Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 94

by Michele Bardsley

  “What the…”

  His words were cut off as their eyes met. Holly gasped and took a step backward. It wasn’t that she felt threatened by the stranger, on the contrary, every cell in her body was screaming for her to move closer. The little voice in the back of her mind was yelling that something monumental was happening…that Holly’s world would never be the same and on that fact, they most definitely agreed.

  Goose bumps rose all over her body. She wanted with all her heart to hear his voice again. To feel the low gravely tones roll over her senses. It made her lightheaded. It made her feel…whole.

  Whole? Haven’t I always been whole?

  Once again, her little voice was speaking, but this time it simply chanted …life changing….life changing…life changing…

  The stranger recovered more quickly than Holly, although she did note the flair of his nostrils and the way his pupils dilated so completely she still didn’t know the actual color of his eyes. Watching him stand was exhilarating.

  He was agile and flexible and much taller and broader than she’d originally thought. He was a huge man but moved with a sensual grace that conjured fantasies of long, hot nights, a satisfaction she’d only ever imagined, and something so all-encompassing, it made Holly long to know him better.

  Before seeing ‘her stranger’, the angel would’ve told you there was no way a man that big could be considered graceful. But she would’ve been wrong…woefully wrong. And she was ecstatic for her mistake.

  My stranger? I really am losing my mind!

  He never broke eye contact as he moved and neither did Holly. Something she would be eternally grateful for. They stood no more than ten feet apart, simply staring, neither moving, both content to wait. She watched as the black of his pupils was replaced by a deep brown, reminding her of rich decadent chocolate that also matched the color of his hair.

  The firelight from the cavern spilt into the passageway, making his dark eyes glisten. Holly saw the man’s good nature as well as a healthy sense of humor shining in their depths. She got the feeling he was pretty much a jokester and immediately wanted to hear him laugh.

  As time ticked by, the angel decided it was stupid to be standing staring at one another and was just about to speak when her stranger beat her to the punch.

  “I think I might’ve invaded your territory. I found this cave and thought it was deserted.”

  As he spoke Holly was helpless to do anything but listen. It was the best sound she’d ever heard. She knew she should say something…anything, but her mind was blank except for thoughts of the man before her.

  Clearing his throat, he continued, but this time his tone was more questioning, almost unsure. “You do understand English, don’t you?”

  Unable to do anything else, still mesmerized, Holly simply nodded.

  Chuckling and grinning, which made him even more attractive, he added. “Thank the Heavens. My language skills are limited to English, a little Gaelic, and the curse words from at least twenty-other languages.”

  Enamored and totally disarmed by his charm, Holly laughed aloud, immediately followed by slapping her hand over her mouth and blushing from head to toe. Her handsome stranger laughed right along and pretended not to notice her embarrassment before motioning in the direction of the fire. “Why don’t we go warm up by the fire? You’re lucky not to be frozen solid after being out in that storm with nothing more than a light cape and leather boots.”

  She followed his lead, walking past him just close enough to feel his warmth but careful not to touch him again. This time she noted a distinct, spicy scent. It reminded her of burning wood and smoke. Chuckling to herself, she dismissed it as his campfire and continued over the threshold of her grotto. Holly could see he’d made himself at home. Normally, she would’ve been irritated. The angel had been teased for most of her life about being overprotective of her space. She repeatedly tried to explain that it wasn’t that she didn’t like people, it was just that she liked her solitude more…in a place of her own…alone.

  Did I say alone?

  But not this time. This time it felt natural, like they were supposed to be sharing, supposed to be together.

  I think all this snow might just be freezing my brain.

  Letting go of the breath she hadn’t realize she’d been holding, Holly sat on the opposite side of the fire from her stranger with her back to the pool of water and tried to think of something witty to say. Blessedly, he spoke first.

  “I’m just here until the storm breaks and then I’ll be out of your hair. I’ve given up on getting home for Christmas but I damn sure want to be there for the New Year.”

