Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 130

by Michele Bardsley

  “Thank you.” Rolf beamed. “I built the cabin with help from Lyall and a few friends and this room was made specifically for me to paint in.”

  “You’re extremely talented.” Mishka eyed the canvasses dotted around, some finished and others only partly done.

  “Thanks, I sell some to a small store in town and make some extra bucks.” Rolf shrugged. “I love painting so it’s an easy way for me to add to my savings.”

  “I’ve a confession.” She turned to look up at him. “I paint too. Nothing as good as yours, but I love it so I don’t mind when I do something and nobody can figure out what it’s meant to be. It was something I could do in the privacy of my room where nobody could annoy me.”

  “You do?” Rolf almost gushed. “That’s great. I can get you set up in here and we can paint together.”

  “Yeah, I’m more an abstract kinda gal, but I do love it.”

  “I like all types of art, hey, I just had a thought.” He pulled her towards him, his hands resting on her shoulders as he looked down at her. “We can visit some galleries, take a holiday, drive to some of the big ones in the city. What do you think?”

  “Sounds wonderful, I’ve always wanted to go to a gallery but my father wouldn’t allow it, said it would ‘corrupt’ me.”

  “What an ass. Art is something precious, beautiful, and we can learn from it.” Rolf looked upset. “I can’t believe he wouldn’t let you go.”

  “He didn’t allow me to do a hell of a lot. If it weren’t for Galina I’m sure I would’ve gone nuts years ago. She kept me sane and would smuggle things in for me. My father had no idea I had access to the internet, but she managed to sneak me a laptop in. I admit I stole the money to pay her but I just had to have more to do. You know?”

  “I’m not surprised you resorted to that. I couldn’t have survived in those conditions.” Rolf hugged her. “I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through. I’m not sure if he hurt you physically, but treating you like that is emotional torture, baby.”

  “I know that now.” She leaned into him, resting her head against his chest.

  “I’ll take you to art galleries anywhere and anytime you want.” Rolf shook his head. “Well, maybe not anytime. We have to have our ceremony and the resulting ‘honeymoon’ that consists of us staying locked in our bedroom for a few days. After that, hell yeah, we can visit any you want to go to.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was muffled and he placed a finger under her chin to lift it up.

  Tears glittered in her eyes, some stray drops running down the side of her face. He gently wiped them away. “Don’t cry, kitten, I’ll make you happy and treat you like the queen you are.”

  “Take me to bed, Rolf. I need you to be inside me. Please?”

  Rolf picked her up, snuggling her against him, murmuring as he strode quickly to their bedroom, “You don’t ever need to ask me that twice.”

  Chapter 8

  Rolf stared down at his mate asleep in his arms, the vision bringing a lump to his throat, and a throb in his cock. Shaking his head he told himself “No”—he knew she was exhausted after the day and a half of lovemaking. He grinned as he thought on all the places they’d used in the cabin. No room, no surface, and no piece of furniture, hadn’t been taken advantage of. They’d been wicked just about everywhere they could and Mishka showed an enthusiasm that he loved. She didn’t say no to anything he suggested and he’d suggested some questionable positions for a novice. No, she’d laughed, giggled, and loved every moment as he’d fucked her until he couldn’t carry on.

  They’d fallen, exhausted, into bed a few hours ago, but he’d only slept for a couple. His mind on their bonding ceremony that was due to happen that evening. His heart swelled at the thought of his proclaiming his love for his mate before the entire Pack. His pride soaring at the thought of her being his, and only his, forever. He couldn’t wait to bring her back here and show her how much she meant to him, the anticipation already growing inside him. They’d marked each other again, and again, leaving large discolorations on their skin, that were plain to see, even when wearing clothes. He wore his with honor and he knew she did too.

  His mind wandering to all that his little kitten had gone through, and his anger reared its head. He couldn’t comprehend the outdated views her father held, but even forgiving that, he wouldn’t excuse her father’s treatment of his daughter. Keeping her secluded in the way he had was inexcusable and to sell her off to the highest bidder, well damn, that caused both the man and his beast, to paw and growl with anger. In a sick kind of way he wanted her father to arrive, just so he could have the pleasure of knocking him on his ass. He also hoped that Lyall would give him that opportunity. It wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that his Alpha would want to have that pleasure himself.

