Marlee's Dom

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Marlee's Dom Page 2

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Is he more than a friend?”

  “What do you mean? Am I attracted to him? No, but he makes me laugh. Some elves don’t seem to have a sense of humor.”

  They drank their hot chocolate in silence. She tried to avoid looking at his face, yet couldn’t. In the kitchen’s bright light the claw marks were very evident. One scar ran from the right side of his forehead, down beyond the outer corner of his right eye, and then across his ear. That one wasn’t too disfiguring, but the other one was. It began just above his nose, went across it, and then deeply into his right cheek. Her immediate thought was about how much it must have hurt and bled when it happened. Then she wondered why there were only two injuries.

  “Don’t look at my ugly face!” He leaned back and momentarily shielded the scars with his hand.

  “I’m sorry. This is the first time I’ve been able to look at you properly. It must have really hurt when the lycan clawed you?”

  Radon shrugged. “Physical pain doesn’t bother me.”

  “But why are there only two claw marks? Oh … please forgive me, I’m being rude again.”

  “There are two more down the side of my scalp and into my neck. My hair covers them.”

  That’s a surprise. I thought he’d be furious with me for asking that question.

  Feeling awkward Marlee drank the rest of her hot chocolate without saying another word. He drank his while staring at her.

  His wolfish stare—yes, Landel was right because it was a good way of describing it—made her feel embarrassed. Is he thinking I might be a tasty meal? Or is his mind on something else he’d like to do? I’d better ask another question in order to stop that scary look.

  “One thing puzzles me. Where do you hide your clothes before you shift? You’re dressed now, but were not wearing any as a wolf. I would have thought you’d be a naked human.”

  “I am.”

  “Huh? You’re dressed, and I saw you shift outside.”

  For a moment, a rare smile lightened his stern expression. “You’re a curious elf. Perhaps you’re half-human?”

  “I am. As a child, I was often told to stop asking so many questions, but I learn from them. So, will you tell me where you hide your clothes?”

  “I don’t. I am naked right now. These jeans and shirt are merely illusions that I create so that you think I’m dressed. Here, put your hand on my sleeve.” He offered his left arm, and she touched it expecting to feel material. However, her fingers made contact with warm skin.

  “Ooh, you really are naked.” After considering this, she added, “That must mean when lycans are in human form they’re wearing nothing. We just think they’re dressed.” And that means I’m sitting in my kitchen with a totally naked guy. I can imagine what Landel would say about that!

  “No. When we don’t intend shifting, we wear clothes like everyone else. Then, if we unexpectedly have to shift, they’re torn apart to allow the wolf body to form.”

  “Okay, that makes sense. So now I know a little more about lycans. Thanks.”

  Radon stood up. “I should leave, it’s getting late, but before I go, I’ll do one more thing.”

  “But maybe I don’t want you to do anything else.”

  “You don’t have a choice.” He suddenly pulled Marlee up from the chair and with one hand held hers forcefully behind her back. With his other hand, he eased her head forward, leaned down, and briefly kissed her mouth.

  Marlee was surprised but realized she liked his determination. She hoped he’d do more.

  He didn’t.

  After releasing her, he walked out of the kitchen, and she quickly followed him to her front door. As he stood in the open doorway, he ordered, “Don’t go out alone again at night. There are other dangers besides rogue lycans. And be careful who you invite into your home. I could have been a lycan that was going to kill you.”

  She nodded, and then asked, “Do you live in the city?”

  “No, my home is just outside the boundary. It’s a large cave that I’ve converted into a comfortable place to live. You would probably think it’s primitive, but my wolf likes it.”

  “I guess having a wolfish nature clashes with your human side?”

  “Not really. I can usually control my animal instincts.” He leaned down close to her. “Most people shun this ugly lycan. I appreciate your trust and hope to see you again quite soon in Fromo’s. I’ll leave now.”

  He turned away and headed for the stairs.

  Marlee closed the front door and went back into the kitchen. She rinsed the two mugs, got undressed, and put on her nightgown. In the bathroom, she washed her face and hands, and then brushed her teeth. Finally, she lay down on her bed and thought about Radon. I like him, and somehow that feels right. Marlee drifted into sleep.

  * * * *

  Radon hurried down the two flights of stairs and left the building. He walked to where he’d parked his motorbike, knowing it would be there. He’d magically rigged the vehicle so that if anyone else touched it, they would receive very severe pain. He mounted the bike and rode home.

  Once inside, he allowed the illusion of clothes to vanish and lay naked on his bed. He was glad she’d invited him into her apartment, but didn’t his face sicken her? Marlee had stared at his scars, and yet hadn’t seemed disgusted by them. Was she using her elf power to disguise her true feelings? Or did the claw marks not bother her? It would be good if that was true. He could pursue her with the intention of becoming her lover. His inner wolf was growing ever more demanding for sexual gratification with the half-elf. He whispered, “Bend her to our will, and then she’ll be ours.” Yes, he’d need to show his dominant nature in order to be intimate with her.

  I’ll continue seeing Marlee and make her want me. Go to sleep, wolf, we need to be patient.

