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The Vampire Prince’s Bride

Page 140

by T. S. Ryder

  Surprise flickered across Sheridan's face. "I had to get you away from him."

  "A simple, 'she's my wife, stay away from her, we're leaving, honey' would have worked." Maribel put her hands on her hips. "You didn't have to act like he was trying to kill me!"

  "He was challenging my authority, trying to drink from you."

  "I wouldn't have let him. Do you really think I would let him drink from me?"

  Sheridan held up his hands and shook his head. "No. No, of course not. I didn't think that, Maribel. I'm sorry if I scared you."

  Maribel put a hand to her chest, where her heart was still pounding wildly. "Well, you did."

  "I'm sorry. And you're right, I overreacted." He turned away and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I have jealousy issues. I thought I'd gotten over them, but apparently not."

  "Jealousy." Maribel stared. A smile twitched her lips, no matter how hard she fought it. If she was honest, even though she was still mildly freaked out by his display of violence, knowing that he was jealous made a bubble of happiness rise up in her. "Well, okay. You're forgiven this time."

  Sheridan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a gentle embrace. "That vampire's actions do raise another point, though. I haven't claimed you in any official capacity except marriage, and many won't accept that as binding. We'll have to make a video to release on the internet stating that we are together and that you are mine."

  "Wait. You want to release a video on the internet?"

  "Yes. That way the whole world will know that you’re mine."

  The dominant way he said it had heat swirling inside of her. Maribel clung to his warmth, breathing in his heady scent. A giggle burst from her lips. Funny how her irritation at him could vanish just like that.

  "Will a video really work?"

  "Yes. Of course it will."

  "Good. I don't want to be anybody's but yours."

  Maribel pressed herself to her toes and threw her arms around Sheridan's neck, kissing him passionately.

  Chapter Four – Sheridan

  The smell was what woke him up.

  Earthy yet sweet, like a cinnamon bun with just a little too much cinnamon in it. Maybe with a hint of nutmeg as well. Sheridan's arms tightened around Maribel as the scent of her pregnancy roused him. It was the middle of the night, but there was a full moon outside, and the vampire king could see as well as if it had been daylight.

  His human was cuddled in against his arm, her arm over his chest. The black silky nightdress she was wearing barely contained her breasts, and she had kicked off the blankets sometime during the night, revealing that it had twisted up around her waist. She was wearing white 'granny panties' that looked adorable on her. Sleeping in the same bed was difficult, although the closer he was the easier controlling himself seemed to be. He wanted to take this in steps, and sex would have to wait.

  Pregnant. Sheridan smiled, resisting the urge to wake her and tell her. Happiness bubbled up in him, making him feel warm and cozy from the inside out. His human was pregnant. After all these weeks of waiting, the treatments had finally taken.

  His smile faded.

  She was pregnant. That was good news. But he still hadn't figured out what to tell her now. He sighed, staring at the ceiling. Perhaps it would be best to tell her the truth of why he was holding back, why he couldn't drink from her or make love to her. He longed to taste her blood, longed to be joined in body.

  But he was afraid.

  When vampires had sex with humans or tasted their blood, it was far too easy to lose control. Far too easy to snap fragile bones or drink them dry. If he did that to Maribel…

  His cellphone buzzed. Too quiet to disturb Maribel, but loud enough that it would have woken him up if he had been sleeping. The king eased himself out of his wife's grasp and grabbed his cell phone as he left the room. It was Billie.

  "This had better be an emergency."

  "We have a situation, my lord. You had better come to the entrance quickly." Billie's voice was stressed, and Sheridan could hear shouting in the background.

  He repressed a groan. But then, that was the life of a king. He belonged to his people, and his time was not his own.

  "I'll be right there." He quickly dressed and headed down.

  There was a human male in the main hall, being restrained by two guards. The male was dark-haired and dressed all in black.

  Sheridan frowned as he approached the group. "What is going on here?"