  Holly wanted to tell him there was no rush, he could stay as long as he liked. As of matter of fact, she was just about to offer him assistance with getting home when he added, “Sorry, I guess my brain is scrambled from smacking my head on the ground before. Should’ve already introduced myself. Name’s Tomas, Tomas Youngblood, and you are?”

  Tomas…his name is Tomas. Nice name.

  She was once again dumbstruck and searching for the reason why while his question hung in the air. It was as if he wasn’t sure she would answer and if Holly was honest with herself, she didn’t know if she could. After opening and closing her mouth a few times, she was finally able to squeak out the name she’d been given almost five hundred years ago. “Holly…my name is Holly.”

  “Well, Holly, I’m really glad to meet you. Do you think we can share this space for the next few hours until the storm lets up? I promise to get out of your hair as soon as I can.”

  Holly nodded, wondering if she should tell Tomas that it was going to be at least a week before there was a break in the blizzard. The angel was innately in tune with the weather and knew without fail this was no ordinary snowstorm…this was a whiteout and one that had settled in.

  However, being an angel, especially a Christmas Angel, Holly was able to travel through any kind of weather. Her feathers and wings were impervious to all temperatures. She could go anywhere at any time, except home before her final mission was complete. That single thought reminded Holly of her obligation and cooled the fire Tomas ignited within her.

  Cooled…not extinguished. What the heck is wrong with me?

  “Thank you! That’s great! I’ve set up my bed over there.” He pointed to a sleeping bag on the stone floor and clothes hanging on the rocks jutting from the wall. “If that’s your spot, I’ll move. I’m just thankful you’re not throwing me out on my ass.”

  His candor made Holly laugh, which in turn made Tomas’ smile grow. She knew he felt their undeniable attraction but prayed he wouldn’t act upon it. Not because she didn’t want him to, but because it was all she could think about. The angel knew there was no way she could resist him and that would just not do. He was not her mate. It wasn’t possible. He was not an angel. He was a shifter and shifters and angels did not mate, of that she was sure. Or at least she had been before laying eyes on Tomas.

  Distracted by her inner debate, Holly didn’t hear Tomas speak and completely missed him moving towards her. Electricity raced through her body as he laid his large, warm hand on her shoulder. She sprang to her feet. Her head connected with the bottom of his chin. He stepped back to avoid further collision. His foot landed on top of the log she’d been sitting on. It rolled. Tomas yelled. Unable to regain his balance, he fell backward.

  From that moment forward everything happened in slow motion. Holly reached out to keep Tomas upright but instead, he grabbed her hand and in an instant, the two were tumbling head over heels over one another. Bracing for impact, Holly was shocked as she followed the shifter into the cool, deep water of the pond. His agility once again amazed her as he twisted his body to make sure he took the brunt of the impact as they fell into the water.

  Spitting and sputtering, they both surfaced just seconds later. Holly wanted to be mad, but Tomas was laughing so hard she couldn’t even muster a dirty look. His good nature and humor completely disarmed her. So
much so that when she opened her mouth to speak, it was without thought. Her words not only shocked Tomas but rocked her world to the core. “You’d think since we both have wings this could’ve been avoided.”

  Wings? Where the heck did that come from?

  Chapter Three

  Tomas had no clue where Holly’s ‘wings’ comment had come from. He’d touched her mind and heard her thoughts while lying stunned on the ground, so he knew she had no clue he was a dragon.

  Apparently, things have changed.

  In his semi-conscious state, the Guardsman had unashamedly eavesdropped. Yes, it was an invasion of privacy and one he should’ve been embarrassed about but wasn’t at all. It had started out as a way to see if she was friend or foe. But once there, Tomas had become enthralled with the beautiful creature’s incredible mind. She was pure light and everything good and she was his…no doubt about it.

  Not in all his years had he ever imagined being mated to a Christmas Angel. Hell, he was amazed to find out they really existed. His mother always told him they were real, but he’d been sure that was to keep her rebel-rousing son in line, even if it was only for the few weeks close to the holidays.

