Heaven On Earth

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Heaven On Earth Page 24

by Constance O'Day-Flannery

  "You dance very well, Señorita O'Reilly," Don Miguel complimented her with another inviting smile.

  She stared at the tall man before her for just a moment, this odd visitor to the Montoya home who, as a business acquaintance of Don Felipe, seemed welcome to stay as long as he wanted. The Hispanic culture was certainly different from her own, and far more hospitable. Most of the time he remained in the background, as though not really wanting to socialize with people he considered to be less cultured; at least that was her perception of him. He also appeared to have given up on Rosa as a prospective wife and now seemed free to pursue whom he pleased. She was just glad it was no longer her young friend, who truly did deserve to have her dreams fulfilled.

  "Thank you, señor." Casey knew this man had a vague interest in her ever since that night Rosa had begged her to take Don Miguel's attention away from the teenager. Not that she wasn't flattered, as the man wasn't hard to look at and he seemed to be highly respected by these people, but… he wasn't Luke. No man she had ever known was anything like Luke, and she didn't think she would ever meet anyone who could surpass him in her eyes. That was why she knew what she was feeling was true.

  He was the one.

  He was her one true love. Somehow she knew he always would be. No matter what happened between them, Luke would remain the love of her life, even if he never professed his love for her. It just was, and she knew she could never deny it.

  "Are you certain you have never been to my country, señorita? There seems to be a… a passion in your blood, in your dancing, that speaks of Spain."

  "Luke taught me to dance," she blurted out, and then regretted her words when she saw the narrowing of Don Miguel's eyes. "And no, I have never been to Spain… though I have heard recently that the Spanish Armada was shipwrecked off the coast of Ireland and many of your ancestors left traces of their visit with mine. So perhaps, señor, there is a bit of Spanish blood in my veins after all," she finished with a courteous smile.

  "Interesting." Don Miguel didn't seem too impressed with the history lesson.

  "Isn't it? I thought so too. Now, here I had been brought up convinced that I was Irish by descent. We Irish are very proud of our heritage, you know. Like the Spaniards, I would think." She saw in the man's eyes his displeasure with her words. "And now," she continued, as though oblivious to the situation, "I have strong suspicions that my so-called pure bloodline just isn't so. It makes me wonder if anyone's actually is. Now, that, I find very interesting, señor," she finished with a chuckle. There. That ought to make him think. Plus, his superior attitude was starting to annoy her. Where was Luke? Again she tried to find him, but couldn't as Don Miguel spun her around. She did manage to catch a glimpse of Rosa, and when their gazes connected, both of them smiled with delight to have found each other. In such a short time she had opened her heart, not only to Luke, but also to this giving family… especially Rosalinda.

  Don Miguel didn't continue the conversation, and on the next sweep around the floor, Casey spied Luke in conversation with a tall, stocky man. The more she looked, the more she was convinced that Luke was not pleased. In an instant of seeing him, she sensed that his body posture was different, and even from a distance, she could see that his expression wasn't its usual serene self. Something was wrong.

  The music ended with applause, and Casey allowed Don Miguel to lead her back to the house. She thanked him and hurried off in Luke's direction. As she wove through the crowd, she found that more and more people were smiling at her and nodding in acknowledgment. She nodded back and smiled in response, yet her heart was beating faster as she closed the distance between herself and Luke. His back was to her, though she kept his head as her focus now as she passed the last couple. Even though she couldn't see to whom he was speaking, she did make out the heavily accented English words…

  "… and I am scandalized that you, señor, would dance with a woman in such a fashion, a woman who has abandoned the Lord and the church for… for carnal knowledge of the world!"

  Casey couldn't move when she realized that the man was the same man who had said mass for Rosa. It was the bishop, and he was slamming her for dancing!

  "Again I will ask how you, of all people, Bishop Lamy, can sit in judgement."

  "I am the representative of the Lord in Santa Fe, placed here by Pope Pius the ninth… that is how, señor." The man spoke English with a heavy French accent, yet his voice was clearly firm.

