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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 147

by Michele Bardsley


  The tunnel was long and dark. Mist swirled around like the inside of a tornado, and in the far distance was a shining beacon of light. Rachel struggled to float toward it, but the opening got further away when she moved forward. Battling with all her might, she was finally able to reach the entrance and emerge.

  Prying heavy eyelids open, the surroundings came into focus. She lay in the middle of an enormous four-poster bed in an unfamiliar bedroom. Rachel scanned the area from under her lashes. The brightness from outside the cracked doorway provided just enough light for her to see. At movement, she looked to find she was not alone.

  The angel from inside her car moved about the space. Barely able to contain the instinctual gasp, she watched him. The massive death angel was in the room with her.

  A towel wrapped low around his hips, he swore and dug through a drawer. “Where the hell are my damn shorts?”

  He had to be well over six foot tall, closer to seven feet if she were to guess. His broad muscular back bunched and his biceps bulged with each motion. He closed the drawer slowly and opened another. Letting out a breath, he pulled out a pair of grey gym shorts. When his towel slipped he didn’t bother to tighten it, instead he let it fall to the floor. Her eyes widened at the sight of his bare bottom. This was one hell of a good-looking guy.

  In nude splendor, he padded toward what she assumed was a bathroom, only to freeze mid-step. A muscle on the side of his face twitched and he turned toward her. This time the sharp inhale did come. To her horror, Rachel’s fascinated gaze plummeted to the spot between his legs.


  Crap did I just say that out loud?

  In one quick motion, he put the shorts over his private area, covering what had to be the most alluring male part she’d ever seen. A frown formed and he pinned her with an annoyed look. “How long have you been awake?”

  Just long enough. “I’m not sure,” Rachel croaked out and averted her eyes to a spot past his shoulder.

  “Give me a minute.” He continued into the next room.

  Rachel sat up and immediately everything began to spin. “Oh, God.” She fell back against the pillows and closed her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” He was beside the bed. With one hand he cupped her face and with the other he peeled back each eyelid and peered into her eyes. Could his eyes be real? They were so light, almost white, with a luminescent surreal sheen. Silver would be the closest she could come to describing the color. He held up a finger. “Follow my movement.”

  “Are you a d-doctor?” she stuttered, discomfited by his nearness.

  “Something like that,” he replied and then took her by the shoulders. “This time move slower.” He helped her to a sitting position with unexpected gentleness.

  “What happened to me?” She feared his answer.

  “You were attacked by a dark Fae, a demon would be more understandable to you,” he responded without hesitation.

  Damn it, why had she asked? “Did you kill it?”

  He nodded and his eyes shifted down, but then continued. “I’m a slayer.”

  Of course he was. What the hell, demons existed, so why not slayers? Unable to stop it, she giggled. The demon slayer cocked an eyebrow and pinned her with a questioning gaze.

  The man was gorgeous. Concentrate Rachel. “Err…so what is your name?”


  Under his scrutiny, she fumbled with the blankets. “How long have I been out of it?”

  “Three days.” Standing back to his impressive height, he declared “you lost a lot of blood; I had to give you a transfusion. I’m afraid you’ll have to remain in bed another couple of days, the demon took too much blood and I wasn’t able to give you as much as you need.”

  She eyed the IV bag attached to her arm. “Where did you get blood?”

  “I gave you mine.” He placed a large hand on her shoulder. “Get some rest, we’ll talk later.”

  “No, I can’t stay, I have to go, I’m better…I promise.” The last words slurred and her eyes began to droop. “On second thought maybe I will take a short nap.”


  TWO DAYS LATER, the knife fell from his hand, clattering onto the kitchen counter. Roderick held onto the edge of the counter as the latest dizzy spell struck.

  Just then Cyn entered the house through the side door eyeing the sandwich he’d made for Rachel. “Hey man, you okay?”

  “She’s up,” he replied and looked at his friend. “How the hell do I know that?”

