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Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Okay, I’m seriously thinking about throwing my cup at this guy, coffee included. “I’m Sico’s ol’lady, not yours. You can either get it yourself or let your throat turn to sandpaper for all I care, because I won’t ever be serving you.”

  There. That was good, right? Taking some of Calix’s advice...calling myself Sico’s ol’lady should score points, right? Shit. Except when the asshole isn’t even in the room to hear me voice the words. Where did he go?

  Everyone is still silent when Sico stalks back into the living room. He comes to a stop and looks at everyone. “What?” he questions.

  “Your ol’lady doesn’t want to get me coffee the way I like it. She practically said she only serves you,” Ransom tells Sico with a smug smile on his face.

  “Never mind. All of you can go out and get your own coffee. I’m not sharing mine,” I mutter and head back into the kitchen.

  Shit like that always happen to me. Offer an olive branch and someone will rip it out of your hands and smack you in the face with it.

  I can only manage two steps inside the kitchen when Sico grabs my coffee from my hands and sets it on the counter before dragging me into his arms. “Can we stay like this for a while? I’m afraid to open my damn mouth because everything always comes out wrong.”

  That makes me snort. “Well, we could try to have a normal conversation later tonight. You did mention something about one normal conversation a day, right?”

  “Yeah, beautiful,” he croaks, sliding his fingers up to my jaw where he tilts my head back and covers my mouth with his.

  I’ve really missed being kissed, although I don’t think I can compare Sico’s kisses to one I’ve ever experienced. He puts a lot of attention into it and it’s even hard to catch up. Not to mention his hands that roam my body, the rumble low in his throat making it clear he’s enjoying every microsecond.

  A throat clears behind us. “’re supposed to grab a cup of coffee, not drink it straight from your ol’lady.”

  Sico’s lips leave mine but everything else stays the same when he growls out his words, “Fuck off, Ransom.”

  Sico’s green eyes are captivating. He’s looking at me with such fierceness, all I want to do is jump in and let myself drown in them. Calix is right. It’s the both of us who bump heads in this relationship and unless we do something...until the both of us let everything go and make an effort together, it will never work.

  “You heard my ol’man, Ransom. Fuck off,” I say and manage to whisper out my next words. “Now finish that kiss.”

  His left eyebrow raises. That’s right. I said finish the kiss. I’m not asking for another because the devilish man would count it as two. Meaning one more and he’ll be able to ask for a blow job. I’m all for the give a little get a little...but I have my limits here.

  He doesn’t complain but crashes his mouth to mine with a hunger that makes my fingers dig into his skin to draw him closer. The moan that leaves my throat is swallowed hungrily as he lifts me up and puts me on the counter.

  Slowing the kiss down, he mumbles his words against my mouth, “I want to fuck you so bad right now. But I don’t have a rubber in my damn wallet.”

  “Then no fucking,” I croak with regret. “We’ll just have to make due with kissing.” I trail my tongue over his bottom lip before I bite down and give it a slight pull.

  A growl rumbles through his chest. “My damn wallet isn’t giving me any options since there isn’t a damn condom in there. I think the only thing in there right now is a meager ten bucks. But I’ll give you that ten bucks if you suck me off.”

  “Asshole.” I chuckle into his mouth. “I don’t care about the ten bucks. I’d suck you off just for my own pleasure...if you reach the three kisses. There’s only been one so far today so...tough luck, stud.”

  Sico’s about to say something when Zack says, “Can you two come out here for a minute?”

  The regretful sigh that Sico releases kinda warms my chest. “Come on,” I tell him. “Let’s go see what he has to say.”

  When we get to the living room, we see Dams pacing back and forth with his phone glued to his ear.

  “We just heard that Jean was attacked. He’s in the hospital,” Zack tells us.