  “Wings, huh? Well, I don’t know about you, my sweet angel, but mine come with a fifteen hundred pound body. Not sure this little pool could handle the girth.”

  The shock on her face said it all. Holly had no idea where her comment had come from. Furthermore, she most definitely had picked up on his ‘my sweet angel’ comment. Because he had been so intimately linked to her mind, Tomas was well aware of the feelings she already had for him, as well as how hard she was fighting to ignore them. She had some ill-conceived notion that her mate was another angel. Well, the big fire-breathing dragon that happened to be sharing her quarters knew differently. He had plans to woo his mate until she forgot about everything but him. He just needed to get them both out of the water first.

  Taking full advantage of Holly’s momentary surprise, Tomas asked, “Whatcha say we get outta here, get warmed up, and get something to eat. Then you can tell me how you knew I was a dragon. Usually, I’m pretty good at hiding that fact.”

  Not waiting for her response, the dragon rolled to his back and made his way to the side of the pond. Watching out of the corner of his eye, he had to bite the insides of his cheeks to keep from grinning as his mate shrugged and began swimming to the water’s edge as well.

  Tomas thanked the Heavens, the Universe, and whoever had fashioned Holly’s frock as rational thought became almost impossible. He’d known she was beautiful from first glance. Had loved the way her light, shoulder-length red hair barely brushed her shoulders and the way her large curls bounced as she spoke. He was mesmerized by the way her deep blue eyes sparkled in the firelight, making him think of the stars in the sky.

  She had a curvy figure just barely contained within the flowing white fabric of her dress and accentuated by the golden belt around her waist. Tomas had almost fallen to his knees in worship when she’d removed her long red cape before sitting by the fire, but now as she stood before him soaking wet, he was breathless.

  Every erotic curve and sensual dip of her figure was outlined by the now nearly transparent cloth. His mouth watered as he imagined exploring all of his gorgeous mate with his hands and mouth. He knew eternity with his angel would never be enough. She was absolute perfection.

  With her hair slicked back, Holly’s pure beauty was magnified. Her porcelain skin all but glowed and even from across the grotto, he could make out a smattering of tiny freckles across her nose and the apples of her slightly blushed cheeks. Tomas’ knees almost buckled as just the tip of her tongue slipped between her lips and wet her bottom lip. He dreamt of covering her luscious lips with his own, swallowing her sigh of contentment and tasting all that she was. There was no doubt Holly would be his addiction…was already becoming his obsession. She was his and there was nothing he wanted more than claim to her for all time, but Tomas knew his headstrong angel needed to be convinced.

  His dragon chuffed his chagrin, pushing against Tomas’ mind, letting the Guardsman know the beast’s patience was wearing thin. Both man and dragon were in agreement, but it was the man who would have to tread lightly. He had no idea what Holly would do if he pushed too hard and too fast. Could she disappear? Could she paralyze with that damn light of hers again and then run? Speaking of that…

  “I forgot to ask, what was that wall of light you nearly killed me with when we first met?” Tomas walked to his pallet on the floor, grabbed a towel out of his pack and handed it to Holly to dry off. Since he was so hot and bothered there was no doubt he’d dry from the inside out.

  “It was my Shield of Light. It’s the only protection we angels carry when on Earth.” She used the towel to dry and fluff her curls before adding, “And I didn’t almost kill you, I never would’ve done that unless you attacked. I just got...distracted and let it shine a little longer and brighter than it I should’ve.” She bowed her head and lowered her voice. “I’m very sorry. I promise I meant no harm.”

  It was all Tomas could do to not race to his mate, wrap her in his arms, and tell her everything would be okay. He’d even taken a few steps towards her before remembering he needed to go slow. “I know, mo chroi’, just messing with ya.” He winked and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.

  Note to self, make her smile every minute of every day…forever.

