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Heaven On Earth

Page 11

by Constance O'Day-Flannery

  That was really overdoing it! Again she was about to put herself down and then she remembered Luke's question when Maria had complimented her. Had she forgotten how to accept graciously? She cleared her throat and smiled. "Thank you, Juana… for thinking I am beautiful, and for all your help. You are very kind."

  Juana beamed her pleasure and, reaching out, took Casey's hand. "Now, come… we must hurry. Already everyone is in the courtyard and awaiting your appearance." Juana squeezed her hand with assurance. "You will make a grand entrance, mi hija, and their patience will be rewarded, sí?"

  Grinning, Casey shook her head. She understood the woman's term of endearment simply by her inflection. "I'm just going along with the program, Juana. When in Rome, you know?"

  "No, I do not know," the woman seriously answered as she opened the door. "But I do know," she added with a smile, "in Santa Fe you will attract many compliments and admirers. Oh, I shall like to see Señor Luke's face when he sees you now." She stifled a giggle.

  "Señor Luke?" Casey asked as they hurriedly walked down the hallway. She knew where this woman was leading, but she wasn't sure how far she was going to go. Her and Luke? No… he wasn't interested in—

  "He is a handsome one, no? It is not my place to say any of these things, but my heart senses that you are not like these others." The woman looked around suspiciously, as though making sure no one else would hear her whisper. "So, so inflexible… so I will speak my heart, as I must," she added with a nod of conviction. "Señor Luke… he has a fondness for you," she finished with a wink.

  "Oh, no, Juana!" Casey attempted to shrug off the woman's words and perception. "You don't understand… Señor Luke is being very protective of me, that's all." Maybe the woman would buy it; well, she hoped Juana would, because she just couldn't imagine—

  "Hmm… we shall see very soon." Juana didn't argue with her further. Then she reached up and pinched Casey's cheeks so quickly and so hard that Casey yelped.

  "Hey! Why'd you do that?"

  "To give you color, señorita. You are much too pale. Now, go through that door into the courtyard and say buenas tardes to everyone in your sweetest voice. You will be fine."

  Rubbing her cheeks, she felt like Cinderella being given advice from a fairy godmother right before entering the ballroom. She looked at the open gate. Okay, she could do this. Trust herself. Yeah, right. She turned her head back and smiled at Juana. "Thank you again… for all of this." Casey hoped the woman understood her genuine appreciation.

  "Date prisa! Go…" the woman whispered with insistence, and gave a tiny shove to the small of Casey's back.

  Casey started walking toward the doors and began to hear laughter and talking from the people in the garden. She took a deep breath to relax, when she heard Juana's urgent whisper from behind.

  "Tiny steps!"

  Turning around quickly, Casey looked back to the worried woman. "What?"

  "Those shoes!" Juana pointed at Casey's feet. "Tiny steps to conceal your shoes!"

  Shaking her head, Casey smiled and nodded to the woman and turned back to the doorway. Taking tiny steps, she proceeded through the opened double doors.

  "Buenas tardes." Her voice was as polite as she knew how to make it.

  Everyone was seated at the great table and looked up to her. Luke immediately rose, and she saw a pleased expression grow upon his face. Don Felipe, now dressed in a formal suit and tie, also stood up, and Casey saw Rosalinda grin with excitement while clasping the hand of a lovely older woman seated next to her.

  "You look beautiful, Señorita Casey," Luke whispered, then immediately began formal introductions. He led her under the tree, around the table, with his arm outstretched, as if he were offering a fine piece of art for everyone's attention.

  Casey felt a little foolish, and yet it was an intoxicating experience to be treated with such respect.

  Don Felipe again bowed before her. "I am honored that you grace our table, señorita. May I present my wife, Doña Isabela d'Cortez, and my daughter Rosalinda."

  Casey looked at Rosalinda and read the mischief in her eyes before glancing at the very lovely, very regal Doña Isabela. This was a woman who had given a bedroom in her house, clothing, and food to a total stranger and had asked for nothing in return. For some reason, even though Luke still held her hand like a proper escort, Casey found herself dropping a few inches into a slow curtsy. "I am grateful for your kindness, Doña Isabela. It is an honor to be a guest in your beautiful home."