  Chapter Three

  Several days passed without any hunting. It was only at the weekends that the elf groups scoured the city for rogue lycans. This was because the elves had other work that kept them busy during weekdays and they usually stayed home on weeknights. The elfish hunting for rogue shifters had taken place for a couple of years and would continue into the future. Marlee was proud to be a part of the control over them, but the elves were not the only ones who did this work. For several years, certain lycans had also hunted those of their species who, without any provocation, attacked others. This meant the police didn’t need to pursue such vicious lycans.

  Marlee spent each weekday teaching the elf children. She loved this job, and it gave her sufficient cash to pay rent for her apartment. Her landlord didn’t charge an extortionate amount, so she’d lived there for several years.

  When her group hunted again they found no rogues, so they went home their separate ways rather than celebrating at Fromo’s. The following night, they disabled one rogue and another two some distance away from the first. After that, there were no more, and the group headed to the bar for a celebratory drink.

  Marlee was with them and, as she was about to sit down, a waitress came over to her and said, “The lycan at the bar wants to know what you would like to drink and if you’ll sit beside him.” She pointed to Radon who was looking in her direction and tapping the empty stool next to him with some force.

  Marlee nodded, excused herself from the group, and walked over to the bar. She managed to get her feet onto the stool’s rungs and hoisted herself into a sitting position.

  “I guess bar stools aren’t meant for short elves. Would you rather sit at a table?” He stood up ready to move.

  “This is fine, and I’m not as short as true elves.”

  Is he poking fun at me?

  Radon sat back down with ease and asked, “What would you like to drink?”

  “I like the white wine they serve here. I don’t enjoy beer or spirits.”

  He ordered her drink and paid the barman. After taking a gulp of his beer, he actually smiled at her and questioned, “Are you surprised to see me here?”

�I suppose I am. This bar usually only caters to elves and humans. I think you’re the first lycan to ever come in here. Don’t lycans have their own bars?”

  “Yes, but I rarely go into them. I guess you could call me a lone wolf.”

  “Were you out hunting tonight?” She touched his arm and felt material. “Oh, apparently you were not. You’re dressed.”

  “I haven’t hunted for a couple of nights. I also came to this bar last night, but you weren’t here. Were you at home instead of out with your group?”

  “We were looking for rogues, but didn’t find any, so no celebration at Fromo’s.”

  “Ah, that explains your absence. I came back tonight in the hope you’d be here.”

  “And here I am. Why do you want to see me?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? I want to get to know you. You’ve been kind and even invited me into your home. I’d like to return the favor.”

  “Okay, but not now. I don’t want to stay out too late tonight.” This was the only excuse she could quickly think of to dissuade him. In his own home, he might attack me.

  “Of course, you’ll want to get to know me better before accepting an invitation into my lair.” His brown eyes held a hint of mirth.

  Lost for an answer Marlee sipped her wine.

  “Would you like something to eat? As you probably know, they only serve snacks here, but I can take you to a restaurant if you’re hungry.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Radon caught the attention of one of the bar staff and asked for a bowl of nibbles. The female elf took down a large bag of cheese-flavored snacks from a shelf, emptied some of them into a bowl, and placed it in front of Marlee. She picked up a couple of the yellow pieces and ate them.

  “They taste good. Thanks.”

  “I’m here to please you.” He grabbed a handful of the nibbles and munched them.

  They sat in silence for a while. Radon ordered another wine for her and beer for himself and sat staring at her face. Feeling uncomfortable under such scrutiny, Marlee looked into the bar’s mirror and saw Chadro’s group entering Fromo’s. She turned around on her stool and waved to them. Some nodded back, and Landel smiled and waved.

  “I see your dancing partner is here. Will he be mad because you’re with me?”

  “No, as I told you before, he’s just a friend.”

  “But I’m sure he’d like to be more than your friend. You’re both half-elves, right? So that must create a bond between you.”

  Marlee shook her head and repeated, “He’s just a friend.” She continued to drink her wine and eat the cheese nibbles.

  Landel came to the bar, stood next to her, and ordered some drinks. He nodded to Radon and in the elf language said to Marlee, “I see you’re living dangerously tonight.”

  She ignored his remark and Landel went back to the table where his group was. By looking into the bar’s mirror, Marlee watched a waitress serve the drinks to them. Several of the elves were staring at her, and she figured they would be puzzled by her sitting with a lycan instead of with her own group. She was, in fact, also wondering why she was with him. Lycans could be very dangerous, and although he hadn’t threatened her in any way, he was scary in his wolf form. Yet there was something appealing about Radon. He was rugged, and his face was handsome beneath those dreadful scars. Oh dear, am I attracted to him?

  “Was he asking you why you’re sitting with me?”

  “No, he said I’m living dangerously.”

  “It’s true. I can be a beast when aroused.” For a second she saw his golden wolf eyes gleaming at her.

  “Don’t do that with your eyes. It’s frightening.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He drained his beer and stared at the empty glass.

  Suddenly, Landel was standing beside Marlee. “Will you dance with me?” He looked at Radon and added, “You don’t mind, do you?”

