absorption (transpiration) pits 227
acid soils 94, 96, 98
acid-loving plants 95–6, 99, 111
Adelaide 19, 30
aerial layering 141, 142
African black beetles 234
aggregate stability test 82
aggregates 77–8, 80, 179
agriculture 18, 52, 56, 67, 134, 152, 154, 246
air-filled porosity 79
Aizoaceae (ice-plant) family 59
alkaline soil 50, 68, 90, 94, 95, 99, 101
commercial soils 111
alkaloids 44
allotments 23
aluminium 96
Amaranthaceae (amaranth) family 59
Amaranthus tricolor 54, 55
Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis) family 57–8
ameliorants 164
amino acids 90
ammonia 191, 201
ammonium nitrogen 172, 173, 179, 181
anaerobic conditions 110, 178, 181, 186
animal manure, naturally fed 158, 198
annuals 47, 52, 54, 128, 134, 138
anthroposols 22
apedal soil 78
aphids 45, 50, 52, 53, 233, 234, 236
Apiaceae (carrot) family 47–8
apples 46
apricots 46
aquaponics 17, 125
aquatic species 225
Armillaria 50
arsenic 103–4, 105
Artocarpus 58–9
asexual (vegetative) propagation 134
asparagus 208
aspect 30
Asteraceae (daisy) family 57
atmosphere 36
atmospheric pollution 32, 36
aubergines 45
Australian native bees 147, 237, 239
Australian native plants 222
auxins 164
avocados 149
Bacillus thuringiensis 232, 236
backflow 219
balcony gardens 22, 108, 114, 128, 165, 248
composting 184
bamboos 48
bananas 143, 149
barley 48
bartering 16, 20
bean blight 44
beans 42–3, 61, 96, 145, 171
seed collection 138
sowing seeds 136
Bee Agskills 238
beekeeping 237–9
bees 46, 57, 145, 146
Australian native 147, 237, 239
rainbow beetroot 54
root rot 93–4
bergamot 147
biennials 47
bioaccumulation 74, 75, 152
biochar 155
biocides 149
biodiversity 15, 56, 60
blood amaranth 59
blood and bone 154, 155, 160, 161, 172, 206
blueberries 30, 95
Bokashi composting 200
bolting 52, 138, 148
Bonbeach Primary School Garden (case study) 220–1
bone 154
bore water 100, 214
borers 69
boron 69, 101, 164
bowling greens 23
Brassicaceae (crucifer/mustard) family 50–2
brassicas 50–2, 60, 68, 69, 232
breadfruit 59
breeding 18, 56, 139
broad beans 43
broccoli 50, 60
fine seeds 136
bromeliads 128
brussels sprouts 13, 50
budding 134, 143
Bugs for Bugs 233
bulbils 144
bulbs 57
propagating 144
bunya pines 18
bush foods 14, 45, 47, 58, 137–8
cabbage white butterflies 52, 232, 234, 236
cabbages 50, 51, 60, 68, 100
bolting 148
Cactaceae (cactus) family 60
edible cacti 60
cadmium 104, 105
calcium 67, 81, 82, 89, 92, 96, 98, 101, 164, 165, 167
camera light meter 32
canola 52
canyon effect 30
capillary (wicking) action 34, 100, 137, 218–19
capsicums 45, 60, 111, 126, 203
carbohydrates 45, 64, 66
carbon 64, 66, 101, 155
carbon dioxide 36, 64, 66
carbon footprint 20, 36
carbon sequestration 20
carbon-rich material 34
cardamom 58
cardboard 206
carob 42
carrot family 47–8
caterpillars 45, 49, 232, 234, 236
cation exchange capacity (CEC) 92
cauliflower 50, 60
CEC 92
celery 47
cereal crops 49, 134, 145
charcoal 155
chelated elements 70, 90, 104
chemicals 149, 155
pest control 230, 232
chemistry 154
soil imbalances 101
see also elements
cherries 46
chicken litter 168
chickens 17, 120, 198, 220, 237, 239–42
Orpington 240
shell grit 241
chickpeas 42
chill factor 46, 120
chilli peppers 45, 126, 166
chilling 30
chives 57
chlorination 36
chlorine 89
chlorophylls 31, 68, 69, 241
cities 23, 246, 249
and plant life 101
warm 28, 30
citrus family 49–50, 95, 208
pruning 148–9
clay loams 83, 84
clay soils 78, 79, 83, 84
dispersion 79, 80, 92
drainage 224, 227
improving 80, 82, 86
pH level 98
climbing plants 44, 52–3, 55, 60
cloches 131, 241
cloning 134, 143
clover 61, 69
coconut coir 23, 116, 141–2, 209
cold (non-thermophilic) composts 178, 184, 185–6, 201
common salt 89, 100
community gardens 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 233, 246
compaction 77, 82, 113, 225
companion planting 60, 236
compost activators 180
compost bays 184, 201
compost heaps 94, 120, 179, 180
compost tea 93, 122, 171, 173, 201, 291
Composta 117, 248
