Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 162

by Michele Bardsley


  Closing her eyes and holding her breath, Jayne tilted her head to the side as he took his time kissing, teasing her neck with his lips and tongue. Every cell in her body was inflamed with need. Every inch of her body ached and burned with need. His intoxicating groan of pleasure seemed to vibrate over her skin. It was driving her nuts. He was driving her nuts.

  A blazing current of energy raced through her body the second he claimed her mouth with his. At first, his kiss was slow, gentle, but fantastically passionate, and her desire for him, escalated quickly. Then, it turned into a crushing, hot-blooded kiss. She couldn’t resist the urge to get caught up in the moment. She didn’t want to fight it. Returning his kiss, she allowed herself to be immersed in the pleasure of his lips moving against hers.

  She linked her hands at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, deepening her kiss, tightly pressing her body against his. Damn him, he’d changed everything, he’d turned her world upside down. His hard, muscular, fabulously masculine body felt wonderfully wicked against hers. His strong hands were everywhere. Touching her. Massaging her. Damn him for making her want him, need him so desperately.

  “I want you.” She reached beneath his shirt and slowly rubbed her palms over his chest and belly muscles. She’d never been more turned on than she was at that moment. “Right now, Dean. I need you.” She lifted his T-shirt. “I don’t want anything between us.” He raised his arms as she pulled the shirt over his head. “That’s better.” She tossed it on the floor.

  She maneuvered him so that the back of his calves were against the chair, and then she gave him a playful shove. He sat down at once. Completely silent and still, his focus never strayed from her. He made her feel as if every move she made fascinated him.

  As soon as her intention to straddle his lap was clear he gripped her hips to support her weight until she managed to attain a comfy position. She pushed his head back and leaned in closer to kiss his throat. The moment her lips touched his skin his approval sent her heart racing. Deep in his chest he made a low, incredibly sexy growling sound that drove her wild.

  Anticipation for his touch caused her to hold her breath the instant he began to tug on her shirt and slip his hands beneath it. At a tremendously leisurely pace his large palms moved from her lower back to her shoulders, and then all the way down to her hips.

  He lifted her shirt, pulled it over her head and then threw it onto the floor. He reached behind her to unfasten her black lace bra and then he pushed the straps off her shoulders. Tilting his head back to look up at her, he cupped her breast and teased her nipples with is thumbs. She felt his hands everywhere. Tormenting her. Exploring, adoring her body.

  She feathered kisses and nipped her way up from the base of his neck, and then along his jaw until she reached his lobe. “We need to get our jeans off.” Trembling, her body aching, burning for release, she moved her hips back and forth, rubbing her core against the heat of his bulging, hard cock. “Now.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Holding her hips, he lifted her with him as he stood up.

  “I thought so.”

  As soon as her feet touched the ground, something happened. Something distracted him. He turned his head toward the door, a low growl escaping from his throat. “Damn it.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “Not at all.” He glanced at her down at her for a second, but then immediately returned his attention to the door.

  “Whatever is happening out there can’t be as interesting as what’s about to happen in here.” She started to work on unbuckling his belt. “We need to take these off.”

  “Wait.” He pushed her hand away to stop her.

  “Don’t be scared, Dean.” She gripped his cock through the front of his jeans. “I plan to take it easy on you.”

  Looking down at her with an annoyed expression, he held his hand up to silence her. “Stay here.” Then, without any explanation, he left.

  After staring at the door for several seconds, she started to hear muffled voices. She moved closer. At first, though she could hear Dean’s voice, she couldn’t make out what was being said. She leaned against the door, pressing her ear against it.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Dean said. “She’s human. Have you looked at her? She’s not even that attractive. Why would I want her for more than an occasional fuck?”

  “Good.” A man said. “Go tell others. I’d offer to spread the word, but I think it would be better for you to do it.”

  “Keep an eye on it until I get back.”

  Jayne was mad as hell. She’d given up her only source of income and double-crossed a sadistic vampire to save Dean’s life. He didn’t know anything about it, but it didn’t matter. His ignorance wasn’t an excuse for him to say such terrible things about her. Swapping a man’s life for a living had never been so damn complicated. She couldn’t believe the rotten bastard called her an it. After getting dressed, she gathered a few essentials and left. She would’ve loved to stick around to put him in his place, but she didn’t want to die for the chance to do it.


  THE HORRID STENCH decayed flesh rose from out of nowhere, filling Jayne’s lungs, causing her to gag. All senses on heightened alert, she turned to face the door, lifting her hand to cover her nose. She wasn’t shocked that, Loris Kroll, a vampire she’d double-crossed had managed to track her down.

  Hoping she had time to make a run for it, she reached out with her mind and carefully scanned her surroundings. She wasn’t able to determine his precise location, but she knew he was close. Too damn close. Every muscle in her body tensed when she realized he was stalling, waiting for something to happen. She remained absolutely silent and still, allowing his thoughts to flood her mind. No. He wasn’t waiting for anything. The depraved bastard was purposely attempting to rouse her fear by revealing his presence as he used a cloaking spell to watch her from inside the cabin.

