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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

Page 6

by JF Holland

  He was now shaking with the effort it took, to not thrust by this time, as he held their entwined hands out, away from their bodies.

  "I take you as mine from this day forward. A lifetime to share," Jaden told Maya and hissed in relief as he was finally able to sink into her. He began to move within her, leaning forward, and over her. So she had to lean backwards over the seat of his bike. Their joined hands, now above her head.

  The movement was too much. Sinking into her tight, warm, heat and feeling her stretch and close around him was too much. He was so close to release it was agony, but he needed Maya to go over first. Again he could feel her hesitation.

  "Jaden, my hand is burning," Maya whispered.

  "I know, I'm sorry, but it's okay. It won't last long, I promise," he said. Kissing her again as he continued to move inside her, hoping that it was true. The pain was a little distracting, like a bee sting, or stinging nettles where the skin of their palms touched. He needed to get this done, before something went wrong. Then as he tried to pick up the pace and deepen his stroke, the bike began to wobble. He felt like screaming in frustration. Shit, this wasn't working. His movements were making the bike too unstable. If he didn't move them it was going to go over, taking them with it.

  What to do? He presently didn't have a lot of blood left in his top head.

  "Maya, wrap your left arm around my neck, and hold on tight. Then you need to grip me with your thighs. Wrap your legs tight around my waist, and lock them." Jaden told her as he shoved his right arm beneath her bottom, hefting her up and holding her flush against him. Once he was sure he had a proper grip, and wasn't in danger of dropping her, he staggered over to the blanket.

  With Maya wrapped so tightly around him, he'd never been so uncomfortable in his life. Her heels were dug into his arse, and her dress was bunched up between them. Add in the fact that the zipper of his jeans was digging into his groin, and that she'd probably have a belt buckle mark on her stomach, he was having a fucking ball. He should have undressed them, but his other side baulked at the idea. It may not be comfortable like this, but at least no one else was getting a look at her naked.

  It was not the easiest manoeuvre to make though. Still keeping their marked hands, as well as their bodies, locked together. If he moved an inch the wrong way, so to speak, the binding wouldn't take. What the fuck had he been thinking starting this on the seat of his bike? What a stupid idea. At over two hundred years old, experience alone should have told him this wasn't going to work. He should have moved this to the blanket from the get go, instead of jumping in like a virgin on a first date. Jaden shook his head at his own stupidity.

  Maya began laughing at the precarious position they were both now in. Her thighs were shaking from the effort of trying to hold Jaden within her body. She knew if he slipped out, this would all have been for nothing. On the last full moon, before her twenty sixth birthday, once he entered her body the countdown had begun. As soon as that initial connection between their bodies and hands had happened, it had set everything in motion. If they lost connection of either now, Jaden was doomed. They didn't get a second chance at this, he was out of moons, therefore out of time.

  "Not funny," Jaden hissed, dropping to his knees with Maya still wrapped around him. Then gently lowered her onto her back, before coming down on top of her. Again pushing their joined hands above her head.

  "I know, I'm sorry. Its nerves," Maya told him. You're also heavy, and my hand is stinging like a son of a bitch," Maya whispered breathily. Jaden raised his brows, pulling back slightly, by leaning on his right hand. It was a tricky move, but he could tell by her shallow breathing that his weight was too much for her. He had to keep their right hands entwined and over her head, for the moons rays to reach them.

  "Okay, and maybe it is kind of funny," Maya admitted, now that she could breathe again. "I mean you're staggering around with me like a drunk, as I try to hold onto you like a limpet. You've got to admit the ridiculousness of it, kind of sucks the romance out of the whole ceremony." Maya giggled, and Jaden's mouth twisted in derision. Just then the DJ, on the radio station on his phone, announced a group call 112. Who were apparently singing a song called 'Anywhere.' Maya and Jaden looked at each other and began laughing as it began. The lyrics were rather apt, due to their present position, as they sang about doing it anywhere. They both looked above their heads, then over towards the bike. It was as if they were describing them.

  "Fuck, this is not how I envisioned this evening going at all," Jaden grumbled, good naturedly. Leaning his forehead against Maya's, his shoulders began to shake with laughter. It was either that or cry, because he could feel his chance with Maya slipping from his grasp, as he began to soften inside her.