composting 15, 71, 74–5, 155, 159
aerobic 178
bad smell 181
benefits 178
bins 185
Bokashi composting 200
carbon/nitrogen ratio 181
coloured magazines 186
suitable materials 181, 182
systems/techniques 179, 180, 184, 187, 189
trench composting 186
composts 17, 61, 74, 89, 91, 93, 158
aeration 181, 188
balanced 180–3
blends 183
cold (non-thermophilic) 178, 184, 185–6, 201
commercial 183
domestic 159, 163
in excess 110–11
as fertiliser 201
hot (thermal) 178, 184–5
mature/immature 179, 181, 201
as mulch 200–1, 206
nutritional value 201
organic 155–7, 161
salt content 100
semi-thermal 187
as soil conditioner 201
conductivity 99–100, 101
container gardening 23, 34, 112, 113, 117
growing seeds 136–8
watering 215
contaminants 102–5
metallic 105
microbial 149
cool-weather crops 52
copper 69, 90, 101, 102, 105
coriander 47, 138
courgettes 53
crop monocultures 14
crop protection 33, 131, 148
crop residues 208
p rotation 18, 41, 48, 60–1, 71, 178
crop selection 36, 41, 56, 224
crops, unusual 54–5
cross-pollination 46, 147
crucifer family 50–2
cucumbers 34, 53, 60, 122, 130
Cucurbitaceae (pumpkin/gourd) family 52–3
cucurbits 52–3, 60
cut-flower production 16
cuttings 134, 138–40
hardened off 140
herbaceous plants 139, 140
how to take 139–40
planting 144–5
woody plants 139, 140, 144
daisy family 57
day length 148
deadly nightshade 44
deep planting 144–5
desert soils 86
digging 17, 82, 108
Dipel 236
direct sowing 136
diseases 41, 42, 148
in compost 185
controlling 230–6
fungal 49, 50, 53, 58, 60
soil-borne 41, 48, 178
viral 44, 52, 136, 148
see also crop rotation
dispersion 79–81, 92
division 134
dolomite 68, 96, 98, 158
to raise pH 99
dragon fruit 60
dragonflies 234
drainage 36, 108, 214, 222, 224
effect of slope 224
herringbone 226
improving 225–7
interceptor drains 224
and soil colour 85, 224
subsurface 226–7
testing 225
drip irrigation 54, 128, 217, 218, 248
drought 215, 222, 225
earthworms 186, 187–8, 190, 193, 194
egg laying 239–40, 241, 242
eggplant 45, 60, 105, 203
electrical conductivity (EC) 100, 194, 198
electrical resistance 101
elements, chemical 64, 66–9, 76, 88–9
levels in plants 68
solubility 90
symptoms of imbalance 102
emmer wheat 18
plant selection 41
protecting 20, 66
and urban farming 17, 28–33, 36
environments, protected 54, 66, 130–1, 136
Epsom salts 158
erosion 80, 217
espaliering 59, 148
essential oils 49, 50, 57, 58
ethylene 149
etiolation 30, 31
Eucalyptus species 58
Eureka lemons 49
evaporation 28, 87, 216, 217, 218, 222
F1 hybrids 56, 147
Fabaceae (Papilionaceae)(legume) family 15, 41–4, 61, 69, 76, 96, 171, 184, 236
FareShare and 3000acres (case study) 202–3
farmers’ markets 16, 42, 54, 220, 246
farming 152
defined 16, 18
methods 61, 134
feedlot cattle manure 157, 198
feijoa 58
fertiliser salts 90
fertilisers 17, 20, 36, 61, 71, 179
application rates 172, 173
assessing need for 164–5
comparing labels 161, 163
composition 160
costs compared 162–3, 171
defined 165
feeding strategies 171
getting it right 165–70
history 152, 154
long-term use 94
maintaining soil nutrients 170–3
manufactured 158–9
manures 157–8
mineral 158, 159, 173
nitrogen 158–9
NPK ratio 67, 187
organic 155–7, 160, 161, 163, 165
overfeeding 99, 100
phosphorus 104
pre-plant 171–3
side dressing 154, 173
soluble see liquid feeding
Ficus species 58–9
Field Capacity (soil moisture) 86, 87
fig family 58–9, 88
fine-seeded plants 136
watering 137
finger limes 49, 50
fire, to spur growth 48, 71
fire blight 47
fire-retardant plants 59
fish farming 125, 249
flooding 33
foliage crops 59
foliar feeding 171
food miles 16
food production 16, 41, 60, 121, 214, 246
and GMOs 56
at school 220
for home use 41, 42, 130
for sale 41, 42, 54, 130
food security 17
forest litter 71
fossil fuels 20, 66, 159
frost 28, 36, 41, 54
bulbs 57
citrus 49
cucurbits 53
and watering 216
fruit 145, 147
ripening 149
fruit flies 36, 47, 233
fruit set 46, 145, 147
fruit splitting 88, 89
fruit trees 59, 60, 83, 105, 144
