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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

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by JF Holland

  Jaden made his way through the kitchen, and into the small back room he'd turned into a study. He'd been doing the odd bit of work in here, checking into the office and also increasing his own shares. He opened the top drawer of the small desk, pulling a print-out he'd made earlier. A diagram of the woodland and surrounding area.

  "Okay this is where Maya and I will be this evening," he said. Pointing to an area on the map he'd circled in red. "So if you could set up a perimeter around us, I would appreciate it." The men all moved over to the table, looking down at the map that Jaden had spread out for them in the centre. The small red circle, showed the area he'd pulled into with her last week on his bike. It offered them some shelter, but there was also a small clear area nearby. They would need that at some point. A clear open sky, to allow the moon to shine down on them. Thus helping to build the magic required to complete the ceremony.

  Everyone studied the map as they spoke quietly among themselves, before marking the areas where they would take up guarding positions. After they'd each marked their spot they wished him well, and began to leave. Douglas saw everyone out, then came back into the kitchen.

  "I'll be off now too, and see you later on. Aggie is looking forward to seeing Maya again, and finally meeting Helena." Douglas told them, as he also went to leave, but Jaden stopped him with an arm on his sleeve.

  "Douglas, I need your help again I'm afraid." Then proceeded to tell him what he required, making arrangements to visit him later on.

  "So, exactly where am I to be positioned this evening?" Helena asked, walking over to the table, and looked down at the map. Sam picked it up, and folded it, as he cleared his throat.

  "You'll be here, where you are safe," he told her. Helena sucked in a breath, her hand coming up to her chest as she mocked him.

  "Oh my, you can't leave me here. What if they come to the house and I'm here all alone, on my lonesome? What will I do with no big strong man to protect me?" Sam clenched his teeth, a tick starting in his jaw as he ground out.

  "Fine, you can come with me then, I'll keep you…" He didn’t finish the sentence, as Helena raised a dark, arched brow. When she flexed her hands, Sam changed tactics, with resignation evident in the tightening of his jaw.

  "You will be helping me to protect your daughter and future son- in-law," Sam placated, and she grinned evilly at him.

  "You learn fast. Who said you can't teach an old dog, or in your case, an old cat, new tricks." Helena patted his cheek as she left the kitchen humming, 'I put a spell on you,' under her breath.

  "Oh man, you are so whipped," Jaden pointed out to Sam. Amusement laced his words, as he watched him. Sam's eyes followed Helena's retreating back, with longing.

  "Yeah, says you, Tiddles." Sam smirked. Balin laughed as he stood by the sink, rinsing cups before loading them into the dishwasher.

  "Don't you join in little brother; we've not found out if Lana is your mate yet. If she is, you'll soon be changing your tune." Jaden informed him, and it was Sam's turn to grin, as Balin left the kitchen, muttering under his breath.

  Chapter Three

  Maya was nervous as she stepped out of the shower. She didn't have a clue about what was making her nervous, well apart from she was tying her life to Jaden's; a man she loved. Surely, she shouldn't be nervous over that, should she? Or, maybe the nerves were caused by the unexpected? She reasoned, as she wrapped a towel around her head to stop her hair dripping. Or, just maybe, she was worried over her psychopath of a father, who was out to kill her. Yeah, that would do it, she thought, as she began drying herself. Freezing in mid motion, she looked down at her chest in awe. Quickly patting dry with the towel over her now unmarred skin. She then held out her arms, as she ran her tongue over her teeth, and was stunned anew. Quickly she dried off the rest of her body, then wrapping a towel around herself, she headed for the bedroom.

  Jaden was reading a report on his tablet, sat on the bottom of the bed, when Maya walked into the room. Closing the door behind her, she stepped in front of the full length; mirror that was bolted to the wall, and dropped her towel. Jaden sucked in a breath as she stood before the polished glass completely naked. Hurriedly he closed down his report, before placing the tablet on the floor, pushing it under the bed. Then he got up and walked over to her, standing behind her, so he could see what she was doing.

  He hissed as he watched her run her own hands over her chest, then down over her stomach. He stood mesmerised, as they roamed over her body. Groaning, while he watched their progress in the mirror.

