Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 7

by Sienna Grant

  “Yeah, she rang me on the way, she overslept.”

  “So… you two are very close now?” She smirks.

  "Yeah, we are…”

  “Just... please don’t break her heart,” Addison states bluntly.

  “I don’t intend to,” I answer sharply, even though I don’t really mean to.

  “Good. Shelby is a romantic, she loves a happy ending.”

  “Do you two want a lift?” Deep down I’m hoping they say no just so I can spend some time with my girlfriend away from dodging her mother.

  “Nah, we’ll walk, but thanks. Come on H, let’s leave the lovebirds to it.”

  Taking her hand, they start the walk home. Harry lifts an arm above his head in a wave. Turning my head to look in front again, I see her. My mouth pulling into a smile at the sight of her.

  Jeez, I must have it bad.

  I walk up to meet her, my arms going around her waist and picking her up, kissing her. Putting her down to her feet, I frame her face with my hands and let my gaze roam over her pale features. I know I’m frowning; I can feel it. She has big dark circles around her eyes again.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like crap. I’m so tired, I just want to sleep. This revision is killing me, and the pressure from teachers doesn’t help; oh, and that’s without the prisoner bullshit my mum has imposed on me.”

  She lays her head against my chest with my chin resting on top of her head. “I hate having to sneak around. I want to be able to see you whenever I want.”

  “She’ll come around…”

  “Yeah, when I’m twenty-one. I just want her to let me run my own life.”

  “Maybe she thinks she’s doing what’s best for you. It’s no fun having no qualifications Shelb…”

  She raises her gaze to me, “Since when were you her cheerleader?”

  “I’m not, I’m just saying. I’m probably not the best influence.”

  “Well, I happen to like your influence.”

  Running my thumbs across her cheekbones, I smirk.

  “I like yours too. Yours is good, I can’t say that about me.”

  “Shh.” Lifting her finger, she places it against my lips., “Don’t do that, don’t run yourself down.”

  Kissing the tip of her finger, I look her dead in the eye. “You’re the best thing I have in my life, Shelby Andrews.”

  “You know, Mum isn’t back for at least another hour…?”

  “I’m not jumping from that window again.”

  “We could go to yours? I just want to be with you.”

  A smile creeps onto my face.

  “Let’s go.”

  I softly put my mouth to hers, gently pushing my tongue against the seam of her lips moulding them together, our tongues stroking softly against one another. A heart-stopping kiss leaves her with a smile so big it makes me do the same.

  “Come on.”

  Once her belt is on, I leave school for my house for some quality time with my girlfriend.

  Chapter Nine


  The car is already on the drive when I walk up to the house. I made Jax drop me off at the end of the street just in case, it’s a good job I did. It would be just my luck for her to see me stepping from his car. It would have given her a good excuse to have another go at me and, probably, Jax.

  I open the door to the smell of cooking, but it turns my stomach, making me retch. I drop my bag and run upstairs to the toilet, yet again. When I get up, mum is standing at the doorway.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Do I seem okay?”

  “I’m just asking Shelby.”

  “I’m fine, I think I’ve picked up a bug.”

  She hands me some tissue. I wipe my mouth and throw it into the toilet and flush it.

  “Dinner won’t be long.”

  “Okay, I’m going to lie down until it’s ready.” Mum follows me into my room and stands in the doorway.

  “I had a message from the school today, saying you hadn’t registered… like to explain?”


  “I was late. I overslept.”

  “Are you telling me the truth? I woke you up…”

  “Yes, I know...” I cut her off, “I went back to sleep. I can’t even remember you doing that.”

  “Shelby? These are important months; you can’t afford to miss…”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” I snap back, “I’m just so tired, that’s all. I’ll get an early night, and I’ll be fine, honestly. Please get off my back.”

  “Are you seeing that lad again?” Mum asks suspiciously, her eyes narrowing.

  “No.” I bite. “When would I see him? You’ve got me on lockdown, and I’m at school for the rest of the time. Jesus give me a break…”

  I flop onto my bed to hide my face; the guilt is more than likely written all over my face. I probably have a sign on my brow written in red letters saying… ‘Shelby is lying.’

  “Alright. I’m doing it for your own sake Shelby.”

  “Yeah, yeah, so you keep reminding me.” Uncovering my face, I look up, deciding to defend myself, “I don’t know anyone else in my year that gets held prisoner though. Addison can do what she wants as long as she gets her homework done…”

  “Hmm, so I’m just meant to give in, so you can go around like some tearaway?”

  “You know what mum, I don’t care because I’ll be eighteen soon and then you can’t stop me doing anything.” I turn to my side and face the wall respectfully ignoring her.

  I hear her sigh and the door shut. Knowing she’s left me, I roll to my back. My eye catches the large calendar on my wall. Getting up, I walk over to it and look at all the exam and revision dates, there’s a line through this week’s dates, going back to Saturday, I have a lightbulb moment and realise I haven’t had my period. I’ve been taking my pills so why haven’t I come on? Maybe it’s stress?