  He hoped not.

  Mishka burrowed deeper into his embrace and he hated to wake her, but Lori was expecting them shortly for a brunch and to go over the details for the evening’s celebrations. He’d wanted to wake her earlier, so he could slake his hunger for her body, but he was well aware how tired she was. No wonder. With what she’d gone through these past days, not eating or sleeping properly, well, she needed the rest. So he’d let her sleep on, until the last moment before he knew they’d have to make a move.

  “Mishka,” he whispered. “Kitten, we need to get up. Lori will be waiting on us.”

  “Hmmm?” Mishka mumbled, her arm reaching over his abs to hold onto him tightly.

  “Baby, we need to get up. Come on, wake up, honey.”

  “Do we have to? I’m tired.” She moaned against his bare skin.

  His cock grew even harder as he fought the urge to claim her once again. “Yes, we have to. We can’t keep the Alpha’s mate waiting. It’s rude and not something I’d do. So, get that gorgeous ass of yours up and moving. There’s clothes on the chair, ones that Lori sent over, so hopefully you won’t have to go out dressed in my stuff. Though, I gotta say, you looked damn sexy wearing my tee. The bottoms, not so much.”

  Mishka giggled, pinching his side hard, opening her eyes and looking up. “You just want me naked, don’t ya?”

  “What’s wrong with that?” A roguish grin on his face.

  “It’s kinda cold out for no clothes. The snow’s not stopped and I’m sure there’s almost a foot lying outside.”

  “Shit.” Rolf looked over at the window, seeing the white flakes covering the trees. “You’ll have to wear a pair of my boots, but they’ll be far too big for you, but you can’t go out without something on your feet. You’ll freeze.”

  “Hmm, yeah, I suppose.” Mishka frowned. “I hate my feet getting cold.”

  “Okay, let’s get moving.” Rolf released her, getting out of the bed when there was a soft knock on the cabin’s door. “You get dressed and I’ll go see who that is.”

  He padded through, naked, opening the door a crack to find several pairs of wellington boots on the doorstep. Shaking his head, he picked them up and brought them inside, noting they were all different sizes. “Lori,” he whispered with a smile, leaving them beside the door and going back to their room.

  Mishka was singing in the shower as he walked in. The sound soft and comforting, as if she’d always been here. His heart constricted in his chest as he went in.

  “Sorry,” She said. “I didn’t think it prudent to arrive for brunch with the scent of sex all over me.”

  “Good thinking.” Rolf joined her quickly, his hungry mouth covering hers in a searing kiss.

  Her body melded to his as he pulled away. “No time.” He shook his head sadly.

  “Dammit.” She laughed, rinsing off the soap suds that covered her.

  “Go and get dressed and I’ll be out in a second.” Rolf nudged her and she reluctantly left.

  “Okay, but I think we’ll need a second shower when we get home,” she quipped over her shoulder, wiggling her ass as she went.

  “Don’t do that,” Rolf exclaimed as she laughed.

“Shit.” He looked down, his cock now hard as steel. “Only one thing to do,” he murmured, reaching forward and changing the temperature of the water. A moment later he gasped as ice cold water showered over him. “Fuck,” he swore, but it had the desired effect, and his erection abated.

  When he joined Mishka, she was dressed in jeans and a warm sweater, waiting on him. “You look so hot like that.” She almost purred as he stalked towards her.

  “Shhh.” He shook his head. “If you don’t we’ll be late and I am never late.”

  “Alright.” She smirked. “I’ll behave.”

  “Someone dropped off a load of rain boots, in different sizes, and I’m guessing it was Lori. They’re beside the front door. See if there’s a pair that’ll do you for now.”

  “That’s so thoughtful of her. I’ll really need to thank her. These jeans fit perfectly, well, they’re a little short but otherwise they’re alright.”

  Rolf whistled. “Damn, they’re better than alright. They hug your ass so well, makes me wanna nibble on it.”

