Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 93

by Michele Bardsley

  Stepping into the darkness, Tomas sighed in relief at the immediate loss of the howling wind and blinding snow. His ears rang and his body tingled at the absence of the noise and abuse. Shaking like a dog, a thought which in any other circumstance would’ve made him laugh, he was amazed at the huge pile of snow falling at his feet.

  I could build a snowman.

  Tomas smiled but quickly sobered as a huge gust of wind made its way through the cave’s entrance. “But first I need a fire.”

  Little by little, his frozen senses returned as he walked further into the darkness. Reaching out, he was surprised to find a labyrinth of tunnels and alcoves. “This place is huge,” he commented to himself, chuckling at the returning echo. “And thankfully abandoned.”

  It’s not that he couldn’t and wouldn’t fight off anyone, animal or otherwise, that tried to throw him back out into the snow, it was that he didn’t want to. Tomas was tired and more than a little discouraged that his plans to impress his Commander had fallen short.

  Ducking into the first cavern he came upon, the young Guardsman was pleasantly surprised to find a stack of dried branches and vines beside a small pool of water being fed by a spring running down the stone wall.

  “Looks like someone was here before me.” He shrugged. “Hope they made it home okay.”

  Once again Tomas let his preternatural senses go, searching the entire cave for anyone or anything sharing his space. When his search came up empty, the Guardsman called forth his fire, lighting the pile of brush. As soon as the flame was nice and warm, he stripped out of his soaked clothing and hung them on the small rocks jutting from the cave wall to dry. Sure he would freeze something off he might need later, he quickly pulled on his last pair of clean long johns and wool socks then wrapped up in the blanket Maddox had insisted he take. Slowly but surely, his muscles began to thaw. Right on cue, his stomach growled.

  Laughing to himself, Tomas dug around in his pack until he found what was left of the supplies Kyndel, his Commander’s wife, had packed for him. She was a terrific lady who took to her position in their clan like a fish to water. It never ceased to amaze him how she kept up with all the Guardsmen, their mates and families, while also corralling his very formidable Commander and their son, who, by the way, was the spitting image of his father.

  It took some scrounging but Tomas was finally able to find a stick long enough and sturdy enough to use to cook a few sausages and thaw out the buns over his roaring fire. While his food heated, he rolled out his sleeping bag between the fire and the wall then rolled up his extra blanket to serve as a cushion. The young Guardsman was just about to sit down to eat when he realized he needed something to drink. Staying hydrated was essential to avoiding hypothermia, even in the confines of his makeshift shelter.

  Kneeling beside the spring, Tomas once again used his senses to make sure it was safe before filling his canteen. He’d just sat down to eat when he heard, “What’s up Frosty? Staying warm?”

  “Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, asshole.”

  “Ya know I gotta million of ‘em,” Jace, his closest friend joked.

  “I know you think you do,” Tomas joked back, happy to hear his brethren’s voice, even if his was making fun of him.

  “Seriously though, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Found an empty cave to wait out the storm in. I’m sure it won’t last for more than a day. I figure I’m about a day and a half or two from home, even after being blown off course, so I should be there by the weekend. Can’t let you bring in the New Year without me.”

  “No way. Liam, Aaron, Lance, and I have a blowout planned. It’ll be the best party this clan has seen in years. Figured we had a lot to celebrate having Kyra’s mom back, not to mention finding Drago after almost a hundred years.”

  “For sure. How’s the old man doing?”

  “Pretty good. Thank the Heavens he has Alicia to help him. Can you imagine getting locked away when people drove a horse and buggy and waking up a hundred years later to find cars and motorcycles? Computers? The old guy saw his first airplane the other day and I thought he was gonna stroke out.”

  Tomas laughed out loud at the image Jace sent directly into his mind. The until recently thought dead, once notoriously famous dragon assassin, looked as if he’d seen a ghost. His dark, almost black eyes were as big as saucers and he was screaming about metal demons on the attack. Tomas knew he shouldn’t be laughing but it was truly a spectacle, one he was sorry he’d missed.