  Sobering as she felt Jaden softening Maya wriggled, squeezing her internal muscles, to keep their connection. Knowing that if this didn't happen now she'd lose him. Panic set in then, because she would not lose him due to her own nerves about being heard or seen. She definitely would not lose him over a stupid song, ruining the moment, because too much was at stake. This was her fault, Jaden had only put the radio station on in the first place to try and help her feel a little more at ease. Thinking it would help her to relax.

  Wrapping her left arm around Jaden's waist, she gave him a squeeze. Then trailed her hand down his back, and beneath the waist of his jeans. Her nails scraping lightly along the base of his spine, before digging into his arse. The sharp pain and scraping motion made him hiss in a breath as his hips shot forward. The movement made them groan in unison, as their bodies ground together. The friction of connection, setting tingles for them both, and Jaden was instantly hard again.

  "Fuck the music, just hold on," Jaden told Maya. Gritting his teeth, as he again began moving within her.

  Maya's back arched, altering the angle of his penetration. Just that one was adjustment, she was close. Jaden felt her begin to tremble beneath and around him, but the closer she got, the more panic entered her eyes. Just as she was about to tip over, a look of pure horror crossed her face. Realising the problem, Jaden quickly rolled to the side, continuing to move, while freeing his right arm. Awkwardly, he leaned on his elbow, so he could bring his hand over. Therefore, he could cover her mouth and still keep his weight off her.

  This was the weirdest position he'd ever been in. They were turned around like a pretzel, with his new move. What with having to keep her right and his left hands together, but it was the only way he could think of to muffle her sounds. Maya shattered around him, the sound vibrating though his palm. That combined with the feeling of her internal muscles rhythmically squeezing him, was enough to trigger his own release. His orgasm was so powerful it made him feel light headed, as his body produced, and released sperm for the first time. The intensity of it had him shaking, as it continued on, running from his toes to centre in his groin. His neck muscles strained, and he ground his teeth as his body went completely out of control.

  Jaden had never felt anything like it before. Groaning, he had to bite down on his own bottom lip to try and quieten his own sounds. The pleasure from the release so strong, and intense, it triggered other changes that were also beyond his control. He was completely helpless to stop it, as his cat began to rise to the surface. His eyes turned more golden, heat banding coming into his vision, and his canines lengthened.

  "You're sure about this," he managed to lisp gruffly around his lengthened canines. Maya undulated beneath him, still in the throes of her own release, and unable to vocalise a response. She just nodded her head, and he felt it against the hand still covering her mouth, continuing to muffle her continuing moans.

  "I'm sorry," Jaden managed, to hiss around his teeth. Then without any further warning struck, biting down into her shoulder. His canines penetrating deeply into her flesh, as he continued releasing inside her. Maya's eyes opened wide in shock over his hand, because the double assault of pain and pleasure triggered yet another orgasm, a rolling effect. This one so much stronger, the pleasure
bordered on pain.

  The moonlight touched their joined hands through the canopy of the trees, and their skin glowed. Maya tried freeing her hand from Jaden's grasp, due to the now burning pain. The stinging in their hands excruciating to endure, but Jaden held on, not allowing her any quarter. The weight of his body now pinning her to the ground beneath him. His teeth still buried in her shoulder, as he snarled a warning around her flesh. He continued pounding into her body as the pain in their hands, now glowed orange, with the heat.

  Eventually the glow dimmed, and pain in their palms subsided. The fusion of their skin vanished, enabling them to finally untangle their hands. Jaden finally stopped ejaculating, and released his bite from Maya's shoulder. Sweat covered his body, his clothes sticking to him, as his canines finally slid from her flesh.

  Maya still shook with the power of her orgasms as Jaden, separated them completely, making her hiss. The feeling of his still hardened flesh gliding over delicate skin, made extra sensitive; was painful. Maya shuddered in reaction, as Jaden pushed himself up before shuffling backwards onto his haunches.

  Digging his hands into the earth, Jaden's top lip lifted off his still lengthened canines, which were now coated with Maya's blood. He eyed her from his now, fully feline eyes, before his head lowered.

