Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 95

by Michele Bardsley

  Needing to taste more of her, Tomas moved along her jaw to her ear where he paid extra attention to the special little spot behind her ear he instinctively knew would drive her wild. Moving to her neck, he kissed her collarbone, moving the still damp fabric of her dress as he went. He needed to touch all of her, every inch. He needed to make her his in every way.

  Dipping under her neckline, Tomas paid homage to the top of the abundant swells of her breast, reveling in the way Holly arched her back, begging for his attention. Needing to be closer to her, needing to see all of her, needing the skin-to-skin contact only his mate could give him, the Guardsman reached between their bodies, unbuckled her belt, and threw it over his shoulder. Moving down her body, pulling her clothing up as he went, his heart soared and his mouth watered when he finally reached her naked stomach.

  Lavishing her bare skin, Tomas knew if he were to die in the next few minutes he was sure to reach the Heavens a happy man. Holly’s hands, once again wrapped in his hair, pulled so hard he was sure he’d be bald and didn’t care in the least. He was loving his mate, branding her as his, marking her so all would know to whom she belonged.

  Kissing along the lace topping her white silk panties, Tomas bathed in her scent. She was hot, wet, and ready, but he needed to be sure. He had to know Holly was onboard for all that was about to happen. It was important he hear it from her lips not pull it from her mind. She had to say the words.

  He knew once he tasted her there would be no going back. Both man and beast needed to mark her, even if it was only temporary. The Guardsman needed to see his mark upon her flesh. They could discuss the official mating as soon as they got out of the snow, which he knew from her thoughts could be a week or longer.

  A week alone…together…making love, learning about one another, building a relationship that will last for all time. What could be better?

  Breaking contact, he lifted his head. Tomas held back a chuckle as Holly’s eyes popped open, spearing him with a look of utter disappointment at the loss of their connection. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her cheeks blushed from her arousal, a look of total adoration quickly replacing her initial displeasure. He drew a ragged breath, unable to believe the beautiful creature before him was his.

  “You okay there, sweetheart?” he asked, his hands massaging the tops of her thighs as he looked into her eyes.

  “Yes,” she sighed just as he slipped his thumbs under the lace of her panties on either side of her mound.

  Her squeak of surprise was quickly followed by a moan of sheer pleasure as just the tips of his digits touched her outer lips. She was hot and wet. Her mouth was drawn in a perfect circle as she rolled her hips, trying to force his hands where she ached to be touched.

  Moving a fraction closer, the wet curls tickled his fingers. Once again she moaned and her eyes slid shut. “Holly, mo maite’, look at me.”

  Her eyes snapped to his but what he saw confused him. Caught unaware, Tomas almost landed face first on the sleeping bag where less than a second before his mate had been laying. Holly used a preternatural speed he hadn’t known she possessed to slide out from under him and plaster herself against the cave wall.

  Shaking her head and looking so frightened it broke his heart, Holly cried, “No! That just can’t be!”

  Completely clueless, Tomas asked, “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay?”

  “No! I am absolutely not okay and I am not your mate.”

  Guess she understands Gaelic. Probably should’ve asked that earlier.

  “I was just about to talk to you about that.”

  Her expression said she found that hard to believe and her words backed it up. “You most definitely were not. You were about to make love to me.”

  Knowing he should feel embarrassed but finding nothing except the need to reassure his mate within him, Tomas cajoled. “Actually, I was about to do both. If you don’t believe me, search my thoughts. I know you can, just as I can read yours.”

  Shock colored her beautiful features but was quickly replaced with a look of determination. Tomas felt her reach into his mind and opened completely to her. Because of their connection, he knew she saw it all, felt what he felt, even touched the mind of his beast, who wholeheartedly agreed that she was the One the Universe had created just for them.

  Quickly pulling out of his mind, Holly spun on her heel and began pacing. Tomas thought about reading her thoughts but immediately decided against it. She needed time and no matter how difficult, that was what he’d give her.

  Several moments later, his angel dropped to her knees at the head of the sleeping bag. He noted the distance she kept between them but was glad she hadn’t realized she was still dressed in just her bra and panties. Tomas was enjoying the view and prayed she didn’t cover her gorgeous figure.

  “I can see what you and your dragon believe and believe me I’m very flattered, but you are mistaken. I’m a Christmas Angel and Christmas Angels only mate with other Christmas Angels and only after they’ve completed their final mission. So you see there’s no way you can be my mate. I haven’t completed my task, heck, I don’t even know what it is yet. And…you…” She cleared her throat and tried to look away but Tomas leaned forward, taking her hands into his. There was no way he was going to let her run from this. It was something she had to come to terms with, something they had to face…together.

  Nodding, Holly finally spoke. “You’re a…a…dragon…”

  Tomas laughed aloud. He knew it was inappropriate, and on some level, he should probably be offended by her tone, but he laughed long and hard anyway. At least Holly didn’t look upset anymore. For the first time since meeting her, his angel actually shivered, the lost look in her eyes nearly gutting him. Touching her mind, he found her more than a little scared but still trying to reason away all she felt and all she’d seen in his mind.