  "Ah, yes. Your church," Luke said in appeasement. "The very one that is based upon the teachings of one who spoke of love and nonjudgment. Señorita O' Reilly has nothing to be ashamed of this night, and neither do I."

  "You are not a Catholic?" the bishop stated with surprise.

  "I am not. I belong to no earthly organization. I am free."

  Casey felt like she was eavesdropping as she stayed behind Luke's back, yet she didn't want to interrupt.

  "A Hispanic who is not Catholic," the bishop pondered aloud. "I find that… very interesting, to say the least. Yet you are not free, señor. You are lost if you do not belong to anything. I will pray for your redemption. It is no surprise to me now that you have willfully corrupted the soul of this woman!"

  That did it. Casey came around Luke and slipped her arm into his. "Buenas noches, gentlemen." She smiled up at him and then extended her smile to the outraged cleric. "Please excuse me, sir, I don't mean to interrupt, but this fine, honorable gentleman has promised the next dance to me, and I believe it's about to begin."

  The staunch bishop appeared shocked by her arrival and her words. Casey increased her smile. "Do you like dancing, sir?" she teased, and continued not to give the bishop an opportunity to respond. "Oh, I do so love dancing. It's so… so passionate, almost divine. Surely God must be passionate, don't you think? Wouldn't Creation have to be passionate?" The startled man didn't answer and looked as though he couldn't believe what he was hearing. She looked up to Luke's barely contained grin. "My dance, señor?"

  The music began just in time, as if perfectly cued, and Luke placed his hand over hers resting on his arm, while he bowed slightly to the man. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, sir. These festivities shouldn't be marred by such a serious conversation. We might continue this at another place and another time, but for this night I will ask to be excused as I join with others who celebrate the life of a young friend. Bishop…"

  He left the man staring after him and led Casey back onto the already crowded dance floor. As he took her into his arms, she whispered with a loving smile, "Now it's my turn to say 'well done,' Luke. And thank you for defending my honor."

  "De nada," he whispered back, smiling into her eyes.

  She saw that twinkle return and her heart soared again. She realized the love she had for him had just expanded even more.

  "Your honor, señorita, should not require defending. I was simply reminding the man that there is always another perspective." He chuckled as he dipped her slightly and then added, "I am glad you came along before I got into the passion of King David's dancing as he entered Jerusalem!"

  "Oh, that was a good one," Casey said with a giggle. "We can go back and tell him, if you like." She clung to his shoulder as the tempo seemed to increase, segueing into another dance.

  "I think not," he said with a laugh. "I was holding my breath, waiting to see what else was going to come out of your mouth. 'Wouldn't Creation have to be passionate?' " he added, repeating her words. "That was brilliant, Casey. A little direct for a bishop in 1878 to comprehend, but still brilliant."

  "Well, wouldn't it?" she insisted.

  As they passed the table of food, Luke suddenly inhaled and said, "Are you hungry?"

  "I am," she admitted with a laugh. "I've been too excited to eat all day."

  "Let's eat then," he declared, pulling her off the dance floor.

  Giggling, Casey realized she liked this more relaxed version of Luke, who stood up for her and himself without making excuses and now seemed determined to satisfy his hunger.
She felt like she was on a date.

  They piled their plates with an array of cultural delicacies: beef, pork, and chicken enchiladas, frijoles, arroz con carne asada, red sauce, green sauce, guacamole, and rich, hot salsa, all topped with flour tortillas and blue cornmeal muffins. There was still more to choose from, awaiting them if they had any room left after the huge meal.

  "Let's find seats at a table… We can come back for more later if you're still hungry," Luke said as he looked around the courtyard at the crowd. Most chairs were taken.

  Casey sighed, not really wanting to share him with anyone. "Why don't we find our bench in the corner of the garden, where we practiced?"

  "Good idea," he said, standing back to allow her to lead the way.

  Within minutes they found the bench and it was miraculously deserted. "Perfect," she said with a sigh as she sank down onto it. "After all that dancing, it will feel wonderful to get off my feet, and this plate was getting too heavy to hold any longer," she added with a grin.

