Grow Your Own
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deficiency 70, 95, 101, 120, 160
mangoes 120
mangroves 78, 86
manure 61, 89, 154, 168
as fertiliser 157–8, 161
liquid 171
too much 111
marigolds 60
matting 209
Mayans 18
Melaleuca species 58
melons 53
seed collection 138
mercury 102, 104, 105
mesophiles 184
metal pollution 69
microbes, in soil 76, 90–4, 149, 158, 161, 180, 184
microclimates 20, 23, 30, 148
micro-gardens 16
micronutrients 64, 66, 68–9, 101
microorganisms see microbes
micro-sprinklers 218
Middle East early farmers 18
midgen berries 58
millet 18
milpa (crop rotation ) 18, 61
mineral, defined 155
mineral fertilisers 158, 159, 173
minerals see elements, chemical
mini-greenhouse 140
mint family 57, 96, 128, 147
mizuna 52, 54, 55
moisture content, of soil 86–8
moisture retention 205, 206, 208, 209, 214, 217
moisture stress 88
molybdenum 69
moon planting 148
Moraceae (fig) family 58–9
mosaic viral disease 44, 52
mulberries 58
mulching 74, 157, 179, 204–9
to conserve moisture 217, 222
mung beans 43
muntries 58
mushroom compost 54, 168
mustard family 50–2, 122
mycorrhizae 93, 94, 232
Myrtaceae (myrtle) family 58
narrow-leaf myrtle 58
natural soils 74–5, 79, 117, 167
acidity 94
conditioning for use 108, 110
encouraging good structure 82
texture 83
nectarines 46
nematodes 48, 50, 60, 69
Netherlands Standard Composition 125
newspaper 206
nickel 104
nicotine 44
nightshade family 44–6, 60
nitrogen 36, 64, 67, 76, 89, 165
added by legumes 15, 18, 42, 61
in compost 180, 181
deficiency 67, 70, 181
fertilisers 158–9, 168
nitrogen drawdown 157, 179, 180, 206
nitrogen fixing 44, 61, 94, 171, 236
nitrogen oxides 103
nodes 139, 148
no-dig gardens 112
NPK ratio 67, 187
nut trees 59, 134, 147
nutrient cycles 71, 74, 178, 188
nutrient disorders 70, 171
checking for 69
nutrient solution, Dutch 125
nutrients 17, 20, 23, 91, 100
balanced 180–1
boosting 173
content in compostable materials 181, 182
deficiencies 68, 69, 101, 160
high levels 52, 101
leaching of 170
macro 64, 66–8
maintaining optimal level 170–3
micro 64, 66, 68–9
and pH 95, 96
for plant health 64–71
recycling 17
storing 92
supplied by soil 66–9, 76, 152
in urban soils 101, 103
and water 36, 64, 76, 89
oats 48
olives 19, 34
onions 57, 60, 144
open pollination 147
orangeries 49
orchards 60, 102, 224
fertiliser application rate 172
Orchidaceae (orchid) family 56–7
oregano 57, 119
organic, defined 155, 246
organic farming 15, 54, 233, 246
organic fertilisers 155–7, 160, 161, 163, 165, 168–70
sources 169
organic matter 17, 60, 61, 77, 79, 81, 82
from composts 160, 178
ideal content 165, 167, 178
and soil colour 85
too much 110–11
ornamental plants 147
overfertilisation 100
overliming 96, 99
oxygen 36, 64, 66, 76, 224
papaya 173
parklands 23
parsley 47, 59, 103
fine seeds 136
parsnips 47, 48, 100
pasteurisation 184
pathogens 36
Paul, Mark 128–9, 248, 249
pea straw 74
peaches 46, 88, 89
leaf curl 236
peanuts 43
pears 30, 46
peas 42, 43, 96
seed collection 138
sowing seeds 135, 136
peppermint 57
perennials 57, 134, 143
peri-urban areas 22, 54, 193–4
perlite 23, 34, 116, 122
permaculture 14, 15
Permanent Wilting Point 83, 86–7, 88
pest management 42, 230–6
plants as decoys 236
protective barriers 234–5
sticky traps 233
see also crop rotation
pesticides 16
pests 36, 41, 42
identifying 233
sap suckers 44, 45, 50, 52, 53
stem borers 49
pH levels 91, 94, 101, 165
incorrect 95–6, 108
lowering 99
nutrient availability 96
raising 96, 98, 99
range in nature 98
testing 95, 111, 117, 164
Phaseolus vulgaris (beans) 42–3
phosphates 158
phosphorus 64, 67, 94, 101, 104, 105, 167
deficiency 70
photosynthesis 31, 36, 64, 66, 68, 76, 89
physical supports, for plants 131
Phytophthora root rot 47, 50
pigface 59
pigment use 85
pine bark 206, 208
plant breeding 18, 56, 139
plant families 41, 60
plant growth 36, 64, 66, 163
plant hormones 140, 164
plant nutrition see nutrients
