Heaven On Earth

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Heaven On Earth Page 25

by Constance O'Day-Flannery

  When they broke apart, he stared into her eyes and whispered, "I don't want you to be hurt, Casey. I cannot promise you anything."

  "I'm not asking for promises," she whispered back, shaking in the aftermath of that kiss. She felt like she might be sinking into the soft brown of his eyes. "I'm just doing what you told me to do. I'm living in the moment."

  He continued to hold her tightly against him, and she almost moaned with the pleasure his body aroused in hers.

  His smile was soft, and maybe a little sad. "And now the student becomes the teacher."

  She was about to raise her hand to brush back a curl from his forehead when another couple made an appearance on the path. Pulling apart quickly, they tried to look nonchalant while smiling and nodding to the other couple. After they passed, Casey smoothed down the front of her gown and adjusted the neckline.

  "So what am I teaching you, Luke?" she asked, still wishing to be in his arms.

  He sighed deeply again, running his fingers through his hair. "Can you not see how foolish this is? I never know where I shall be or how long I will remain. It would be unfair to you, and to me."

  "I'm not asking anything of you," she responded in a trembling voice as she felt him withdraw his energy.

  "You are asking everything of me, Casey. You are asking me to alter my life. Sexuality isn't something casual to me."

  "And you think it is to me?" Shocked, she added, "Do not mistake my… my attraction to you as casual, Luke. I've never been casual. I would rather remain alone than casual. I happen to believe I came back in time to find you. I'm sorry if my love complicates your life, but I won't play coy at this point and pretend, for this hasn't been one-sided, and that kiss just proved it. I'm not innocent like Rosalinda. I'm thirty-one years old and I know what I want now. I've waited a lifetime for you to show up. If I'm not honest now… when? What else do we have but right now? Isn't that what you've taught me?"

  He closed his eyes briefly and then sighed. "You are making this very hard."


  Another couple came strolling by and they again nodded and smiled, as though the interlude they were having were mere party conversation. "This is not the place to discuss this matter," Luke muttered, picking up their plates from the ground. "We should get back to the celebration before you are missed."

  "Where is the place then to discuss this, and who's going to miss me?" Casey asked, disappointed that again he was managing to backpedal. "What is it that scares you so, Luke? You keep telling me not to fear, that it's such a low-density frequency. What was all that? Do you really believe it?"

  He looked tortured. "I don't believe it. I know it."

  "And… ?"

  "And you really don't know that much about me. You have no idea what my life is like and—"

  "Wait," she interrupted. "You told me in the garden that you were in service to love, Luke. I'm offering it to you." She hoped he didn't perceive her boldness as whining, but she had to be truthful.

  There was a long pause. "There's more to it, Casey."

  "Then you're in service to something else? To whom, or what?"

  "I don't know how to explain it."


  He looked up at the moon. "Do you remember when we were talking the other night about electricity?"


  "Do you remember I said there must be a source?"


  "I am in service to the source."

  She blinked. "Wait a minute. This is starting to sound like a Star Wars kind of thing and—"

  "No," Luke interrupted her with a chuckle, breaking the tension between them. "The Source… The Force… they are just labels."

  "God?" She said the word, and it took more courage than she thought she had.

  "That's just another label to describe the indescribable, which is why it is so difficult to explain this to you. I am in service to something beyond human labels."

  She stared into his eyes and knew he meant it, that it was truth to him. "But you said you weren't some celibate holy man."

  "I'm not. I'm human and I'm connected to that source. What does that make me? Right now, a time traveler who has come back to the year 1878 because he followed a path and came upon your car and knew he had to come and help you. It was my time of being in service."

  "I know you're serious, Luke, and I respect that. It's just that you seem to be stopping the connection that's happening between us, and it feels like fear to me. I'm not afraid. For one of the rare times in my life, I'm not afraid. This just feels so right, I know I'd be regretting it for the rest of my life if I didn't at least give it my all to find out why we were brought together."

  "You would tempt the angels, Casey," he whispered, gently brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "You have no idea how much I want you, how much of my thoughts you occupy every single day since I've met you. Just like you do with everyone who gets to know you, you have enchanted me."

  "Thank you, for admitting that," she whispered, before adding, "Seems to me, Luke, you have a choice to make. Is it going to be fear, or will you choose love? May not be very romantic to put it like that, but there you are… It's unfolded and now it's up to you. I've made myself clear." She looked at him, holding the plates in one hand, staring at her as though she'd just punched him in the stomach.

  Reaching out, she pulled his handkerchief from his breast pocket again and dabbed at the corner of his mouth. "There. A little sauce." When she finished, she held the cloth between her fingers and offered it to him with a feminine smile. "I told you you'd need it later. Now I do believe my task here is finished for the night."

  Still appearing shaken, Luke slowly pulled the handkerchief from her hand.

  "Buenas noches, señor. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

  Turning, she walked away from him, away from his fear, back to the house and to her bedroom.

