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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

Page 15

by JF Holland

  "Wow, Balin has a lot more tattoo's than I realised," Maya said with amusement. "Ooh, I love that one," she said as he turned and she spotted the huge head of a black Jaguar that he had tattooed between his shoulder blades. The ears of the cat had been positioned so that they appeared to move as his shoulder muscles flexed.

  "Shit, this is going to hell," Jaden swore from behind her, and she looked over her shoulder at him.

  "I think he could make it as a dancer if he ever decided that property wasn't for him," she added. Jaden looked down at her and blinked a couple of times, just as Balin staggered past them. He was being escorted by a very large man, with bulging muscles, wearing a cropped t-shirt, with no neck or arms.

  "Security?" Jaden asked, and Leonard grinned as he took as sip straight out of his flask.

  "Yes and no, he's also the Manager, Ronald Nelson, dragon shifter," Leonard informed them as they watched Balin not being escorted from the building, but towards the stage.

  "Bollocks," Jaden said as he took hold of Maya's arm, pulling her along in his wake, as he went after his brother.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please," Ronald said. Grinning, he held out a hand to Balin, helping to heft him up onto the stage. Steadying him as he staggered. Then smirking, he once again took to the microphone. "May I introduce Balin, he's agreed to dance for us this evening," he finished with, before stepping off the stage and leaving Balin stood there with a spotlight trained on him.

  "Oh my god, what the hell is going on?" Helena whispered from behind Jaden's side, as she appeared. Sam was not far behind her.

  "Shit," came out of Sam's mouth as soon as he stopped behind Helena.

  "Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Can the idiot actually dance?" Jaden asked, looking worriedly from his brother and then back to Sam.

  "Maybe bed would be the best place for him. For fuck sake what is he thinking? Way to keep a low profile, idiot," Sam snarled running a hand through his hair, not waiting for Jaden's answer.

  "I thought you two were staying home?" Maya whispered.

  "Yeah, that worked really well. I had no chance trying to keep Helena out of the way. Not once she thought you or Lana were going to be in danger. I caught her sneaking out of the spare bedroom window."

  "Where were you, that she managed that?" Maya asked Sam, her mouth pinching. He refused to answer and Helena laughed.

  "I'd tied him to the bed. He thought I wanted to play bondage, sucker," she looked at Sam and grinned.

  "I'll make you pay for that one later though, sucker," he said back suggestively and Maya recoiled.

  "Ewe, just ewe, now I need eye bleach and a brain wash, really," she shuddered as she turned to see what was going on. Sam and Helena were still laughing as they also turned to watch.

  "Maya," came a husky voice from behind them. They all turned to see a blonde, green eyed version of Maya and Helena. It was kind of freaky how alike they all looked, Jaden thought and heard a snicker in his head.

  "Oh yeah, maybe you should look in a mirror sometime. Have you looked at your brother? Hello, you, with more tattoo's, oh, and a lot more alcohol." Maya whispered in his mind as she stepped into her cousin, giving her a hug. They all looked towards the stage again as the music to 'The Full Monty' started up.

  With mouths open they watched as Balin toed off his shoes and socks, before shimmying out of his jeans. He now stood on the stage; make that swayed. In nothing but a pair of very snug, fitted, black jersey boxer shorts.

  "Oh my god, we are not related," Jaden said with a shake of his head. Then he stood in stunned silence as he watched his brother begin to bump and grind around the pole.

  He slapped a hand over his eyes, watching through the gap as the female wolf whistles began. The noise was deafening, as women began to crowd around the stage, pushing and shoving to get closer. Right at the front was the red head, who'd been pawing him at the bar.

  "Isn't he yummy," they heard one voice say, and the red head turned on the brunette who'd spoken and pushed her.

  "Back off, he's mine," she hissed, her eyes glowing and Leonard sighed.

  "Man, this just gets better and better," he snarled, running a hand through his hair and hitting his flask again.

  "Why, what's wrong now?" Jaden asked and Leonard, Sam and Helena all turned to him with an 'are you for real' look upon their faces. He stood looking from one, to the other, as the red head stood before the stage. She watched Balin dance, with lust evident in her features.