  Jean is a...well, I should say a ‘guy’ but the truth is, he’s such a sweet person he just radiates enough personality to be all human and does not fit the category of male nor female. Meaning he could wear high heels and make up one day with his long hair styled to make any cover girl jealous. While the next his hair could be tied up, sneakers, lose jeans as he tries to work on his car. He’s in the comic business along with Ridley, Tyler’s ol’lady.

  Dams hangs up. “Tyler is with Ridley at the hospital. C.Rash and Nerd went with those two when Ridley got the call, she’s listed as next of kin that’s why they contacted her. C.Rash doesn’t have any information yet about Jean. Other than he’s in surgery. But he wasn’t fucking conscious when they brought him in.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Sico growls. “Was that around the same time as the bikes lighting up? Is there any connection or was it random? Their comic store is across from the damn tattoo shop.”

  “Too soon to tell. We don’t have any other information except what we just discussed. We need for Jean to pull through and tell us what happened if he’s capable. Then we need to know if Casey could gather more intel about the bikes. Until then I’m going to double up every fucking member and those attached to it. No damn solo flights, got me?” Zack’s voice is fierce. “Now, Everleigh...can we use your living room for a moment? I need to talk some things through.”

  Well then. That’s a nice way to say ‘get the hell out of your own living room’. Sico’s chest rumbles and when I look at him it’s clear as day he took it the same way I did. Choosing to ignore Zack, I step toward Sico and try something different. Actually doing something I’ve seen the other ol’ladies do...going for a normal relationship.

  “I’m going upstairs. I need to do my hair. Talk later?” I murmur against his lips but the flare of his nostrils while his eyes dilate is all telling.

  His hands fly up and cup my face before he’s crashing his mouth against mine. There’s an intense passion to this kiss where I feel like my body is floating. His tongue strokes mine while he’s tainting my body with overloaded lust. Groaning, I dig my fingers into his leather cut and try to freaking crawl inside him, anything to get closer.

  He chuckles against my lips before he pulls back. “I want nothing more than to get lost in you but I have to talk to my brothers and need to do your hair, beautiful. We’ll pick this up later, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I answer, and dammit...I have a freaking swooning tone.

  “And that’s a count of two kisses.” Again, with the chuckle before he steps back and strolls past me, smacking me on the ass. Hard.

  “Asshole,” I grumble and rush out of the room.

  Chapter 07


  It’s taken over three hours before my brothers are finally out the door. Good thing Zack wanted to talk some things through because I had a little thing to discuss too. Well, not so much discuss, more like tell him to give a little heads-up. It’s something Brandlee and I discussed. I need a little payback. Revenge for Simi, what those fuckers did, to ease some of the fury inside of me.

  Luckily my brothers always have my back so I’m ready to set my plan into motion. But that’s something to dive into sometime tomorrow when Calix is back, I need his help. Well, advice and a recommendation, whatever...he’s just the guy I need, let’s keep it at that.

  Walking into the bedroom, my gaze hits the bed and see a brilliant sea of burgundy hair. Damn. That’s a fucking perfect resemblance of the ink I have on my forearm. She doesn’t notice I’ve stepped inside the room because it appears she’s wearing earbuds. Her attention is fixed on her phone, typing a message or something. The bed is covered with all kind of magazines and the blueprint of the basement.

  Ah, she’s
finalizing the game room. She’s been planning that last part of the house for a while now. Everything is done already except for that room. But it seems like she made the choices she needed. A smile spreads my face when I see a page right in front of her with my handwriting. Fuck. That right there tightens my chest. She looked over my notes.

  When I heard about the only room not being decorated was the game room, my attention was instantly spiked. I asked for the blueprints...not that she was happy I did so, but she showed them to me anyway. That’s when I sketched a setup along with some of my thoughts and a few of my contacts I knew sold some high-class shit.

  Stalking to the bed, I bend forward and take out one of her earbuds. “Hey. Are you ordering stuff?”