  Luke smiled, sitting next to her, and she pulled aside her gown to give him more room. When she let go, the material fell back, covering his leg, and she felt pleased by the intimacy of it. The party taking place behind them provided a pleasant backdrop with laughter and music.

  "It all smells so delicious," Luke murmured, flipping his napkin over his exposed thigh and inhaling the wonderful, spicy aroma of the food.

  Casey did the same. "It does," she agreed. "You know, it's funny. I never really ate Mexican food before and now I love it."

  "That's part of the adventure, Casey, expanding your base of knowledge, and that includes your palate." He smiled, looking down at his plate as if wondering where to begin.

  "Hmm, well, if I eat everything I piled onto this plate, it won't just be my knowledge that expands," she said with a laugh.

  Luke bit into a tortilla with gusto. Grinning, he chewed while shaking his head. When he'd swallowed he said, "Stop worrying and enjoy yourself. You have nothing to worry about in this moment, Casey. You are a beautiful woman. Hasn't tonight shown you that?"

  She was biting into an enchilada. "Mmm," she murmured in appreciation as she swallowed. "Thank you for saying that. Tonight seems… I don't know, magical."

  "It does, doesn't it?" he answered, and paused, glancing up at the tree limbs filtering moonbeams down to their private picnic. "Don Miguel seems enchanted by you."

  It came out of nowhere, and Casey almost choked. "Enchanted?" Was that a tinge of something in his voice, something that said Don Miguel's attentions were unsettling to him? That was interesting. "Why did you just dump him on me?"

  He almost choked and had to swallow hard in order to laugh. "I didn't dump him on you. It was merely the polite thing to do. I couldn't monopolize you all night, especially after everyone saw how wonderfully you dance. I'm sure you enchanted him even further."

  "Why, thank you again, kind sir." She smiled. He was brimming with compliments for her, and she was secretly wishing he would monopolize her. "But I don't know about the enchanted part." She stifled a giggle. "I brought up a history lesson and he didn't seem too pleased with the version."

  "You didn't reveal anything about the future to him, did you?" Luke suddenly became serious. "A time traveler only talks about these things with another time traveler. You'll know them when you meet them."

  She playfully nudged her elbow into his arm. "Oh, give me some credit, Luke." Laughing, she added, "You said I was a good student and I remembered that we shouldn't meddle in the affairs of the time. I didn't think telling Mr. Superiority that probably none of us could call ourselves purebred was meddling with anything."

  "Except his mind," Luke offered with an answering laugh.

  "Yeah, well, he deserved to have his mind meddled with a bit. Have you listened to him when he goes on and on about being a gente fina, as though he's better than… than Maria's precious little Angel who was just born? It really annoys me."

  Luke grinned. "You are seeing all kinds of prejudice now. It doesn't have to be just about race, you know. It could even be so simple as thinking not having a bathroom ruins an entire adventure."

  Casey burst out laughing and almost slapped his arm. "Oh, you! It was an adjustment, a big adjustment, okay?"

  Shared chuckles became a shared companionable silence as they satisfied their hunger. A few couples strolled along the torch-lit path and nodded greetings as they passed. Casey's mood lightened even more as she felt like she was also part of a couple. Luke seemed to want to be with her, and appeared to be enjoying their time together too. This was just about the best adventure any woman could ask for… in any time!

  She thought of his statements to the bishop, and her heart expanded again. Luke was certainly a man to have in her corner. She had never seen him really lose his temper, though she'd come close a few times in trying his patience, but she had felt his tightly held control when he'd spoken with the stuffy cleric.

  "Imagine that man attacking you when you're building that beautiful staircase for his church!" Her internal thought came through her lips without check.

  Luke chuckled. "I'm not building it for him. I told you, I'm building it for the chapel, for the good sisters of Loretto, although I have heard that his niece is mother superior."

  "No comment," she said, bringing a fork filled with spiced rice to her mouth.

  "Well, I still have compassion for the man, as he has certainly had his share of earthly problems here in Santa Fe. He is carrying a very heavy burden in his heart since his nephew shot the architect of the chapel."

  "Oh my," Casey managed to interject between bites.

