victim theme
The Big Sleep (Chandler, R.)
The Big Sleep
Bacall and Bogart in
city in
complex plot structure
exotic setting
private eye’s vantage point
The Birds
Black Alabi (Woolrich.)
The Black Angel (Woolrich.)
The Black Angel
manhunt theme
The Black Bird
The Black Curtain (Woolrich.)
Blackmailers Don’t Shoot (Chandler, R.)
Black Mask
pulp magazine
school, as genre
The Black Path of Fear
Blaine, Rick
character in Casablanca
Blast of Silence
The Blue Dahlia
city in
Ladd and Lake in
manhunt theme
A Blueprint for Murder
Body and Soul
boxing milieu
documentary look
Bogart, Humphrey
as Philip Marlowe
compared to Dick Powell as Marlowe
as Sam Spade
delivery of lines
directed by Howard Hawks
early films
film noir actor
film partner to Bacall
in Conflict
in Dark Passage
in Key Largo
noir psychopath
other than detective
playing detectives
victim in film noir
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bonjour Tristesse
Bonnie and Clyde
documentary look
narrative quoted
Borde, Raymond
Born to Kill
Bowie character in They Live by Night
Boxing milieu in film noir
The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Woolrich.)
The Boy with Green Hair
Brando, Marlon
Brandon character in Rope
Brattle Street Cinema
The Breaking Point
narrative quoted
plot summary
The Bride Wore Black (Woolrich.)
Brooks, Mel
Brother Orchid
Brute Force
prison setting
Bullets or Ballots
Bunny Lake is Missing
late film noir
The Burglar
Burnham, Don character in The Lost Weekend
Burr, Raymond
Buttons, Red
The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari
visually described
Cagney, James
playing gangsters
Cahiers du cinema
Cain, James M.
collaboration with Raymond Chandler
hard-boiled writer
influence on film noir
viewed by Raymond Chandler
works analyzed
Calamari, Clara
Caligari, Dr.
character in The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari
Call Northside
plot summary
semi-documentary style
Campbell, Beverly
Camus, Albert
hard-boiled style
The Rebel, quoted
The Stranger
Cape Fear
The Cardinal
Carl character in Human Desire
Carney, Art
Carr, John Dickson
Carson, Jack
Carter, Nick character in early crime stories
Cause for Alarm
Cesare character in The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari
Champion boxing milieu
Chandler, Raymond
collaboration with James M. Cain
compared with Mickey Spillane
film noir remakes
hard-boiled writer
literary style
plot structures
The Simple Art of Murder, quoted
view of works of James M. Cain
view of works of Dashiell Hammett
Charlie two characters in Shadow of a Doubt
The Chase
Chaumenton, Etienne
The Cheap Detective
Christie, Agatha
Christmas Holiday
Citizen Kane
fragmented time reconstruction
primal film noir
style elements
City, the
in film noir
compared with American art
compared with gangster films
studio sets vs. locations
Clark, Candy
Clarke, Mae
Clash by Night
Collins, Kitty character in Scarlet Street
Collins, Ray
Comingore, Dorothy
Communist witch-hunt in film industry
Bogart vehicle
Greenstreet Vehicle
Conte, Richard
in The Big Combo
in Call Northside
in Cry of the City
Continental Op
character in Dashiell Hammett stories
hard-boiled hero
The Conversation
Coogan’s Bluff
Cooper, Gary
Cop, the character in The Driver
Corey, Wendell
in The File on Thelma Jordan
noir victim
weak man role
manhunt theme
Powell vehicle
Cotten, Joseph
in Niagara
in Shadow of a Doubt
in The Steel Trap
Coward, Noel
Crain, Jeanne
Crane, Marion character in Psycho
Crawford, Broderick
Crawford, Joan
film noir actress
in Mildred Pierce
in Possessed
in Sudden Fear
noir psychopath
Crime of Passion
Crime Wave
Crime writing
prior to hard-boiled school
use of language
The Criminal (U.S.: The Concrete Jungle)
Criss Cross
angle shots
femmes fatales theme
Burt Lancaster in
location film
voice-over narration
Cronyn, Hume
Cross, Christopher
character in Scarlet Street
Gloria Grahame in
noir psychopath theme
returned war veteran theme
Robert Ryan in
Robert Young in
Cry of the City
Victor Mature in
noir set-piece
Richard Conte in
wrong man theme
Cry of the Hunted
Cry Terror!