  The woman, dressed in a gown of such dark purple that it appeared black until the sunlight hit it, and wearing a matching lace mantilla over her upswept thick black hair, smiled serenely and waved a graceful hand toward the table. "Bienvenida, Señorita Casey O'Reilly. Estoy enteramente a su disposición."

  "En inglés, Mamá," Rosalinda whispered with a grin.

  "Oh, yes," Doña Isabela said with a delicate smile. "Welcome, Señorita Casey. We are wholly at your disposal. Please… join us."

  Casey felt just a tad intimidated by the complete gentility of the woman. She was someone Casey didn't want to offend, not because she intimidated by power or exuded stuffiness, but because she seemed so genuinely kind that Casey'd probably feel like crap if she ever did offend her. "Muchas gracias, Doña Isabela." Casey graciously nodded.

  Luke held out the chair next to Rosalinda, and after she was seated, she watched as he walked around the table to his chair. He'd changed too, adding a tight black velvet vest, with black silk piping stitched in ornate swirling patterns, across his broad chest. Beneath it was the white shirt he'd worn earlier, but it was now tied at the embroidered collar with a loose, thin black silk bow. His tight, black trousers were tucked just below the knee into his shiny, black boots. She had to admit he wore time travel well, and she quickly hoped she, too, was "passing."

  From underneath the table, she felt a tap on her leg and guessed it was made by Rosalinda's foot. Smoothing down her skirt, Casey nonchalantly glanced to the girl at her side. Smiling as if she had never met the impish teenager, she said in a low, polite voice, "Buenas tardes, Señorita Rosalinda."

  "Good afternoon, Señorita Casey. Welcome to our home." Rosalinda beamed.

  Nodding in thanks, Casey again looked across the table to Luke, knowing he, too, knew their secret. She watched him smile and wink at Rosalinda. He really looked so… dashing. Casey almost groaned when she realized her thoughts.

  Dashing! Who the hell even thought stuff like that anymore! Okay, he looked handsome, fine, whatever. Cringing at her own thoughts, she turned her attention back to the antsy teenager.

  "Luke has told me you are to have a celebration soon, Rosalinda. Congratulations."

  The girl beamed with delight again at the way the conversation was proceeding. "Oh, yes, Señorita Casey. In ten days I shall celebrate my quinceñera. I do hope you and Señor Luke will be able to attend."

  "Yes, we would very much enjoy being guests at your ball, Señorita Rosalinda," Luke interjected quickly. "But unfortunately, I must confess to you now, we do not know how long we may be here" Luke paused, picking up his glass of dark red wine and looking around at all the imploring faces. "But as the angels see fit, we would be honored to celebrate the day that you entered into this world, querida." He raised his glass in Rosalinda's direction, then sipped.

  "Ah, señor," Rosalinda teased with a very practiced style for a teenager. "But it is more than just a celebration of my birth. It is when my true love shall find me!" she declared.

  "Sí, sí…" Doña Isabela gently touched her daughter's arm, as if to ground her, and said with a smile, "I am sure our guests are hungry, mi hija. Let us eat before we discuss such heady matters as true love."

  Don Felipe laughed, along with Luke, and Casey awkwardly smiled as she saw out of the corner of her eye Rosalinda's impatience with the stuffy adults. It was as though the girl knew something wondrous about the subject of love… something no one else over the age of twenty could possibly understand. Then Casey felt a s
urge of sympathy for both Rosalinda and her mother. The middle of the road was a weird place to be… understanding how the young, blossoming woman felt, yet also understanding Doña Isabela's desire to save her child from embarrassment… but she found she couldn't take sides right now. Maybe the middle wasn't such a bad place to be after all. One could sure see more.

  Casey actually hoped they were kidding about a discussion and the subject would be forgotten even after they ate. The last thing she wanted to talk about at this point was true love. She certainly wouldn't have much to add to that conversation.