  "Yes, it is quite tragic."

  "What happened? I mean, why would someone do that?"

  "Since it is a known fact and history will bear witness to the truth, I'll share the story with you." He paused and turned to look in her eyes before continuing, "However, I don't like to involve myself in rumors, Casey."

  "I understand and respect that, Luke," she responded sincerely.

  "The bishop's nephew discovered the architect was in love with his wife. It ruined his marriage and he shot the man dead." He sighed. "You see, a man's passions can boil over into irrationality when his honor is challenged or insulted, especially in a culture where honor is so revered."

  "I guess that's the other part in the definition of passion, that it can also mean fits of anger and rage," she interjected.

  "Exactly," he continued, "and Bishop Lamy hasn't had an easy time of it here, since he also alienated many New Mexicans when he disapproved of santos, which are primitive carvings of saints. He has demanded they be removed from the people's church, Saint Francis's. I suppose it's because, being French, he may not understand the Hispanic culture."

  "That's actually quite sad," Casey thought aloud, feeling a bit of compassion for all involved. "Maybe that's why he's so strict about dancing and… how did he put it… carnal knowledge of the world?"

  Nodding, Luke wiped his lips and said, "Although, to his credit, he has established the academies for both boys and girls, and he is known for being an honest man. Bishop Lamy is a complex mosaic."

  "Sounds like it," Casey agreed.

  "Enough of the bishop," Luke declared. "What else shall we discuss this fine night?"

  "How about… us?" She wasn't about to miss another great opportunity when it was presented.

  "Us?" Luke appeared startled by her direct approach.

  "Yes… us. When do you think we'll be able to go back? And when we do, will I ever see you again?"

  "Well, at this moment in time, I don't know the answer to either of your questions," he said, taking her plate and putting it on top of his. He placed them on the ground and looked at her. "As you know, Casey, I am only following the unfolding pattern."

  She thought about that for a moment. "Yes, and along those very lines, you know what I've been wondering?"

  "I'm almost afraid to hear."

  She grinned and looked him straight in the ey
e. "I've been wondering if I was brought back in time so I could find you, Luke d'Séraphin."

  "Is that what you're wondering?" he asked, staring back at her as though he couldn't tear his gaze away.

  "Yes," she whispered, leaning her head closer ever so slightly. "Could it be that we were meant to meet and explore this time together?"

  "That could be…" He was now staring at her mouth, just inches from his own.

  "Remember, you are the one who said you thought I was your equal, Luke. Now I think so too."

  "Admittedly, you are like no other woman I have ever met, and I have met many women from many places and times, Casey O'Reilly. You are kind and intelligent, humorous and courageous. You challenge everything in me." He sighed deeply. "And you are beautiful."

  "Thank you, señor. Now do I have to tell you all the reasons why I'm falling in love with you, or will you just shut up and kiss me?"

  His smile was almost tortured. "Don't fall in love with me, Casey."

  "Too late, amigo."

  He slowly shook his head and stood up, breaking the connection. "This just won't do," he muttered, looking out to the night.

  She stood up and pulled on his arm. "Tell me you don't want to kiss me, Luke. Right now, in this moment, which is unfolding, try and tell me that."

  He glanced at her and blew his breath out with frustration. "Look, all I can tell you is that this is very dangerous territory you are venturing into, Casey, and—"

  "Enough of your double talk, d'Séraphin," she interrupted with more boldness than she ever had before. If she was going to take this risk, then she was going to give it her all. "Luke, I have listened to you for over a week now, successfully changing this subject and avoiding me altogether. I'm not going to let you do it again. Just tell me you don't want to kiss me." In the brief pause that followed her last words, Casey felt she could now read his feelings as the air around them filled with sexual tension. He wanted to and she was certain of it.

  Within an instant, she heard his low growl of surrender as he pulled her firmly into his arms and kissed her so perfectly, so passionately, that Casey's head was spinning and she had to grab on to his shoulders just to stay upright. His lips were warm and insistent, sending shivers of delight racing through her blood, melting away any doubts, taking her higher than she thought possible.


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