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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

Page 11

by JF Holland

  "Helena you just read my mind, I never vocalised what I was thinking." He watched her own confusion as she looked towards him, her eyes slitting as she stared at him.

  "Fate wouldn't do this. It wouldn’t reward me after I'd killed a mate. Certainly not by replacing him with one I did want." Sam's face split in a grin as he looked at her.

  "You want me huh? I knew it," he said laughing as he strode forward and picked her up, the swung her around. "I knew you wanted me too, I've seen you check me out. Took you long enough," he said letting her slide down the length of his body, before taking her mouth. Helena pulled back, her dark navy eyes searching his clear, aquamarine eyes.

  "You can hear me?" she asked tentatively, and he nodded his head.

  "Yes, I can Helena. I can hear you here," he said pointing to his head, then he tapped his chest. "I can also hear you here, too," he whispered into her mind, and her hand came up, covering her mouth.

  Sam took hold of the hand, which she'd dropped from her mouth, and turned towards the tree line. Helena fell into step beside him, but just as they entered the tree line she stopped, looking back over her shoulder. Sam didn't say anything. He just stood, released her hand, and waited quietly by her side. He could feel her turmoil as she stood silently, watching a light breeze pick up the ash. The ash which was the only thing left of Adrian. Then it was gone, scattered by the wind.

  He knew she was torn. Worried that she should feel some remorse over her actions. There was nothing he could say to make her feel better. Only time could do that. Then hopefully, she'd come to the realisation that she'd done the right thing. The Only thing. Or maybe seeing her daughter, and Jaden would. Hopefully, seeing them would help her to understand that she'd done that which had to be. Sam would have killed him without any remorse, and taking a life wasn’t really what he ever did willingly. Unfortunately, with them being shifters they couldn't live by human law, and stand trial. If they didn't police themselves, and stop rogues, then they'd threaten their existence as a whole. Discovery by humans could lead to mass hysteria, or hunting parties. So if it came down to it, he'd do what had to be done. It was the only way to guarantee their survival, and keep the threat away from humans. This way also maintained humans' ignorance, of their kind.

  "I know you would have done it for me, but I needed to do it myself. I know I did. Thank you for understanding. It's just going to take time for it to sink in though, but I do appreciate it. I also love that I can hear you in my head. That was one of the things that always worried me about Adrian. I knew there was something not quite right with him, but God. I never dreamed it was what it was. Saying that though, I can't regret it either," she said. Sam looked at her with incredulity, but she simply smiled at him. Then one word shimmered in his mind, "Maya." Sam bent, kissing her nose.

  "Yes, he did give you Maya," he agreed, as he again began walking. Helena once again fell into step beside him. Her hand slipping back into his. He intertwined their fingers, so their mate marks touched; as they made their way back towards home.

  Chapter Eleven

  As soon as Balin pulled the bike in under the garage door, Maya jumped off. Undoing and tugging off her helmet, she ran to the side door. Unlocking it, she rushed through, dropping her helmet on the kitchen table. She went straight to the back door, unlocked and opened it. As she watched Luc landed on the grass in the garden. Straightening, he folded his wings against his back, and strode towards the door. Maya ran ahead of him, as he still had a limp Jaden in his arms. Pushing the door closed behind him, she scrabbled ahead again, to lead the way upstairs to their bedroom. Pulling back the covers on the bed, she stood back, while he lay the motionless black jaguar on top of the bed.

  "Thank you Luc," Maya said, then bent, running her hands over the soft fur on Jaden's head. "Are you going to stay with us throughout the day?" she asked. Luc looked towards the window, his mouth pinching as he saw the sky. He turned and gave Maya a clipped nod. "I'm sorry to have caused you so much bother, but I promise we'll watch over you while you rest," Maya said. "Would you like to use the spare bedroom next door?" Luc smiled, then shook his head.

  "Thank you for the offer. It's appreciated, but I'll be unable to take you up on it. Once I change, my weight would take out the floor," he explained. Maya's nose wrinkled in confusion, and Luc sighed running a hand through his hair.

