Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 161

by Michele Bardsley

  “And you.” Santa’s eyes widened on Cullen before he breezed past them and led the way. “When did you bring a girl here? You were supposed to be ghost hunting not using this place for your own personal amusement.”

  “I wasn’t,” Cullen assured, as confused as Treasa.

  “So you say,” Santa blustered, heading down a path leading toward the parking lot, red velvet bag flung over his shoulder.

  “Doesn’t he remember being here and telling us about the clock?” Treasa whispered.

  Cullen took her hand and shook his head. It seemed not.

  Santa pulled a ring full of keys off his belt, muttering the whole time. Finally, he stopped in front of a shed and evidently found the key he needed. “Here it is!”

  He unlocked the deadbolt and flung open the doors. Treasa’s eyes widened and Cullen grinned when its contents were revealed.

  His motorcycle.

  And another. A Softail Deluxe done up in pretty shades of chrome and blue.

  “It’s a merry Christmas for someone.” Santa shot Treasa a look over his shoulder. “I’m still not sure how this ended up in here considering I’m the only one with a key, but I suggest you both take your bikes and go.”

  Cullen narrowed his eyes on Santa. “What about our findings on the paranormal activity in this place?”

  “A full report was left for me at the front desk.” Santa shook his head. “All the more reason you should leave.”

  “But it’s snowing out,” Cullen said, suspicious. “We can’t go anywhere on these bikes.”

  “Not my problem.” Santa tossed his velvet bag to Treasa. “That goes with one of the bikes.”

  A woman after his own heart, Treasa nodded absently as she went to the blue motorcycle and eyed it with wonder.

  “We can’t ride these right now,” Cullen reminded. “Let us call a taxi or something.”

  His lass had pulled what looked to be an owner’s manual for a bike out of the bag and was leafing through it. He knew she would soak up its contents instantaneously.

  “I’m sorry, but the lodge is shutting down.” Santa tossed Cullen a set of keys. “Seth left his car if you need it. Come back for the bikes in the morning.”

  “How the hell’d Seth get home then?” Cullen said.

  Santa paused at the door and glanced over his shoulder, a surprising twinkle in his eyes. “I dinnae know lad, mayhap magic?” Then he released a hearty chuckle, belly bouncing as he walked away.

  Treasa’s eyes were as snagged by Santa vanishing into the snowy landscape as his were.

  “Was it me or did Santa just sound like Grant MacLomain?” she murmured.

  “Aye, lass.” Cullen shook his head and smiled. “He did, indeed.”

  Chapter Twelve

  TREASA MET CULLEN’S eyes, still amazed by the night’s events. By how he had stayed and fought for her even after he got his wings back. The pain he so clearly felt when fighting her ex.

  An ex that was no more.

  She was truly free from the curse. It was such an exalting feeling, one so intense and uplifting that she still fought back tears of gratefulness and joy.

  “Santa wants us to ride these bikes right out of here, doesn’t he?” she whispered.

  She remained shocked by how much Grant MacLomain had helped her. How much he helped them both. But so had the ghosts and most definitely Seth.

  It had been one hell of an affair.

  Cullen grinned. “I think that’s exactly what Santa wants.” He winked. “He and all his minions.”

  “What about the Worldwide Paranormal Society keeping you off your sister’s radar?”

  “I’m not worried about it.” He shrugged. “Besides, I’ve a wee bit more power now that I’ve got my wings back.”

  Fair enough. Maybe. But he brought up something worth addressing. She set aside the manual, eyes never leaving his as she swallowed. “I don’t understand what’s happening. The last time you got your wings you left. Why not now?”

  Before he could respond, she took his hands, more serious than ever. It might hurt to say it, but she did. “I meant what I said before. If there are others you can help don’t stay on my account.” She cupped his cheeks. “You’ve been given a gift. One well deserved.”

  Cullen seized her hands, pressed them to his lips and shook his head. “I’ve been given a gift. You. This. Us. Until further notice, I’m not going anywhere but where you go.”

  She bit her lower lip and searched his eyes. “Do you really think…”

  When her words faltered, he wrapped his arm around her lower back and pulled her close. “I have no idea what to think other than that I’m grateful you’re still in my arms.”

  “Could you have already gone to Heaven, though?” Her eyes narrowed. “Did you turn it away because of me?”

  “No,” he murmured and gave her the truth. “Had God needed me I would’ve had no choice but to go.”

  Before she could say another word, he brushed his lips over hers. As always, desire flared and he kissed her with more passion and love than ever before. Cullen eventually pulled away and issued a tempting smile. “Up for a bike ride?”

  Thanks to magic, it had only taken a few seconds to learn everything she needed to know about riding a motorcycle. “What about the weather?”

  Cullen glanced outside then cocked a brow at her. “I’m willing to take a chance on Santa. Are you?”

  She contemplated the snow before her eyes went to the bikes. “I suppose I wouldn’t deserve to ride one of these if I wasn’t, eh?”

  Cullen kept grinning. “I’d hope the hell not.”