  The lycan made an incomprehensible sound as Landel grabbed Marlee’s hand and guided her onto the small dance area.

  For a few minutes, they moved in silence, and then he remarked, “Ooh, I believe he’d like to attack me. If his glare could kill, I’d be dead on the floor right now,”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Landel. He looks fierce but is okay. In a way, I feel sorry for him having those facial scars.”

  “So you pity him?”

  “No, I just feel a bit sad for him.”

  Landel twirled her around, leaned in close, and whispered, “Don’t mistake pity for attraction, Marlee.”

  “I’m not. Until now I’ve never had much interest in lycans, but I’m learning about them from him.”

  “I think you should stick to elves. We wouldn’t pounce on you and tear out your throat.”

  “But you could cast a spell on me, and that’s almost as bad.”

  “Hmm, I’ll give it some thought.”

  They continued dancing until the music ended. Landel brought Marlee back to the bar, watched her sit down on the stool, and then gave a beaming smile to Radon before walking back to his group.

  After a short while, the lycan asked, “Do you like dancing with him?”

  “Yes. He’s a good dancer and says things that make me smile. You didn’t mind me dancing with him, did you?”

  “I wanted to attack him, but I knew that would upset you.”

  “It would. You should only be attacking rogue lycans.”

  “And maybe others, but they don’t taste as good as my kind.”

  She looked at his face to see if he was joking. His eyes gave no clue about what prompted such a remark. Maybe he enjoys harming lycans and … elves, as well? Landel was right. I could be in danger.

  Marlee sat thinking of how she should end this time spent with Radon. She was about to say that she needed to return to her group when he suddenly said, “Will you dance with me?”

  Oh no! How do I answer him?

  “In case you’re wondering, I can dance and promise not to step on your toes.”

  How can I refuse? It might be okay. “I’ll hold you to that promise.”

  Radon stood up and gently lifted her off the stool. He grasped her hand, and they walked to the dance area. As the elf band ended one tune and began another, Radon placed his other hand on her waist and guided Marlee into a slow motion.

  Wow! He’s an even better dancer than Landel. Her feet followed his as though dancing together was something they often did. After moving around the dance floor once, he released her hand and pulled her closer to him. He was much taller than Marlee, so it was more comfortable to put her arms around his waist. She glanced at the tables and saw everyone watching them. They must think I’m mad to be with a lycan. But do I care? Somehow it feels right to be in his arms.

  After a few twirls, he lowered his head close to hers and shared, “My wolf is raging at me.”


  “He wants you so much and says I should take you right here.”

  “Are you trying to be funny?”

  “No, I’m being honest with you.” He pulled her even closer.

  What can I say now? A part of me doesn’t think that would be too awful, but the other part is horrified. She glanced over at Landel. The expression on his face looked like he was ready to fight Radon.

  “We should sit back at the bar. Your wolf is upsetting me.”

  “Yes, he’s a beast.” Radon led Marlee back to their stools and held her arm while she managed to sit down.

  She picked up her glass and said, “I’ll finish this, and then go home.”

  “I’ll take you there.”

  “No, I can call for a cab. There’s a public phone near the entrance.”

  Once they’d finished their drinks, he stated, “I will take you home. Let’s go.” He stepped off his stool and helped her to do the same. They moved toward the entrance and Marlee was aware of Landel’s eyes following them. I’m sure he’ll have plenty to say the next time we’re together.

  In the parking lot, Radon took her over t
o a motorbike. “Will you be okay riding on my bike?”

  “I’ve never been on one before. I thought we would be walking to my apartment.”

  “Hold on tight to me, and you’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.” Radon placed his hands on the motorbike, closed his eyes, and murmured something. “You can get on the bike now, I’ll help you.” He mounted the bike, offered his hand, and instructed, “Sit behind me and put your arms around my waist.”

  Marlee used his arm to balance herself, and then sat astride the vehicle.

  “Okay, we’re off.”

  They sped along the roads with her gripping his waist. It was scary to move so rapidly and yet also exciting. She could get used to riding on this motorbike, but within minutes they arrived at her building. Radon parked the bike, got off, and helped her to dismount.

  “Thanks for the ride. It was a bit scary, yet stimulating. I can now understand why some men enjoy having a motorbike.”

  “I can take you wherever you want to go on this machine.” He paused, and then asked, “So are you going to invite me up for a hot chocolate?”

  Do I want to do that? She was still a little uncertain about what he might do, but was finding him to be intriguing.

  Feeling ambivalent she replied, “I suppose so.”

  “Okay.” Once again, he placed his hands on the bike, closed his eyes, and muttered something.

  “Why do you keep doing that?”

  “I’m using a little bit of magic to protect my bike from thieves. If someone other than me touches it, they will experience pain shooting right through them. I had removed the spell before you sat down so that you wouldn’t be hurt, and now I’ve reinstated it.”

  “I didn’t realize lycans were familiar with spells like elves are.”

  “Ah, a way in which we’re similar.”

  “Hmm. Let’s go inside.”

  They went into the building, climbed the stairs, and entered her apartment. Once they were in the kitchen, Marlee made the hot chocolate, and they sat and drank it.

  Chapter Four


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