  “Did you get the stone delivered to Maddox?” Jace’s question shook Tomas from his thoughts.

  “Yep. No problem at all. Well, except I think the old timer’s lost his mind.”

  Jace chuckled. “From what I hear that’s been happening for hundreds of years. But Siobhan says he has more magical ability than any other dragon alive. His mother was a mage with some serious mojo and his dad one of the original dragons. That’s how he’s stayed alive all these years without a mate. To hear them all talk, no one knows for sure how old he really is.”

  “Well, after meeting him I can tell you he’s one really old dragon who has more than a few screws lose, but he seemed like a nice enough guy.”

  “Did he tell you what the stone was and what he was going to do with it?” Jace asked.

  “Nope, just took it and put it in a silver-lined box.”

  “Oh well, I’m guessing he’s the only person who can handle that kind of power. I know Kyra and her mom wanted nothing to do with it. All they would say was that it was old dragon magic and seriously dangerous.”

  Tomas paused for a moment before answering. “Yeah, that’s what Maddox said too. I know even through all the wards Siobhan, Kyra, and her mom put around it I could feel it pulsing against my back while I carried it. I’m damn glad to be rid of it.”

  “I’m damn glad you’re rid of it too since it’s the one thing that allowed the Dorcha to imprison Drago and his men.” Jace’s relief was palatable through their mindspeak, making Tomas wonder if his friend knew more than he was saying. Something he intended to investigate after getting home.

  “Speaking of his men, any news?”

  “Not a word. I know Alicia, her sisters, and Mel are helping look for them, but not a peep so far. Maybe they’re dead like Cleland said.”

  “Who knows?” Tomas really hoped they were able to locate the former assassin’s Force, but right now, he had other things on his mind, like the sound of footsteps approaching.

  “Hey, Jace, I gotta go. I think I’m getting company.”

  His friend immediately sounded worried. “Watch your back, bud. And get your ass home.”

  “You gotta it.” And with that, Tomas cut the connection.

  Unwilling to put out his fire and lose its warmth but needing to know what was making its way towards him, Tomas used his broad six-foot-five frame and the blanket around his shoulders to block the entrance to his alcove. Listening intently to the light footfalls on the stone floor, the young Guardsman was caught off guard as the scent of cloves and pine wrapped around him, infusing him in warmth and a sense of recognition. His pulse raced. His palms were immediately sweaty. He could hear his heart attempting to beat out his chest while he was engulfed in a sexual heat he’d never before experienced. Of its own volition, his body leaned forward, just to be closer to the captivating aroma.

  Unable to stop his forward motion, Tomas left the safety of his makeshift abode and stumbled into the corridor. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, the young dragon was shocked to see a soft glow illuminating the distance between him and the mouth of the cave. At first, it seemed as if the light was floating on its own, but as he peered more intently in its direction, an outline of a pair of incredibly shapely legs began to form.

  Curiosity peaked and his libido went into overdrive. Tomas turned towards the light and those alluring legs. The closer they got, the stronger the scent of pine and cloves became, until he felt drunk, as if he’d been drinking all night with his friends. The Guards
man knew he should look away, should take cover from the sheer magnetism of what he could only assume was a specter, but not even his good sense made him tear his eyes away. Something deep within his soul, something he’d never felt before, assured him he had nothing to fear.

  Reveling in the reassurance and no longer able to stand, Tomas fell to his knees. The light dimmed as a female gasp of surprise echoed off the cavern’s walls. It was then the young dragon realized it was not the light that had dimmed but that his sight was failing.

  What the hell? I’m gonna pass out before I see the girl attached to those legs?

  And with that, the brave Dragon Guardsman fainted.