  “Listen to you,” she murmured, pulling free before she swung onto her bike. “I thought angels didn’t swear.”

  He swung onto his bike as well. “I swore?”


  “Is a place.” He started his bike, the deep rumble somehow complimentary to his crooked grin. “Not a good place either.”

  “Right.” When she started her bike, his hungry eyes covered her in one fell swoop.

  “Not that it needs to be said, but I’ll be able to hear you if you talk to me when we’re riding,” he mentioned.

  “Gotta love magic,” she replied.

  “Maybe even a little bit of Christmas magic this time.”

  “We are still at the Realm of Christmas Magic tourist attraction,” she reminded.

  “Not for long.” Cullen kept eying her. “Do you know what you’re doing with that bike?”

  “Yup.” Treasa revved the engine, loving the feel of it as she grinned at him. “Pretty sure I do.” She nodded at the snow-swept landscape. “But what about that?”

  “I’ve got a feeling it’ll all be okay.” His eyes stayed with hers and he laid the brogue on thick. “Do ye trust me then, lass?”

  “Aye.” She grinned. “I trust ye.”

  When he roared out ahead of her, she followed. What hit them when they left the shed was not a New England winter but clear pavement. Just like that. When Cullen stopped, she did as well.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  Cullen squinted left and right before he grinned and shook his head at the overpass. “Not where I started but better I’d say.”

  Huh? There was no chance to question him further before he pulled out and gunned it. A rush tore through her as she pursued. For the first time in forty years, she was no longer trapped but free. It looked like they were on a highway, something she only knew about because of the pictures she had seen on childrens’ phones. Gorgeous, sprawling, Christmas lights twinkled in the distance as she pulled up alongside Cullen.

  The road was quiet, desolate, all theirs.

  At first.

  Treasa was about to speak when two cars roared up on either side as well as another motorcycle. Her eyes widened.

  “Look at y’all heading through the great state of Texas,” a sultry version of herself purred from the red sports car. She winked at them. “Got to love Central Time.”

laughed. “Ghost?”

  The woman blew on her fingers then pop, she vanished and a Christmas tree bulb whipped out until it perched on the steering wheel. “But of course, it’s me, BFF!”

  There was nothing quite like watching a bulb drive a car. Only Christmas magic could be keeping that gas pedal down.

  Beady eyes flickered between them and papers fluttered wildly in front of him as Noël reported from his green car racing alongside. “According to this, you are currently beyond your curse as was stipulated in Eastern Standard Time.”

  “How are you here then?” Cullen said.

  Gop rode the motorcycle. Obviously preferring the version of himself as a strong Scotsman, he kept trying to keep his kilt down as he said, “Have ye not figured it out yet then, laddie? We are everywhere that Christmas still is. Right now that’s an hour or so behind Eastern Standard Time.”

  “That was one thing you always had wrong from the beginning, Cullen,” Noël informed. “Our cars would not have hurt anyone because they would have passed into the time zone behind yours.”

  “Not worth taking a chance on at the time.” Cullen shrugged. “Glad it all worked out like it did, though.”

  All three ghosts nodded and said, “Me too.”

  Treasa grinned at the Christmas bulb wobbling precariously on the wheel. “I love you, BFF. Thank you.” Then she glanced at the other two. “Thank you all.”

  “Aye,” Cullen agreed even as he scowled at Gop’s plaid whipping up in the wind to the point of indecency.

  “Also according to this,” Noël reported. “You have sacrificed for many and are free to live your life, Highlander.” The Ghost of Christmas Future had a surprisingly dewy, romantic look in his eyes. “And as it is written here, forgiveness was given. That was everything.”

  Forgiveness? Hers? God’s? But she supposed it didn’t much matter. Cullen had been given life even as an angel. He would not be leaving her. Not yet. Hopefully, never.

  Ghost again became her sultry version.

  Noël carefully set aside his fluttering paperwork though a piece stayed plastered to his neck.

  Gop finally got a hold of his plaid in the front before it whipped up in the back.

  Yet all three challenged with their eyes when they said, “Do you want to race?”

  Cullen grinned at her.

  Treasa grinned at him.

  “Do we?” she mouthed.

  When he nodded and gunned it, she did the same.

  As they shot out in front of the others it was not with a setting sun in the sky but a low-hung moon. God had given them freedom from what long oppressed them. Now they had a chance to enjoy love, to enjoy each other. So they tore up the freeway with a smile on their faces and lightness in their hearts.

  Zooming past them, their ghosts whispered into the wind before they faded away. “Merry Christmas to all and…”

  Treasa glanced at Cullen. “Way to get their sentence cut off.”

  Yet there was just enough curve to the road that they crossed into Mountain Time briefly. A Christmas tree bulb zipped up between them, ping-ponged off their bikes and spoke before vanishing into last year’s yuletide.

  “To all a good night!”

  One they fully intended to take advantage of.

  Today, tomorrow and every glorious Christmas to come.

  The End

  Expect to see more of Cullen and Treasa in The MacLomain Series: Later Years Series. Follow Seth and the Worldwide Paranormal Society in the Calum’s Curse Series.