  Searching for a patience that other times eluded him, Tomas spoke as softly as he could while looking her right in the eye. “I assure you we are mates. I can feel it.” He laid his fist on his chest over his heart. “And I know you can feel it, too.”

  Holly’s chin fell to her chest. She took a long, ragged breath and let it out, as if the world was crumbling around her. When she looked up, there were unshed tears in her eyes and her voice was low and shaky. “But legend says I am to wed an angel.”

  Looking at the one woman in the entire world who completed both him and his dragon. The person who brought light to his soul. The individual he would forsake all others for. The one he’d waited for all his life. Tomas said the only thing he could. “Holly, I know as sure as God made little green apples that I am your mate and you are mine. But I can assure you of one thing… I’m damned sure no angel.”

  Chapter Four

  Holly could feel the strength of Tomas’ conviction and had to admit he affected her as no other ever had. The feel of his hands upon her skin and his lips upon her mouth were burned into her memory for all time. Not to mention the slow burn within her only he’d ignited threatening to obliterate her common sense. Could all the stories have been wrong? Could her mate really be a dragon?

  Not having an answer for the handsome man looking at her with such incredible adoration it made her ache, Holly did the only thing she could think of…she paced. After her second trip around the grotto, she realized she was parading around in her underwear. Unwilling to show her embarrassment, the angel calmly made her way back to the sleeping bag, grabbed her dress and slid it over her head, all without missing a step. She could feel Tomas’ eyes following her. The heat of his stare kept her libido in a constant state of turmoil and made it difficult for her to breathe, let alone think.

  She was confused…and frustrated, and wanted nothing more than to turn back the hands of time to when all that mattered was completing her final mission and going home. Holly wished she’d never come back to the cave, never met the sexy stranger, and most definitely never let him kiss her.

  And… I’m lying to mys
elf. Way to go, Holly!

  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t as upset about meeting Tomas as she wanted to believe. But being upset was the only way she could keep her wayward feelings in check and get a clear thought in edgewise. If the angel was honest with herself, meeting the darned dragon was the best thing that had ever happened to her. He made her feel truly alive, complete, loved.

  Shaking her head, Holly continued her laps around the pool. If only her mother was still alive. Momma always knew what to do. Merry had been the wisest of all the angels and the best mother in all of Heaven to boot. There’d never been finer. She was always there for all her daughters with love, support, and most of all, the answers to every question they threw at her. For the first time since Merry had passed on, Holly truly wished for her presence. The angel knew it was wrong, knew her parents were together and happy in the Afterlife, but just really needed guidance, the kind that can only her mom could give.

  Somewhere between ten and fifteen laps, Holly recognized that she was stalling, just plain putting off a conversation that had to happen… but what was she supposed to say? Glancing at the man professing to be her mate, she realized he’d changed from his thermal underwear to a pair of well-worn jeans and a faded, long sleeved, grey T-shirt. She admired his physique as he bent at the waist to straighten the blankets they’d mussed during their short time together.

  The cotton of his shirt stretched perfectly across the well-toned muscles of his back. Holly’s palms ached with the need to feel their raw power under her hands again. The denim of his pants caressed his butt and outlined his legs as if they’d been made just for him. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than Tomas looked over his shoulder and winked.


  It was then that she remembered they could touch one another’s mind and wondered if he’d been listening to her chaotic inner rambling. It wouldn’t matter if he was. Maybe it would actually be for the best. He’d know for sure that she had a screw or two loose and probably leave her alone. That one thought made her sad, sadder than she had a right to be, since just a little while ago she’d vehemently denied their connection.

  I really am a mess…

  Searching her mind, she didn’t feel his presence but did find a link that hadn’t been there before. Carefully following the bond, Holly found unconditional acceptance, a wealth of love, unbending loyalty, and a warmth that could only be described as home.

  She’d never been very good at telepathy and really only used it when she was away from Heaven, so she was resistant to trust what she felt. Asher had repeatedly chastised her for not honing her skills and she now knew why. But looking into Tomas’ deep brown eyes, Holly knew there was nothing to fear.

  No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than she felt Tomas’ mental touch. He filled her with reassurance and a confidence that no matter what, everything would be all right. “Is that how you really feel?” The words were out of her mouth before she’d even finished the thought.

  “Absolutely. You’re inside me. You’re part of me. Not just my mind but my soul…part of my very DNA. Don’t you see, Holly? This is Fate. This is what’s meant to be. We were made for one another. Two halves of the same whole. You are my mate.”


  “But nothing. I can feel the battle within you. And I can also feel that you know the truth. I know better than most that it’s never easy when things don’t turn out how you plan, especially when those plans are hundreds of years old, but you can’t beat Fate. She will not be denied. We are meant to be.”

  Tomas had been moving towards her the entire time he spoke, the strength of his conviction surrounding her, overtaking her, begging her to believe they had a chance.

