middle-class protagonists in
money and sex in
money in
motifs exaggerated
motifs simplified
narrative patterns
from character vantage point
naturalism as source
non-realistic space in
obsession theme
plot structure
prison setting
private eye dramas
psychopaths in
race prejudice in
ranges of intensity
recurrent settings
rural settings
semi-documentary phase
set-pieces in
sexual obsession in
social dramas
storytelling elements
studio filming vs. location filming
summary of contributions
surreal settings
symbol of its era
tight framing and cutting
vestiges of Expressionism
victim theme
visual stylings
voice-over narration
war veteran in
weather as style element
women in
wrong man theme
Film noir conventions in French films
Film noir semi-documentaries narrative structure
Fitzgerald, Barry
Flitcraft character in The Maltese Falcon
Florian, Mrs. character in Murder, My Sweet
Foch, Nina in My Name is Julia Ross
Fonda, Jane
Fonda, Henry in The Wrong Man
Forbes, John characters in Pitfall
Ford, Glenn
in The Big Heat
in Gilda
in Human Desire
Ford, John
Foreign Correspondent
The Fortune Cookie
Francis, Arlene
Frohock, W. M.
From Caligari to Hitler (Kracauer, S.)
Fuller, Sam
film noir director
approach to film noir
Gangster figures in film noir
Gangster films
brief life of genre
city in compared with film noir
compared with film noir
discussed and analyzed
influence on film noir
social dramas
Gangsters as movie heroes
Garbo, Greta
Gardner, Ava
Garfield, John
in The Breaking Point
in The Postman Always Rings Twice
noir victim
Garner, James
Gavin, John
Genre films
elements of
of the fifties
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
German Expressionism
directorial techniques
in German films
influence on film noir
influence on Orson Welles
in later films
precursor of film noir
German Expressionist art
German Expressionist directors work in America
German Expressionist films
narrative quoted
plot summary
treatment of women
character in Gilda
Girotti, Massimo
The Glass Key (Hammett.)
The Glass Key
narrative pattern
The Go-Between (Hartley. P.)
The Go-Between
Godard, Jean-Luc
The Godfather
Gould, Elliott
as Philip Marlowe
Grahame, Gloria
film noir actress
in The Big Heat
in Human Desire
in In a Lonely Place
Granger, Farley
film noir character actor
in Edge of Doom
in Side Street
in They Live by Night
Gray, Coleen
in Kiss of Death
Grayle, Velma (or Mrs. Llewellyn Lockridge Grayle)
character in Farewell, My Lovely
character in Murder, My Sweet
Greene, Graham
Greenstreet, Sydney
film noir character actor
in Conflict
in The Maltese Falcon
Greer, Jane
in Out of the Past
Griffith. W.
Gun Crazy
Peggy Cummins in
John Dall in
noir psychopath theme
Gun Crazy (continued)
noir set-piece
plot summary
rural setting
Guttman, Kaspar
character in The Maltese Falcon
Hackman, Gene
Hammer, Mike
Mickey Spillane character
Hammett, Dashiell
hard-boiled writer
notion of homosexuals
use of language
viewed by Raymond Chandler
writing style and quality
Happy endings in film noir
Hard-boiled novels analysis by Albert Camus in The Rebel quoted
Hard-boiled school
compared with Italian Neo-Realism
compared with naturalism
Hard Core
city in
Hartley. P.
Hathaway, Henry
Hawks, Howard
film noir director
gangster drama director
Haycraft, Howard
Hayward, Susan
Hayworth, Rita
film noir actress
in Gilda
He Ran All the Way
He Who Must Die
He Walked by Night
Hedren, Tippi
Heflin, Van
in Possessed
character in The Lost Weekend
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
A Farewell to Arms
influence on crime writing
The Killers
To Have and Have Not
The Sun Also Rises
typical hero
use of language
writing style
Henry, Frederick character in A Farewell to Arms
Heroes hard-boiled
Heston, Charlton
in Touch of Evil
High Noon
High Sierra
Highway Dragnet
Hollow Triumph
Humphrey Bogart in
Ida Lupino in
Hill, Walter
His Girl Friday
Hitchcock, Alfred
camera work
characters analyzed
directing Psycho
directing Shadow of a Doubt
noir stylist
psychopath theme in Rope
violence theme
Holden, William
in Sunset Boulevard
weak man role
Holmes, Sherlock
Hopper, Edward
The House on 92nd Street
semi-documentary style
HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
Huckleberry Finn (Twain, M.)