  I get changed out of my uniform to head downstairs. I take my debit card from it and push it into my back pocket along with my phone and go into the kitchen.

  “Is it okay if I pop down to the chemist. I’m going to get something to settle my stomach, you know I can’t have time off, so I need to do something.”

  “Don’t be sarcastic Shelby, it doesn’t suit you.”

  I don’t give her any comeback; my eyes nearly roll out of my head instead. Putting my trainers on and grabbing my jacket, I walk towards the door grabbing my hoodie; pulling it over my head, I hear mum call out...

  “Do you want me to take you down in the car instead?”

  “No thanks. I could do with the air.”

  Walking out of the door, I let it slam shut and head off.

  Instead of going to the chemist I went to our nearest supermarket and pick up something to settle my stomach and a pregnancy test. My hand shakes as I pick it up but I’m not going to stress, it’s just a precaution. I’m not that naive to think it can’t happen the first time. I also know the pill isn’t a hundred percent effective and I only have myself to blame in all this.

  My phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the screen seeing Addy’s name light up.

  “Hi. What’s up?”

  “Are you allowed out yet?”

  “Nope.” There’s loud voices behind me, so I move to a quieter corner.

  “Where are you then?”


  “With your mum?”

  “No, she’s let me come here all by myself... aren’t I all grown up?” I say sarcastically as Addy laughs. “I need something to settle my stomach. I can’t afford the time off school… in fact, can I come to yours from here?”

  “Yeah, of course, you can, you don’t have to ask.”

  “I’ll be about fifteen minutes, but I can’t stay long.”

  “Okay, see you soon.”

  I end the call to Addison and take my items to the express till paying five pence for my c
arrier bag so I can hide what I have. Once I get my receipt, I bolt out of there and head for my best friend’s house. She’s the only person I can confide in if all this goes tits up.

  When I get to Addy’s I don’t explain anything, I just ask for a large glass of water. She runs the tap and pours me a glass of water.


  “Yep." I gasp from the coldness of the water I’ve just drunk down. “Can I have another?”

  “Help yourself.”

  I refill my glass and drink some more until I’ve had too much and feel sick again.

  “I have to tell you something, but you’re not allowed to tell a soul; not even Harry.”

  “I promise.” She nods.

  Opening the bag, I pull out a long rectangular box and place it down on the kitchen table. Her eyes widen in shock.

  “Are you kidding me?” My shoulder lifts in a shrug while I bite on my lip nervously. “Shit Shelby, if you think your mum is bad now what do you think will happen if you’re pregnant?”

  Hiding my face in my hands, I whine, “This is all so messed up Ad. What if I am?”

  “How about you do the test first and find out?”

  She lifts the box to read the instructions. “Okies, you need to pee on the stick and wait three minutes…”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s what it says…” She unwraps the cellophane from the box and pulls out two tests. “Why is there two? Do you have to do both?”

  “How do I know? I’ve never done one before.”

  She looks back at the instructions, “Ah, it’s just a double pack. I suppose we could always do the two to make sure?” Addison asks with an air of uncertainty.

  “I suppose so.” I shrug again.

  “Shelby, you need to be sure.” Addison takes control of the situation and me. “Right, drink the rest of the water, do you need a pee yet?”

  “How does this work?”

  I take the stick and pull off the lid to see an absorbent stick and the long window on the front. I had one of those that say the word - I thought that would be better…

  “Okay, when you start to pee put the end into the stream for a few seconds and put the lid on. That’s it.” She reads from the instructions.

  “What if I pee on my hand? Eww.”

  “Don’t be a pussy. You can wash your hand. Just go do it.” She shoves me towards the stairs and gives me the look of death if I don’t oblige.

  Putting the test in my hand, I go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. I wait patiently and, as soon as I feel it starting, I do what it says on the instructions. I place the lid back on and wash my hands then set the timer on my phone.

  I go back down to Addy and put it down on the table face down until the timer goes off.

  “This is going to be the longest three minutes of my life.”

  “I can’t believe this Shelb. Your mum will kill you.”

  “Tell me about it, she’s smothering me. Jax came back yesterday, and we fell asleep on my bed..”

  “Just sleeping huh?”

  “Actually yes, just sleeping. I was sick as soon as I walked in the house. We watched a movie and fell asleep. I woke up to banging on the door and in Jax’s arms. I had to sneak him out.”

  “Oh my god,” she laughs, “What did you do?”

  “He jumped from the bedroom window.”

  Covering a gasp with her hands, I smile. “Was he okay?”

  “Yeah, he’s fine. He got onto the porch and jumped from there.”

  Addy sniggers. “When is she going to let you out again?”

  “Who knows? We had another argument earlier. She’s pissing me off.”

  The timer goes off on my phone. My stomach flutters with the unknown.

  “You look first?” I prompt Addy. I can’t, I’m too scared to look. I sit on my hands to calm the shake in them, but my knee bounces instead.

  She slowly turns it over, both leaning forward, we look at the window.


  I’m frozen, I can’t move. I can’t speak.