  Chapter Two

  Holly had sensed the stranger’s presence as soon as she’d crossed the threshold of the cave she’d been calling home for almost a week. Using the only defense she had, the Christmas Angel had called forth her Shield of Light and carefully made her way towards the cavern she’d claimed as her own. The tiniest nudge of her mental abilities allowed the angel to sense the intruder was a man with extraordinary powers.

  On closer inspection, Holly saw the goodness of his soul, an incredible inner strength, and more bravery than she’d ever seen in one person. Not only was he powerful, but he was a good man. She knew he was most definitely a shifter, although she wasn’t familiar enough with shifter magic to discern what type.

  At any other time Holly would’ve put away her shield and introduced herself to someone with such valor, but in this case, something felt off. Not with him…but with her. From the moment she’d touched the man’s mind, her body, not to mention her emotions, had been in turmoil. Not only was her heart beating faster than it ever had but her skin seemed just a bit too tight, and even though the temperatures outside were reaching zero, a bead of sweat traveled down her spine. She probably could’ve dealt with her body’s reactions to the man better had her imagination not been conjuring intoxicating images of him in various stages of undress.

  Never in all her years had she been affected by anyone in such a way, especially not a man. It wasn’t as if she’d never dated before, but it had always been more for convenience than anything else, or because her nagging sisters had pressured her into it. Holly had explained over and over that because she was a Christmas Angel the whole ‘finding a mate thing’ was different for her than for them, but they’d still insisted she date every eligible angel from the Pearly Gates to Cloud Nine. Of course, none of those men had tickled her wings. She knew her mate was already out there somewhere, and as soon as she finished her final mission she would be free to find him. It would help if she knew exactly what her mission was, but she was learning patience, a virtue the angel most definitely did not possess.

  If only I could speak to Heaven...

  “It makes no sense that I can’t get through to at least my sisters.” Holly muttered to herself. “And now I have a man in my cave. A very tempting man who is most definitely not an angel.”

  Holly shook her head, praying for her sanity to return. It wouldn’t help her cause to be distracted by the sexy shifter. Her mate was an angel. That was just the way it was. The way it has always been. From all the stories she’d been told by all the Elders for her entire life, Holly knew her mate would be an amazing Christmas Angel who’d also completed his final mission. He would be tall and handsome, loyal and trustworthy, loving to a fault…a match for her in every way.

  She remembered the story her mother, the only other female Christmas Angel in their entire family, had told her about meeting her father…

  “Oh, Holly, it was magical. I’d just finished my final mission and returned to Heaven. The Elder Angels approved me to go on my ‘mate quest’ and I was rushing back to the home I shared with my sisters. I’d just turned the corner and BAM! I ran right into him.

  Tingles raced through my body where my fingertips touched his broad, muscled, chest. My tummy did flip-flops and my heart beat so hard I thought it might burst. I was immediately a nervous mess. I could only stutter as I raised my head to apologize. That one look was all it took. Your father’s mesmerizing, hazel eyes captivated me. The golden highlights seemed to dance in the midday sun. His pupils dilated and his chest heaved. I knew immediately he felt our connection.

  He smiled a sly, knowing smile that made me blush. I have no idea how long we stood staring at one another before he spoke. The low timber of his voice seemed to reach inside me. I could barely catch a breath. It was love at first sight…kismet…Fate. We had many wonderful years together and best of all, I have you and your sisters to remind me of his love until we meet again.”

  Holly treasured that story, even more so now that her parents had passed. It reminded her of the amazing love true mates share and gave her hope for her own future. Hope that was turning to frustration with each day she was unable to reach Heaven, her superior, or her sisters.

  Asher, Lead Christmas Angel, had been adamant that she leave right away. He’d assured her she would receive her orders once she’d arrived. He’d told her to be patient and find shelter. It was a definite detour from standard operating procedures but nonetheless, Holly had obeyed his orders. She’d flown directly to the coordinates she’d been given, secured the cave, made sure she had everything she needed, and then she’d waited.