  Just then, she heard the old wooden floorboards creak behind her and she spun around, her gaze colliding with his. Remaining totally silent and still, they stared at one another for several seconds.

  At first, he appeared angry. Then, his expression changed, revealing a sense of amusement. “You don’t look happy to see me.”

  He was right. Of all her enemies, and she had managed to make quite a few during her life, he was the last one she wanted to encounter. Heaving a deep, inward sigh, she shook her head. “That’s not true. You startled me.”

  “Did I?” He smiled wide, revealing his saw-like teeth and razor-sharp fangs.

  “Most of my visitors use the front door to gain entry. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come up on me from behind.”

  “Playing dumb doesn’t change the fact that we both know you weren’t expecting me to show up here at all.” The deep sound of his voice could’ve been sexy if it weren’t so wholly evil at the same time.

  “That’s not true.” She was in serious trouble. “I’ve known you for too long to doubt your abilities. You’re a hunter, a predator, with astounding tracking skills.” Being forced to kiss his ass to save herself really sucked. Even so, since she didn’t want to die, she didn’t have a choice. He wasn’t merely capable of hurting her to make a point, he looked forward to inflicting as much pain as possible to do it.

  His rancid breath on her flesh caused her stomach to twist “Your attempt to desert our arrangement has led me to decide that your life no longer matters.”

  Attempting to appear as innocent and laid-back as possible, she shrugged her shoulders. “What are you talking about? I haven’t left you in the lurch. Didn’t you receive the email I sent to you? It explained everything, including my reasons for relocating out here for a few weeks.”

  “Why didn’t you follow our original plans?”

  “I tried to lead him into your trap.”

  “Did you?”

  “It didn’t work.” Not that she tried. Realizing he would kill her if he figured
out that she ran off rather than do it, she purposely blocked her mind, her thoughts, from him.

  Stepping toward her, he glared down at her. “You’re lying.”

  “He doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “Am I to believe that, despite his reputation for screwing any mongrel whore that crosses his path, he refused to do you?”

  “What? How do you know he…never mind. I can’t help you with him. I don’t have what it takes to turn him on. We can find another.”

  “I know you’ve fucked him.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “His stench is all over you.”

  She felt him attempt to merge his mind with hers. If he discovered the truth, if he learned that she’d purposely led Dean away from his trap, he would kill her. She immediately focused on constructing a solid barrier to keep him from finding the information While hearing a weird humming in her head, her vision darkened and blurred. He was trying to get beyond the wall, to penetrate her mind deeper. She shook her head. Damn it. Not trying. The bastard was succeeding. Her mind in a bizarre fog, she opened and closed her eyes to refocus them.

  “You truly don’t have what it takes to get him hot and bothered,” he laughed.

  Anger completely, instantly replaced all uneasiness and common sense, and she narrowed her gaze onto his. “You’re right. I fucked him. Not once. Not twice. I fucked him over and over and over again,” she lied. “And I liked it,” she added for the hell of it. “A lot.”

  A muscle clenched and unclenched in his jaw. He smiled at her, but there was no happiness, no friendliness in it. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that it wasn’t a smile at all. His lips were arched upright and parted in a silent, menacing snarl.

  “You’re going back to him.”

  “No.” A terrible pain centered in her chest. Her heart beat wildly, painfully. He was doing something to her heart. She needed to focus. If she was going to survive, she needed to find a way to pacify him.

  “You will bring him to me.”

  “I can’t. He won’t follow me.”

  “You’re lying.” The words came out as a dark, animalistic rumble. Fangs visibly lengthening, he pulled her close and bent his head, murmuring, reciting an incantation in a foreign language. She couldn’t grasp his words, but she felt the great intensity of his animosity and fury. His teeth, searching for her pulse, grazed her throat.

  “No.” Shaking her head slightly, she tried to push away from him. “Stop.”

  Using supernatural speed and strength, he picked her up and threw her across the room. As she got to knees he wrapped his hand around her throat and lifted her. His unblinking gaze, so full of dark hatred, bored into hers. “Then I will rip your flesh to shreds and devour every ounce of your blood to lure him to me.” His voice was filled with just as much hatred as his eyes.

  He wasn’t making an empty threat. It was a promise. She tried to lift her hands to pry his from her throat. She couldn’t move her arms. Her entire body felt heavy. Too heavy to move. She tried to kick her legs. Nothing happened. She tried again. Still, nothing happened. She tried to move her arms. Nothing. She couldn’t move. She was completely immobilized.

  She felt his savage, incessant thirst for blood, his teeth sinking into her neck. Terror, colossal terror, slammed into her. She would’ve begged for her life, if she could’ve caught her breath. He wouldn’t stop. He would drain every drop of her blood. The seconds passed with excruciating slowness as darkness started to close in on her.

  Her thoughts racing, she thrashed wildly. She was going to die. She heard the distant sound of wolves howling, many of them, and she felt Dean’s powerful presence as he merged his mind with hers. I’m here.

