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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 96

by Michele Bardsley

  “I guess introductions are in order. Holly, this is the guys. Guys, this is Holly.”

  “Hi, guys!” Holly joked, taking his extended family’s inopportune appearance in stride.

  “Hey, Holly!” they all responded, still laughing so hard it was a little difficult to make out their words.

  Royce was the first to gain a modicum of composure. “And so it begins. Your life will never be the same.”

  Tomas chuckled. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  “Yep, he’s a goner.” Jace and Liam laughed in unison, but it was his Commander who got right back to business.

  “I’m happy for you, Tomas, but what’s happening out there?”

  “Not sure yet. Holly encountered the creature earlier but felt nothing threatening so let it be. She did note that its soul is in some flex state, and from what she can tell hasn’t decided if it’s playing for the Light or the Dark side.”

  Already finishing each other’s thoughts, Holly added, “I thought it might be blocking my transmissions home…I mean to Heaven, but now I’m beginning to think that whatever my mysterious stranger is scared of may be the cause of my inability to speak to the other angels.”

  Tomas noted a strong scent of danger and a feeling of darkness. He left his link to his brethren open so they could feel it too with the hopes one of them would know who or what it was.

  Not surprisingly, it was Kyra, Royce’s mate who answered first. “Feels like black magic mixed with a demon’s. It’s old. Not as old as Holly, but old.” The white witch chuckled. “Hi, Holly. I’m Kyra, Royce’s mate and white witch extraordinaire.”

  Once again everyone laughed. “Nice to meet you, Kyra. Thanks for the heads up,” Holly responded, pulling the jewel from the front of the buckle on her belt. She looked over her shoulder, catching Tomas’ eye, and spoke only to him. “I’m about to turn on my shield. It won’t affect you as before now that we’re linked mentally, but it’ll still be bright. Don’t look directly into the light. If you fall, it’s a long way down.”

  She winked and Tomas wished to be anywhere other than climbing a mountain. Kissing her silly was number on his to do list. “Understood,” was all he said, but not before sending a picture of his thoughts to his mate. The blush on her cheeks was answer enough.

  Damn, I love this woman.

  “No shit, Sherlock,” Jace chuckled, then quickly added. “Throw up those mental blocks before thinking your mushy shit there, chief.”

  “Now, if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black,” Royce laughed. “There’s not a Dragon Guardsman within a hundred miles that didn’t know you were head over heels for Melanie.”

  And of course, Kyra had to add, “There are still times I get way too much information.”

  “All right, all right, you chuckle-heads, so I’m not the best at shielding my thoughts.” Jace sounded completely unapologetic despite his words.

  “Not the best?” Royce howled. “You’re not even in the top one hundred.”

  The banter and laughter continued until they reached the top of the mountain. “We’re here.” All extra conversation immediately ceased. Tomas let his brethren see and feel everything he experienced.

  At Holly’s side, her shield shining in front of them, the couple cautiously made their way to a small burrow in the side of an odd shaped hill that topped the mountain. Tomas sent a tendril of his preternatural senses into the hole in search of any signs of life. At first, there was nothing. It appeared to be an abandoned fox habitat, but as he reached farther into the earth, he bumped right into Holly’s little friend. It was just as she had explained. Although his dragon senses didn’t touch its soul, they did sense its life force, and just as the angel had said, it was completely neutral.

  The mysterious little creature reached back. “It likes you better than me.” Holly joked. “It didn’t even acknowledge my presence before.”

  “Yeah, but it called to you for help.”

  “There is that,” she answered. “Can you tell what it is? All I get is its fear.”

  “No clue.” Tomas continued to play a game of ‘touch and touch back’ with the entity, hoping to get some sense of its origin.

  So distracted in his inspection, the Guardsman almost missed the tendrils of pure evil traveling through the earth straight for the little creature. Holly, pulled at his shoulder. “Get out of there! Let me shine my light into the hole. That evil needs to be forced back.”