  With a wide grin Cyn leaned against the counter, picked up half the sandwich and took a bite ignoring Roderick’s scowl. “You are the local genius so I shouldn’t have to explain this, but since your brain seems to be on vacay, I’ll break the obvious to you.”

  Cyn took another bite and lifted an eyebrow at him. “You and beauty in there are probably bonded now since you shared your immortal blood with her. Congratulations man, you’ve got a mate.” The lilt of his Scottish accent didn’t soften the blow.

  “Oh shit.”

  “Ah, from your sudden lack of color, I’m going to guess the possibility of it happening flew out the window at the presence of the long-legged-super-model-looking chick.” His roommate picked up the rest of the sandwich and swaggered toward his own room on the opposite side of the house. He stopped walking. “Uh, you better talk to her, seems like the bond is already in place. Oh, and she’s gonna want to ravish all of your body. Mating call and all that,” he called over his shoulder.

  Laughter followed by a slamming door made it obvious Cyn was not going to be of any help. The loud music boomed from inside the room a moment later confirmed it.

  Roderick made another sandwich, filled a glass with juice and went to his bedroom. Time to face the consequences of his actions.

  Upon entering his bedroom, Rachel emerged from the steamy bathroom wearing one of his t-shirts that barely fell to mid thigh. He almost dropped the plate when her gaze slammed into him. At the same time her tongue darted out and wet her upper lip. Roderick froze, his eyes locked on her mouth. Did she have any idea what that did to him?

  “I feel strange. What’s happening to me?” Her voice was husky. Gaze not leaving his, she neared. Her blue eyes searched his face for answers while tentative fingers reached up to his face, the soft touch on his jaw made his breath hitch. “You feel it too don’t you?”

  Unable to look away, a wave of heat hit him and Roderick opened his mouth to warn her to step away. No words came so he simply nodded.

  Instead of moving away, she wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest. “I need…you to touch me, be with me.” Her slender body trembled against his.

  “I made a sandwich.” He was embarrassed by the huskiness in his own voice.

  “Mmmm?” She stood on her tiptoes and began to nibble at his throat.

  “Uh, okay, so you’re not hungry...let me put this down.” He started to turn away only to remain rooted to the spot and letting out groan when she bit into his sensitive skin.

  Her hot tongue licked the spot where she’d nipped and Roderick swallowed. “Oh yeah…I mean…no…we need to talk.” He gritted out the last word as her hips jutted forward and gyrated into him, her hands firmly grasping his butt.

  While he stood there like the damn statue in the book, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, with a plate in one hand and a glass of juice in the other; the woman took full advantage to explore his body.

  Her hands swept up from his buttocks to his back and around his neck. She pulled his face down to bring his mouth against hers. At her soft whimper, he responded by kissing her back, the strength of their bond proving greater than his will.

  He had to warn her. Rachel needed to know what had happened, sex between them would in all probability cement their bond. Her tongue pushed into his mouth and he was powerless to stop her. The blood bond’s tie dragged him into waters too deep to survive.

  When her hand wandered between his
legs and firm fingers curved over his hardness, the plate and glass clattered onto the carpet. With a growl of surrender, he scooped her up and raced to the bed falling onto it with her. He had to have her. Nothing else mattered. His blood rushing to the one spot between his legs gave him no option.

  Rachel began tearing at his clothes and jerked the t-shirt off over his head, the entire time managing to keep her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Working past his shaking hands and her limbs draped about him, Roderick somehow was able to yank his jeans off and remove the t-shirt she wore.

  A combination of urge and passion fell over them sending them down a spiral of no return.

  “Please!” Rachel screamed and tugged at his hips.

  If his life depended on it, there was no way he could deny her. He pushed into her hard and fast while she arched, pressing him to delve even deeper. The urgency of their need all-consuming, nothing mattered more than joining as one.