  Luke watched the way she held her head, the way her shoulders were pulled back, the sway of her skirt as she walked away from him and was lost in the crowd. He felt as though the breath had been knocked from his body and his mind was spinning. Sitting back on the bench, he set the dishes down and stared into the night sky. What had happened to him? How had everything in his life changed with the appearance of this incredible woman, who more than lived up to her name? She triggered old emotions inside of him, ones he'd thought he had mastered. He felt like there was a short circuit inside of him, reminding him that those emotions were always there, perhaps just dormant. Now they flared up with even more intensity.

  He wanted her… probably more than she could ever imagine.


  Casey slowly undressed herself, carefully hanging up Doña Isabela's beautiful gown. She was glad she hadn't soiled the material with her dancing and was again reminded of how generous this family had been to her. That graciousness was kind of lost in her own time, the feeling of giving to another without expecting something in return. She was very grateful to the d'Montoya family for showing her many things.

  Walking away from the wardrobe, she suddenly stopped and remembered how frightened she had been a little over a week ago, and now… now she was grateful to have time-traveled! She had learned so much about herself and had found a new way to view life.

  Casey could still hear the party going full swing as she pulled the flowers from her hair and laid them on the small table. Somehow she knew she'd had enough excitement for one night and now she wanted to be alone. She didn't even want to talk to Luke. He needed some time to think, and so did she, she thought as she puttered around the room in her bare feet. The soft cotton nightgown caressed her skin as she washed her face and brushed her hair while preparing for bed.

  How strange that she wasn't fearful of what Luke might do. She had made her case and there wasn't anything left to be said about it. It was his choice now.

  Blowing out the flame in her lantern, Casey climbed up onto the bed and snuggled back against the pillows. She had never been the purs
uer, and she suddenly had a feeling of what men must experience while trying to help their woman see their love. It was a night for odd feelings…

  But he had kissed her!

  And what a kiss! Wow, she had never felt such passion in her entire life. Oh, he wanted her, all right. Now he just had to slay his mental dragons and realize they were being given this great gift, this love, for a reason. There had to be a purpose to it all, even if it was just to be given the opportunity, for once, to follow their own hearts and not worry about the future and what it may or may not bring.

  She could admit to herself, if no one else, that she had done well tonight. It wasn't often that she could remember feeling this kind of self-respect. She didn't cry or cling. She just spoke from her heart and prayed Luke could hear it.

  The glow from the full moon interrupted the darkness of her room, as she heard the mariachi band begin another spirited song. Casey grinned and thought back to the way she and Luke had danced. Wait until she got hold of Rosalinda and thanked her! And what an honor to be part of her new little sister's quinceñera presentation. Rosa had shown by wearing the clover that they were sisters of the heart. As she pictured the way Rosa had arranged everything, Casey's eyes filled with tears of gratitude to the young woman.

  Smiling, she punched her pillow down and snuggled deeper into the bed, listening to the music and the laughter, thinking about sweet Rosa and her family, Don Miguel and the bishop… and Luke. She knew this night would be burned into her memory. Surprisingly, she was calm, and she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, welcoming the peace of slumber. She had already done enough today. She needed rest, for she had a feeling that whatever was about to happen was going to come on fast now. It was just a feeling, an instinct that told her once Luke made his choice, whichever way it went, something big was definitely going to happen.

  Maybe she wasn't the only one who had time-traveled to find out more about herself. Perhaps Luke wasn't just her guide, but was also learning. What had he said about the student becoming the teacher, and the teacher becoming the student again?

  She shook the question out of her head. Enough for one night.

  The music became softer, less passionate, and Casey felt the last residuals of tension slowly leaving her body as she surrendered. She cleared her mind of everything but the sound of the music and her own rhythmic breathing. She lost all sense of time as she seemed to relax more and more and welcomed the comforting arms of sleep around her.

  She had no idea how much later it was when she was awakened by silence and realized the party was over. Then she heard a soft noise from her wardrobe and gasped when she saw Rosa walking toward her.

  "Rosa! What…? Why…?"

  "Shh," the girl called out, and tiptoed up to the bed. "I couldn't sleep without talking to you, my sister. This has been a night of all nights, and it has happened! I have found my true love!"

  Wide-awake now, Casey automatically moved over and opened the coverlet for her. Rosa snuggled in, and Casey turned on her side to face her. "Tomás?"

  Rosa's gleaming smile showed through the darkness. "You knew!"

  Shaking her head and chuckling, Casey said, "I guessed and Juana pointed him out to me. I saw him lead you in the dance."

  "Is he not most handsome? And the very best dancer, and his heart is kind and compassionate and ay, Madre de Dios, he is most charming!"

  "You think he is the one, Rosa?"

  The girl nodded her head vigorously. "He is the one. I am certain of it. Already he speaks of feeling as though he has always known me. That is the way I feel too. When I say something, he can finish my words! I think he would have told me he loved me but for it being our first meeting. Such a thing is possible, is it not? My parents tell me they both knew as soon as they met. Is that not remarkable? I am so filled with love, my sister."

  "Should you, I don't know, go a little slowly?" Her words sounded a bit hypocritical. Who was she to tell another to love slowly?