  Needing to keep her talking, Tomas continued, “So how did you know I’m a dragon?” Then to cover the fact that he’d read her thoughts, he quickly added, “Most people can’t tell we’re any more than shifters. It’s the dragon magic. It’s so old most don’t recognize it.”

  A myriad of thoughts and emotions crossed her expressive face before his angel finally answered. “Honestly, I have no clue. At first, in the tunnel, I couldn’t tell. It’s like you just said, I knew you were a shifter, just not what kind. But while we were falling into the water a picture of a massive golden red dragon flashed in my mind and I just knew.”

  He felt her confusion, heard her trying to reason out where the information had come from, and watched her brow furrow so tightly he feared it might get stuck that way. It was all he could do not to laugh aloud as she ruled out every possibility, from had they met before to divine intervention, always careful to avoid the feelings growing within her. For a few brief seconds, Holly let her thoughts wander and he saw glimpses of them together, but she’d quickly shut them down.

  So you’re trying to ignore what you feel, my sweet. Let’s see what we can do about that.

  “No worries. I’m sure it was just meant to be. You know…Fate or kismet.” He used the very words he’d pulled from her thoughts. “Kinda like the way I knew you were an angel.”

  “What do you mean?” Again, her brow furrowed, but this time Tomas thought about kissing away her stress and took a step forward.

  “I mean it’s a like calls to like kinda thing.”

  “But we’re not alike. I’m an angel and you’re a dragon. Pretty different if you ask me.” She scoffed and Tomas grinned, taking another step towards her, all thoughts of going slow and giving Holly time to come terms with their attraction evaporating into thin air.

  “Really? You think we’re that different?” One more step closer, only three to go.

  She nodded but didn’t speak, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. He listened as she battled with her attraction to him and wondered if he knew the effect he was having on her. Tomas let his grin grow into a knowing smile and took another step.

  Feigning confusion, he squinted his eyes and asked, “But we both have wings.”

  “Yes...yes we do.” Holly stuttered, barely above a whisper.

  “And we are both older than we appear.” One step closer. Only one to go.

  “Yes, that’s also true but…”

  One last step and their bodies were so close the electricity sparked between them. Holly’s quick intake of breath told the Guard
sman everything he needed to know…she was feeling absolutely everything he was. A war was raging within her mind. She knew she should step back, should run screaming from the cavern, should get as far away from him as possible, but didn’t have the will to move.

  Still not touching, Tomas whispered, “And you want me to kiss you just as much as I need to kiss you…” His statement was left hanging in the air as attraction won out over intellect and his lips touched hers.

  It was everything he’d imagined and so much more. She tasted of cinnamon and honey spiced with cloves, sweet and spicy. She filled a part of him he hadn’t known was empty. Her lips were soft and warm, a perfect fit for his. She surrendered to his kiss, opening to him without reservation. Their passion grew. Her fingernails scratched the nape of his neck as she wound her fingers through his hair, burrowing even closer, their bodies so entwined he felt her hardened nipples even through the layers of their clothing.

  With a contained urgency his hands roamed her body, committing every curve and swerve to memory. She was everything a woman was supposed to be and she was all his, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

  Tomas thanked the Heavens for Holly’s height. At almost five-foot-ten, she fit against him perfectly. They were two pieces of a puzzle, meant to be together for all time. No longer able to contain his hunger for the woman in his arms and with his dragon pushing so hard the man was sure his angel could see his scales, Tomas lifted Holly into his arms. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist. The heat of her arousal caused his erection to grow even harder. His cock ground against the fabric of his long underwear with such force Tomas was sure the texture would be forever embedded in his skin, but he couldn’t care. He was whole for the first time in his almost ninety years.

  Moving towards his pallet on the floor, he carefully lowered them to his sleeping bag, never breaking their kiss or embrace. The scent of pine and cloves filled the air as Holly’s arousal soared. It was as if Christmas had bloomed right there…just for them.


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