  Actually Jaden was impressed, Balin could actually move. He worked that pole like a pro, as he swung himself around. Then he ruined it by doing some kind of move that one straight man should never see another straight man do. Jaden mock shuddered, as he saw him do something that made his junk shake and turned his back, just as Lana spoke up.

  "It seems that my mate has attracted the attention of a nymph," she told Jaden. His brows nearly disappeared into his hairline.

  "A nymph, as in nymphomaniac? Cool," he grinned and Lana growled at him.

  "No, as in faerie, Nymph, they thrive on sex. Once they set their eye on a target they don't release them out of their clutches until they've nearly used them dry," Lana spat with distaste.

  "Seriously, wow, you learn something new every day. I guess he scored big then," Jaden said, and Lana turned venomous eyes on him.

  "He's my mate, and he's dancing for a nymph. What does that say about him?" Lana spat.

  "I'd say it's called; turnabout is fair play. You expected him to stand on the side lines while you did it."

  "I didn't know he was here," Lana added.

  "Okay, so that makes it better, how?"

  "I don't know, it just does," Lana sighed, looking towards the man who danced on stage, and moved as well as any dancer. "Anyway I contacted Maya not you or him," she said lifting her chin towards the stage, then she turned away in disgust.

  "Lana, where have you been? I've been worried sick about you," Maya admonished the woman that was a sister to her.

  "I'm sorry, but I needed to hide out. I've had someone on my tail, and I've been unable to shake them."

  "We think we know who it is," Maya admitted, not meeting Lana's suspicious gaze.

  "What aren't you telling me Maya, come on spill the beans?" Maya looked towards Jaden and Sam and shrugged her shoulders.

  "Lana, aren't you going to say hello to mum?"

  "Hello dear, it's been a long time," Helena said, stepping forward and hugging the young woman who was presently watching her like she was a ghost. Which technically she was, as she'd risen from the dead.

  "Aunty Helena, how, why, when?" Lana stammered, looking her aunt over with incredulity. Then her hand came over her mouth, and her eyes filled with tears. "Oh my god, does this mean mum is back. Aunt Helena, is my mother coming back?" she whispered, her throat tight and her eyes shining with unshed tears.

  Balin seemed to trip on stage, and they turned as they heard a collective gasp. Each set of eyes landing on the stage too, to see Balin.

  "Why are you distressed?" came the rough voice from the stage, and Lana turned around and stared at him. Smirking she then opened her blouse, flashing him, before giving him the birdie. At which point he actually fell off the stage and landed on his arse. He sat there stunned, surrounded by women, sporting the boner from hell.

  "Lana," he shouted, from the middle of the women; that were presently pawing him. He looked around at all the breasts leaning towards him, then looked down. He blew his fringe out of his eyes as he deflated.

  Fucking typical, he thought in disgust. Staggering to his feet, he then shoved his way through them, to grab his clothes off stage. The MC had again taken to the microphone, thanking Balin for his impromptu dance, and offering him a chance to come back anytime. This was met by applause, as he followed his family through the crowd.

  The red head stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  "Where are you going?" she asked, running her nail up his chest again, her eyes glowing as he look
ed down at her in surprise.

  She pouted, as she tried to pull his head down to hers, and heard a snort in his head, making him growl.

  "Look, err, err…" he couldn't remember her name.

  "Stephanie, my name is Stephanie," she growled, then smiled, as she again ran her hand up his chest. He took hold of her hand in his and removed it.

  "Look, err, Stephanie, it was great meeting you, but I have to go." He told her and she purred.

  "No, you have to look into my eyes" she told him with a knowing smile. Balin frowned and looked at her, his eyes narrowing. She stood there, looking into his eyes, a smirk on her face, that turned into a frown and then her mouth slashed with displeasure.

  "You're mated?" she screeched with disbelief. He shrugged his shoulders and held up his hand. She growled low in her throat then kneed him in the bollocks, before she stormed off. He dropped to his knees, cupping himself. as Leonard walked over.