  "Sir." Billie hurried to his side. "The wall guard caught this man attempting to sneak into the city. He says his name is Phil Bennet, and he's demanding to see Maribel."

  Sheridan's head jerked as he whipped around to narrow his eyes at the human. He was glaring at the king at this point, and Sheridan met the challenging eyes with a glare of his own. The human immediately flinched and looked away. He was quite muscular, for a human, and had an air of self-confidence about him, despite clearly being intimidated by the vampires around him.

  "What do you want with my wife?" Sheridan demanded.

  "She's not your wife. I saw that stupid video you made on the internet, but she's not yours. She's my fiancé and I want her back!"

  Sheridan blinked rapidly, but that was the only indication he gave of how much his mind was reeling. Maribel engaged to another man? Was this why she was so determined that they marry before their baby was born? So he wouldn't be able to change his mind once this came to light?

  But this man wore expensive shoes and had the look of a rather well-to-do individual. Why would Maribel come here seeking to be a living blood donor, half a million dollars in debt, if she was engaged to this man? Unless she had run away from him for some reason.

  "Billie, get Janet and bring Maribel to my office."

  His PA nodded and scurried off. Sheridan cast a dismissive glare at the human, then instructed the guard to take him to his office. He wasn't going to believe this man's word over Maribel's. He wanted to hear her side of the story before he made any decisions.

  Shortly after, Maribel came to his office. She wore jeans and a flannel shirt. Her hair was mussed and eyes still sleepy, but they widened at the sight of the man.


  "Mari, baby, I've come to take you—"

  Maribel didn't let him finish. She lunged at the man, fists flying. She got him good in the jaw before Sheridan stepped in and separated the two of them. He pulled Maribel back, repressing laughter. Well, that answered that question.

  There was no way that these two were engaged. If they had been together once, it ended badly.

  "Let go of me!" Maribel writhed in his grasp.

  Phil tried to step forward but Billie stopped him. "Mari—"

  "Don't talk to me! You con artist of an arrogant, fake boyfriend!"

  Sheridan put his hands on Maribel's shoulders and blocked her view of Phil. "Who is he? And what did he do to you?"

  "He was my boyfriend. At least I thought he was. He's the reason I had so much debt. He stole my identity, got a bunch of credit cards and ran off to Vegas! Why are you here, Phil? Trying to blackmail me or something?"

  "It's not like that. I know I didn't treat you right, but I regret it, ple—"

  Sheridan waved a hand to his guards. "Take him to the dungeons."

  Maribel's jaw dropped. She stared at him with amazement, although there was a sparkle in her eye that told him that she certainly wasn't opposed to her ex-boyfriend being jailed. The two guards began hauling the human off. Phil went red in the face and howled at them, jerking his arms around as though that would free him.

  "I am a human citizen, you have no authority to hold me in your prisons! I know my rights, you are legally required to hand me over to the human police—"

  "You were caught trying to breach vampire walls. I am within my rights to question you to find out your motive. Get him out of here." Sheridan glared at the human as he was taken away, then turned back to Maribel. He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry for disturbing you so la

  Maribel shrugged. "I never thought I'd have to see his stupid face again. I'm glad you're throwing him in jail, but… you won't get in trouble, will you? I mean, you won't get arrested to anything?"

  Sheridan shook his head. "No. Of course not. I'm a king, they can't just waltz in and arrest me."


  He smoothed her hair from her forehead. Should he tell her that she was pregnant now, or wait until morning? Maribel's sweet smile stole his heart as she pushed herself to her toes and brushed her mouth against his. The effect was instant. Sheridan wanted to order Billie out, to clear the room and lay his wife on the floor, worshiping every inch of her.

  He broke the kiss. "I have some business to take care of. Billie will see you back to our rooms."

  Maribel looked disappointed but nodded. "See you tomorrow, then?"

  "Yes. Goodnight." He sighed as he watched her leave.

  Chapter Five – Maribel

  Maribel yawned as Billie and Janet, the vampire servant who was always outside her door to get her whatever she wanted, walked her to the chambers she shared with the king. She stopped at the door.