  "Jesus, are you trying to delay the ceremony or what?" He asked, snaking his arms around her waist, unable to stop himself. Holding her flush against him, he rubbed his erection against her buttocks. The mirroring her earlier movements, he ran his own hands up her stomach, before cupping her breasts in his palms.

  Maya laughed, slapping playfully at his hands. Her laugh soon turned to a sigh, as her head fell back against his chest. Jaden went from kneading her flesh, to rolling her nipples; making her eyes close in pleasure.

  "Jaden, I was just looking at how there are no marks, there's nothing of them left. I also don't mind delaying the ceremony. Well, not if you don't mind that everyone will be waiting around for us for an hour."

  Dropping his head down, he sighed as he ran his chin on top of her head. Then groaned as he felt the little beads between his thumb and forefinger stiffen. He lowered his face, bending slightly at the knees and kissed the side of Maya's neck. Open mouthed kisses, as he moved over her sensitive flesh towards her ear.

  "How about I make you feel good, while you watch?" he asked, as he pulled back slightly. His eyes following the movement of his own larger hands in the mirror. He watched how they ran over her body, stopping as they reached the intricate ink. The scripture was delicate in design, but beautiful, with the swirling letters.

  "I never did ask you what this says," he mused. Tracing each letters with a fingertip, that was tattooed across her ribs, just below her heart.

  "It says, Carmen protectiva. Salvos intra parietes tectos vos lux a casibus malis defendet. Visu vel olfactu vel actu non videbimini, quidquid vos noceat, id occidatur." Maya informed Jaden, as she watched his long fingers. She felt the hairs lift on the back of her neck, at his touch.

  "What does it mean though?" he asked, as he continued tracing the lettering, while his other hand began to roam over her soft skin. He trailed it lower, tormenting them both. Keeping his touch light, while he waited for her response.

  "It's Latin," Maya sighed, trying to ignore what his other hand was doing. "It roughly translates to." Safe within these sheltered walls, the light protects from ill befalls. By sight, smell or deed thou shall not see, what you would harm so smote it be. Or something like that," she shrugged her shoulders. "My mother tattooed it onto me herself when I was around four years old. She wanted to protect me from my father, so she had great aunt Sophia. Well, I think it was great aunt Sophia," she admitted frowning. She then sucked in an aroused breath, as he dipped a finger between her folds. Lightly circling the flesh of her clitoris, with his forefinger.

  "You were going to say something else," Jaden said. "Continue, but keep your eyes on my hand," he told her huskily. He continued rubbing himself against her, while he tormented her with his hand. Then he removed his other hand from around her waist. Maya felt him move it behind her, and tried to turn her head to see what he was doing. He stopped what he was doing between her thighs, tutting. Instead, he moved the hand that had been tormenting her to hold her hip, thus keeping her in position.

  "I said to keep looking in the mirror Maya, watch, but continue talking." He growled the words as he softly bit into her shoulder, making her groan. She heard the zipper on his trousers go down, and shivered. Her eyes fluttered closed, while his hand snaked back between her legs. Her head once again fell back against his chest.

  "No Maya, open your eyes and watch as you talk to me." Jaden told her, licking up her neck, then nibbling the side of her throat.

  Maya couldn't think with him rubbing his hardened flesh between her buttocks, as he continued to circling her clitoris.

  "Hmm, where was I? Yes, I think it was a spell that great aunt Sophia wrote, well, from what mum said anyway. Arrgh, I can't think when you do that," she admitted, and he stopped, then went to move his hand away.

  "Oh God no, don't stop," she pleaded, running her hands up his thighs behind her. She stroked his muscular legs through his trousers, then his hips. He in turn, again began rubbing that sensitive little bundle of nerves, as he continued to ground himself against her.

  "Put your hands on the mirror Maya, and spread your legs," Jaden demanded. He nudges her forwards slightly. As soon as she complied, he guided himself to her entrance, bending at the knees and entering her in one move. They groaned in unison, as he leaned over her back. He put one hand on the mirror frame over her, to steady himself, while he kissed the side of her neck.