  "You must do everything within your power, Luke, to remain for my daughter's quinceñera. I am certain you would enjoy it." Don Felipe leaned back in his chair. "We have an extensive guest list. There will be some very interesting people for you to meet."

  The two men exchanged amused glances, reflecting their longtime friendship.

  "Absolutamente, Don Felipe. All things permitting, I will be here to honor your beautiful daughter," he said, raising his glass again to the teenager.

  Rosalinda looked very pleased by Luke's words, and Casey was happy for the young girl. At the same time, she wondered how well this family knew Luke and if they knew about his time-traveling adventures. She didn't think so, but she would have to ask him later for a full briefing on what she could discuss.

  Servants appeared and soon the table was filled with bowls and platters of Mexican food. It was colorful and delicious. The strains of a Mexican guitar softly rode on a breeze to surround them. Distant birds provided accompaniment while wine flowed and, over the next two hours, she drank several glassfuls to put out the fire in her mouth from the spices in the food. The conversation ranged from politics to fashions, and the men seemed delighted to discuss anything the women wanted. It was one of the best luncheons Casey had attended in her entire life, and she was shocked to find herself enjoying it so much.

  When she turned to the sound of her hostess's voice, she decided that Luke was right about one thing. She did have a choice… and right now she was going to choose to forget everything else, all the craziness, and just have a good time. Heaven knows, she could use it. Why, considering everything she had gone through, she even deserved it!

  Turning her attention back to her companions, she focused on Doña Isabela. It appeared the woman was very devoted to an interesting cause. "The poor sisters of the Loretto Chapel had their tiny church built without a staircase to their choir loft. I find it amazing that carpenters from five states have given consultation and not one can design stairs that will not take up half the pew space. The poor sisters are desperate."

  Casey wondered why a choir loft had been built without the means to get to it, but didn't think it was her place to question anything at this point. Plus, talking about nuns was too close to the ridiculous story Luke had made up about her, so she merely smiled politely while listening to the conversation.

  "We could use a ladder, but Sister Bernardina refuses," Rosalinda commented in a disappointed voice.

  "It is inappropriate for ladies to be climbing ladders," Don Felipe answered with a smile, before sipping his wine. His fatherly response was meant to put an end to such discussion.

  Rosalinda issued a small groan and shook her head with impatience. "Oh, Papi, you speak of females as though we are fragile and will break like an old leaf in the wind. We are young, sí… and vibrant with life. We are strong enough to climb a ladder."

  "Rosa, mi hija," Doña Isabela quickly interjected with a soft smile. "A way to the choir loft will be found. A novena to Saint Joseph is being made, and surely a carpenter such as the good saint will provide a way and our prayers will be answered." She leaned over to the teenager and added in a whisper, "And por favor, do not give away all our feminine secrets"—she paused to glance at her husband and smiled very lovingly—"or your papi will have us up on the roof replacing tiles."

  Don Felipe threw back his head and laughed good-naturedly and then looked to his wife with such love that Casey was stunned by the man's unabashed devotion. Doña Isabela was certainly the epitome of grace under pressure, defusing a difficult situation with laughter. Even Rosalinda was shaking her head and grinning at her mother's last statement.

  I'd like to be like that, Casey thought as she chuckled along with the others and glanced at Luke. She hadn't exactly been too graceful under the pressure of the last twenty-four hours. What she saw further took her breath away…

  Luke was staring at her with the most friendly expression. It was as though his eyes twinkled with delight just being in her presence. It seemed he was so happy to be where he was, surrounded by people he genuinely liked, great food, amusing conversation, pleasant music and laughter. When his gaze connected with hers, she felt a surge of attraction race through every cell of her body, and she sucked in her breath with awe.

  It was so startling that Casey almost shook herself in response to the sensation.

  "Oh, Mamá…" Rosalinda said in a voice that revealed she was not as upset as before, "be truthful. If you had to climb a ladder, you could do it. Even if we would have to climb wearing such an impossible costume!" She pointed, referring to her own gown.

  "Hija," Doña Isabela said with a chuckle. "Do not even imagine such a thing!"