  "I don't have much time Maya. All I will tell you at the moment, is that the shape I take, is not my true form. A gargoyle is this, as I am," he said, his hand motioned down his body. "Maisie's Magic altered that, so that when I do chance, I become sold stone. She also made it so that, my appearance altered. Although there is a little demon in a gargoyle," Luc continued with his explanation. At this Maya's brows rose, nearly to her hairline, and again he smiled. "We are not evil though Maya, we are guardians. Hence why depictions of us are found outside of buildings, and on spires. We watch over the building and all that we survey, well in depictions. In theory we are descended from angels," he informed her, and her mouth dropped open. He laughed at her shock, making her blush. "As I am now, with the wings, and these," he pushed his hair back so she could take in the minute horns on the sides of his forehead. "These are the only true difference, between us and the angels. Unfortunately, Maisie thought it would be funny to turn me into a movie depiction of one of our kind," he sighed. "Therefore once the sun rises fully, I'll turn into that, which she manifested. I will not weigh what I do now. My weight will increase tenfold, and I will still be aware of what is going on around me. I can hear, but I'm unable to interact or see. Therefore, I thank you for your offer, but I will be fine out in your garden. Although I would appreciate it, if you didn't hang your washing on me, one I turn," he added dryly.

  Maya blinked at his last statement, as Luc walked out of the bedroom. She heard him going back down the stairs, and could hear him talking quietly to someone. Then she heard the back door open and close, before another set of feet, took to the staircase. Maya looked at Jaden, over her shoulder, then turned back as she felt someone behind her.

  "Agatha, oh, thank God. Thank you for coming to help Jaden, you have no idea how much... I'll never be able to repay you for this, you've helped us so much already," Maya mumbled. Agatha held a hand up, as she moved towards the bed, leaning over to take a look at Jaden.

  "While I wait on Douglas bringing my bag, I'll just give him a quick once over," she told Maya. Then again she leaned over him. She began by running her hands, over the large sleeping cat. Her eyes closed, as if she was feeling with her mind for injuries, rather than using touch.

  Maya stood by the bottom of the bed, biting her thumb nail as she watched. She spotted her mate mark and lifted her hand to inspect it. Wow, it was now a complete circle, and had faded slightly. Running a finger over the lines, she looked towards Jaden, and her eyes filled with tears.

  "Hey, he'll be okay," Agatha said coming over to her. "He really is just sleeping. Once he wakes, he'll be fine. I'm not even sure I'll need to heal him," she said. Maya's brow rose as she looked incredulously from Jaden, then back to Agatha.

  "But he's got a flap of skin, and…" Agatha again held a hand up to quieten her.

  "Trust me, it looks worse than it is. I can't find any broken bones. Nothing, but the deep cut and a couple of deep lacerations from their claws," Agatha explained. Maya again looked towards him.

  "Maya, all I'm going to need to do is clean his wounds. I use my own special recipe, all made from natural ingredients. It's one I make myself, it contains herbs and plants with antibacterial properties. Ones that help to keep out infection, not that he will need it. Shifters don't really have a problem with human ailments. Trust me, this is all that he'll need. Even that loose flap on his shoulder will knit together on its own. Once he wakes, he can shift, and that alone will heal him. He'll be fine, honest. These shifters are a lot more resilient that you think." Agatha then patted Maya's hand, as she went back to the bed, and gave Jaden another once over.

  "Is there anything I c
an do for you, a drink, anything?" Maya asked.

  "I would appreciate a nice cup of strong tea, with two spoons of sugar and milk, please. Also a bowl of hot water, and some clean clothes would be appreciated." Agatha said, sitting on the side of the bed and folding her hands in her lap. Maya nodded and rushed out of the bedroom, stopping as Agatha called. "Oh Maya, I'll send Douglas down for those things, once I need them okay?" Maya looked at Jaden, then back to Agatha. Her shoulders drooping, she nodded, before heading down the stairs.

  Maya was leaning against the sink, staring through the window with shock, because Luc, was out there. As the sun rose above the trees, he changed before her eyes. Just as the light hit him, he instantly altered. She stumbled back in horror, at the site that now met her.

