Marlee's Dom

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Marlee's Dom Page 1

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  Table of Contents


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Author Biography

  End Credits


  Marion Webb-De Sisto

  When a fierce, badass lycan needs a woman to be sexually submissive, what’s a girl to do?

  Marlee is mixed race—half-human and half-elf. During the week, she teaches elf children how to use their powers positively. At night, on weekends, she’s part of a group that hunts and incapacitates rogue lycans who attack and kill their prey. One night the group meets Radon, a fierce wolf-shifter who is also a hunter of rogue lycans. He’s a badass and carries facial scars from fighting a rogue lycan to the death.

  Radon is attracted to Marlee and spends time protecting her, but he’s very dominant when having sex and wants her to submit to him completely.

  Does she feel an attraction to him? Will she be his submissive or does she prefer to continue her life as it was before their paths crossed?

  Reader Advisory: This BDSM Paranormal Romance contains a fierce shifter who hunts and kills rogue lycans. He wants total sexual submission from a woman, but is she willing to oblige?






  Copyright © March 2017 Marion Webb-De Sisto

  Cover Art by Poppy Designs


  No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to both men and women who love to read about bad boy heroes.

  Chapter One

  The hunt was on. The small group of elves and one half-elf scoured the streets for rogue lycans. They were looking for those who preyed upon others. Originally, humans and the various life forms had lived together peacefully, but more recently some lycans had become treacherous, and they attacked anyone who fell victim to them. They were vicious while in wolf form and not only killed their victims, but fed on them, as well.

  Earlier, it was reported that two of these shifters were prowling this area and killing and eating anyone, male or female, who they chanced upon. This information caused Elmeri, the leader of the elf group, to summon her colleagues, and now they walked the streets while hunting their prey. According to Elmeri, these two rogues were particularly vicious. Once they had trapped a victim, they shifted so that they could savage him or her to ensure a bloody death and a meal.

  Marlee enjoyed being a part of the group. It was in stark contrast to her daytime job of teaching young elves how to use their power positively. She hated the thought of certain lycans killing anyone, and felt happy whenever the group was able to find such individuals and disable them.

  Humans and the faery folk had lived side by side for eons, yet the former were mostly oblivious of the latter. However, those men and women who believed they were not the only sentient beings, could see, interact, and be fully aware of such individuals as elves and faeries. Some were even attracted to one another, formed relationships, and bi-species such as Marlee were born. These perceptive humans also recognized the existence of lycans, but rarely became involved in anything more than passing friendships with them. People who could shift into a different form were usually viewed as unpredictable.

  After almost two hours of an unrewarding search, they suddenly found two lycans standing outside a bar looking like a couple of men just chatting before going their separate ways. Yet Marlee felt sure their real reason was to engage in conversation with anyone who left the bar, with the promise of safely walking them home, or going to another bar for more drinks. Once away from other people, they would change into their wolf form and pounce on their unsuspecting victims.

  As verification of her thoughts, Elmeri silently told the group, “These are the ones. Use your power to prevent them from shifting.”

  Just like the other group members, Marlee pointed a finger at the lycans and uttered the special spell words. The lycans advanced toward the group and tried to shift, but were unable. Then Elmeri moved closer to them, and raising her hands, pronounced the spell that only she had the power to cast. The two lycans fell to the ground completely unconscious.

  She turned around and said, “Okay. They won’t be attacking anyone for a while. Sooner or later someone will inform the Lycan Council, and they’ll be collected and punished. Good work, fellow members! That’s two less rogues for us to hunt for a while. Let’s go to Fromo’s and celebrate.”

  They were about to walk away when someone suddenly yelled, “Why can’t you elves leave lycan matters to me and my kind?”

  A very tall male, who Marlee sensed was lycan, stood next to the fallen rogues. He wore jeans and a shirt that barely hid his sculpted, muscular body. His hair was jet-black and worn loose at shoulder length, but his face belied his otherwise handsome appearance. It was badly scarred as though something had raked across it. He presented a scary picture, yet Marlee felt only sadness for his disfigurement.

  Elmeri boldly walked up to the stranger. “If you and your kind did your work properly, there would be no need for us. We have to do what you can’t or won’t.”

  The stranger instantly shifted into his other form—a huge black wolf with golden eyes. Marlee had never seen a more scary-looking animal. His gaze moved from Elmeri to each of the other three, resting for more than a moment on Marlee. Then he snarled, displaying razor-sharp fangs. After turning his back on Elmeri he loped away.

  “He’s another useless lycan. Oh well, let’s forget about him and head for Fromo’s.” The group’s leader started walking along the avenue and was quickly followed by the others. They moved through a couple of streets and came to Fromo’s Bar. The lights were bright, the music loud, and the place was crowded with elves and several humans. This was the bar where the various elf groups met after a night of hunting.