  By day three without word from home, the angel grew anxious. She’d called out to Asher, but her request went unanswered. It was as if it reverberated back, making Holly unsure if the archangel even heard her call. That’s the way it had been for almost a week now, and to say her patience was waning was an understatement.

  Earlier, she’d been at the highest peak, repeatedly calling out to her Commander and her sisters…to no avail. There was no way they would be ignoring her. It had to be that something or someone was blocking her transmissions. She’d even felt a mysterious presence, most definitely magical, not really good or evil, but neutral. Using her powers, she attempted to touch its soul but found it unresponsive, dormant, as if it was deciding whether to grow into the Light or the Dark.

  After attempting several different forms of communication with the cryptic entity, Holly decided to try again tomorrow and headed for her cave. The entire walk back she tried to figure out what she’d felt and think of where it might be hiding. By the time she reached the mouth of her cave, the wind was howling and the snow made it hard for her to see. Thankfully, cold weather was only an inconvenience for Christmas Angels, but it did add to the frustration of a fruitless day. And if all of that wasn’t bad enough, her temporary abode had been invaded by a blasted interloper.

  A hot as the fires of ‘you know where’ interloper…

  Holly smiled at her own silliness then looked down at the man at her feet. She felt bad that the glow of her shield had rendered him unconscious. Any other time she would have dialed it back, but the feelings this particular shifter invoked within her had taken her by surprise and she’d simply forgotten. At least until he crumbled in a heap at her feet. Then she’d hurried over to make sure he was all right.

  Looking down at his tanned skin, the angel wondered how in the world he kept such color in these freezing temperatures. It then occurred to her that he wasn’t from the mountain; only waiting just like her. Holly used her powers to make sure her invader hadn’t hurt himself in his fall, but for some reason the need to touch him was a living being inside her. Kneeling beside his head, her hand hovered over his forehead. She desperately wanted to touch him but her hand just hung in the air.

  Get over yourself, Holly girl. Just make sure the man is all right. God knows he’s not gonna bite. He is unconscious after all.

  Exasperated, and more than a little embarrassed by her own actions, Holly lowered her hand. The heat she felt rising from his skin even before touching him was a bit disconcerting, but nothing she really worried about. The others shifters she’d encountered in her travels had also ran hot. It seemed to be a trait among their kind. She wondered again exactly what type of shifter he was just as her fingertips brush
ed his forehead.

  A bolt of electricity nearly knocked her on her butt. She found it difficult to draw her next breath. Her heart beat so loudly it drowned out all other sounds, but worse than that, her traitorous body was immediately excited at the prospect of peeling back the long johns the shifter was wearing and touching every inch of what she knew was an incredible body.

  Taking a deep breath, Holly knew she should stop touching the stranger. The effect he had on her was alarming and nothing she should welcome, but no matter what her brain said, her body had a mind of its own and her hand continued to stroke his cheek. The current between them calmed but continued to flow freely. It warmed her from the inside out. For the first time in her very long existence, she understood her sisters’ obsession with men.

  Holly had always dismissed their infatuation with the opposite sex as something genetic, seeing as all but one of them were Angels of Love, in one form or another. She’d assumed it was just something they’d been born with and couldn’t help. Year after year, the angel had listened to her siblings swoon over one man after another, never understanding how they could feel anything more than a passing fancy for someone who was not their true mate. But now that she’d experienced an intense reaction to the man lying on her cave floor, she was beginning to understand. It really was intoxicating.

  Lost in her thoughts, Holly barely heard the low groan and almost missed the slight roll of her intruder’s head. It was little more than a sigh but enough to break the spell their skin-to- skin contact had caused. The angel jumped up and backed away, not reengaging her shield but wishing for a place to hide.

  What in the world is wrong with me? He’s just a man.

  But Holly knew better. There was something about her trespasser that was so much more than ‘just a man’. She watched intently as he rolled to his side, sat up, and shook his head as if was trying to clear away the cobwebs from his fall. Looking around, he mumbled to himself.


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