  Jaden began shifting to his animal form, while still hunched slightly over her prone, shaking body.

  "Maya, shift," Jaden managed to snap inside her mind, his panic for her safety coming through. He managed to force himself further back from her, giving her some space.

  Maya shook her head, from where she still lay panting upon the blanket, and he growled at her.

  "Maya I said shift, now," he snarled, just as he lost the battle over his other half, and fully transformed.

  Jaden now watched Maya from the fixed stare of his jaguar form. The cat moved further away and began pacing, agitation evident in his stiff, jerky movements. Muscular limbs, flexing as he moved before her. Aggression pouring from every line of the large, solid body. He was beautiful to look upon. All bulging muscle and sleek, shinning, midnight black fur, as the light from the moon caressed him. Both moon and the cat called to her, but she was frightened of the unknown.

  "Jaden, I can't shift. I don't know how?" Maya whispered into his mind, but the cat shook his head, shaking off her panicked words. There was no understanding from him whatsoever. It was as if Jaden was no longer there, as if he had in fact given free rein to his cat?

  It took a menacing step towards her, hissing then chuffing in annoyance when she didn't comply and change. His top lip again lifting in warning, as the cat began losing patience with her. He wanted his mate now, and the female before him was keeping him from what he'd been waiting for. The large, angry cat slapped the grass near her feet, with a quick sharp movement. The threat made her squeal in fright, as she hastily pulled her legs up, trying to scoot back and away.

  The cat took another step forward, intimidating her, and Maya's eyes slit in anger. Her nostrils flared as she stared back at the huge, black cat before her.

  "Jaden, I'm telling you now, cut this shit out." She snapped at him, her voice wavering with a mix of frustration and fear.

  The cat's front end lowered, keeping eye contact as his top lip again lifted, showing her his teeth; the ones still stained with her own blood.

  That was it, Maya went from scared, to completely pissed off in a flash. Her body began vibrating with her barely leashed anger. Her shaking increased as something else tried to rise and take over, her cat was obviously trying to protect her. Maya didn't fight, she just let go, and allowed it forward. Revelling in the feeling of freedom given by just being able to mentally step back, and letting the change happen.

  She felt her bones crack, as they began to reshape. No pain, just peace, as the midnight black fur with lighter rosettes sprouted from where skin had once been. Maya's face altered, cheekbones widened, and a muzzle formed, as her teeth lengthened. Rolling over onto all fours, her back arched. Where arms and legs had been, there were now limbs on a small, sleek black jaguar.

  Her head now lowered as she faced off with the larger cat. Her own now fully in charge, and fed up with the antics of the much larger male before her. Maya's cat hissed, lifting a front paw, and slashing out at it, in warning. She didn't connect though as the other cat agilely jumped back, bellowing at her as he began to pace once more; but this time keeping his distance.

  Maya lowered her head again, staring at the bigger cat from eyes so dark a blue they looked black. Ears flattening against her head, as her tail twitched, moving side to side. Her front end lowered, and her back end raised, and the bigger cat took a step forward, but she hissed a warning. She may want to entice the bigger cat, but she was not yet ready to submit to him. He again stepped back, as she swiped out with a front paw. Then her eyes fixated on the large black paw before her. Turning it this way and that as she examined it, fascinating, as she extended and then retracted her claws. Her jaw widened in a parody of a smile, before lowering the appendage, and her head, once again.

  She hissed out a warning, as the other cat tried to slowly edging towards her, stopping him. Slowly, he lowered himself to the floor, his own ears flattening and his mouth opening wide, as he tried to coax her.

  Maya was elated by the freedom the cat had given her, as she felt the power running through her sleek, powerful cat's body. She watched Jaden's cat warily as he slowly crawled towards her on his belly. Then he froze a few feet away, and rolled onto his back, trying to entice her to come towards him. She wasn't ready to submit though and suddenly she turned and took off. Jumping over the fallen trees, twisting and turning as she leapt over debris. Jumping high into the air, she flexed her limbs, before landing and rolling onto her back, before jumping up again. She kicked up the leaves with a swat of her paw before moving on again. All the time the bigger cat kept pace at her back, moving in and herding her away from the open areas. Every time she got too far into the open, he nudged her back towards the trees.