  “Behave.” Mishka giggled, looking over her shoulder. “Or we definitely won’t be there on time.”

  “Okay, okay.” Rolf shrugged, trying to look innocent, and failing. “Go get the boots and I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He couldn’t tear his eyes from her as she walked out of his sight. “Damn,” he murmured, hoping the brunch wouldn’t take too long.

  Rolf found Mishka tugging on a pair of the boots, noting she’d found a pair of his thick socks which she now wore. “Anything fit?” he asked as she pushed her foot in.

  “This pair is best.” She stomped her foot down. “A couple are too big and one is too small. This pair seems okay.”

  “Alright.” He tugged his leather jacket from the hooks by the door, grabbing a thick wool one and handing it over. “Here, this will keep you warm, even if it drowns you.”

  “Thank you.” Mishka gave him a shy smile. “I feel like poor orphan Annie.”

  “Hey,” he said as he chucked a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “I’ll buy you whatever you need. We can go shopping once we’re over the initial bonding. Okay?”

  “I just feel so…damn, I don’t even have a word for how I feel about this.” Mishka sighed heavily, her shoulder’s slumping.

  Rolf hugged her, his hand rubbing her back. “I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, but please try and not think about it too much. You ran away because you had to and doing that meant you left all your stuff behind. I’ll get you new stuff. I promise.”

  “It’s not that.” She looked up. “I’m not caught up on material things. I don’t want a lot, Rolf, honest. But I do want my own underwear and a few clothes. I feel weird wearing someone else’s panties.”

  “I understand that, but, you know there’s a solution?” He smirked roguishly.

  “And that is?”

  “Don’t wear any.”

  Mishka punched his arm, playfully. “You are utterly incorrigible.”

  “Sorry.” He raised an eyebrow, chuckling. “What’s your point?”

  “The point is, I’m not walking through this Camp for the first time with no underwear. Jeez, I’d feel as if everyone somehow knew, and then I’d get all tongue tied and nervous. Not happening, Rolf.”

  “Shoot.” Rolf laughed again. “Can’t hurt a guy to try.”

  “Can’t it?” She gave him a punch again, harder this time.

  “Ouch,” Rubbing his arm he nodded. “Alright, it can.”

  “Think we should get going?” She looked at the front door as if it was going to lead her straight to hell.

  “Don’t worry, honestly, Lori is the friendliest girl I know. She won’t make you feel uncomfortable or anything.”

  “Hmm.” She hung back as Rolf opened the door, the brightness from the snow almost blinding. “I hope not ‘cause I don’t want to make an idiot of myself.”

  “You won’t, come on, kitten.” He held out his hand and she took it, albeit reluctantly. “I know you’re going to be happy here, Mishka. I can feel it deep inside of me.”

  Mishka reached up, tugging his head down for a kiss, one that started off soft and sweet but soon became lust-filled and hot. Rolf forced his lips to break contact. “Are you trying to get me all hot and bothered, kitten?”

  “Maybe.” She giggled as he grabbed her ass.

  “You’ve succeeded.” Rolf kissed the tip of her nose. “A nice slow walk through the Camp is required, so I can get rid of this stiffy. Not very appropriate to go to brunch with Lori and have a hard-on in my jeans.”

  “Ooops, sorry.” Mishka smirked, cheekily.

  “Oh, I don’t think you’re sorry at all.” He gave her ass one last squeeze and stepped out into the snow. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I love Christmas and we usually have snow, which makes it extra special. You’re going to settle in and have a good life, Mishka. I know it as sure as I know my own name.”

  “I think I will be.” She swung his hand back and forward as they started to trek through the snow. “This place feels good. I’m not usually one to wax lyrical, but it’s got such a good vibe about it that I know I’ll be okay, especially with you beside me.”

  “I’m glad you can feel it too.” Rolf raised his free arm, waving to a couple who were supervising youngsters in making a snowman. “Morning.”

  “Morning, Rolf,” they both replied.

  “This is Mishka, she’s joining the Pack,” he answered their obvious query.