planting 144–5
drainage level 225
edible parts 41
plant-tissue culture 143
ploughing, repeated 82
plums 46, 89
Poaceae (grass) family 48–9
pollination 46, 57, 145–7, 237
pollution 161
atmospheric 32, 36
industrial 103, 104, 159
metallic 69, 104, 105
in urban soils 102–5
poly-tunnels 23, 54, 130
pome fruit 30
population density 23
pore spaces 82, 83
porosity 114, 117, 123, 127, 193, 224
potash 67
potassium 67, 89, 158, 165, 196, 198
deficiency 70
potatoes 15, 44–5, 60, 105, 171, 236
propagating 134, 136, 144
pots, biodegradable 137
potted plants 16, 23
cuttings 140
and fertilisers 163
potting mixes 23, 34, 114, 117, 171, 216
poultry manures 157, 158, 161, 163, 172
powdery mildew 53, 236
praying mantis 234
pre-plant fertiliser 171–3, 179, 197
prickly pear 60
end use 41, 42
washing 149
productivity 32, 34, 61
plants 96, 161
soil 71, 75
progeny, variable 134
propagation 134–44
cuttings 138–40
division 143–4
from seed 136–8
grafted pla
nts 144
layering 141–2
pests/diseases 136
propagation trays 140
protected environments 54, 66, 130–1, 136
protein 42, 69, 158, 191, 196
pruning 148–9
Prunus species 89
pulses 42
pumpkin family 52–3, 59, 60, 134, 145
pollination 147
seed collection 138
purple coneflower 57
quinoa 59
radishes 52
rain splash 149
rainbow beetroot 54
rainbow colours 31
rainfall 33, 36, 71, 214, 222
rainforest 152
rainwater tanks 33, 37, 214, 215
raised beds 23, 105, 110, 120–1, 202, 203
how to make 112–14, 225–6
in school garden 220, 221
raspberries 141
native 46
red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) 239–40
red spider mites 53, 232, 236
regulated deficit irrigation 88
respiration 64, 66, 76
Rhizobium bacteria 42, 44, 76, 93, 94, 171
rhizomes 58, 143
rice 18, 48, 78
ripening 149
river mint 57
rock 152
powdered 75
rock phosphate 154, 158
rocket 126
Roman villa farming 18
rooftop gardens 22, 108, 111, 114, 165, 249
case study 34–5
sunlight 33
roosters 240, 242
root crops 105, 149
root cuttings 138
root formation 139, 141–2, 144, 222
root functions 76, 77, 91, 94
root problems 60, 69, 70, 93–4, 123
rooting hormones 142
root-knot nematodes 48, 60
Rosaceae (rose) family 46–7, 95
rose hips 46
rosemary 96, 147
rotary hoeing 82
rue (herb) 49
runners 53, 57
run-off 222, 224, 225
Rutaceae (citrus) family 49–50, 95, 148–9, 208
sage 57
Salad Bar 127, 246
salad greens 23, 32, 36, 55, 125, 126, 134, 157
salinity 36, 59, 99–100, 214
measuring 101
worm juice 198
Salmonella 36, 157
saltbushes 59
saltpetre 154
salts 36, 99
amount in soil 100, 101, 214
build-up 131
common salt 89, 100
defined 89
and pH 91
salt-tolerant plants 59
salty ice plant 54
samphires 59
sandstone 94, 120
sandy soils 78, 83, 84, 86, 216
adding clay 108, 110
commercial sand 111
low in potassium 167
pH level 98
water retention 224, 225
sawdust 157
scale insects 234
School Farming (case study) 220–1
school gardens 16, 20, 23, 220–1
scoria 222
sea parsley 47
seasonal produce 15
seaweed 103–4, 163–4
seed potatoes 136, 232
Seed Savers 147
feeding 179, 201
planting 144–5, 172
protecting 209–11
seed-raising mix 137
seeds 134
collecting 138, 139, 147
fertilisation 145
germination time 137–8
hard-coated 184
in pots 136–8
propagating 136–8
self-sown 138
storing 138
self-pollination 145, 147
shade cloth 33
side dressing 154, 173
silverbeet 105
slaking 79, 81
slash-and-burn 18, 61, 152, 155
on brassicas 52
on fruit 47
small animal husbandry 16–17, 249
see also beekeeping; chickens
small-space growing 117
smog 32
snails 52
sodic soil 81
sodium 81, 88, 92, 123, 198
sodium chloride (common salt) 89, 100
soft rot 53
air/water balance 224
buffering capacity 74, 117
colour 76, 77, 81, 85–6
commercial 110–11
contaminants 102–5
density 77
hydrophobic 54
lack of 34, 74, 112
as mulch 208
smell 87
water-holding ability 222
waterlogged 36, 50, 70, 76, 78, 87, 113, 214
soil aeration 179, 180, 225
soil conditioners (ameliorants) 164, 165, 167, 179