  Elmeri and her colleagues sat down at a table next to Chadro’s group and an exchange about the night’s happenings was soon voiced. As a way of celebrating their victory over the two lycans Chadro asked what they wanted to drink, and then placed an order at the bar. While he was gone, Landel came over to Marlee and asked her to dance.

  She liked Landel. He was like her—half-elf, half-human—and possessed a sense of humor that some of the elves seemed to lack. Being mixed race, he was taller than other male elves and definitely handsome with blond hair and very light blue eyes.

  As they moved together to the slow beat of the four-piece elf band, Landel asked, “So it was a good night?”

  “Yes. Apparently, those lycans were super nasty. How was your night? It wasn’t as good as ours, huh?”

  “No, we didn’t find anyone, but I was cheered by the fact I knew you’d be here sooner or later.” Both of his hands were now on her waist, and he squeezed gently. “You’re my sweet Marlee.”

  “I’m not yours, I only belong to myself.”

  “Maybe one day you’ll change your mind and have sex with me.” His broadest grin came into play.

  “Stop it, Landel. You’ll make me blush.”<
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  “Elves can’t blush, but your human nature might cause you to do that. Let’s see if I can make your cheeks turn red. Aren’t you just a little bit curious about the size of my cock? It’s more human than elfish.”

  “I’m going to sit down if you won’t behave. Tell me something to make me laugh, or you’ll need to find another dancing partner.”

  “You’re such a heartless female. Well, what can I tell you that is funny? Oh, Chadro stumbled when he stepped onto a curb and landed on his butt. He certainly didn’t look like a fearless leader.”

  Marlee giggled. “You should have more respect for Chadro. He can’t help it if his feet are too small to navigate a steep curb.”

  “Naughty!” He whirled her around, and they continued dancing in silence.

  When they eventually sat down at Marlee’s table, she sipped the wine that Chadro had bought for her. Landel leaned close and whispered, “Should I be jealous?”

  “Should you be jealous about what?”

  “The male lycan who’s watching every move you make.”

  “He’s a lycan? They never come into Fromo’s. You must be mistaken.”

  “No. I know exactly who that scarred lycan is.”

  “He has scars?” She started looking around. “Where is he?”

  “Chill out, Marlee. Surely you wouldn’t prefer a lycan to me?”

  “Ooh, I might. Tell me where he is.”

  “Wait a minute or two, and then take a look at the far end of the bar. I’m talking about the section that bends around the corner. He’s sitting on the last stool.”

  Marlee took a sip of her wine and casually looked around the various tables while also glancing at the bar. It was him. The lycan who’d spoken to Elmeri after she’d made the rogues unconscious. He was staring straight at her with piercing eyes that made her shudder and feel goose bumps, even though she was pleased to see him again.

  “He’s the one Elmeri mentioned to your group. His face looks like something might have clawed him, and when he shifts, he’s really scary.”

  “His name is Radon. Haven’t you ever heard of him? They say one of the rogue lycans managed to claw his face before Radon tore him to pieces.” Landel smiled and added, “I guess you could say he earned his stripes.”

  That name suits him. It sounds very strong like he probably is. Yes, he’s a scary well-built lycan and is staring at me.

  “I’ve heard mention of him, but I don’t pay much attention to what is said about shifters. I think someone said he’s very fierce.”

  “Yes, he is. It’s only rogue lycans that are foolish enough to fight with him. However, by that wolfish stare he’s giving you, I don’t think fighting is on his mind. My guess is he’d like to fuck you.”

  “Landel! You’re incorrigible.” Marlee slapped his arm. “I think I’ll report you to Chadro and he might remove you from his group. I’ll bet that wouldn’t please you.”

  “Then I’ll ask Elmeri to let me join her hunters. That way I’ll be even closer to you.” He squeezed her hand.

  “That’s enough, Landel. I’ll finish my wine, and then go home. I need to get up early tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll walk you home in case that lycan might be skulking nearby.”

  Marlee finished her drink, and Landel told their colleagues they were leaving. As they stood up, he placed his arm around her waist.

  Radon watched them leave. She was so beautiful with her long golden hair and light gray eyes, and he sensed there was something submissive about her. He saw the male put his arm around her, and then turn to look back and smile at him. Don’t challenge me, elf! I can tear out your throat and lap up your blood. You’re no match for this lycan.

  He downed the rest of his beer, nodded to the bar staff, and left Fromo’s. It would be easy to follow the two elves; he could smell their scent quite strongly. But of what use will it be? She’ll probably scream and think my face belongs in a nightmare. I’ll have to pursue her slowly.

  Before the rogue had clawed him, Radon was popular with the female lycans, but now most of them shunned him. That female elf must feel the same way. When Radon had first noticed her in the group, his inner wolf was aroused with sexual interest. He wanted her.