  Glad for the distraction, Casey piped in, "Remember, Ginger Rogers not only danced backward, but wore high heels doing it!"

  The silence and odd stares that followed immediately, changed her enjoyment of the afternoon as a wave of confusion seemed to crash over her. Hey, she thought it was quite appropriate to the conversation, and kinda funny too!

  And then she remembered… It might be appropriate for such a conversation, but it certainly wasn't appropriate for the time. They didn't know who Ginger Rogers was, and never would. That was history from her time. Another wave seemed to crash over her, only now confusion was replaced by a sinking feeling.

  She gulped as Luke leaned closer to the table and rested his elbows on the edge.

  "Señorita Casey is originally from the East, and having traveled myself, I know she speaks of the dancing partners Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. If I may?" He glanced at Casey with a big smile.

  "Oh, please do…" she murmured, grateful to him for helping her save face but equally curious to know where he might be going with this.

  "Truly la señora Ginger Rogers possesses an amazing gift. However, you have made another very interesting point, Casey. The female partner has a mastery, and although it is acknowledged, it is never quite as appreciated as the male's." His eyes locked into hers. "I agree, without the exquisite movement and ability of the woman, there really is no dance." He enunciated the last word and paused. "It can be applied to many situations in life." He leaned back in his chair and nodded. "Very perceptive of you, Señorita Casey."

  She was stunned at how well he'd handled the situation, without once having to tell a lie.

  "There, Mamá… even Señor Luke agrees with me!" Rosalinda stated triumphantly. "I have never heard of these dancers. Do they dance… the fandango?" The girl's tone was full of excited inquiry. Casey felt everyone watching and waiting for her and Luke to break gazes, when impulsively Rosalinda began laughing.

  She couldn't help chuckling at how the teenager had skillfully turned the tide in her favor once more. Again she was grateful to the girl for stepping in and capturing the moment, for Casey still hadn't recovered from Luke's compliment. Well, at least that was what she thought he was insinuating. Maybe he was referring to women in a general way. She mentally shrugged.

  "Preciosa hija mía," Don Felipe called down the table with a humorous reproach. "You will not be dancing a fandango in ten days, so you may put the thought right out of that busy mind of yours… no matter how lovely your gift for dancing."

  "Mamá!" Rosalinda turned to her mother for support and pleaded, "I am old enough now… por favor?" Her voice held a hint of a childish whine.

  Casey smiled sympathetically and wished she had never brought up the subjec
t of dancing. She had to remember where she was and that these people couldn't possibly know anything that she'd experienced… None of it had happened yet. Wow. Her mind tripped over the thought. Was it the wine or was she really beginning to accept where she was? Okay, she knew she couldn't keep making these faux pas and not expect some trouble to show up. After all, she was definitely in a different place. Now she really wanted to have that conversation with Luke about what was appropriate. If she was even considering accepting the concept of time travel, then she ought to have all the details about it. Just relax and enjoy the afternoon, she thought resignedly. At least there was good food and good company.

  She again glanced at Luke and saw he was staring at her with the most devastating smile. He nodded to her as if in acknowledgment that she had said or done something that pleased him very much. Then she watched him slowly turn his attention toward the radiant Doña Isabela as she began to speak.

  "Do not fret so, mi hija. Your quinceñera will be a night to remember, of that you can rest assured." Doña Isabela turned to her husband, who was tapping his pocket watch. "Ah, si, el tiempo. Rosalinda." She turned back to the child, who seemed to sense what was coming. "It is time for your choir practice with the sisters at Loretto Chapel. Corra… run along now, before you are late."

  "Ohhhh…" Rosalinda let her breath out in a rush of disappointment. "What is the point of trying to reason with adults! And why practice singing when we cannot even use our new loft?"

  Luke interjected with a playful grin, "There is an expression from a tribe in a far-off land, Rosalinda… It is said, 'If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.' "

  Rosalinda appeared to be pondering his remark, then blurted with renewed humor, "Not if you heard my friend Juanita sing and saw Alvara dance. But you could teach me the fandango… could you not? I have seen you dance it, señor."


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