  Maya stopped at the base of a huge tree. Looking up, she leapt, using her powerful back legs to propel herself up the trunk, landing on a branch. The act of being able to walk along the tree branch captivated her. The capability of her large agile body to move along something so small, without worrying about falling. Her centre of gravity was immense and instinctual; she could run without fear of overbalancing. The other cat landed on the branch above her, and lay down. Watching her, his tail swaying, as his head moved around. Maya knew she should be using her senses, reaching out to check for any enemies nearby, but she was too engrossed in her cat's strengths and abilities. She also instinctively trusted the larger cat to keep her safe, allowing her to explore. Looking up again, she watched the golden eyes as they search around, before landing on her again. He chuffed at her, and she turned and leapt down again, landing in a crouch before taking off. She could hear the larger cat moving through the trees above her. Suddenly it landed before her, cutting her off and bellowing a warning as she skidded to a halt. Rolling onto her back, he moved in closer, but she again swatted at it with a paw; this time playfully. The larger cat moved closer still, allowing her paw to touch it, then edged in a little tighter. Running his face along the side of hers, before rubbing his body along her full length. As he got behind and tried to blanket the smaller cat, she rolled over again, scooting out from beneath him and took off. This time he was right behind her, hitting her softly from behind. They rolled together in the grass and leaves, play fighting, his large paw swatting at her, claws retracted. Jumping to his feet, he waited for her, then they took off together. Running at speed over tree stumps, and climbing, before dropping down again. Bobbing and weaving before he herded her back, closer to the point where they'd started. Turning, he leapt on her, knocking her over, before jumping back and away. He again waited to see what she'd do. This time, she slowly stood and faced him, before walking over, and running her own body along his. The bigger cat chuffed softly, turning and approaching h
er warily as she again waited. He returned the full body caress as he carefully moved up behind her once again. His body blanketing hers, but his time she didn't move. His teeth sank into the shoulder of the smaller cat, holding her in place as he mounted her.

  This time was for the cats though, not for the humans who housed them.

  Chapter Five

  Jaden shifted from his cat, back to man. He looked over towards Maya, who lay curled up beside him; still in her cat form. Rolling onto his side, he leaned on an elbow, as he ran a hand through the sleep black fur. In awe of the beauty of her, he pushed up. Leaning over, he rubbed his face over the soft fur, revelling in the ability to finally be able to stroke his own mate. He must have been mad to think that this would be something he could live without. This was so much better than he could have ever envisioned.

  Then he wondered how his father must have felt waking up to his mother every day, and then knowing that last time that he couldn’t save her? He felt his stomach twist at the thought of anything happening to Maya. Promising to intensify his search, to rid her of the threat of her father and uncle.

  Looking towards the horizon, he noticed the moon was no longer as high in the sky. They needed to get going. The others had been stood around for hours watching their backs. It was time to give them a break, and take his bride home. The cat beside him purred in her sleep as he continued stroking her fur, making his smile. He again rubbed his cheek over the fur of her shoulder, enjoying the silky texture of it against his skin. An eye opened, staring at him.

  "Hi baby, it's time we headed home. Can you shift back for me?" Jaden asked the black cat. It yawned, the large jaw opening, and drawing back off those huge sharp canines. The whiskers twitched, as it slowly got to its feet. Jaden spent a moment just admiring the sleek lines and the power behind the animal as it stretched. The back arched, bringing his attention to the faint rosettes visible throughout the fur. Just then the head turned towards him again, and Jaden placed his hand on its shoulder. Kneading the muscle there, and rubbing the spot he'd driven his teeth into many times over the last couple of hours. His cat had been relentless in its pursuit of his mate, obviously wanting to make the most out of the time he had her to himself. Maya's cat's dark navy eyes lowered, and Jaden looked down to see what had caught her attention. Laughing as he realised he was still hanging free in the open, well one part of him was anyway. Shaking his head, he quickly tucked himself away and zipped up. The cat seemed to grin as it began to transform and reshape. Stretching as muscle and bone reformed, and fur turned back into skin.


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