  "You're not having the best of nights are you," he said with a grin, as he held his hand out to help him to his feet. "Don't tangle with a nymph if you're not willing to feed her, they live off sex. Unfortunately, you seem to be a loyal mate, so you've just pissed her off."

  "What are you talking about?" Balin said, slowly getting to his feet and wincing.

  "Did you not notice the glow of her eyes?" Balin nodded as he carefully pulled his jeans up, and fastened them. He then bent for his socks, wobbling slightly as he straightened. Pushing his socks into his jeans pocket, as he stepped back into his shoes.

  "She was trying to be-spell you, make you forget your past and follow her out. Obviously your mate means more to you than a very good roll in the hay." Leonard said dryly.

  "It wouldn't be possible for a mate to cheat, not until they've bound. It won't work for anyone but them until after they've bonded." Balin told him, and Leonard shook his head.

  "Not so with a Nymph, their power is greater than that. They can over-ride it," Leonard told him, with a brow raise.

  "Just how good is the roll in the hay?" he asked and Leonard out and out grinned.

  "Out of his world my man, out of this world," he smiled fondly in remembrance.

  "You arse," Balin heard in his head. Eyes slitting, he looked over the heads of those around him, to find Lana in the corner with the others.

  "Awwe come on sweet thing, bend over, spread those legs and show me heaven," he mimicked in her head.

  "Bite me, you dick," she replied.

  "Only if you ask me really, really, nicely," he replied, then smirked as he caught her angry gaze.

  She turned away from him, closing down their connection, but he had her now, no more static. Now if he could just figure out what the fuck was going on he'd be fine. His head was banging, and his mouth was dry.

  "So shall we stand here and observe your mate, or shall we go follow the nymph?" Leonard asked.

  "Leave him alone?" came Luc's rumble as he wandered over.

  "Why Luc, my man, so good of you to join us," Leonard said. Luc just shook his head and walked past them, making his way over to the others.

  "What's the story with you two?" Balin asked, watching Luc's retreating back.

  "Maybe another time my man," Leonard said with a sigh, then slapped Balin's shoulder and followed in Luc's wake.

  "So dear tell us what's been happening?" Helena said as she stood near her niece.

  "I'm not sure, its little things really. I kept seeing a shadow outside my flat, but if I opened the door it would vanish."

  "A shadow?" Sam asked.

  "Yeah, someone stood, but under cover so I couldn't make out any details. I mean, I could see their shadow on the floor, via the streetlight, but nothing else. Then there's the number of times the house phone rang, but when I answered they always hung up. I've heard footsteps walking behind me that sped up when I did, and slowed in time to mine. Then when I've turned and waited, I'd hear them heading off in the opposite direction. The scariest was finding someone in my bedroom when I woke up, I screamed and they fled. I don't know what's going on so I moved into the backroom here, and kept a low profile." She said.

  "Yeah, real low, jiggling your half naked assets on stage," came Balin's angry response.

  "Oh shut up, who are you to talk, you've just done the same thing." Lana spat at him, then turned again.

  "Balin, you're not helping here," Jaden said. Balin just growled and stared at Lana.

  "You need to go get your stuff dear, you can come back with us." Helena said.

  "No, I can't do that. I don't want to put you in danger," she added.

  "News flash, we're all in danger at the moment. It's easier to stick together, at least we know who's coming for us." Balin snapped.

  "What do you mean, you're all in danger?" Lana asked.

  "You too, you're part of it. You need to come home with us," Maya said.

  "What is going on?"

  "Our fathers have been causing a few problem's" Maya said. Then she told Lana the condensed version. She stood there with her mouth open, as she was told of the killings, and sacrifices. The blood that their father's wanted for some reason. She also told her about Jaden, and now being bound.

  All the time Maya relayed the information about them still being in danger and why, she could see Lana's head shaking. Her eyes took on a haunted quality and her hands began rubbing up her arms.

  "I can't see that monster again, I can't," came Lana's panicked response. Her eyes, bouncing around as she began to hyperventilate, her pupils expanding in fear.

  "Hey, calm down. Shit," Balin said as he moved forward and took hold of the back of Lana's neck. He shoved her head downwards, as she swayed on her feet.