  She gives me a smile that shoots an electric current through my heart, hotwiring that fucker and bringing it back to life. Hell, I can’t even remember a day where I used that organ for anything more than pumping blood through my body. I swallow against the dryness in my throat because everything during the last few days just hits me full force. The woman in front of me got under my skin, her essence mixing with mine up to the point where I now come to realize that she’s the first woman that walks the earth who’s holding my heart in her hands.

  And that right there scares the piss out of me. Enough to make the asshole inside me roar. I want to pull back and sneer at her, push her buttons so she throws anger back at me. That’s what I know to do well; rile her to be an asshole. How to be a...what? A fucking boyfriend? I’m a damn biker who doesn’t do emotions.

  In my past I haven’t so much as felt a twitch when I ended someone’s life. Or when my father kicked me around, or when they all got thrown into jail for human trafficking. The only thing I’ve had in all my life is the MC I belong brothers who I consider, and treat as, equals.

  My fingers go to the hair tie that’s keeping my hair pulled up. Ripping it out I let it fall in front of my face. It’s just above my shoulders and I don’t know if this action is to take a moment to gather myself or that I try to throw her off. Because I know how her pussy drips when she’s able to slide her fingers through my hair. See? That’s what I can fucking handle. Cunts. While to me she’s pussy. Fuck. It’s confusing.

  “I can’t fucking do this,” I growl, angry at myself. Or this fucking situation, whatever.

  “Do what? Be non-asshole? Stop thinking, might lessen the slice of asshole in you and the bitch inside me.” Simi snorts and shrugs as if she steps over my frustrations, or better yet...the complications between the both of us.

  “Come sit.” She grabs some of the magazines to make some space. “Let’s talk about this right here...with the setup in this corner, I don’t think the pool table would have much room. Right?”

  “Yeah, but you can’t fuck with the video game section of the room. You’d want that big screen against this wall... couches in front, two by two, tables in between. That would be awesome. Here, I’ve saved a picture I saw online.” I grab my phone and look up the shot I saved holding it out, she takes it and gives me a fucking wink.

  Dammit. She’s right. Stop thinking. That’s why we get along when we fuck since we’re riding on pure lust then.

  “I want carpet, thick carpet. One where I can sink my toes in,” I rasp.

  She sinks her damn teeth into her lip before she tilts her head and gives me a smirk. “You want that, huh?”

  “Damn right. You and I will be spending a lot of time there.” I can already imagine stripping her naked and spreading her out on that soft carpet.

  “Should I open up and connect the new stuff I bought to see if you can beat me at either one of the video games I own, because I think you’re underestimating me?” Simi chuckles.

  “You know how many brothers I have right? Shitload of time to kill too sometimes, so be careful, beautiful. When I play, I play to win.” Reaching out, I grab her by the neck and pull her forward, taking her mouth against mine.

  I can truly admit the fact that I have not kissed a woman that many times in one day. And’s not even that much and yet I crave it. Hell, it’s turning into something natural because there’s fire running through my veins when I kiss her that vibrates my body to life.

  “Okay,” Simi groans into my mouth. “I’m convinced. And you can pick out the carpet, but I need to order it today because the rest of the stuff will be here late next week.”

  How the fuck can we be talking with our mouths a whisper away? Aw, fuck. Who cares. “Fine, but we’re getting naked right after.”

  “Deal.” Simi grabs my head and plants a damn hard kiss on my lips before she grabs her iPad and taps away.

  When she’s found a website, we glance through some of the options until my eyes land on a thick white one where I can really see my feet snuggle into. “That one. Come here, I’ll order it.”

  “No way.” She rips the iPad from my hand and starts to fill in the form.

  “Is there a problem with me wanting to pay?” I snarl.

  “No, asshole.” She pushes against my shoulder. “Suck in the attitude. I just want everything listed on my bank account in order. I have serious OCD about working off a list where I keep everything neat and tidy so I can check back when something is wrong. You picking up this bill and making it out under your name will screw things up. This house has been a project of mine I got to finalize over the last few months. I’ve had the blueprints for years and finally had the nerve to solidify them when Brandlee called me to come live here. Just don’t screw with my planning. Oh, and I’ll gladly have you pay for it. Not that I need cash or anything. You’ve seen my house and probably know how much I’m worth, but if you’re offering...hell no, I’d never pass that shit up.”

