said, knowing it didn’t matter one bit. Modern Luxury would be satisfied with a story about Janie’s ranch and her hundred–thousand dollar bulls and, as for following the money trail on winning riders, she knew every penny was fed back into their own ranch businesses. She was sure if Brody won, it would go to his family.

  Maybe he’d buy an Escalade. You don’t know. You still don’t know him at all, really.

  While Ellie was struggling to quiet her own voice of doubt, Cooper cut right to the heart of the matter.

  “Ellie, what’s gotten into you…or should I say who?”

  “I don’t like unfinished business, you know that.”

  The line went quiet.

  “Obviously we’re not talking about the story anymore.”

  She bit her lower lip and looked around. Behind the chutes, cowboys prepared for their rides, yanking down the length of their ropes with resin. Brody wasn’t there, but Colt was, holding court, and she quickly turned her back on his mean grin. Why did he always seem to be watching her?

  “Your cover could be blown, so whatever you’ve been protecting? Now’s the time to shore it up and get out.”

  “Would it be so bad if people knew who I was?”


  The joy she felt over her growing closeness with Brody was replaced by a cold, dull sensation in the pit of her stomach. Slowly she turned and met Colt’s eye. He tipped his hat to her, eyes spiteful, and suddenly it hit her.

  “What did he do?” she asked Cooper flatly.


  His voice lilted. Cooper was no good at subterfuge. Ellie turned her back on Colt and hauled ass in the opposite direction. She didn’t know where she was going, but if she stayed anywhere near him, there was no guarantee she would keep her own mouth shut.


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