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Covert Lessons

Page 6

by Mari Carr

  “Mac. I know you weren’t serious when you said—”

  “Sweetheart, I was never more serious in my life.”

  “You can’t spank me. I mean…well…I’m an adult. It just isn’t done.” She tried to get away from him but he had her well and thoroughly trapped beneath him on the bed.

  He laughed at her words. “Oh Kelly. I can assure you it’s done all the time.” He sobered up then, rising only enough to help her roll over onto her back before settling himself on top of her.

  She considered briefly that she should be self-conscious by their intimate position and the fact she was practically naked from the waist up. Her bra was hanging loose and barely concealing her breasts. Problem was, it was next to impossible to be embarrassed with him staring down at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world. Her desire for him notched even higher.

  Yep, I’m a goner.

  He ran his knuckles gently across her cheek and smiled. “Actually, Kelly-girl, I think you are sadly overdue for a spanking. I suspect the fact that you’ve been allowed to run wild for so long is what keeps you tumbling headlong into trouble.”

  “Run wild?” She narrowed her eyes at his egotistical words.

  He kept speaking, completely nonplussed despite her growing annoyance. “Yep. You need a man to take you in hand. Show you the error of your ways.”

  Red-hot anger bubbled to the forefront and her temper exploded. “And I suppose you think you’re ‘man’ enough to do such a thing. Let me tell you something, Lt. Asshole! No one tells me—”

  She was quickly becoming accustomed to unfinished sentences as his lips swallowed the remainder of her tirade. His tongue demanded immediate entrance, which she granted despite her wounded pride. Hell, pride be damned. She’d be satisfied to live the rest of her life with Mac’s lips on hers, just like this. Christ, the man could kiss. She knew she should at least pretend to put up a fight but she was too afraid he’d truly stop to take such a foolish risk. Every time she sensed him starting to pull away, she tightened her grip on his hair, keeping him close. Finally, she felt his hands grip her wrists, pulling her own down to the bed.

  “Nice try, but I’m not going to forget you broke a rule, no matter how long you try to distract me with those sweet lips of yours.”

  “You don’t really think I’m going to let you spank me, do you?” The second the words passed her lips, she knew they’d been the wrong thing to say. His eyes narrowed and she realized she’d made a huge miscalculation. Why didn’t she just say, “I double-dog dare you to spank my ass?”

  “I don’t really think you have any say in the matter, Kelly. None whatsoever.” As he spoke, he tightened his grip on her wrists, rising and dragging her across the bed until she stood before him. Her bra had fallen off in the process but she didn’t even have time to consider that fact as she felt his hands at the waistband of her black dress pants. He wasted no time pulling her pants and panties off. She was amazed by his speed as well as the incredible care he was taking not to hurt her. In less than sixty seconds, he had her completely naked and sprawled facedown over his lap and she hadn’t had time to react. At all.

  “What the hell?” she cried when he placed his hand on her bottom. She’d been expecting him to hit her and was surprised by his soft caresses.

  “Seems to me you’re on a roll, Kell. What’s a few more bruises?”

  “You arrogant shit! Let me up.”

  “No. I told you if you tried to break up a fight, I’d do this. Now hold still.”

  Her entire being screamed at her to protest this caveman treatment, but she was too distracted by the sudden trickle of moisture sliding down her legs from between her thighs.

  Holy Hell!

  She was so incredibly turned-on, she couldn’t think.

  “Christ, you drive me crazy. I can’t tell you how badly I want to beat your ass right now,” he confessed, and again her feminist upbringing shouted to her quivering body to grow up, get a grip, make a stand.

  “So do it, tough guy, or are you all talk?” She was taunting him and it was becoming obvious her body was defeating her mind in this battle of wills.

  He chuckled but failed to rise to her bait. Instead, his fingers trailed down to the oh-so-wet spot between her legs and she fought against the groan that left her lips despite her best efforts.

  “Jesus, you love this, don’t you?” His voice seemed pleased and she would have seriously protested if she hadn’t also detected the glimmer of amazement in his words as well.

  “Yes, Mac. I love it. Please, please will you stop torturing me and get on with it?”

  “Yes, ma’am, Ms. Finch. Right away.” And with that, he brought his palm against the bare flesh of her bottom.

  She jumped at the blow. It hurt a hell of a lot more than she’d expected. However, the sting was quickly replaced by a hot tingling that drove her to higher heights faster than she could ever have imagined.

  “More,” she mumbled and he obliged, each blow striking at a different place on her burning ass.

  After several well-placed spanks, he roughly pulled her legs apart and shoved two fingers into her drenched pussy.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed as she was catapulted headlong over a cliff into the orgasm to end all orgasms. Her body trembled and she felt her internal muscles grip his unmoving fingers. The tremors and bright lights and crashing waves of her climax seemed to linger for hours.

  When at last she felt her wits returning, she realized he hadn’t moved a muscle. Shyly, she glanced over her shoulder to find him staring down at her.

  “You’re amazing,” he said reverently.

  She giggled, her head still fuzzy. Heck, a whole bottle of champagne couldn’t make her feel this good. Wanting to share her happiness, she slowly lowered herself from his lap until she was kneeling before him.