  Luc, was unrecognisable as the handsome man he was. His statue form was grotesque, and misshapen. She was about to open the back door, to get a closer look when someone knocked on the front door. Standing with the open back door in her hand, she turned to see Balin pad out of the front room in answer. Douglas walked in, as Balin opened the door. Nodding a grunt of acknowledgement, Douglas headed for the stairs. With his foot on the first stair, he looked up. Then nodded a greeting in Maya's direction, before he took the stairs, two at a time.

  Balin walked into the kitchen, rubbing his watering eyes with the heels of his hands.

  "God, I'm knackered. Where are you going?" he asked Maya on a yawn. Stretching, before running a hand through his hair, taking it out of his eyes.

  Maya bit her lip, her eyes darting out into the garden, then back again, towards Balin. He walked over and looked around the door, his face splitting in a grin.

  "Cool, we have a new garden ornament." He stepped past her, and out into the garden. There, he loped over to Luc, who was now frozen in his form, head tilted towards the sky.

  "Do you think it hurts?" Maya asked Balin, as she stopped beside him, looking at Luc.

  "No, I don't think so. Just be careful what you say, as he can still hear you. Can't you buddy, hold that pose, no need to move." Balin laughed as he said it, obviously amusing himself at Luc's expense. Maya tutted at him.

  "You are such a child, and I know he can hear me, he told me so." Maya responded to Balin, walking around the stature, taking in the details of Luc's new shape.

  He now looked like a dull grey, carved, stone statue. Exactly like the kind you'd find at an expensive garden centre. Nothing of his previous vibrancy, or allure remained. The small horns she's seen earlier, that were cute; and hidden in his hairline. Now they stood out from his head, like bull’s horns; but twisted. His patrician nose was now more of a wide flat beak, with visible fangs. Did he have fangs? She couldn't remember, and shook away the thought. He was crouched on his haunches, which again were more like clawed arms than feet. Then she noticed that his hands, had gone too. In their place, here was no something that resembled claws. They were held up before his face, as if warding off the sunlight.

  Maya ran her hands over his wings; which weirdly did look the same. They were still folded, and tucked close to his large muscular body. Now though, they were as dull and pitted, as the rest of the stone, he was made from. None of their earlier detail, and beauty were visible. Like the fine veins evident, as they were extended. Maya was shocked to find them still warm, and soft to the touch. Blushing, she pulled back her hand.

  "I'm so sorry Luc. I do hope this nightmare ends for you soon. Thank you for your help." She then turned, heading back inside the house, Balin right behind her.

  "Can I have a coffee, if you're brewing up?" Balin asked. Dropping onto a kitchen chair, and straddling the seat. He rested his arms across the back.

  Maya kept herself busy, making drinks. Occasionally leaning back, and trying to see around the doorway towards the stairs. Checking to see if anyone was coming down them, then she'd sigh and continue.

  "He's fine," Balin said, sighing as she handed him a coffee, and he took a sip. "Man, I'm beat. I sure hope Sam and Helena, get back soon." Maya blinked, then her hand came up, covering her mouth, but a gasp escaped.

  "What, what's wrong?" Balin asked, taking in her shock. He edged forward on his seat, trying to stretch to see if there was someone around the door frame. He was convinced he'd obviously missed something.

  "Oh my god, how could I be so self-absorbed." Maya smacked her palm to her forehead. "My poor mother is out there getting rid of that, that…" she didn't finish the sentence, she couldn't." And here's me, completely absorbed in my own feelings. She tutted in disgust at her behaviour, shaking her head. Then her eyes went to the stairs again, before she turned her head, standing on tip-toe to see out of the back window.

  "Damn it, I completely forgot about it, being so worried about Jaden. Everything else kind of got pushed to the back of my mind," she admitted, dropping onto a chair opposite him, at the table. Then she sat there biting a thumb nail, as she tapped her other hand on the table, staring into space.

  "Jesus, give it a rest," Balin grumbled. "My head already aches, as it is. Your mother will be fine, Sam wouldn't have it any other way," he informed her before snickering. "Have you noticed how Sam follows her around like a puppy," he said, lifting his cup to his lips and taking another sip. Maya tutted at him.