  Unwilling to leave the unknown being now that he’d met it, Tomas protested. “Give me just a minute to coax it out.”

  He could feel Holly’s frustration with his decision but turned all his focus on the little creature hidden in the ground, fighting to find its true purpose. On some level, the dragon understood exactly what it was going through. Not so long ago, Tomas had been faced with the same decision. It had taken strength and conviction to walk away from a throne and a clan of his own. But he’d known becoming a Dragon Guardsman was his destiny and had embarked on the path to realize it with unwavering determination.

  The entity in the ground deserved the same; deserved to make its own choice. Not to be forced into darkness by black magic and a demon. Evil didn’t play fair and Tomas had to believe the creature didn’t want a life in literal Hell, or it wouldn’t have begged Holly for help. Now, if the little thing would just cooperate and follow where the Guardsman led.

  Before he had to ask, Holly lent her help. She bathed the earth around the being in warm, soft light. It was just the push the entity needed. Slowly, it began to move towards Tomas, holding onto the stream of Holly’s light like a lifeline.

  “Just a little more,” Tomas said to no one in particular.

  “Tomas, the darkness is getting stronger. There are real live beings coming up the far side of the mountain.” It was Kyra and she sounded more than a little pissed. “I can make out three wizards and a demon. Dammit, why did they have to bring one of Hell’s spawn to the party?”

  “That’s just the way they roll,” Tomas joked with a levity he didn’t feel.

  “We have to hurry. I need my light to fight what’s coming, but I don’t want to let the little creature go if we can save it.” Holly’s urgency spurred him on while he felt his brethren add their strength to their rescue mission.

  The added push was all they needed. Within seconds, a very small human-like being bathed in the warm glow of Holly’s light emerged from the hole. Tomas’ first thought was that it was so ugly it was cute. Standing no more than eighteen inches high, its head was by far its largest feature and was sparsely covered with tiny sprouts that resembled hair but could’ve been some type of plant. Its large, bulbous eyes were blinking rapidly, while quickly taking in every aspect of its surroundings. They made the Guardsman think of the headlights on his Harley. The rest of it looked pretty much like a miniature human, pot belly and all, but its aura most definitely read magical, very magical, and although just born, very old.

  “It’s female,” Holly commented. “No more ‘it’, she’s a ‘she’. And we need to get her hidden before company crosses that ridge.”

  “Yes, you do,” Kyra agreed while pushing a spell into Tomas’ head that would combat the wizards.

  He sent his thanks while securing the little female behind a shield of dragon magic. Being born of two pureblooded dragons gave Tomas a more potent magic than the average dragon, so splitting off enough to shield their new friend was not a problem.

  Looking to his mate, Tomas filled with pride. Holly was poised like a warrior ready for battle. Her feet shoulder width apart and her shoulders thrown back, she stood tall with her shield in front of her. Her power crackled in the air around her as her cape unfurled behind her like a superhero. His mate was a force unlike any other.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “I’m ready.”

  Her words floated through his head just as the demon Kyra had warned them about crested the mountain, closely followed by three dark wizards. The stench of sulfur
and brimstone filled Tomas’ senses as he gripped his broadsword and watched his enemies race towards them. His stomach turned as the snow beneath their feet instantly thawed and the ground turned the unmistakable black of scorched earth. Even the evergreens drooped and wilted as they passed. Their magic was wicked and evil and…ancient. This was no low-level demon. They were dealing with a Master.

  Holly dropped to one knee and began counting down at the same time she said, “At the count of ten, I’m going to blast them.”

  Tomas nodded, bracing himself for the light, preparing to take down every evil creature in his path.


  Light burst from Holly’s shield, bathing the mountain a pure white glow. The demon’s spine-curdling screech made the hair on Tomas’ arms stand on end. The large cloaked figure stumbled, almost hitting the ground, but quickly regained his footing and continued towards them, throwing spell after spell. His dark magic bounced off Holly’s shield like bullets off an armored car. Fortunately, his cohorts were not as lucky. The wizards fell to their knees, wailing and tearing at their flesh as Holly’s light sought to purify them.