  Mac’s expression changed as he realized her intent. “You don’t have to—”

  For once, it was her turn to interrupt. “I know. I want to.” Carefully, she popped the button to his pants and slid the zipper down. She sucked in a breath as his well-endowed erection made its first appearance into her world.

  “Yummy,” she muttered and he laughed.

  “Have I mentioned that you’re my favorite teacher in the entire world?”

  She grinned and shook her head. “Just like my students. Think a little flattery will get you a better grade.”

  “Actually, I was hoping for a bit more than a passing grade,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He rose up a bit and she helped him pull his pants and boxers down to his ankles.

  “Well, I would hate to disappoint you.” She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the head of his cock. “Of course, I think this may be stretching the bounds of professionalism.”

  “Stop now and I’ll turn you over my knee again.”

  “You may want to rethink that threat. It doesn’t really pack much of a punch given the fact that I love that particular punishment.”

  “Suck my cock, baby, and I’ll whip you all night long if that’s what you want.”

  “Mmm, now we’re getting somewhere.” She bent down and twirled her tongue around Mac’s weeping opening, licking up all the pre-come beaded there. He muttered a curse under his breath and she was thrilled with his obvious excitement.

  Moving closer, she took the entire head into her mouth, sucking lightly. At the sound of his shuddering breaths, she traveled farther down his huge cock until she felt it bump against the back of her throat.

  “Swallow me, sweetheart. Take it all.”

  She hummed her assent and he groaned. He was too large to take in completely, so she wrapped her hand around the root of his cock to add more of the pressure he seemed to like so much. With her free hand, she toyed with his balls and was rewarded with even more breathless praise.

  “Oh yeah, Kelly. Christ! That feels so good, sweetheart.”

  She opened her throat while rubbing her hand up and down in time with her mout
h. His hands moved into her hair, gripping tightly every time she ran her tongue against the skin just below the head of his cock.

  She tormented, teased and tantalized him for several minutes before she felt his climax beginning.

  “That’s it, baby. I’m going to come and I want you to swallow it. All of it.”

  She increased the pressure of her mouth and hands, swallowing his words along with his hot seed as it erupted down her throat. When she felt certain she’d gotten every drop, she released him and looked up.

  He seemed dazed and a little bit shell-shocked. She giggled at the sight until he reached down and hauled her up onto his lap. His lips descended on hers as he covered her with an avalanche of hot, deep, soul-shattering kisses. She was overwhelmed with his response to her impetuous blowjob. The man sure as hell knew how to express gratitude. When he finally let her up for air, she ran her hands over his face, enjoying the roughness of his five o’clock shadow.

  “We are so screwed,” she muttered, realizing their lame attempts at professionalism had flown out the window along with every bit of common sense.

  “Amen,” he agreed.

  Chapter Six

  They managed to successfully rein in their desires for several days after her so-called punishment. Of course, Kelly credited their success in keeping their hands to themselves less on some superhuman feat of strength and more on the fact that the opportunity to misbehave simply hadn’t presented itself.

  In addition to maintaining his guise as student teacher during the day, Mac had begun participating in stakeouts in the evenings. He’d told her about Rodney’s true identity. The fake “new student” had managed to finagle his way into the periphery of the BT gang. Although he hadn’t been introduced to the leaders or witnessed any lawbreaking, Rodney felt he was getting close to receiving an invitation to join the unsavory society.

  Mac had remarked after school one day how impressed and annoyed he was by the group’s self-preservation skills. For a gang of young men in their teens and early twenties, the BTs efficiently masked themselves and Mac was amazed by how well they protected their organization.

  “Bye, Ms. Finch.” Scotty and his new girlfriend Grace were the last students to leave her after-school session. Scotty was still sporting a black eye from Chad’s assault. For his part in the fight, Chad was long-term suspended, pending a hearing with the school superintendent. Mr. Hallstrom and Mac were pushing her to press assault charges against the boy, but she refused to place a black mark on the young man. She’d seen the boy’s face in the few seconds after he’d shoved her and she knew it had been the heat of the moment that caused his reckless action. She’d also heard him expressing concern for her well-being after Mac tackled him.

  “See you tomorrow,” she called back. She stretched her shoulders, feeling a slight twinge in her back from her own injuries. Her bruised back had progressed from black to blue to a horrible yellow-green color and was now almost completely back to its normal state.

  “That was a long damn day,” Mac’s voice called from the doorway. He’d gone to copy some tests for her as she’d wrapped up the afternoon session. Coming into the room, he tossed the stack of papers on her desk.

  “You can’t keep pulling this double-duty crap, Mac. You’ve got dark circles under your eyes that could rival Scotty’s black eye. Can’t somebody else take a turn staking out the streets tonight?”

  He grinned at her comments. “Worried about me, Teach?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Maybe. A little. But don’t let it go to your head.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows in return and she laughed at his silly gesture. “I like having you worry about me. Feels good. Now give me a kiss.”

  She looked over his shoulder at the open classroom door. “I don’t think—”

  “That’s right,” he interrupted. “Don’t think.”