  "He does not follow her around like a puppy. A kitten maybe, but never a puppy," she sniffed, then grinned at him. They both burst out laughing, just as they heard footsteps on the stairs. Maya sobered, then jumped up from her chair, and stood waiting in the doorway.

  "Your tea is ready, and I have the hot water." Maya offered Agatha, pointing over her shoulder.

  "Thank you, we're all done. Maya, those things were for you," Agatha added as Douglas joined her, putting an arm around her waist.


  "You were hovering. I thought that if I could just get you out of the room, I could treat him easier."

  "But you said you needed clean cloths and hot water?" Maya mumbled, confused.

  "And you will. I've treated his wounds, but once he wakes and shifts, he'll need a wash." Agatha added.

  "But, the … tea?" Maya trailed off as she watched the amusement cross Agatha's face.

  "That was for you too. Strong, sweet tea, is the best treatment for shock. Plus, making it took your mind off of what I was doing upstairs," Agatha explained. Then she turned with Douglas, and headed towards the front door.

  "Maya, Jaden, really is fine," Agatha said, as she once again turned, to make her way out. The front door shut behind the couple, as they left.

  Maya stood there a moment. Then she looked towards the stairs, as she again put her thumb nail in her mouth, and began nibbling it again.

  "Maya, come and take a load off, and finish your tea," Balin said. "As soon as Helena and Sam get in, we can all rest." He spoke up from his seat, leaning his chair back on two legs, as he again stretched.

  Maya was unsure about what to do? On the one hand, she wanted to be with Jaden, but on the other, she was now concerned over her mother. She felt torn.

  "Stop with the guilt, Jaden's a big boy, and he'll be fine." Her brows rose.

  "Maya trust me when I say this, we can take a lot of damage, and still keep going." He rotated his head, the scar on his neck glowing in the early morning light. Maya sighed, then walked back into the kitchen, and dropped back into the chair.

  "I'm being a baby aren't I?" she added with a half-smile, just a pulling of her lips on one corner. Balin didn't answer, just pushed the cup of tea closer to her hand, and picked up his own cup again.

  "Jaden's scarred," Maya added and Balin's brows lowered over his eyes, as he took the cup away from his lips.

  "What do you mean, he's scarred?" Maya took a sip of the sweet, hot tea and grimaced, but took another sip anyway.

  "He has claw marks, here" she said running a finger over the ribs on her left, and Balin frowned. "I thought you immortals didn't scar?" she asked, and again he pointed to his neck.

  "We scar, but only if we take enough damage before our
immortality sets in," he explained. Then, he put his cup back on the table, folding his arms across the back of the chair again. Leaning his chin on them, he looked at her.

  "Did he tell you how he got them?" she shook her head, and he nodded. His mouth opened to speak again, just as the back door opened. In stepped a subdued Helena, followed by Sam.

  Maya jumped up from her chair. Running to her mother, as she threw her arms around her waist. Then looked at her.

  "You okay mum?" Helena nodded as she leaned over, wrapping her own arms around Maya, before kissing her forehead.

  "I'm fine. I don't want to discuss it, but I'm fine. Okay?" she added and Maya nodded. She could understand her mother not wanting to discuss it, so she let it go, for now.

  "Is Jaden still sleeping?" Sam asked, stepping around Helena. They seemed to exchange a look, and Maya looked from one to the other. Now they were both just looking at her, waiting for an answer.

  "Yeah, he's not woken up yet. Agatha has treated his wounds, and left. Now I know you are both okay, I'm just going to go check on him," Maya answered and headed towards the door, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Would you like me to make you a drink, or something, before I go check?" she asked edging backwards, her eyes moving up the stairs before fixing on them again. Again her thumb nail went into her mouth. As she bit down on it, she realised what she was doing, and removed it.

  "No we're good. Do you need us to stay?" Helena asked, but Maya just shook her head.

  "No we'll be fine, thank you for helping us," Maya said giving her first genuine smile, before turning and heading up the stairs.

  As Maya got to the landing, she heard the beeping of the alarm being set. Then the back door shut behind them, and she heard the lock being turned.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maya stretched, freezing, as she felt a hand settle on her thigh. One eye popped open, and she found herself staring into a pair of amused, golden eyes.


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