Human Desire
B film
Gloria Grahame in
plot summary
Hunt, Marsha
Hunt, Martita
Hurry Sundown
Huston, John
I Confess
I Married a Dead Man (Woolrich.)
In a Lonely Place
Humphrey Bogart in
Gloria Grahame in
noir psychopath theme
plot summary
The I
nformer (Up Tight)
In Harm’s Way
The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
I Shot Jesse James
Italian Neo-Realism
compared with hard-boiled school
compared with film noir
influence on film noir
in The Naked City
style described
Italian Neo-Realist films
Jackson, Charles
James, Henry
Jardine character in The Dark Corner
decline of genre
Jergens, Adele
character in Scarlet Street
character in Gilda
Johnny Guitar
Kansas City Confidential
Karimi, Amir
Karlson, Phil film noir director
Kazan, Elia film noir director
Keechie character in They Live by Night
Kellaway, Cecil
Kelly, Gene in Christmas Holiday
Kelly, Grace
Kennedy, Arthur
Key Largo
Bogart and Bacall in
gangster film noir
Edward G. Robinson in
Keyes, Evelyn
The Killers (Hemingway, E.)
plot summary
The Killers
Burt Lancaster in
noir set-piece
obsession theme
original Siodmak film
plot summary
rural setting
Siegel remake
treatment of the past
victim theme
women in
Killer’s Kiss
boxing milieu
city in
visual quality analyzed
The Killing
Coleen Gray in
Kiss of Death
Coleen Gray in
plot summary
semi-documentary style
Richard Widmark in
Kiss Me Deadly
apocalyptic imagery
late noir film
narrative construction
Kiss Me Stupid
Kitty character in The Killers
Kline, Franz
Kracauer, Siegfried
Kubrick, Stanley
directing Killer’s Kiss
early work
film noir director
later work
Ladd, Alan
film noir actor
in The Blue Dahlia
in The Glass Key
Ladd, Alan (continued)
in The Gun for Hire
returning war veteran
The Lady from Shanghai
Rita Hayworth in
surreal setting
visual styling
voice-over narration
Lady in the Lake
camera-eye view
narrative construction
Lake, Veronica
film noir actress
film partner to Alan Ladd
in The Blue Dahlia
in The Glass Key
in This Gun for Hire
Lancaster, Burt
film noir leading man
in Brute Force
in Criss Cross
in The Killers
in Sorry, Wrong Number
in Sweet Smell of Success
noir victim
post-noir career
Land of the Pharoahs
Lang, Fritz
American work characterized
compared with Orson Welles
directing Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
film noir director
Lanza, Mario
The Last Laugh plot summary
La terra trema
The Late Show
Laughton, Charles
film noir director
in The Big Clock
city in
plot summary
sexual obsession theme
voice-over narration
Clifton Webb in
Laura character in Laura
Lean, David
Leave Her to Heaven
plot summary
rural setting
Gene Tierney in
Lemmon, Jack
LeRoy, Mervyn
Le Samouri
The Left-Handed Gun
Leigh, Janet
in Touch of Evil
Leigh, Vivien
Lennox, Terry
character in The Long Goodbye
Lewis, Joseph H.
B film director
film noir director
later work
Lewis, Martin
The Lineup
directed by Don Siegel
surreal setting
Little Big Man
Little Caesar
Little Caesar character in Little Caesar
The Little Sister (Chandler, R.)
Lola Montes
The Long Goodbye (Chandler, R.)
plot summary
The Long Goodbye
directed by Robert Altman
Elliott Gould in
plot summary
Lorre, Peter
film noir character actor
Losey, Joseph
film noir director
later work
The Dark Side of the Screen: Film Noir Page 32