  About the Author

  Sky Purington is the best-selling author of eighteen novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books.

  Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at [email protected]. Interested in keeping up with Sky's latest news and releases? Visit Sky's website, to download her free App on iTunes and Android or sign up for her quarterly newsletter. Love social networking? Find Sky on Facebook and Twitter.


  ~The MacLomain Series- Early Years~

  Highland Defiance- Book One

  Highland Persuasion- Book Two

  Highland Mystic- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series~

  The King’s Druidess- Prelude

  Fate’s Monolith- Book One

  Destiny’s Denial- Book Two

  Sylvan Mist- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series- Next Generation~

  Mark of the Highlander- Book One

  Vow of the Highlander- Book Two

  Wrath of the Highlander- Book Three

  Faith of the Highlander- Book Four

  Plight of the Highlander- Book Five

  ~The MacLomain Series- Viking Ancestors~

  Viking King- Book One

  Viking Claim- Book Two

  Viking Heart- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series- Later Years~

  Quest of a Scottish Warrior- Book One

  Honor of a Scottish Warrior- Book Two

  Oath of a Scottish Warrior- Book Three

  Passion of a Scottish Warrior- Book Four

  ~Calum’s Curse Series~

  The Victorian Lure- Book One

  The Georgian Embrace- Book Two

  The Tudor Revival- Book Three

  ~Forsaken Brethren Series~

  Darkest Memory- Book One

  Heart of Vesuvius- Book Two

  ~Song of the Muses Series~

  Highland Muse

  Legendary Lover ~ Arctic Plunge

  Candice Stauffer

  All rights reserved

  Names, characters, and events depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Candice Stauffer

  Copyright © 2015 by Candice Stauffer

  Published in the United States of America

  November 2015


  HEART THUNDERING IN his chest, Dean Lawless stared at Jayne Dekker, his newly discovered mate. “Nothing is as bad as it seems. Don’t give up yet. This is the first page of our story. We have plenty of time to work out our differences and make it great.” He breathed in deep, drawing her sweet addictive scent into his lungs. “Stay with me tonight.”

  Looking up at him, she opened her mouth as if to respond. Then, rather than say anything, she frowned and shook her head as she turned away from him.

  A low growl vibrated in his chest as he struggled against the urge to reach out and physically stop her. “Don’t leave, Jayne.”

  She took a few steps and stopped. He waited for a few seconds that lasted for a short eternity. Somehow he needed to convince her to want to try. She faced him. Their eyes met. She was so damn good-looking, so perfectly beautiful in every wonderful feminine way possible.

  “Not everything about me is as it seems. Trust me, if you knew half of the things I’ve done for a living, you would never consider getting involved with me.”

  “We all have parts that aren’t that pretty. I don’t expect you to be perfect.”

  “What exactly do you want from me?”

  “Everything. Forever.”

  Clearly amused, she laughed. “That’s one promise and a commitment too many for me.” She openly, slowly allowed her gaze to wander from his head to his toes and then back again. “I wouldn’t object to a one-night stand.” She paused. “If the first time is better than tolerable, I might even
go for a second night.”

  “The first will be better than any other you’ve experienced.” The idea of her having any prior sexual encounter made him frown. “And mates don’t do flings.”

  She closed the distance between them. She was close. Too close. “How much better?” He wanted, needed to take her in his arms, hold her, show her.

  “I’d rather show than tell.”

  All of a sudden, he felt her mind reach out to his, touch his. Then, causing him to hold his breath in wonder, he felt a powerful connection, unlike any other he’d ever encountered, form between them. Judging her startled expression and sudden withdraw, he knew she wasn’t expecting it to happen.

  “We’ve been over this before,” she said. “You’re wrong. I am not your mate. You’re a werewolf. A wild, meat eating predator. I’m human. An uninteresting, tragically tame vegetarian.”

  “I clearly remember getting more than a little excited while watching you devour a hamburger the night we met.”

  Lifting her chin, looking exquisitely defiant, she held his gaze. “It had tomatoes and lettuce.”

  “You took the lettuce off.”

  “It was disgustingly wilted.”

  “It looked fresh to me.”

  “Fine, I lied. I thought you were hot. I didn’t want to freak you out and run you off.”

  “With lettuce?”

  Grinning, looking naughty as hell, she shrugged. “It could’ve happened.”

  “You’re not getting rid of me.”

  Frowning, the movement barely noticeable, she shook her head. “We both know you have wolfy rules to prevent you from mixing with us lesser beings.”

  Forcing her to look into his eyes, he framed her face in his hands and tilted her head back. “We belong together.”

  She took a deep breath and released it with a sigh of irritation. “Just…dam it, Dean. You need to drop it. I’m not the kind of woman to get tangled up in a serious relationship.”

  “Kiss me, Jayne.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I can’t.”

  He bent his head and kissed his way up her neck to her chin. The lust between them was blazing hot, burning him up. By the time his lips found hers, he kissed her hard and demanding, a fierce claiming that had her moaning and moving her body against his, returning his kiss with passionate that matched his.


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