  "I can take it from here, thanks."

  If she didn't tell her vampire escort when to leave her, they'd end up in her bedroom with her. It had happened before and wasn't very amusing. She hadn't noticed and even started undressing.

  "Are you sure there isn't anything we can get you?" Billie asked, blinking her huge eyes.

  "I can turn down the bed for you," Janet added.

  Maribel shook her head. "I'm fine. Just how late do you think Sheridan will be working?"

  Billie sighed. "I don't know. I'll tell him you were asking if you want. I'm sure he won’t be long, anyway. He just needs to complete the paperwork for holding Mr. Bennet in our custody."

  "Thanks," Maribel said goodnight and closed the door. She didn't like sleeping alone anymore, without her arms around Sheridan. If they couldn’t make love yet, at least they could sleep in the same bed.

  As she headed back to the bedroom, something jumped from the shadows. Before she had a chance to scream, a hand clamped down over her mouth. An arm snaked around her waist. The person clamped her tight against him, chest-to-chest. He backed her against the wall.

  Her heart pounded. She struggled, but the arms around her were like steel. A vampire. But who would dare sneak into the king's own chambers and accost his wife?

  "I told the king that we wouldn't accept a human as our queen."

  The voice was familiar. She flung her arm out, finding the light switch. The sudden brightness made her flinch. The vampire holding her hissed. When her eyes adjusted, she saw that it was General Romanoff. Billie had pointed him out once when they were in a formal dinner with the ancient vampire gentry.

  Romanoff pushed her harder against the wall, one of his hands still covering her mouth. "He wouldn't listen. So full of his own righteousness, Sheridan has forgotten that his power stands on the backs of his people."

  Maribel scratched at his face uselessly.

  "I know I will die for this, but it's for the good of my people. He thinks that because he is king nobody else will claim you? Well, I will. I will claim you and more. I will drink you dry. Close your eyes, human. It'll be over soon."

  Maribel gouged her fingers at his eyes. They gave way, soft and squishy beneath her nails. Romanoff reeled back, howling. Maribel kneed him in the groin and bolted from the room. She screamed, hoping Billie and Janet would be close enough to hear her.

  "Somebody he—"

  The hand hit her mouth before she got to the door. She elbowed him in the gut. Romanoff hissed but that was the only effect. She felt his hot breath on her neck, then his teeth graze his skin—

  The door burst open, ripping from its hinges. Billie and Janet rushed back in. They didn't stop to take in the situation before pouncing on Romanoff. He snarled at them but didn't release Maribel. His arm was crushing her ribs and she screamed again.

  "Let her go!" Billie shouted. "The king must know that he has lost his right to authority!"

  "Sheridan!" Maribel screamed. "Sheridan!"

  The grip tightened again, painfully squeezing out all her breath. Black spots swam before her eyes. And then he was there. Silhouetted in the doorway, the might of his presence stopped the fight at once.

  "Release her." Sheridan's voice was terrifyingly low.

  Romanoff's hold loosened. "The video you released is not a proper claim. You have not marked her. And you will not. She's human, she doesn't deserve to rule the vampires. You are spitting in the face of hundreds of years of tradition, and I won't let you forget our history."

  Sheridan came forward, one moment in the doorway, the next standing right before Romanoff. He easily took Maribel from the other vampire and withdrew, tucking her into his arms. The two female vampires struggled to hold Romanoff in place. Maribel's frame trembled as she sucked in deep breaths. It was okay. Sheridan would protect her.

  But she couldn't stop shaking.

  "You speak of tradition and history, but you forget what brought us here," Sheridan said, his voice guttural. "The deaths. The wars. Would you go back to the times when humans and vampires killed each other?"

  "I would return to the time when we held supremacy!"

  "We never did." Sheridan shook his head as several guards came running in. "Take him to the dungeons. I'll decide whether to adhere to the old ways and have you crucified by silver as a traitor, or if I'll show you 'new-age' mercy and let you live."