  She gasped for air, as he ground his jaw. His furious eyes finding and holding his brothers, as he held her steady by holding onto her arm with his other hand.

  "Take a breath, you need to take a breath," Balin whispered into Lana's mind.

  "I'm fine, I'm fine," she said back, not using the intimate connection between them. "Okay, I'm okay now," she said pushing upright and Balin let go and stepped back, shoulders rigid. "How am I going to be any safer coming back with you? It seems to me that you'd be better staying here with me Maya, at least my stalker hasn't found me here yet." She added.

  "Not quite true," came another feminine voice from over their shoulder. Lana looked up, shock evident on her face, just as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she dropped. Balin jumped forward and grabbed her before she hit the floor. Lifting her in his arms, as he turned to see a woman who looked just like Lana, Helena and Maya. Although her hair was more strawberry blonde than Lana's with tighter curls, but she had Lana's green eyes.

  "Lara, Helena squealed," then shoved out of Sam's hold, flinging her arms around the woman so like herself.

  "Oh god, is Lana okay? I never meant to shock her. I've been trying to figure out a way of approaching her for a couple of weeks now?" she bit her lip as she looked towards Balin.

  "Hiding in shadow, in her bedroom and following her?" by any chance Sam asked, and she nodded.

  "I'd finally gotten up the courage, when I came in here and found her talking to all of you. Then I spotted Helena and overheard you talking about her being in danger. Is he here Helena, has he found her?" she asked pulling back and looking at Lana with such longing that Balin swallowed.

  "Yes, he's here, they both were."

  "Both, oh god Adrian too?" Helena nodded

  "Adrian won't be a problem anymore," she added, not meeting Maya's eyes. "Lara it's worse than we thought, they are working with a witch who deals in the black arts. That's why they wanted the girls, they wanted to sacrifice them." Lara gasped and went to move towards Lana, but Balin pulled her up and against his chest, tightening his arms.

  "Please give me my daughter, I need to get her away," she pleaded, wringing her hands together. Balin just shook his head, his eyes widening as he watched her eyes begin to spark and her hair begin to waft around.

  "Lara, you need to
calm down," Helena said to her, taking hold of her hands. "He won't hurt her, he's her mate."

  "Mate," Lara spat "Look what we went through at the hands of a mate," she raked her eyes up and down Balin. "He's a cat too," she spat. "Why would I trust one of his ilk?"

  "Because I do," Helena said quietly. Then she took hold of Sam's hand. "Elena, this is Sam, he's my mate," she added, and Lara gasped, her hand going to her throat.

  "Why would you trust them Helena, after everything we went through to save the girls, why trust another one?"

  "Because they are different."

  "Evening ladies," came Leonard's bored tones as he sauntered up to the crowd of people, who were presently blocking the bar. "May I suggest we take this back to Lunaton, we're beginning to garner attention." He stated, just as Luc, and Edgar Linley wandered up.

  "Lara looked towards the newcomers, giving Luc a tight smile to his inclined head. Leonard she just looked at, and dismissed him as he grinned at her, flashing a fang. He was the one to frown now, as his eyes slowly raked over her.

  "I think Leonard is right, it's time we headed back. Do you need help collecting your stuff Lana?" Maya asked her as she came around, and Balin put her down. She looked at her mother and burst into tears. Her arms going around her as they hugged. "You can stay with mother, she's next door to Jaden and myself, we are sticking closer together at the moment." She added but Lana just shook her head.

  "I'm not sure me coming back with you is a good idea.

  "I agree, piped up Lara, she can come with me. I'll find somewhere safe for us." She said and this time it was Helena who spoke up.

  "Lara we need to stick together, there is safety in number. Please come with us. It's been such a long time since we've all been together," she implored, taking hold of her hands again. "Once this is over, then it's entirely your decision as to whether you stay or go. But please for now, come with us?" Lara looked at her daughter and then nodded.

  "I'll come with you to collect your stuff," Maya offered Lara, and Jaden and Balin fell in line, following them to the back of the nightclub.


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