soil fertility 22, 61, 71, 74–105
biological 76, 90–4
chemical 76, 88–90, 101, 102
physical 76, 77–90, 178
suspect products 91, 93
see also fertilisers
soil horizons 74, 75, 84, 108, 186
soil mixes, artificial 81
soil moisture 86–8
checking water content 69, 88
soil organisms see microbes
soil peds 77–8, 179
soil pores 79, 82
see also porosity
soil profiles 75, 83, 108, 112, 186
soil replacement 105
soil structure 77–8, 83, 164, 178, 201, 225
dispersion 79, 80, 81
good 82, 179
slaking 79, 81
testing stability 79–81, 82
soil texture 83–4, 86
guide 85
improving 225
tests 84, 85
soil type 36
jar test 84–5
soil yards 110
soil-contaminant testing 104
soil-less growing media 23, 116
soil-testing labs 105
soil-wetting agents 217
Solanaceae (nightshade) family 44–6, 60
Solanum species 45
soldier fly larvae 190
sorghum 48, 60
soya beans 43
specialisation (crops) 42
sphagnum moss 142
spices 58
spinach 105
sprinkler systems 217–18
squash 18, 53, 60, 61
staple foods 18
starch 45, 64
stem cuttings 138
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program 220
sterilisation systems 36
Stewart, Angus 12, 13–14, 143
stink bugs 50, 233
stone fruits 88
stormwater 33, 224, 248
strawberries 34, 35, 46, 141
subsoil 83, 85, 92, 108
subtropical species 30, 58, 60
succulents 59, 60, 128, 222
sugar cane 48, 64, 208
sugars 90
sulphate of potash 158, 160, 161
sulphates 68
sulphur 101, 164
agricultural 99
sulphur compounds 50, 57, 68, 87
sulphur dioxide 36, 103
sunflowers 57
sunlight 30, 31, 64, 76, 112
daily total 32
superphosphate 67, 158
supports, physical 131, 148
food production 36, 178, 246, 249
nutrient recycling 34
pest/disease management 42, 230
urban farming 15, 66
water use 15
swapping produce 16, 20
sweet corn see maize (sweet corn)
sweet potato 121, 134, 140
; symbiotic relationships 15, 76, 171
synthetic, defined 155
tansy 120
tatsoi 50
tea-trees 58
temperature 28, 30, 148
brassicas 52
worm farms 191
terra preta soils 155
Thai basil 54
thatch layer 71
thermophiles 184
thrips 44, 45, 50, 52, 234, 236
thyme 57, 128, 147
tomatoes 34, 44–5, 59, 60, 105, 111, 130, 139, 145, 149
cuttings 140, 144
removing laterals 148
topography 28
topsoil 74, 75, 78, 83
colour 76, 77, 85, 108
pest control 232
plants 44, 45
of urban soils 102
trace elements 50, 64, 69
transpiration pits 227
transport corridors 23
conditioning soil 173
fertiliser application rate 172
see also citrus family; fruit trees
trellis crops 122
trench composting 186, 194
tropical conditions 57, 58–9, 60
tubers 57, 144
turmeric 58, 143
turnips 50
ultraviolet radiation 36
urban farming 13, 14
benefits 20
defined 16–17
future 246–9
history 18–19
locations 22–3, 41, 108
objectives 42
in soil 22–3, 84
sustainable 15, 66
in times of crisis 17
without soil 23
urban soils 101–5
measuring salts 101
pollution 102–4
urea 159, 160, 173, 206
urine 154, 200
vanilla 56–7
Vegepod 16, 34, 219, 248
vegetable plots 13–14, 19, 205
vegetables 36, 59, 134, 157
fertiliser application rate 172
rare 54
salt sensitivity 100
self-sufficiency 120
waste 198
verges, roadside 23
vermicast 123, 187, 188
quality 195
vermicomposting 184, 186, 187–8, 191, 198
Vertical Food Garden (case study) 128–9
vertical gardens 22, 23, 34, 109, 248
see also green walls
virgin soils 168
walls 148
see also green walls
Warrigal greens 59
wasabi 52
waste disposal 17
waste food 17, 20
water 33, 36, 64, 66, 214
amount/distribution 33, 36, 214–15
evaporation 28, 87
harvesting 33, 36
limited supply 60, 222
pure vs salty 99–100
quality 36, 100
reducing need for 222
run-off 222, 224
salts dissolving in 91
sources 214
town water 36
uptake 76, 78, 83
water content of soil, checking 69
water stress 33
water use, sustainable 15
amount 215–16
by hand 218, 219
fine-seeded plants 137
frequency 215
hose wands 223
restrictions 215
sprinkler systems 217–18
timing 216
watering systems 217–19
waterlogged media 36, 50, 70, 76, 78, 110, 224