  "Keep your eyes open Maya, I want you to watch," he told her huskily, as he began to move. One hand still circling that little nubbin, as he began thrusting slowly, in and out of her body. Her eyes followed his movements in the mirror. Dropping to watch the sway of her breasts, then roaming down to his hand. The one that was busy between her thighs, as his mouth worked on her neck.

  Their eyes met and held in the mirror, his glowing as he picked up the pace. Maya's breathing hitched at the sight before her.

  "You were saying?" Jaden ground out through clenched teeth."

  "Stuff what I was saying, fuck me, and make me cum instead," Maya snapped at him. Their eyes clashing, again holding in the mirror, and Jaden groaned at the sight.

  "You need to hold on, this is going to be quick." He warned, grunting at the sharp pain, as she released one hand from the mirror and threw it behind her for purchase. Digging her nails into his thigh for balance, as her other hand slammed against the mirror.

  "Cum for me," Jaden snarled. He then pinched her clitoris as he slammed into her one last time, before holding still. As his release hit, Jaden bit down on Maya's shoulder. The action muffled his groan, at the sensation of her muscles clamping down on him. Her body milking his release, as she sobbed through her own.

  Leg muscles quaking, he slowly dropped to his knees. Bringing Maya with him, until she was sat straddling him; her back to his front.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist as he waited for their breathing to slow. Then lifted her off him by holding her hips, and turning her around. He brought her back down, straddling him again. This time so she was facing him, as he wrapped an arm around her waist. She rested her cheek against his shoulder, while he ran a hand through her hair.


  "Hmm," she responded without lifting her head.

  "Don't wash," he told her. She slowly raised her head from his chest, leaning back against his arm.

  "Talk to me?" she said with concern, but he wouldn't meet her eyes. He just cleared his throat, but wouldn't look at her, kissing her instead. A long drugging kiss, as his mouth devoured hers. His tongue sweeping inside the interior, until she groaned into his mouth. Maya's tongue tangled with his as she returned his kiss, her arms slowly creeping up, around his neck. Then he softened the kiss, their mouths just brushing. Sipping from each other's lips, no longer ravenous.

  "Are you ready to talk yet?" Maya asked, as he pulled back. Using a hand on the back of her head, he used it to bring her head back down onto his chest. Resting his cheek on top of her hair he looked broodingly over her, into the mirror. He could see the erotic image they made, him still fully clothed with her straddling his lap. Her hair was wild, and she was still gloriously naked.

  "You know we have to have people near us tonight, you know that." He sighed, while rubbing his cheek against her hair again.

  "Arrgh," Maya said, clearing her throat. "Okay, I won't wash," but I'm patting dry," she told him, pulling back her head, and he stared down into her smiling eyes.

  "What do you mean?" Jaden asked, suspiciously.

  "I know having the other makes around makes you uncomfortable. I'll compromise. I'll keep your scent, but I refuse to walk around dribbling, that's just gross." Pushing herself up, she bent down and pressed a kiss to his nose. Then she walked out of the room, on unsteady legs. Once in the bathroom, she used a cloth for a little clean up, before returning to the bedroom.

  Jaden grabbed a dirty t-shirt, and wiped himself off before tucking himself away. Then re-zipped his jeans, before slowly getting to his feet. His toes tingled from loss of blood supply, from where he'd been sat on them. His thoughts were in turmoil. He wasn't comfortable with the thought of so many males around Maya, and he didn't like the feeling. Not one little bit. Running a hand through his hair, he scowled at his own reflection, fore moving back towards the bed. He dropped down, then leaned back on his arms, staring at the ceiling.

  He tried sorting out his mixed up emotions. He had nothing to worry about where Maya was concerned with other men. So he didn't understand why he had these jealous tendencies. Giving up his morose and unfounded thoughts, he turned as she walked back into the room. She was still completely naked as she went over to the wardrobe.

  "You were trying to show me something earlier," Jaden said to her. Trying not to fixate on her backside, as she lifted onto her tiptoes. She began riffling through the contents of the wardrobe.

  "Huh?" Maya said, her head inside the open door.

  "When I jumped you, you were trying to tell me something," he said. Watching as her head pulled out of the wardrobe, and she turned to look at him. Her brows drew together in confusion, then her nose wrinkled, as she clicked her fingers.