  “I know how much you’re worth,” I can’t help but tell her in a husky tone because with what she just said. “Damn, we really are a pair, huh? Kinda glad we’re both fucking up and searching to find our way in this.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She gives me a smile that yet again punches me in the chest.

  It’s a smile that I haven’t gotten from her yet. An honest one. Open and all directed at me in appreciation. One that reaches her eyes and makes a damn dimple pop on her cheek. And why the hell am I noticing this shit now since I’ve had her body naked against me several times?

  Reaching out, I brush my thumb over her cheek. “You have a dimple.”

  Red. Fucking. Cheeks.

  She clears her throat and shoves the iPad in my hands. “Can you double check to see if I filled it out correctly?”

  Having no other option but to check what’s in my hands, I do a quick scan and see everything is perfect. “It is. Hit send so we can,”

  “Go downstairs and paint the game room?” She jumps up from the bed, ready to go.

  “What?” I ask confused. Because in my head I had already stripped her naked with my cock ready to enter her.

  “We need to paint the walls today. I already did the ceiling but the walls need to be done and I ordered the carpet and it said with the special delivery and extra bonus, it would be delivered tomorrow.” She claps her damn hands and adds, “Chop, chop. You’re helping. With this being our game room and all.”

  Our game room. That’s what she said.

  “Fine,” I sigh. “But we’re going to fuck after, no matter how tired we are.”

  “Deal. Now come on, we need to hurry because I’m just as anxious as you to get some action between my legs.”

  Dammit. This is going to be one hard task. No fucking pun intended.

  It literally takes over half the night to paint all the walls of the basement. But you know what? Small talk and stealing glances over our shoulders at each other is actually the very thing that’s been building something very different between us. Not just the lust to have one another but...I don’t know, anticipation? Actually being civil, doing something together.

  “I can’t feel my arms,” Simi complains when we stumble into the bathroom together.

  “Same here, I th
ink I used up all of my last energy with yanking all my clothes off. I won’t be able to wash my damn face,” I complain right along with her.

  “Come here.” She reaches out and rubs her fingers over my face. “There. No more paint splatter. You need to wash your hair though. I don’t want any paint on my clean sheets.”

  I just want to crawl into bed and sleep, dammit. Instead, I grab the shampoo and wash up with lightning speed. Simi does the same and when she shuts off the water and hands me the towel it finally hits me that we showered together. Without touching or anything. Just...showered. As a damn couple.

  Now it seems we’re going to bed as one. You know, the kind who have been married for eighty years because I’m too damn tired and my body isn’t damn capable of fucking.

  “Can we like...get in position so we can have sex when we wake up? I really want to but I’m so damn tired right now.” The pained look on her face is damn adorable.

  “Same here, beautiful. I wouldn’t even have the energy to give you ten bucks if you sucked me off.” I sigh and crash down on the bed.

  She pokes me in the side, making me grunt.

  “Funny asswipe. Very funny. I’m going to earn that ten bucks you have in your wallet tomorrow, and then you’ll have nothing left.” She smirks at me right before she plunges the room into darkness.

  That right there gives me the power to pull her close and whisper into her hair, “Even with an empty wallet, I’d still have you.”

  She doesn’t give a reply but releases a deep sigh and cuddles closer.

  Thinking back about how we made a deal about me being in her bed and having one normal discussion every day...with her cuddled close and relaxed, I take my chance and pop the question I’m dying to know the answer to. “Why do you always freak out on me when we forget about the condom? And I’m not trying to reason you into fucking bare. To be honest...I only fuck up with you. I have never failed to cover up before, you’re the only one who drives me nuts and makes everything else fall away except for the need to bury myself deep.”


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