  That is strange. Lycans don’t usually mate with elves.

  Oh well, Radon, you’ll need to not rush that little one if you want to claim her.

  He shifted into his black wolf form and ran along the streets in the direction of his home.

  Chapter Two

  Marlee spent the following day teaching various classes of elves how to control their powers and to only use them when necessary and in a positive manner. At night, she went to a local restaurant and enjoyed an evening meal. Afterward, she tried to use the public phone for a cab that would take her home, but all of the vehicles were already picking up and dropping off customers. She would have to wait almost an hour for a ride. As the restaurant was only a few streets away from her apartment, Marlee decided to walk there.

  She stepped briskly along, passing by others who were out for the evening. Marlee knew that the short avenue, which led to her building, was dimly lit, but she’d hurry along it to ensure her safety. As she moved into it, a man jumped out from a doorway and shifted into his wolf form. His eyes glowed red, and he barred his long teeth.

  In her mind, she heard him say, “You’ll be a tasty supper.”

  Marlee felt deathly afraid, and the hairs on the back of her neck rose up, but she managed to point a finger at the rogue and muttered a spell. It barely affected him. Oh no, the combined effort of her group was needed to stop this attack. Then he sprang toward her, and she turned to run, yet halted because a huge black wolf blocked her path. He brushed past Marlee and pounced on the other wolf. There was a brief scuffle filled with threatening growls before she heard an anguished howl coming from one of them. Marlee saw the rogue lycan slump to the ground. Blood was pouring from his mutilated throat, and she closed her eyes for a moment to avoid the dreadful sight.

  The black wolf came back to her with blood dripping from his mouth. His tongue removed the evidence of his attack, and in her mind, she heard, “I’m sorry if that was offensive, but he would have killed you if I hadn’t ended his life. Why are you walking instead of taking a cab? Are you mad? This city is very dangerous at night.”

  She answered him in kind. “I know, but it was only a short distance. I couldn’t get a ride home, and I thought I’d be okay.”

  “Now you know you weren’t safe. I’ll walk with you the rest of the way to make sure nothing else happens.”

  Will I be safe with this lycan? He could also be planning to attack me. “Don’t bother, I’m almost home.”

  “You don’t have a choice. I’m staying with you.”

  Marlee started walking, and he paced beside her. They traveled the short distance to her apartment’s building, she on the inside while he kept close on the outside. His fur brushed against her arm, giving Marlee a surprising sense of security.

  When they reached her building, he shifted into his human form and said, “Go inside!”

  “Okay, but do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?”

  He nodded.

  “What are you doing here? Do you live nearby?”

  “No, I was following you.”

  “Oh…? I mean … why?”

  His only answer was a shrug of his shoulders.

  “Is that something lycans do?”

  His brown eyes pierced into her. “They only follow if they’re interested in someone or something.”

  Is he saying he’s interested in me for some reason? Does he think of me as a meal? Okay, let’s not pursue that thought.

  “Go inside!”

  “I will in a minute. One more question. Doesn’t it bother you to kill your own kind?”

  “Rogue lycans are nothing like me. They have chosen to treat others as prey. I hold respect for all of the inhabitants of our world providing they also show respect.”

bsp; “So, you don’t think of elves as food, right?”

  “Of course I don’t.” He paused, and then asked, “Aren’t you going to invite me into your home?”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought about it. Do you want me to do that?”


  “Okay. Would you like to come in and have a hot chocolate? That would be my way of thanking you for saving me from that lycan.”

  “Then unlock the front door, and I’ll follow you.”

  She pulled a bunch of keys from her bag and went to the entrance. He followed behind her and waited while she opened the main door. They mounted two flights of stairs, and then she unlocked the door to her apartment. Once inside she led him to the small kitchen and asked, “Do you like hot chocolate or would you rather have coffee?”

  “I’ve never had it, but I like chocolate, so it will be fine.”

  “It’s better to drink it at night rather than coffee. You’ll fall asleep much sooner. Sit down, and I’ll make some.”

  It was a warm night, so the lycan had no coat to remove. He relaxed into a chair that was next to a small table, and Marlee placed two mugs on the counter. She turned on the kettle and put a teaspoon of the chocolate granules in each mug. After pouring the hot water into both of them, she added a small quantity of milk and set one drink in front of him. “I don’t take sugar in mine, but let me know if it isn’t sweet enough for you.” She sat down on the other chair.

  He lifted the mug and took a sip. “It’s fine.”

  After drinking some of hers, she said, “By the way, my name is Marlee, and yours is Radon, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but how do you know that?”

  “A friend of mine told me. You were at Fromo’s last night, and he pointed you out to me.”

  “Was your friend also your dancing partner?”


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