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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 129

by Michele Bardsley

  “Maybe, maybe not.” He laughed, his eyes searching hers. “I’ll try and not be too ‘energetic.’ That can come after you’re more experienced. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you and that’s the last thing I want to do.”

  “Hey.” She reached up, her fingers softly touching his lips. “I’m tougher than I look.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a second.” Rolf playfully snapped at her fingers. “But, you were a virgin, so, we’ll take things slow. There are plenty of other ways to pleasure each other. My cock doesn’t need to be buried in your pussy every time, kitten, but it needs to be there now.”

  Mishka gulped. “Okay.”

  Rolf picked her up, placing her on the bed gently as he pointed. “In the middle.”

  She scooted over, her eyes watching as he joined her, his large body laying over hers and nudging her knees apart. His lips found hers, kissing her with abandon, and she felt as if she was in heaven. His nearness, his scent, his ministrations, causing her beast to roar in triumph in her head. Rolf kissed her for what seemed like an eternity, his hand tweaking first one, then her other nipple, a jolt of pleasure rippling through her as his cock rubbed against her clit. Mishka pushed her hips up, wrapping her legs around his thighs, urging him to enter her as her need rose.

  “Soon, baby.” He hissed, obviously holding back. “I want you nice and ready for me.”

  “I’m ready,” she exclaimed, exasperated and desperate for him to fill her. “Please, Rolf, now.”

  Rolf pulled his hips back, repositioning his hardness, and she sighed as it nudged her entrance. “Oh dear god.” She panted as he slowly, agonizingly slowly, pushed inside.

  His mouth left her lips, littering her skin with soft kisses, nibbles, and nips, as he made his way to her ear, a soft bite on her earlobe, causing her to spiral higher and higher. Mishka flung her head back, giving him clear access as his thrusts became harder, deeper, more pleasurable, if that were even possible. As soft moans of pleasure erupted from her, she heard his own, low growls were rumbling up through his chest and out onto her skin. When his canines elongated, she almost came there and then, knowing he was about to mark her as his.

  “Do it.” She urged, pushing her shoulder up toward his mouth, and a moment later she felt the sharp sting as his fangs pierced her skin.

  An orgasm so enormous she thought she’d combust, overruled her body, and her own teeth grew in her mouth. Mishka bit down on the muscle of his shoulder, sinking them deep, as she shrieked against his skin. Every particle of her being seemed to be taken over with the pleasure that cascaded through her, from her toes to the tip of her head, she tingled and convulsed, beneath her man. Rolf released his canines, his head rearing back as he thrust into her with hard, long, movements. His head raised, falling back, as he roared her name for all to hear.

  “Mine!” he shouted. “Always and forever, you’ll be mine!”

  His arms tightened around her as his body covered hers, a welcome weight which she savored, her own arms holding him in place as euphoria ran through her being.

  Chapter 7

  Rolf woke to loud banging and Mishka in his arms. She jumped, fear in her voice as she looked up at him. “What’s happening?”

  “It’s okay.” He patted her back. “It’ll be Lyall. You can go and shower if you want and find something of mine to put on and I’ll get some coffee made.”

  “Oh, okay, are you sure?” she asked, her eyes wide. “I mean, are you sure it’s Lyall? What if it’s my father?”

  “It’s Lyall,” Rolf assured her. “I can sense him and that knock is definitely his. Go, relax in the shower.”

  She nodded as he got out of bed, tugging on jeans, and padding through to open the door. He’d locked it last night, for the first time, as he didn’t want anyone walking in on him and his mate. That would’ve caused a whole heap of problems, mainly him knocking the person out. He knew that as sure as he knew his own name. However, his Alpha would be wondering what the fuck was going on, when he couldn’t gain access to his cabin. Rolf took his time, trying to figure out exactly how to explain things to Lyall.

  “Hell, I’ll just tell him, straight out” he muttered to himself as he unlocked the door.

  It flew open as soon as the lock was released and he had to step back quickly, before it thumped him in the face. Lyall rushed in, a worried look on his face. “What the fuck? Is something wrong?”

  Rolf grinned, motioning for Lyall to follow him to the kitchen. “No, and yes. Let me get some coffee going and then we can talk.”