  Blood pounded through his veins, his cock so hard it throbbed. From somewhere inside himself, Roderick drew the strength and pulled out. Although the woman was more than ready he didn’t want to go all beast on her. She was special, not just beautiful.

  Running his hands down her silken skin, he would call her flawless. With perfectly shaped breasts high on her chest, a slender waist and long well formed legs; Rachel could easily enthrall a man. Her lips were parted and her eyes glazed over as he ran his hand between her legs. Using his thumb pad, he circled her center while pushing his finger into her. She was more than ready, her hand covered his and she pushed her hips up to take more.

  Once again he dove into her hard and fast while she lifted her hips urging him with her body to take her harder.. The urgency of their need all-consuming, nothing mattered more than joining as one.

  Her moans turned into cries when he continued to thrust into her body full and deep.

  Lips parted, her mouth was irresistible. He covered it with his and Rachel sucked hard on his tongue when he pushed it into her delicious mouth.

  “Holy shit,” he couldn’t stop the words, his entire body shook so hard, it took all his energy to straighten his arms and push his hips forward. She wrapped her legs around his waist, the position taking him into her entirely.

  “Ah!” Rachel raked her nails down his back and threw her head back extending her neck. The fast pulse at her throat took his attention but he turned away and once again took her mouth.

  When she grabbed his ass and urged him to move faster, Roderick slid his hands under her and lifted her hips off the bed. He rose to his knees and thrust harder and faster. The sounds of skin slapping against skin became almost as loud as her cries.

  “Oh God!” Rachel called out and her sex quivered around his hardness sending him to lose his breath. She went still.

  He thrust in twice more, barely able to keep from passing out. When he came, it was so hard he let out a cross between a howl and a moan.

  Then he did what he’d been afraid off. He blacked out.

  Roderick’s eyes popped open; he looked around the familiar room. Had he dreamed the entire thing? It was then he realized there was someone under him. He rolled off and cradled her against him. Lying on his side, he studied the sleeping beauty. She was still out, but from the soft sigh, not in distress.

  “Oh my god, what just happened? Did I black out?” she purred a few minutes later. Her fingers danced up and down his chest. “That was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”

  Oh yeah, it had been incredible. Aaaand incredibly, utterly, unbelievably stupid.

  Roderick rolled onto his back and pulled Rachel over onto his chest. He had to talk to her. What would he say? How to tell her life as she’d known it was completely gone. Everything she’d known was changed forever.

  Beautiful blue eyes met his, her lips pressed tight and her brow crinkled. “We just had unprotected sex.”

  “You don’t have anything to worry about.” He pressed a kiss to her creased brow. “Are you sorry this happened?” Somehow he had to work the conversation into telling her they were now bonded for life.

  Her lips curved into a mischievous smirk. “In truth, although I’m not a one night stand kind of woman, I would have kicked myself if I wouldn’t have been with you before I left. I don’t think I’ve ever met a hotter guy.” She shrugged and snuggled closer. “Are you?”

  He let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “You think I’m hot?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Ah yeah, and I’m sure I’m not the first woman to tell you that.” Rachel kissed his jaw, her lips lingering. “The hottest guy I’ve ever seen.” She drew a circle on his chest with her forefinger. “Unforgettably hot.”

  Crap he was hard again. Not now. Talk first. Tell her everything. Not that they had any choice of remaining together. Separation from a bonded mate was not an option, it was not only physically painful, but the need to connect would become all-consuming if they were separated for too long, especially when the connection was new.

  “We need to talk,” Roderick began. “We have something special here and I need to explain…” his thoughts faded as Rachel drew herself against his body and began to kiss him again.


  “Explain this to me again? Because you gave me your blood, I’m immortal now?” just as expected as soon as he began to explain the situation, Rachel was no longer curled beside him. Instead she paced in front of the bed, his t-shirt back on. His gaze followed her, roaming over the woman’s enticing figure. She was lovely, tall and sinewy but rounded in the right places. Her long golden chestnut hair fell almost to her waist was a tussled mess thanks to his fingers.