  “Oh, Tomas…”

  Words failed her as his hand touched hers and the proof of their connection skittered up her arm. Her heart beat faster and her body warmed. Unable to stand on her own, needing to feel the security of his embrace, Holly closed the scant distance between them and laid her head on his chest, the beat of his heart steady and true just like the man. She didn’t even try to hold back the sigh of contentment as his arms came around her.

  How does he do that? How does he just know?

  “Because I am yours and you are mine. My own angel, to love forever more.”

  “Hey. How did you do that?”

  “It is called mindspeak among my kin. We can only do it with those whom with we share a bond of fealty and blood and our mates. It’s just one of the many ways confirming that we really are meant to be.”

  “I…” Holly was just about to agree, at least conditionally, when the mysterious presence she’d encountered on the mountaintop earlier that day forced its way into her mind. A strange humming sound accompanied by the feeling of fear and dread drowned out all other sound. Whatever the entity was, it was scared and calling out to her for help.

  “What the hell is that?” Tomas asked, pulling back just enough to look in her in the eye.

  “I have no idea. Earlier today I was out on the mountain trying to communicate with home when I felt a strange presence. It didn’t feel threatening. As a matter of fact, it didn’t feel like anything…just neutral, not good and not bad. Ya know what I mean?”

  “Yeah…” as his only answer, but his furrowed brow said he wasn’t sure.

  “I know it has a soul, I touched it. But it’s just kind of there. Maybe waiting to choose a side? I don’t know.” She shook her head. “I thought it was blocking my transmissions home, but then I just dismissed it. Why would anyone want to keep me from talking to Heaven?”

  “I don’t know. But it’s obvious whatever it is it needs help and thinks you’re the one to deliver it.”

  Holly opened her mouth to speak at the same time a wave of utter terror slashed through her mind. Grabbing her head, the angel slumped against Tomas, pulling on his strength to keep her upright during the barrage of turbulent emotions. Just as quickly as it had started, it was gone. The silence so complete, she could feel echoes of the loss.

  Tomas was rubbing her back and whispering words of comfort. He’d heard her mysterious ‘friend’ but thankfully hadn’t been affected by its call. Pulling back, Holly tried to turn away. She needed to go see if she could help the strange entity. It was her duty. She was an angel. It was what she’d been born to do.

  “And I’m guessing you think you’re going out in the dead of night, in a blizzard, to help God knows who, with God knows what, and I’m just gonna sit here and wait for you to… what? Come back? Call when you can? Handle whatever’s waiting all on your own?” The look of disgust on his face and slight shake of his head, coupled with his words, made it perfectly clear that Tomas was by no means being left behind.

  Holly’s first instinct was to ignore his protests and simply leave. She was a five hundred year old angel with powers of her own who could handle herself, but then she knew he’d just follow and be mad on top of everything else.

  “Guess I was wrong, huh?”

  “Guess you were.” The fire in his eyes spoke louder than his words.

  “All right then. Grab your coat and let’s go. I can still feel its fear.”

  Securing her belt around her waist and her cape around her shoulders, Holly was shocked when Tomas was ready and waiting at the door of their grotto, sword in hand.

  “You move pretty quick there, dragon man.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, angel girl.”

  Chapter Five

  Tomas wasn’t sure if racing out into a blizzard to help an unknown entity that could very well be drawing them into danger was what he’d had in mind in all the years he’d dreamt of finding his mate. But he’d also never imagined the one made for him would be a Christmas Angel, so nothing seemed out of the realm of possibility. He’d felt how much Holly needed to help the mysterious voice in her head and decided if it meant that much to her, that it was important to him.

  She’d been so cute trying to leave without him. He’d almost laughed out loud. B
ut then knowing what he already knew about his amazing mate, Tomas wondered if she could’ve actually slipped by him. She was older and had an ancient strength rivaling his own. Life was going to be an adventure with his sweet Holly, one he looked forward to with complete abandon.

  Racing up the mountain side by side was exhilarating. For the first time he felt a real partnership growing, as well as her belief in their relationship. They reached an outcropping several hundred feet under the top mountain mere seconds before the enigmatic creature they were rushing to aid again cried out. Tomas knew they were close by the sheer volume and presence of noise in his head. He was also immediately aware that his shields had been blown wide open.

  “What the hell was that?” Jace, Royce, Liam and Lance, all members of his Force, demanded in unison.

  “Wish I knew,” was the only answer Tomas could give his brethren.

  “Feels off somehow,” Rayne joined the conversation.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too,” he answered, trying to keep the existence of his mate a secret, at least until Holly was more comfortable with their relationship.

  “That’s what you thought? Or what ‘your angel’ thought?” Royce was quick to ask.

  His brethren laughed while he attempted to come up with an explanation but Holly was just too quick. “His angel, huh? That still remains to be seen.” The other Guardsmen howled at her response, but she wasn’t done embarrassing him yet. “Besides, he’s a young’un. I kinda feel like a cradle robber.”

  The roar of laughter was deafening but the smile on her face made it all worthwhile. Her cautious acceptance warmed him through and through. He couldn’t even feel the wind or snow beating his body as they climbed the last few yards to the pinnacle of the mountain. Holly teasing him right along with his brethren was great. Life just didn’t get much better.


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