  “Do it! Do it, now!” Kyra all but screamed in his mind.

  Without hesitation, the Guardsman’s cry of “A bheith imithe! Du lar ais go dti’ ifreann! Riamh ar ais!” rang out with all the force of he and his brethren’s combined dragon magic.

  The demon stumbled. Tomas yelled out again with Holly accompanying him in English. “Be gone! Go back to Hell! Never return!”

  The demon fell face first onto the decimated earth beneath his feet but continued to claw the ground, pulling his large rotting frame towards them. The couple shouted the spell over and over. Holly poured her incredible energy into her shield, battling everything the demon threw at them, but still he persisted.

  A tiny tug on the leg of Tomas’ jeans alerted him to the presence of their little female. It was then he realized the demon’s entire focus was on her. The hell spawn still believed he could possess her and her magic.

  Tomas went to step in front of the little female but she would have none of it. Her grip on his jeans tightened. She lifted her right hand and closed her eyes. He felt her quake as a blast of bright green light shot from her hand, immediately incinerating the demon. The beam then landed on each of the wizards, leaving nothing but a pile of ash where they’d once laid.

  As quickly as it had burst forth, the light was gone. Tomas gave a war cry of victory, which was unfortunately met with Holly’s painful cry of concern. Looking down, he saw their little female face down in the snow, trembling uncontrollably.

  Scooping up the little one, Tomas handed her to Holly’s outstretched arms. His mate’s eyes filled with tears. “She made her choice. She’s chosen the Light but has expended too much energy destroying the evil.”

  “But she’ll be okay, right?”

  “I don’t know…”

  Chapter Six

  Hours after their race back to the cave, their little female was still unconscious. Her trembling had ceased and her breathing was more regulated, but she had yet to move. Holly called out to the Heavens, to Asher, and to her sisters until she was sure her head would explode, but received no answer. Had it not been for Tomas’ brethren, the white witch, and the dragons’ Healer, the angel was sure their patient would’ve already succumbed to death. The angel spent so much time praying for the creature to awake, she’d started calling her Eve because ‘little female’ seemed too impersonal when asking for divine intervention, and it was after all, the day before Christmas.

  Siobhan, the Healer, had done all she could and said more could be done if only they knew what type of creature Eve was. Holly had searched the little one’s now bright and shining soul, but found no indication of her origin, only what they already knew…she was magical and had she been given time, would’ve drawn upon the ancient power that made her existence possible.

  Holly blamed herself. If she’d sought Eve out after first feeling her presence, the little one would’ve chosen the Light, settled into her decision, and been able to have a life force rivaling any being on Earth or beyond. But as it stood, Eve had chosen the Light, destroyed a demon and three wizards, something not even Holly had been able to do, all too early in her very young life. Their only hope was that her strength of spirit would see her through while the power returned to her tiny, broken body. Holly quickly swiped at the single tear that wet her cheek. Unfortunately, not before Tomas saw it.

  Sitting beside her and putting a hot cup of cocoa in her hand, her dragon put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close into his side. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head then began to sing. Holly had thought his speaking voice was amazing, but as the low baritone of his song filled their fire lit grotto, she was entranced and could only listen in stunned silence. Thankfully, she could understand every known language and was able to truly appreciate the beauty of his words.

  “Beag abha’in eile,

  A bheith ar chaenn beag sa’bha’ilte

  Aingeal ag breathnu’ thar tu’

  Aingeal tu’a chosaint

  Aingeal fanacht fa’ilte a chur roimh tu’ abhaili.”

  The melody was haunting, the words inspiring, and Holly soon found herself singing along.

  “Rest little one,

  Be safe little one,

  Angels watch over you,

  Angels protect you,

  Angels wait to welcome you home.”