  Lyall strode after him, his hands in his jeans and a frown on his face as Rolf got his machine started. He did like his morning coffee and some of the others called him a “coffee snob.” Whatever, he liked a good coffee, so they could all go jump in the lake. When the smell started to fill the kitchen he sighed, looking forward to his first cup. He could feel Lyall’s impatience and knew his friend wouldn’t last much longer without exploding. He was right.

  “Will you please tell me what the fuck is going on?” Lyall’s tone was no longer one of a friend, it was pure Alpha as he stared at Rolf

  “Okay, okay.” Rolf grabbed a mug, taking the small amount of coffee available and sipping it quickly. “I want you to stay calm, Lyall. The first part is good but then there may be a problem so I know I have to tell you.”

  Lyall scowled at him. “Out with it, Rolf. Have you pissed off someone’s father again? Am I going to have an irate dad coming to tell me you took advantage of his daughter?”

  Rolf laughed. “That’s nearer the truth than you’d think, but the said daughter is my soul-mate.”

  “What?” Lyall’s eyes half closed, squinting at him. “How the hell did that happen? I thought you were going to the cabin to hunt?”

  “I did.” Rolf saw more coffee was available so he topped up his mug. “She was nearby when I was returning after getting myself some lovely wild rabbit. She’s a Panther and she was hurt so I took her to the cabin. Then things just took on a life of their own and before I knew it we were, well, you know, and I knew she was mine.”

  “And she feels the same? This is certain?” Lyall prodded.

  “Yes and yes.” Rolf couldn’t help the smile he knew was on his face. “She’s fucking gorgeous, sexy, beautiful, and perfect. That’s why I locked the door. I knew if anyone came in last night, or this morning, I’d go for them. Better to be safe than sorry and all that.”

  “Damn.” Lyall smiled. “I’m happy for you, my friend. But wait, you said she was hurt. Is she alright? Do we need to get Althea?”

  “I think she’ll be fine now she can rest it and not keep running.” Rolf waited, knowing his friend would pounce, and he did.

  “Running? From what?”

  “Not what, who.” Rolf’s face and tone grew hard. “Okay, let me get this out in one without interrupting.” He waited and Lyall inclined his head to the side before nodding curtly. “Her father has basically kept her secluded, he’s some kind of purist freak. Nothing but pure-bred Panthers are allowed and not only that, but he sold her off to the highest bidder, who’s some guy from Europe. She ran. She also broke her leg and kept running. They’ll be after her, Lyall, but I won’t give her up. Not a chance in hell of that happening. So, if you want, I’ll take her and we’ll run together.”

  Lyall stayed silent and Rolf could see him going over everything, before he leaned up against the countertop, crossing his ankles and arms. “Your mate has an irate father and a betrothed on her tail and they’re heading our way?”

  “In a nutshell, yes.” Rolf shrugged. “She’s my mate, Lyall, I can’t lose her.”

  “I know, my friend.” Lyall nodded. “You won’t lose her. So, when can we expect the posse?”

  “Not certain, but she thought they were about a day behind her.” Rolf’s chest puffed out with pride. “She never rested, not even when she was injured, didn’t stop to eat or rest. That’s how she stayed ahead of them.”

  “Damn.” Lyall whistled through his
teeth. “Sounds like she’s a strong woman.”

  “She is,” Rolf agreed, a look of pride on his face. “And she’s gorgeous. I mean, drop-dead beautiful.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her.” Lyall chuckled.

  “She’s behind you,” Rolf said quietly.

  Mishka stood in a pair of his joggers and a t-shirt, both drowning her, and a blush on her face. “Hi,” she said quietly as Rolf held his arms out. She rushed to him, grabbing him around the waist, as her eyes stayed locked on Lyall.

  “Mishka, this is Lyall, he’s our Alpha. Lyall, this is Mishka, my mate.”

  “Hello, Alpha.” Mishka’s eyes lowered as Lyall stood, sizing her up.

  “Hello,” Lyall glanced at Rolf. “Welcome to the Pack.”

  Her eyes lifted, surprise and happiness there. “Really? You won’t make us leave?”

  “Why the hell would I do that?” Lyall shook his head. “Rolf is my Beta, and this Pack’s strength is in the way we always, and I mean always, have each other’s back. I’ll deal with your father if he appears.”