  "For the sake of our family, Tomás and I have agreed to proceed with proper respect for tradition. He will be here for three more weeks as both our fathers conduct business. Do you know that Tomás's father is Papi's partner in the importing company? We have time to prepare our families."

  "You've decided all this in one night? To get married?" Talk about taking a risk!

  "I have three weeks to decide, though I must admit my decision is already made. You simply have to meet Tomás, Casey, and you will understand."

  "Yes," she breathed, stunned by Rosa's sudden news. "I would like to meet him."

  "He thinks you are a most remarkable woman. We have talked about you and Señor Luke, and Tomás's words were, 'The caballero is very much in love with the beautiful señorita.' It was plain for all to see when you danced."

  She liked this Tomás more and more. Grinning, she reached over and hugged Rosa. "Thank you for including me in your presentation and for wearing the pendant. I am honored, little sister."

  "I feel that, Casey. Though you are not of my blood, you are a sister of my heart. You are not stuffy, like Marguerita is now. You still remember that life does not have to be so serious. That we are here to experience the happiness too!"

  She looked at Rosa and smiled widely. "The optimism of youth. I guess I've gotten it back while I've been here. Thank you for that too."

  They heard voices in the hall and both of them remained silent until they passed. "I must go now," Rosa whispered, flipping the cover back. "I am sure when the house is quiet, Mami will pay me a visit. Promise me you will meet Tomás tomorrow."

  "I will, I promise."

  "And then promise you will meet me in the evening, after the house is again quiet."

  Casey was confused. "Why?"

  "There is more to tell you. Meet me at the fountain at nine o'clock. Promise me?"

  "Okay," she whispered. "I don't know what this is all about and why you can't tell me now, but—"

  "I must get back," Rosa whispered from across the room as she entered the wardrobe.

  "Happy birthday, Rosa!"

  "Gracias, it has been the happiest day of my life." The door to the chest closed and Casey fell back upon her pillows, certain she would never get back to sleep now!

  She sat on the edge of the fountain, waiting for Rosa to show up. At exactly five minutes to nine, she had left the house and come to the courtyard. What was so important that Rosa had kept putting her off during the day, making sure that every conversation was either about Tomás or with him? Casey had to admit she really liked the young man, who seemed very serious about his commitment to his family, his career, and now to his new love. In observing Rosa and Tomás together, Casey realized the young woman might just be right and have found her one true love. Amazing…

  Twisting the fringe of her shawl with her fingers, Casey sighed at the moon, still bright and magical. Her attention was drawn toward the sound of footsteps across the tiles. "Rosa?"


  It was a male voice. Luke's.

  Standing up, she watched as the man who had successfully avoided her all day now walked in her direction. "I'm waiting for Rosa."

  "She told me to meet her at the fountain," Luke said, looking around the darkened courtyard. "She said it was important."

  "She said the same thing to me."

  They looked at each other and Casey started to laugh. "You don't think she arranged this, do you?"

  Luke grinned. "I wouldn't put anything past that young lady."

  Casey listened to the pleasant sound of the water and said, "You might as well know, she knows how I feel about all this."

  "Don Felipe has been bending my ear over you. Do you suppose this is a family conspiracy?"

  Laughing, she shook her head. "I'm learning since I've been here that anything is possible. Don Felipe, huh?" She was thrilled to have Luke's friend in her corner.

  He looked back at the house, as though willing the girl to show up. "Yes. He said after seeing us dance, it was obvious to all
but a blind man that something deeper was happening. You will be happy to know he called me a fool."

  "Good for Don Felipe."

  They heard a noise from the patio door and soon a tall figure was walking toward them. It certainly wasn't Rosalinda.

  "Señor Cortez," Luke greeted the man, who was looking around the courtyard.

  When Don Miguel recognized Casey, he seemed surprised and bowed formally. "I didn't expect to see you, Señorita O'Reilly. I was told to meet someone at the fountain."

  She held up her hand. "Let me guess. Rosalinda?"

  "Si." The man look surprised.

  "She told the same thing to Luke and to myself. Why do you think she wants us to be here… together?"

  "That I do not know. She was very… what is the word?… mysterious about it. I had hoped, ah… thought she might make an announcement about her affections."

  "Oh," Casey murmured, and glanced at Luke. He didn't seem pleased.

  "May I walk you back to the house, señorita?" Don Miguel asked, pointedly looking at Luke before adding, "You should not be out here alone."

  "She isn't alone, Señor. I am with her."

  Casey heard the formality in Luke's voice and decided to say nothing. This was getting interesting. She would just watch as it all unfolded before her.

  "Señorita Casey is without a proper chaperone."

  "Are you implying she isn't safe with me?"

  The air seemed to bristle with tension as both men looked at each other, and Casey swore she had seen this scene before. Two men, trying to claim territory… It was like some sort of primitive male contest.

  Don Miguel backed down and said, "I shall see what is keeping our young Rosalinda."

  As she watched the man walk away, Casey whispered to Luke, "Feel better now?"

  Even though there wasn't much light, Casey could see his frown. "See what you have me doing now?"


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