  With that, he bent forward and placed a soft, chaste kiss on her lips.

  She was surprised by the brevity and sweetness of the touch. “That was nice,” she whispered.

  “You’re nice,” he replied before stepping back. “But I’m afraid that’s all I have time for today. I have to leave.”

  “Another stakeout?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, the task force is getting together to discuss strategy. We need to come up with a game plan to help us move this investigation along.”

  “Wanna come over for dinner afterward?” She silently prayed he would say yes. His soft kiss left her desperate for more and it had been far too long since they’d been alone together. More than his touch, however, she found she missed simply talking to him. He was interesting and funny and fun to be with and she’d been lonely these past few nights.

  “I wish I could, but we’re ordering pizza. These sessions tend to last hours.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, don’t stay up too late.” She hoped he’d heed her words and get some rest. She truly was worried about him. Clearly the bachelor cop was not in the habit of taking care of himself. A good woman could cure him of that and for the briefest of moments, she wished herself in that role before pushing the thought away. They had agreed to put their desires on the back burner until the end of the case and, even afterward, he’d promised nothing more than a few nights of casual sex.

  “Same goes for you,” he replied, kissing her cheek quickly before turning and leaving.

  She sank down at her desk, daydreaming for several moments about Mac. Soon her daydreams descended into hardcore fantasies.

  The sound of the classroom door closing caught her attention. Glancing up, she watched Mac lock the door.

  “I thought you had a meeting?” she asked, her voice husky with desire.

  “Canceled it. I had something more pressing to do here.”

  “Oh?” she asked. “What do you need to do?”

  “You,” he teased and as she watched, he loosened his tie before pulling it off. Soon he had shed his shirt, shoes and pants and she struggled to breathe at the sight of her naked cop.

  “Stand up,” he demanded. “Bend over that desk and flip up your skirt.”

  She quickly obeyed, juices flowing from her oh-so-ready pussy.

  “Good girl,” he murmured as he stepped up behind her. With one thrust, he entered her to the hilt and triggered the world’s fastest orgasm.

  She cried out as her climax trembled through her while he continued his glorious assault on her body. Over and over he pounded into her until she was hoarse from screaming…

  The sound of the custodian’s cart rolling down the hallway jerked her from her sex-soaked vision.

  Sighing heavily, she picked up the stack of tests Mac had given her and used them to fan her face. Damn, if this case didn’t end soon she really would spontaneously combust.

  Grabbing up her things, she left the school building and headed for her car. The parking lot was empty and she glanced at her watch, surprised to discover how late it was. It was nearly five-thirty and already dark. Damn short winter days.

  She had just reached her car when she was roughly shoved against the driver’s side door from behind.

  She opened her mouth to scream—but quickly stifled the sound when she felt the cool, sharp edge of a blade against her throat.

  “Scream, bitch,” a harsh voice growled in her ear. “Give me a fucking reason to slit your throat.”

  “What do you want?” she whispered, her voice subdued by fear. “I don’t have much money.”

  “I don’t want your filthy money. I want you to lay off the Broadstreet Thugs.”

  “I don’t understand.” For a moment, she feared Mac’s investigation had been discovered and his cover blown.

  “You make a brother take off his colors, you strip him of his manhood. You got no right, bitch! You think your stupid little school rules mean anything compared to the brotherhood?”

  For a split second she nearly sighed in relief, regardless of the fact the hoodlum was still holding a knife against her throat. Given the compo
sition of her classes, she’d done more than her fair share of attempting to uphold the new stricter dress code. She didn’t know which student she’d pissed off by merely doing her job, but clearly someone didn’t appreciate being told to strip off the symbols of their gang affiliation.

  “Fine!” she barked out, hoping her quick agreement would appease the young man and encourage him to let her go.

  “You interfere in BT business again, whore, and I’ll cut you good. You got it?”

  “I g-got it,” she stuttered, her fear escaping despite her attempts to stifle it.

  “There’s another thing, bitch.” The young man’s grip on her was strong and tight. She wished she could turn a bit to see his face. As it was now, she’d have nothing to tell Mac about this attack that could help him find the culprit. One thing she knew for sure was that his voice wasn’t familiar. She really didn’t think her attacker was one of her own students.

  “Yes?” she whispered.

  “You don’t tell nobody about this little chat. You got that? You go to the cops, we’ll know. We got eyes on you, bitch, all the time—and we’ll know. You tell anybody and we’ll kill them. Kill them nice and slow. You got a pretty teacher friend with a new baby. Be a shame for that baby to grow up without a mama.”

  Meg’s face floated before her eyes.

  “You like that new student teacher too. You’re hot for him. Ready to spread your legs for him like the whore you are. You go to the cops and we’ll gut him like a fish.”

  “I won’t tell,” she agreed, wishing the young man would just leave her alone and wondering if there was any truth to his words. Clearly the gang was familiar with her activities, her friends. He knew too much. Were they also keeping surveillance on Mac? Meg?

  “Remember, we’re watching,” he repeated and she felt his grip on her loosen. “Now keep your head down on that car. You count to fifty then you get in and get the hell outta here. You turn around and I’ll fucking kill you right now.”


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