  “Oh, he will,” she said with certainty.

  “Then it will be dealt with. You are Rolf’s mate and nobody is going to force you to leave.” Lyall walked over, clapping Rolf on the shoulder. “Wait ‘til I tell Lori. She’s going to go nuts. Hope you like parties, Mishka, ‘cause I’m sure she’s going to want to organize one.”

  Mishka only smiled, tears in her eyes and Rolf was sure she probably couldn’t talk, so he answered for them. “Tell her thanks but could she hold off and organize it for our bonding ceremony?”

  “I’ll tell her, but you know what she’s like.” Lyall chuckled. “When do you want your ceremony?”

  “The sooner the better,” Rolf said firmly.

  “I think the quickest we could get everything ready would be tomorrow evening. How does that suit?”

  Rolf let out a sigh of relief. “Perfect. Oh, could you see if Lori’s got any clothes that would fit Mishka? She doesn’t have anything at all and I’ll wait until after our bonding before going shopping. I’m not safe to be out and about with her right now. You know how it is.”

  “I do.” Lyall gave a rueful smile. “I remember it well. When I first found Lori, I recall growling at you.”

  “You did.” Rolf snickered. “I knew then what was going on. Took you a while to catch up though.”

  “I got there in the end, that’s what matters.” Lyall turned away. “I better go. I’ll need to get more guards posted and alert the Pack we’ve probably got some trouble on the way. We need to keep the cubs nearby so they don’t get caught up in anything.”

  “Good idea.” Rolf looked at Lyall then back at Mishka. “Do you need me, Alpha?”

  Lyall chortled heartily. “I think we’ll be fine. You stay here, with your mate. I’ll get Lori to drop some clothes off and tell her to leave them at the door.”

  Rolf let out a guffaw, Mishka looking at him in surprise as he pointed at Lyall. “That rings a bell.”

  “Okay, okay.” Lyall snorted. “I remember that too. Shut up or I’ll make you come to work today.”

  “My lips are sealed.” Rolf motioned zipping up his lips.

  “Yeah, right.” Lyall raised a hand, giving a wave as he strode to the door. “If I need you to know anything I’ll text.”

  “Thanks.” Rolf left Mishka’s side, going after his friend. “Lyall, I really appreciate this. I know it’s not ideal about her father, but I can’t lose her.”

  Lyall patted Rolf’s shoulder. “You won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Rolf opened the door. “Thanks anyway.”

  “You’re welcome.” Lyall left quickly, obviously having a lot to sort out.

  “He seems nice,” came Mishka’s soft voice directly behind Rolf, causing him to jerk around.

  “Yes, he’s a good guy and a strong Alpha. One of the strongest I’ve ever seen. Don’t worry, kitten, we’re safe.”

  “I hope so,” she muttered as she bit her bottom lip.

  “Coffee?” Rolf asked and she nodded, following him back to the kitchen.

  “You know how we skipped that sandwich last night?”

  Rolf nodded. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “No, it’s okay, but I’m starving. Can we eat?”

  “Of course.” Rolf started to pull food from the fridge. “Eggs, bacon, toast and OJ, that sound good?”

  “Yes.” She looked around. “Can I help?”

  “It’s okay, I like cooking.” Rolf moved around the kitchen with ease as Mishka watched.

  “Damn.” She shook her head. “A man that’s good in bed and in the kitchen. What more could a woman ask for?”

  “Really?” Rolf stopped, his eyes on hers as he smirked. “You think I’m good in bed?”

  Mishka laughed. “No fishing for compliments, Wolf. You know you’re good in bed. Did I not scream your name for most of the night? I think that kinda gives it away, don’t you?”

  “Still nice to hear.” Rolf carried on, whistling happily, as Mishka sat down and watched.

  “I’m just wondering how you got to be so good,” she quipped, an eyebrow raised. “I’ll bet there’s a few stories to be told there.”

  “A gentleman never kisses and tells.” He returned. “And I’m a gentleman.”

  “Hmm.” Mishka patted her chin with a finger. “Alright. I won’t ask. I’m happy to reap the benefits of past experience.”