Cummins, Peggy
in Gun Crazy
Curtis, Tony
Custer of the West
The Dain Curse (Hammett.)
Dall, John
Dancer character in The Lineup
Dangerous Crossing
The Dark Corner
Clifton Webb vehicle
wrong man theme
The Dark Mirror
plot summary
Dark Passage
wrong man theme
The Dark Past
Darnell, Linda
da Silva, Howard
Dassin, Jules
film noir director
character in Posses
Davis, Bette
de Carlo, Yvonne
in Criss Cross
Deadline at Dawn
city in
manhunt theme
Dead Man Blues (Woolrich.)
Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street
Dead Reckoning
Dead Ringer
noir psychopath theme
de Haviland, Olivia
Delon, Alain
DeMille, Cecil B.
Deming, Barbara
De Niro, Robert
Depression-era crime stories and film noir compared
Dern, Bruce
de Rochemont, Louis
Desert Fury
De Sica, Vittorio
Desmond, Norma character in Sunset Boulevard
The Devil Thumbs a Ride
Dial M for Murder
Die Niebelungen
Dietrichson, Phyllis character in Double Indemnity
Dirty Harry
Divided personalities in film noir
The Dividing Line victim theme
city in
investigator as central character
location film
plot summary
Don’t Bother to Knock
noir psychopath theme
plot summary
Double Indemnity (Cain, J. M.)
character analysis
Double Indemnity
first film noir
money and sex theme
plot analysis
plot summary
Edward G. Robinson in
social commentary
Barbara Stanwyck in
victim theme
voice-over narration
weak man theme
women in
Douglas, Kirk
film noir leading man
in Ace in the Hole
in Champion
in Out of the Past
Douglas, Paul
Doyle, Arthur Conan contributions to detective writing
A Dream of Passion
Dreiser, Theodore
Driscoll, Bobby
Driver, the character in The Driver
The Driver
city in
Dullea, Keir
Durbin, Deanna
in Christmas Holiday
noir psychopath
Durgnat, Raymond
Duryea, Dan
in The Woman in the Window
in Scarlet Street
Dvorak, Ann
Earle, Roy
character in High Sierra
East of Eden
Eastwood, Clint
Edge of Doom
city in
Farley Granger in
wrong man theme
Eisner, Lotte
Eliot, T. S.
Elmer Gantry
Emerson, Hope
character in Cry of the City
The Enforcer
Escape from Alcatraz
Evelyn, Judith
Expressionism. See German Expressionism
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Fallen Angel
The Family Tree of Film Noir (Durgnat, R.)
Farber, Manny
Farewell My Lovely (Chandler, R.) quoted
Farewell My Lovely
Dick Powell in
women in
A Farewell to Arms (Hemingway, E.)
Farrow, John
Faulkner, William
55 Days at Peking
The File on Thelma Jordan
money and sex theme
Barbara Stanwyck in
weak man theme
Film noir
acting couples in
acting styles in
actors in
basic characters
boxing milieu
B pictures
basis for auteur theory
camera as eye of central character
character actors
character types
cinematic origins
city as background
compared with gangster films
classification by motif and tone
compared with Depression-era crime films
compared with gangster sagas
compared with Neo-Realistic films
continuing influence of
deceptive settings in
decline of
decorative objects in
directorial range within genre
directors unsuited to genre
divided personalities in
effect on American directors
exaggerated camera angles
examples shot on location
first-person narration
flashbacks as plot element
French critics’ characterization
gangster figures in
genre debated
happy endings
historical context
influence of crime writing
influence of gangster films
influences, various
in the fifties
in the sixties and seventies
light and shadow in
major Germanic directors
manhunt theme in
The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir Page 31