  "Yes, look," she said. Her hand going to her chest again, and his eyes instantly zeroed in on her breasts. Hearing her tut, his eyes guiltily jumped from the globes he was currently ogling, to her amused eyes. Shrugging sheepishly.

  "Sorry, they are rather distracting," Jaden admitted, and Maya rolled her eyes.

  "I was trying to show you that all the bruising has gone." Jaden sat upright at her declaration, and crooked a finger at her. Maya looked suspiciously at him, smart girl that she was, and he outright grinned.

  "No, honestly I'll sit on my hands, I just want to look."

  "It's not your hands I'm worried about," Maya said. Looking pointedly to the bulge presently pressing into his fly, making him snort.

  "You're safe, I'll control myself. Well, for a little while," he admitted with a wolfish grin. "Come on Maya, come closer I want to see," he wheedled.

  Maya hesitantly moved towards him, still suspicious of his motives and Jaden again grinned. As she got closer, he snaked out a hand and grabbed onto her hip. Then pulled her between his spread thighs, so he could take a closer look. Agatha had worked a miracle. There wasn't even a smudge left behind on her chest, from the attack earlier. Her skin was back to her normal glowing, soft, unblemished ivory. He looked hungrily towards those little berries, which were presently pouting at him. His head moved a little closer to their temptation, as if drawn by an invisible thread. A hand came up, and slapped over his mouth, as he tried to bring her in closer. He looked at her broodingly over her hand, making her laugh as she saw his, 'you've spoiled my fun,' look.

  "No, we don't have time. The sun will be setting soon," Maya told Jaden. "I need to find something to wear yet, then we need to get going," she told him. Jaden bit her palm, making her squeal and pull it back from his mouth. He used her shock and leaned forward, to suck first one, and then the other nipple into his mouth.

  Jaden sucked and licked, until Maya's eyes were glazed. Her nipples were bright red and damp from his ministrations. Once happy with his work, he let the left one he'd gone back to, pop from his mouth, giving one last satisfied lick. Looking smugly at her as he pushed her back a little, before bending forward.

  Jaden pulled a large flat box out from under the bed, and handed it to Maya. She took it from him, placing it on the bed beside him, then looked to him in enquiry.

  "What's this?"

  "Open it and find out," Jaden told her. Maya undid the beautifully tied red ribbon on the box, and removed the lid. Placing it down beside the bottom half, she pushed the tissue paper to one side, to peek what was beneath it. Underneath the flimsy paper, she found a white broiderie anlgaise dress. Maya looked towards Jaden again, then back to the box, where she carefully lifted the item out from its bed of ruby tissue paper. Holding it before her, she bit her lip in confusion.

  "Don't you like it?" Jaden asked her, looking unsure. Maya lifted her eyes to his, and nodded.

  "It's beautiful, I'm just not used to getting gifts, that's all." She shrugged as she held the dress against her, and went to move towards the drawers. She needed to find some underwear.

  "You don't need underwear Maya," Jaden told her. Clearing his throat, as she stopped and turned back to him. He shrugged, "it just means I have to remove it from you," he ground his jaw. "I bought the dress so you don't have to be naked to perform the ceremony, I don't like the idea of so many men around." His jaw bunched and looked down, hiding his expression. Maya moved back towards the bed.

  "It's okay, I'll wear the dress Jaden. There's no need to worry," she told him, sticking her head through the dress, before pushing her arms through the little shoe lace straps. Tugging it down over her hips, she smoothed it into place. It stopped just above her knee, and was comfortable. Allowing movement as it flowed loosely over her curves. A nice lightweight summer dress, with a sheer cotton lining, so nothing was visible through the little holes.

  Jaden sat on the bed, his stiff shoulders relaxing, as she pulled the dress on, covering herself. He knew she wasn't wearing underwear, but that didn't bother him so much. If anything, it was more a turn on than anything else. Knowing that if he put his hand under the skirt, he had access to her, nothing to hinder him. At the same time though it was a modest dress, and would stop others from seeing her nakedness. He'd rang the clothes shop earlier and told them what he wanted, just after he'd paid Douglas a visit in his shop. He rubbed at his left pectoral muscle through his t-shirt, and was pleased to feel the sting had settled.


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