  “Morning, Mishka. Welcome,” the woman replied with a large smile.

  “Thank you,” Mishka answered with a nervous smile.

  “They’re Colleen and Lucky, a lovely couple who’d help anyone out.” Rolf chortled. “Even though they have three little ones of their own, Colleen will help out anyone with babysitting, and her cakes are to die for. She’ll have made some for our ceremony, so you can taste them later.”

  “Lucky?” Mishka asked, surprised at such a name for a large Wolf.

  “Yes.” Rolf nodded. “He was always getting into scrapes when he was younger and one time he literally fell off the side of a steep cliff. He tumbled down for a long way and everyone thought he was dead for sure. His parents were beside themselves with grief, but Lyall climbed down to retrieve what we all thought would be a dead body, but when he got there he found the cub right as rain and the first words out of his mouth were, ‘Please don’t tell my parents, they’ll kill me.’ Since that day he’s been called Lucky.”

  “Jeez Louise. I can see why.”

  As they walked on, there were more people out and about, and each time Rolf would say hello and introduce Mishka. His face beaming with pride as he held her hand tight. They were only about half way through the Camp when her body stiffened and Rolf looked down. Her eyes locked with his, terror staring back at him. “What’s wrong?”

  Chapter 9

  Rolf’s stared down at his mate’s terrified face, but before she got a word out there was commotion from all sides. Wolves howled, growled and roared as Mishka and Rolf were surrounded by large black Panthers. The sound of fear that escaped Mishka’s lips causing Rolf to growl in anger. He was about to transform when the Panther in front of him changed, standing naked and glowering at them.

  “What are you doing here with a Pack of dogs?” the man shouted at Mishka who cowered into Rolf’s side.

  “She’s with me.” Rolf snarled, standing taller and glaring back at the man.

  “Not for long.” The man stepped forward and Rolf growled a warning.

  “Don’t come any closer or we’re going to have a problem, old man.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, pup?”

  Lyall’s voice echoed around them. “Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my Camp, threatening my Pack?”

  Rolf saw his Alpha striding towards them, a cold, hard look on his face. One that Rolf knew well. He stopped next to the naked man, off to the side, and positioning himself in front of Mish
ka. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Yegor Semyonovich Koskov and I’m her father. I’ve come to return her to where she belongs.”

  “I don’t think so.” Lyall shook his head, his arms crossed in front of him as he stood firm.

  “You have no claim on her. She is mine, to do with as I please, and she is coming with us.” He turned and motioned to another large Panther who stalked forward, teeth bared and snarling. “This is her betrothed and he’s come to claim her.”

  Rolf stepped forward, pushing Mishka behind him. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  The Panther shifted, a tall, muscular man with a shock of blond hair, scrutinizing them. “What is that on your neck? And hers?”

  Lyall stepped forward, not allowing Rolf to reply. “It’s their mating marks. They are bonded and Mishka is staying here, within her Pack.”

  “What?” The man’s face grew dark with anger. The emotion rolling off of him and targeted towards Rolf.

  “She’s my mate and we’ve marked one another to show everyone that we are bonded, with everything that word represents.” Rolf glared at the man, before cocking his head to the side. “Not sure where you’re from with that fancy accent, but I think you know what I mean, don’t ya?”

  The Panthers that surrounded them were now shadowed with Wolves, each one having two Wolves guarding them. Although they snarled and pawed the ground in anger, they were outnumbered and didn’t attack and that didn’t even bring into the equation that the Wolves towered over the much smaller black beasts. Mishka’s betrothed, however, let out a roar and lunged for Rolf.

  He was ready and waiting, deliberately goading the man into just such a reaction. His fist connected with the chiseled jaw a second before they were entangled in a brawl. They were almost a match, in size and strength, but Rolf was an experienced fighter and soon had the upper hand, even if his nose was pouring blood down his face. His heart pumped furiously as anger completely overtook his senses. The thought this man believed he could buy Mishka, brought out a side of him he rarely allowed free. His fury surfaced with deadly intent as he continued the battle and his roars of anger reverberated around the Camp.


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