chill factor 30, 46, 120
climate 36, 46
fruit trees continued
drains 227
pollination 145, 147
propagation 134, 142
pruning 148–9
see also citrus family
beneficial 232
unwanted 60, 236
Fusarium wilt 53
galangal 58
garden mixes 226
garlic 57, 134, 144, 236
genetic diversity 20, 56, 60, 147
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) 56
ginger family 58, 143
glasshouses 23, 130
global warming 66
globe artichokes 56
GMOs 56
goji berries 45
golden purslane 54
gooseberries 45
gourd family 52–3, 54
grafted plants, propagating 144
grafting 134, 143
grain crops 48
granite rocks 94
grape vines 148
grapefruit 49
grass family 48–9, 60
gravel 208, 217, 227
green walls 108, 126–7
edible 128–9
growing media 127
greenhouses 23, 49, 66, 108, 128, 130
green-manure crops 42, 60, 171, 178
grow bags 34, 122
Growing Green Thumbs 220
growing media
and fertiliser 171
green walls 127
homemade 105
lightweight 114, 117
nutrient storage 171
for raised beds 112
soil-less 113, 114, 116–17
unstructured 78
water-repellant 216–17
growing season 28, 30
extending 54
guano 154
gum trees 58
gypsum 68, 80, 81, 86, 89, 92, 108, 158, 164
testing responsiveness 81
Haber process 159
hand-texture method 84, 85
hand-watering 218, 219
harvesting 145, 148, 149, 171, 188
heat stress 54
heirloom crops 20, 54, 56, 134, 246
Helene’s Garden at Berowra (case study) 120–1
herbs 32, 47, 117, 126
daisy family 57
mint family 57
perennial 128, 147
rare 20
soft-leaf 23
heritage varieties 246
horseradish 52
hortic soil 86
horticulture 18, 56, 61, 134, 154, 246
hot (thermal) composts 178, 184–5
hoverflies 146
humidity 131, 140
humus 92, 161, 178, 179, 186
hungry bin worm farm 34, 35, 192
hunter–gatherers 60
sp; hybrid seeds 56
hydrochloric acid 96, 111
hydrogen 64
hydrogen sulphide 87, 190
hydrophobic soil 54
hydroponics 22, 23, 71, 100, 122–3, 171, 249
solution management 123
ice-plant family 59
igneous rocks 75
Inner-City Farming (case study) 202–3
insect pests 60, 120, 230, 233–4
insect-feeding birds 49
beneficial 233, 234
as pollinators 147
Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) 230
interceptor drains 224
International Plant Propagators’ Society 143
interveinal chlorosis 94, 95, 102
iron 68, 69, 101
iron deficiency 70, 90, 94, 95, 96, 101, 160, 165, 171
iron oxides 95, 96
colours 85–6
iron sulphate 99
iron-efficient plants 95–6
iron-inefficient plants 95, 111
irrigation 33, 36, 54, 66, 86, 87, 214
regulated deficit 88
system safety 219
timers 126, 216
see also drip irrigation; water
jackfruit 59
jar test, for soil type 84–5
Jerusalem artichokes 57, 144
Johnstone’s Kitchen Gardens (case study) 54–5
kale 50
karkalla 59
kitchen scraps 17, 20, 34, 159, 163, 171, 178, 187
lacewings 234
ladybirds 231
Lamiaceae (mint) family 57, 96
latent heat of vaporisation 28
lavender 147
lawn clippings 205–6
layering 134, 141
aerial 141, 142
simple 141–2
leachate 186, 187, 193, 194, 201
leaching of nutrients 170
lead toxicity 102–3, 105
leaf cuttings 138
leaf miners 50, 120
leaf spot 236
leafy crops 105, 127, 168
Leake, Simon 12, 13
leeks 57
legume family 15, 41–4, 61, 69, 76, 96, 171, 184, 236
lemongrass 48, 60, 143
lemons 49
lentils 42, 43
Let’s Propagate! (Stewart) 143
lettuce 57, 59, 123–4, 125, 126, 128
rain splash 149
light 30–3, 34
lilly pillies 58
lime 89, 96–7, 98, 101, 152
test for too much 96
to increase pH 104, 167
in urban areas 111
limes (fruit) 49, 50
liming agents 96, 98, 99
amount to spread 98, 99
liquid feeding 23, 36, 89, 122, 128
compost tea 201, 248–9
cost 163, 165
EC units 198
liquid manure 171
and salinity 214
worm juice 34, 53, 117, 171, 173, 187, 196
liquid fertiliser collection 193–4
small 17, 237
see also beekeeping; chickens
loams 83, 84, 224
love-lies-bleeding 59
lucerne hay 168, 198, 208–9
macadamia nuts 95
macronutrients 64, 66–8
magnesium 68, 92, 96, 98
maize (sweet corn) 16, 18, 48, 49, 60, 61, 236
seed planting 148
Malabar spinach 55
manganese 69, 96, 104
Grow Your Own Page 27