  She wanted to ask him where he’d learned it but didn’t want him to stop singing, so she let the question float from her mind to his. He once again kissed her head but this time, the picture of a sweet little boy with dark brown curls sleeping soundly on his mother’s lap appeared. The woman was stunning and looked just like the man who was quickly claiming Holly’s heart, except for her piercing blue eyes. It was Tomas’ mother. He was allowing Holly to see into his past. To feel the love he’d felt for his mother.

  Tears wet her cheeks and for the first time in her very long life, the Christmas Angel did not try to hide them or feel any shame for her show of emotion. She saw Tomas’ endless capacity to love. His ability rivaled the angels above and Holly knew it was time she accepted that Fate had made him for her.

  He continued to sing while holding her in his arms and gently rocking side to side. Holly had no idea how long she cried, but as her tears dried, exhaustion consumed her. Soon, her eyes became heavy and it wasn’t long until she was fighting sleep.

  I need to stay awake for Eve and to tell Tomas I love him.

  But fatigue won out and she was fast asleep in the arms of her mate.

  Her dreams were filled with visions of red-haired little boys chasing little girls with long, dark curls over a beautiful, rolling hillside. Holly knew immediately they were her children and there was no denying their father was a certain dark-eyed red and golden dragon. She relaxed even more and simply enjoyed what she hoped were prophecies of the future.

  All too soon, Tomas was shaking her awake. Her eyes flew open, looking directly to Eve. Their little patient still lay on her pallet, unresponsive, but thankfully breathing. Her mate’s voice forced back the last vestiges of sleep and had her jumping out of his lap and looking around for danger.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m not sure but something’s coming. We need to get Eve farther into the cave and set up a perimeter.”

  Holly jumped into action, grabbing Tomas’ sleeping bag and blankets and following him as he carried Eve out of the grotto. They’d made it ten steps further into the cave when a sound Holly thought lost to her forever sounded. It was the Angel Song, and it was coming closer.

  Laying her hand on Tomas’ back, she quickly explained. “There’s nothing to fear. It’s angels. They’re answering my call for help and announcing their presence. Let’s take Eve back into the grotto. Maybe they can help her.”

  Nodding, her dragon turned and headed back in the direction they’d just come from. Holly quick
ly laid the sleeping bag and her cloak on the floor then moved while Tomas placed Eve on the pallet, quickly covering her with the blankets. She kissed the little one’s forehead and assured her they’d be right back before standing and grabbing Tomas’ hand. It was time for him to meet more of her kin, and time for her to introduce her mate. But first, she would ask for their help.

  No sooner had the couple exited the grotto than they were bathed in Angel Light. Holly and Tomas were linked mind to mind, so although it was much stronger than what she’d originally hit her dragon with, he was able to endure.

  “Hey, dragon man, look at that. You do have a little angel in you. You’re still standing.”

  True to form, Tomas waggled his eyebrows and grinned. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, angel girl.”

  Their loving banter was cut short by the appearance of twelve angels. Holly was shocked to see Asher, her Commander. It was the first time she’d known him to leave Heaven since finding his mate, but she was thrilled he was there. However, nothing could compare to laying eyes on her sisters…all eleven of them. She tried to remember the last time they’d all been together since losing their parents.

  Dropping Tomas’ hand, Holly ran to the eldest of the Winters siblings, Rose, a Spring Angel, who was dressed from head to toe in leather and wool. “Oh my, I’m so happy to see you, to see you all.” Holly squealed as she hugged her older sister.

  “I’m happy to see you too but I have to ask, how in all that is holy do you stand this abominable weather? I’m freezing my wings off.”

  The others of her sisters whose temperaments swayed to the warmer side of life, wholeheartedly agreed. Only Starr, the youngest sibling next to Holly laughed, for she was a Snow Angel and loved all types of inclement weather.

  “I’m sorry for the snow but not for you presence. I desperately need your help.”

  “That is why we are here, Holly. Take us to your little Eve.” Asher ordered, ever the Commander.

  Holly returned to Tomas, winked, and grabbed his hand. Before she could get the words out, Asher was once again issuing orders. “And on the way you can introduce us to your dragon.”


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