  Romanoff spat at him. The guards moved forward, taking hold of him. Billie and Janet moved to stand beside the king. Janet put a hand on Maribel's shoulder comfortingly. The human hid her face from the pure hatred on Romanoff's face as he was hustled out of the room. She was still shaking and continued to do so, even after Sheridan had Billie and Janet check the rest of the rooms. They were empty.

  "Place an extra guard outside the door," the king told Billie. "Just in case he wasn't acting alone."

  Billie nodded. She and Janet both left as Sheridan led Maribel to his room.

  "Did he hurt you?" Her king looked concerned as he checked her throat. "You're not bleeding. Do your ribs hurt?"

  Maribel shook her head. "I'm not hurt. I'm scared."

  "Scared? Of Romanoff? He can't hurt you now."

  "But you said that he wasn't the only vampire to feel that way."

  Sheridan stroked her cheek. "No. He wasn't. But the more you interact with the palace, the more the vampires who were unhappy with me for marrying a human have come to support my decision. It's probably why Romanoff acted this way. He's losing his anti-human followers because of you."

  "But you haven't marked me. You haven't drunk from me or made love to me, even though we're married. I know that you said it will make it harder for me to get pregnant, but I'm not getting pregnant anyway. Can't you just… you know. Mark me?"

  Sheridan cupped her face and cut her off with a kiss. "You are pregnant."

  She stared at him. "What?"

  "You're pregnant. I can smell it on you. I wasn't going to tell you yet, but after all this… You're pregnant."

  Maribel's mind reeled. First Phil showed up, than Romanoff's attack, and now this?

  She was pregnant. His child was growing inside her. A trembling hand pressed against her belly. Even though she had been getting a little frustrated that she wasn't pregnant, all of a sudden it felt like it had all happened very fast. She gulped in a deep breath.

  And then another. "Why weren't you going to tell me?"

  "Because… Because I didn't want to tell you the truth about why I haven't made love to you." Sheridan slipped away from her. "Maribel, the truth of the matter is that I'm dangerous. All vampires are. Being close to you, drinking from you or making love to you… I could very easily lose control. I could hurt you or—"


  Sheridan's eyes widened.

  Maribel shook her head. "No. You won't hurt me. We have been taking this slow,
haven't we? We sleep in the same bed, together. We are close. And after tonight… I want you to mark me. I want to be yours and I want everybody else to know I'm yours."

  "I'm not ready to drink from you."

  "So we go to the next step."

  Maribel's heart hammered in her chest, but she managed a shy smile. She wanted this. She had for a while, and there wasn't any reason not to go forward with it. Sheridan might think that there was a possibility he would hurt her, but she knew he wouldn't.

  In one motion she removed her top and let it fall. Sheridan's chest rose and fell rapidly, but he didn't stop her as she removed the rest of her clothing.

  "I'm ready. I want you, Sheridan. I want my husband."

  His gaze heated as it trailed down her body, but still, he hesitated. Maribel stepped up to him, undoing the buttons on his suit jacket. Her determination sizzled through her, popping with excitement. Heat build in her core as her king allowed her to undress him. His skin was warmer than she expected, his muscles toned under her hands as she explored him.

  "Don't be frightened," she whispered, pressing her naked body to his.

  Maribel felt a heady whirl of desire chase away the leftover unpleasant emotions that the night had given her. She felt Sheridan's reaction pressing against her. His obvious arousal made her groan with desire. He wrapped his arms around her, carefully, as though afraid to break her. In response, she took his hand and twisted her body, turning him towards the bed, and walked him backward.

  She broke the kiss long enough to push him down on the bed and climb up after him, adjusting herself so when she ground her hips to him it sent jolts of pleasure zinging through her. Judging from Sheridan's throaty moan, he felt the same.

  "Is this okay?" she asked him, reaching down to take him in her hand. "I mean, do you like it?"

  Sheridan brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her. "It's amazing. Just keep doing what you're doing."


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