  “Good.” Rolf quickly plated their breakfast. “Because, kitten, once you’ve eaten, we’re heading straight back to bed.”

  “Really?” she asked as he sat down opposite her. “I guess that sounds good to me, Wolf.”

  “We’ll be in that room a lot.” Rolf smirked devilishly, a twinkle in his eyes, as he started to demolish his huge plateful of food.

  “Rolf,” Mishka’s voice full of love as she looked over the table at him. “There’s no other place I’d rather be, my mate.”

  “You’re perfect for me. You know that, right?” Rolf reached over, his fingers reaching for hers.

  Mishka held her hand out and Rolf grabbed it. Her expression serious as she nodded. “I do. I know this is weird, fast, nuts, and we barely know one another, but I feel it too. Here,” she tapped her breast, “I feel it in here, Rolf. If I tell you something, promise you won’t laugh at me?”

  Rolf squeezed her hand. “Promise.”

  “Last night, or maybe this morning, ‘cause we were kinda going at it for hours.” Mishka smiled for a second before becoming serious again. “Well, it was really strange, I felt as if our energies were mingling, mixing together and I know how insane I sound. But that’s the way I felt. It took my breath away.”

  “Thank fuck for that.” Rolf laughed. “I thought I was going crazy, ‘cause I felt it too.”

  “We’re meant to be. Plain and simple.” Mishka tugged her hand free. “And if you’re planning on more of what we did last night, then I need to eat.”

  “Sure, tuck in.” Rolf resumed eating, scoffing his food in record time. “I want to have a look at your leg.”

  Mishka shook it out to the side as she carried on eating. “It’s lots better. Still not a hundred percent, but healed much more than it was.”

  “I think I’ll let Althea, our Healer, check you out in a day or two. Just to make sure.”

  “Okay, if you think that’s best.”

  “Yeah.” Rolf shrugged. “It would make me feel better. Knowing she’s looked you over.”

  Mishka finished her food, drank her juice, then rose, collecting their plates and going to the sink. “I’ll wash these now.”

  “I can do it.” Rolf stood but she held her hand out.

  “No, you cooked, I wash up.”

  Sitting back down he watched her intently, her lithe grace, the way she moved with ease in his home, and the way she kept sneaking glances over at him. His heart seemed to grow within his chest and he was sure it was going to break free as emotion overtook him. “You’re the most stu
nning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. You’re so graceful, the way you move, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I can’t wait to paint you, Mishka.”

  “Really?” She finished up, wiping her hands and turning to face him. “You want to paint me?”

  “Hell yeah.” Rolf snickered. “I want to do one that’s suitable to put up in the living room. Then I want to paint you naked in our bed, or possibly in the forest, anyway, that one will hang in our bedroom. Opposite the bed so I can see your fucking glorious body whenever I like.”

  Mishka blushed, her face red and a hand over her mouth. Rolf laughed. “Now, that’s a look I love. You know what that does to me when you blush?” She shook her head. “It makes me hard as steel and I want nothing more than to slip inside you.”

  “Rolf!” she chastised. “I’ve never heard talk like that before. It’s a little shocking, but, it’s also hot as hell. And I’m a little embarrassed to admit that.”

  “Don’t be.” Rolf quickly moved over to her, taking her into his arms and smiling down at her. “I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed with me, about anything. If I do or say something that you like, tell me. Likewise, if I do anything you don’t, tell me that too. Complete honesty between us, kitten.”

  “I’ll try.” She reached up, tweaking his ear. “Can I ask something?” He nodded. “Where do you paint?”

  “That’s easy, come, I’ll show you.” He tugged her along behind him, going back toward the bedroom door, passing it and along to the very end of the hallway. Another door stood ajar and he pushed it open and led her inside. “This is my sanctuary.”

  Mishka gasped, her eyes wide as she took in the room which was obviously set up for a painter. The back wall was made up of north-facing, sliding glass doors and there were easels, paint, and various other supplies dotted around. It was the roof that drew her eyes, it was almost completely glass too, letting sunlight in and keeping the room bright. She could glimpse treetops which were obviously from the trees she could see out the glass wall. The forest seeming to become a part of the room itself. “It’s like nothing I’ve seen before. It’s magnificent.”


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