  There it is, written in black and white, jumping out at me. The truth staring me in the face.

  What the hell do I do now?

  “Shelb, I don’t know what to say?” Addy says clasping my hand with hers.

  “Oh shit.”

  Pushing the chair out, I stand up, my hand on my brow. The sweat begins to bead, and my stomach churns again. Before I know it I'm sick in the kitchen sink.

  “Ugh really? I’m going to have to disinfect that now before mum gets back.”

  “Sorry.” I weep.

  “Oh Shelb,” She rushes over to me wrapping an arm around me, “Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.”

  “No, it won’t.” She hugs me tightly comforting me as I withdraw into myself. “I better get going. Mum will send out the search party. She might think I’ve been abducted by aliens or something, only that would be a good thing right now.”

  Smirking, Addison hugs me, whispering in my ear. “Will you be okay?”

  “I have to be.” I shrug, moving away and putting everything back in the carrier bag, then hug Addison again. “Thanks.”

  “I’m always here. Text me later.”

  I nod and walk out. I make the short walk home, but I don’t remember it; I’m numb.

  When I get back home, I go straight upstairs, ignoring mum shouting at me. I change into my pj’s and get into bed. I ignore Jax’s messages asking if I’m okay. I hear mum come into the room, but I pretend to be asleep. She leaves me though, thank the lord. I hid my tests under the bed as soon as I came in so she wouldn’t see them. I need to get everything straight in my head before I speak to anyone.

  It doesn’t take long to doze off, though into a dreamless sleep.


  I’ve rung four times in the last hour, I rang her twice last night and sent messages, but I got nothing back, I don’t understand…. We were fine when I dropped her off. Maybe she had another argument with her mum. I try again, but it just rings out. What the fuck is going on? My patience is wearing thin, and I’m one step from going around there, but I know she’ll get into a load of trouble if I do that. I don’t want to make things worse for her because then I’ll never get to see her.

  I ring Harry next and wait for him to pick up.


  “H, do you know what’s up with Shelby?”

  “Not a clue mate, maybe you should ask her?”

  “Do you not think I’ve tried, dick.”

  “I’ll ask Addy, see if she knows.”

  “Let me know, she’s not even answering my calls or my messages.”

  “You know cuz, maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  Frowning, I hold the phone away from my ear as I look at it.

  “What, why? I haven’t done anything.”

  “Man, I was joking, cool it. I’ll find out.”

  “Thanks.” I cut off the phone and angrily throw it to the bed.

  Maybe she’s feeling pressured or stressed. She does have exams coming up soon, and she’s bogged down with revision, her mum is always on her back... I’ll give her a little space; she’ll ring me back when she gets a chance.

  Biting my nails down, I come to my own conclusion, at least it sounds good. Whether I can put my own theories into practice is another matter entirely.

  Chapter Ten


  My knee bounces as I wait in the waiting room of the doctor's surgery. Addison sits next to me, flicking through a magazine, while we wait to be called. Addy and I got our registration mark this morning and bunked off for the rest of the day.

  “You know Jax has been after you?” Addison says, breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Yep, obviously. Over three days he’s left me voice messages, text messages, tagged me on Facebook and private messaged me. Oh, and rang me constantly. He did stop at one point but then started up again.”<
br />
  “When are you going to talk to him, he needs to be told. You can’t keep acting like this around him.” Addy scolds me. Turning my head to the side, I prepare to answer my best friend.

  “That’s the problem, do you think I want to do this. I can’t be around him because I’ll crumble. I’ll tell him about the baby, and I want to make sure first that the test was right. I need to know what the doctors say, then I’ll go and see him.”

  “Shelby Andrews.”

  The doctor calls me in, and I look to Addison. “Are you coming with me?”

  “If you want me too.” I nod at her as I stand, then turn smiling at the doctor.

  Addison follows me down the hall, I hold the door for her as I walk in.

  “Hi.” I greet the doctor nervously as I take a seat.

  “Hello, Shelby. What can I do for you today?”

  “Erm,” I swallow, “I’ve got a problem…”

  “Okay... How can I help?”

  “First, I need to know you won’t ring my mum to let her know I’ve been here on my own.”

  The relaxed face of the doctor calms me as she smiles at me.

  “Shelby, everything you say to me is completely confidential. You’re sixteen now too so you can see me on your own whenever.”

  “I thought that, but I wanted to make sure.”

  “Okay so… take your time.” The doctor calms me enough to take a breath and smile before telling her my news.

  “I did a pregnancy test the other day, and it came up positive.”

  The doctor nods silently before taking out another one from a filing cabinet.

  “So we’re too late for the morning after pill then.” She hands me a clear pot, “Can you do me a sample please?”

  I come back with a tub half-filled and hand it over. She does exactly the same as we did with ours and we wait.

  “So I have to ask, did you use protection?”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “It’s not a hundred percent effective, you know that, and if you came to see me and told me you were sexually active, I would have changed your pill. The one you take isn’t quite as strong as the others, as we were regulating your periods.”


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