  Obviously planning to use her as a shield, Loris repositioned and turned her with his arm around her neck. Almost instantly, shifting from his wolf into his human form, Dean burst through the door.


  Immediately scenting Jayne’s blood, Dean Lawless quickly looked her over and discovered what appeared to be a bite wound on her neck. Fearing she’d lost too much blood, he focused on the sound her heart. Its strong and steady rhythm assured him that she would be strong enough leave the cabin without assistance if she needed to do it. “I want you to go outside as soon as he releases you.”

  “How far do you think she’ll make it after I snap her neck?”

  “We both know it won’t happen.” Even at his weakest, Dean was naturally faster and stronger than a vampire with tainted blood.

  “You think I can’t do it?” Waves of hatred and rage rolled off Loris.

  “I know you can’t.” Dean shrugged. “If you wanted my attention you should’ve come to me and asked for it rather than hide behind my mate to get it.”

  Are you trying to spur him into proving he can break my neck?

  Feeling her anger rise, Dean was tempted to look at her, but he kept his gaze on Loris, watching for any sign that the idiot might take a shot at following through with his threat. Not at all. I happen to be extremely fond of your neck.

  You could’ve fooled me.


  You’re pissing him off.

  That’s my plan.

  I hope you aren’t serious. And enough with the mate bullshit. It’s getting old.

  If he tried to yank her away from Loris, she would likely end up with serious injuries. I’m actually hoping to make him so frustrated and angry that he picks you up and throws you at me.


  Don’t worry. I’ll catch you.

  Loris stepped back, dragging her along with him, strangling her. Dean felt a terrible, overwhelming sense of panic. His first impulse was to rip her away from Loris, to take her in his arms, to hold, and to save her from suffering any further harm.

  She lifted her hands and tried to pry his arm away from her throat, twisting and turning her body in a wild frenzy, attempting to break free.

  It’s going to be okay, Jayne. I’m not going to let him hurt you. Stop fighting him.

  Seriously? Obviously you never been choked. It hurts like hell.

  Growling, causing Dean’s incisors to lengthen, his wolf rose up in him and started to gather strength to push him back and force its way to surface. The damn thing obviously, reacting to Jayne’s response, thought it could handle the situation better.

  Fearing his wolf might get the better of him, Dean didn’t dare waste another second. Moving with blurring speed, he lunged forward and gripped one hand around the vampire’s throat as he used the other to pry his arm off her neck.

  Once free, Jayne dropped to her knees, gasping, struggling to catch her breath. Keeping his hand wrapped tightly around Loris’ throat, he pushed the vampire toward the wall on the opposite side of the room. He waited, remaining aware of every move Jayne made as she struggled to regain her balance, until she exited the small cabin.

  Loris was mad as hell, but he was even weaker than Dean had anticipated. There was no real struggle. The moment he knew Jayne was outside and was safe from getting injured by being smack dab in the middle of a fight in such a small area, he crushed the vampire’s skull, killing it within seconds.


  STANDING KNEE DEEP in snow, an unfamiliar sense of guilt gnawing at the back of her head, Jayne tilted her head back to meet Dean’s gaze. They stared at one another for several seconds in silence.

  “Come here.” Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her toward him and bowed his head, taking possession of her mouth with his. Initially, she fought the impulse to kiss him back, but there was no denying her longing for him.

  It was a slow, captivating kiss that just went on and on. Then, taking savage possession of her lips, his kiss intensified into something wickedly magnificent. His hands were everywhere, caressing her, exploring and rousing delicious sensations over every inch of her body.

  His lust filled her, blazed deep inside her. She surrendered her mind, body and soul to him, to his kiss, to his touch.

  “Let me take
a look at your neck.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Framing her face with his hands, he slowly turned her head to the left. “I want to see it.”


  He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her closer as he reached up with is other hand and gently pushed her hair away from the wound. “Don’t be afraid,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Of what?” Holding her breath, she savored the sensation of his lips and tongue playing over her skin as he kissed his way from her ear to her jaw. The warmth of his breath awakened and stirred a glorious array of sensations that centered in her belly and spread throughout her entire body.

  Every muscle in her body ached, every fiber of her being, shuttered with delight as his teeth gently teased her neck. Then, with the terrifying memory of Loris tearing into her flesh so vivid, she began to panic.

  “It won’t be the same.”

  She tried to push him away from her, pressing her palms against his chest, but she froze when she felt a deep, animalistic growl rumbling in his chest. She needed to find a way to convince him to stop, to spare her life, because she didn’t have half the physical strength it would take to get the better of him.

  He lifted her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes “Spare your life?”

  Normally, his ability to easily get into her head and hear her thoughts without her knowledge would’ve irritated her. Staring up at him, she opened her mouth to say something, to plead for her life, but he stopped her by lightly placing his hand over her mouth.

  “I’m sorry, Jayne. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He took her hand and placed her palm over his heart. “I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  “You were about to bite me.”

  “Loris’ blood was tainted.”

  “He bit me. I didn’t consume his blood.”


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