  His mate. Well, he’d definitely lucked out in the looks department; she was gorgeous.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Ah, not really. “I didn’t think about the consequences. I took an oath when I became a doctor to save lives when possible. I couldn’t leave you to die. I had to do something, anything, to ensure you a chance at survival. It wasn’t until my roommate brought it up that I realized the full impact of giving you my blood.”

  Finally she moved closer, but far enough he couldn’t reach her and sat at the foot of the bed. Her curious eyes studied him. “What exactly are you?”

  “I am an immortal, part of a group of men known as the Protectors. Cyn, my roommate is one too. Our sole purpose is to defend innocents from beings that kill. Like the one that attacked you.”

  Other than a slight widening of her eyes, she seemed to take the news well. “Were you born this way?”

  “No,” He shook his head. “We are predestined. Chosen by I don’t know whom. At about age twenty or so, I began to change. My vision became sharper, hearing keener, and I grew almost a foot and bulked up. The pains were excruciating, the nightmares terrifying. It was during this time when my leader, Julian, came to me and explained what happened and why.”

  When Rachel began to shake, Roderick couldn’t stop himself from pulling her into his arms and smoothing her hair.

  “How old are you?” she asked against his chest.

  “I’m not sure. I was born around 300 AD in Sparta.”

  Eyebrows lifted, her tempting lips formed an O. “Holy crap! A Spartan, I’ve read about your kind. The fact your race were known warriors, I can understand why you were chosen.” She reached for his hair, her fingers combing through the strands. “Is that why your hair is so blond? Its almost silver.”

  “No, my hair has always been this color.”

  He pulled his mate tighter against him and cleared his throat. “There’s more you need to know.”

  His woman was brave by the fortifying breath she took and prepared for whatever he would say next. She pushed back, slipped from the bed and once again put distance between them. She leaned against his dresser, her arms crossed. “Explain it to me. Am I immortal?”

  “You may or may not be. I would venture to guess my blood will insure your life is prolonged. I am not sure as we are
forbidden from giving our blood to humans...mortals.”

  “So you broke some kind of law for me?”

  He closed his eyes for the moment, not wanting to think of Julian’s reaction to the news. The Roman was not exactly a nice guy on the best of days. “Yes.”

  “What else?”

  “We are bonded. Mated. Tied to one another.”

  It was easy to see the wheels turning as her expressions changed from questioning, to ‘oh shit’ and finally to ‘oh hell no’. Intelligence was evident from the fact she reacted by asking another question and not exploding. “Can it be broken?”

  He shrugged and clenched his hands. Talk was not what he wanted to do at the moment. Her scent filled his every sense. He itched to touch her, to have her once again. The last thing he expected after so many years of existence was to bond, to be responsible for a female. His life was not easy. Waking each morning more of a gift than a given. Then there was the matter of Julian’s reaction to the situation.

  He looked to the ceiling only to snap back to Rachel when she let out a huff. “Well, can it?”

  “I don’t think so. Julian would know. However, I doubt it. We are tied for life.”

  She didn’t hold back this time. “The hell you say. I choose who I marry and when. I am not like you, it’s not going to happen buddy.”

  Instead of replying he fell back on the bed and put his hands behind his head, attention on the whirling ceiling fan. “It’s not like I planned it. So you’re not the only one stuck.”

  She loomed over him, her bright eyes meeting his. “Aren’t you going to do something?”

  “Yeah, but I have to plan what to do, think it through.”

  Her gaze traveled from his eyes to his mouth and finally to his very obvious desire and she let out a gasp and swallowed. “Shit.”

  “I know.”

  “Will it always feel this strong? This need is crazy.” Rachel let her mouth fall open and she squeezed her legs together. “I can’t allow it to take control.”

  Roderick reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. “Come to bed. It will only get worse if we resist.”


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