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Rush Against Time

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by Willow Brooke

  Rush Against Time by Willow Brooke

  Rush Against Time

  Twisted Fate Series

  Book One

  by Willow Brooke

  © Copyright August 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

  All cover art and logo © Copyright August 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Caroline Kirby

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  JK Publishing bookstore:


  I want to thank JK Publishing for welcoming me into their family. They are truly the best company to work for.

  To my editor, Caroline, your mad skills made this story complete. All of your hard work is beyond appreciation.

  Beverly Price, you are my rock, and my thunder buddy for life. Without your late night writing advice and support, I would be lost.

  I would love to hear from you!



  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Excerpt from Erin’s Awakening

  Excerpt from Jasmine’s Escape

  Excerpt from Tyrant's Keep

  Chapter One

  Jessa Meadows shifted her weight between each foot unable to stand still. Today had proven to be even worse than the previous with no end in sight. The past few months had been a hurricane of agonizing disastrous events. With a huff, she slung her silky golden hair over her shoulder and handed the huge cup of coffee across the counter to the disgruntled and obviously caffeine deprived woman. When she turned around to grab the glass blender pitcher, she knocked it off onto the tile floor and it exploded into shards.

  Jessa cursed under her breath at the broken glass that lay scattered around her feet. The past six months she had been slammed straight into her first heat with a vengeance. The more she fought it, the longer it dragged on and the more intense it grew. What was supposed to be a milestone in growing up as a shifter had become a living nightmare. It was similar to human puberty, only jacked up on steroids. A shifter could not scent their mate or be scented by their mate until after losing their virginity, or receiving a kiss from them. It was expected of all shifters to experiment sexually during this time, where in the human world it was socially and morally wrong to scratch every hormonal itch. Like wild animals, they would bang every single wolf who so much as gave them a wink and a smile. It was an animalistic fuck fest, and Jessa wanted no part of it. Her wolf fought for control, lunging at every weak spot in an attempt to take over. She was mentally drained, and physically restless. Obviously clumsy could be added to the growing list now, too. Yippie freakin’ skippy. Frustration pooled in the rims of her eyes and threatened to spill as she cleaned up the shards.

  Every man within sniffing distance was all up in her personal space, eagerly offering his services in every humorous and pathetic way possible. The problem was, she refused to give her virginity to the first mutt that came along. It might be unheard of in shifter society, but Jessa wanted her first time to be meaningful. The idea of falling on her back for the first horn dog that came along at the right time made her stomach turn.

  Lost deep in the recess of her thoughts while robotically preparing the next order at Mocha Express, her wolf growled and pranced in a challenging dance at the scents that wafted in her direction. The sudden yelp from the group of girls at the counter was a reality mental slap. The animalistic noise must have slipped out, because they now looked at her as if she had grown a tail. She had to resist the urge to peek behind her and make sure she hadn’t. Super. Jessa offered up a sweet smile, hoping it would dissipate their sudden shock. Mocha Express was one of the few chains that catered to both humans and otherworldly creatures, offering treats and beverages for shifters, vampires, and many other magical creatures that humans were oblivious to. Plus, it provided cover for the group that occupied the attached mansion.

  Vampires and shifters took up residency at Gates Manor, a huge mansion that dated back into the eighteenth century. The eclectic group of paranormal prodigies worked together to keep the balance of the world in order. To prevent the devil from spreading evil through demon possessions and taking over the magical community, angels banded together with this elite group and gave direct orders for them to follow. Not many knew of the group’s existence, and great measures were taken to keep it that way. They were known as the Guardians by the select few who helped and fought with them on each mission.

  Michael Stone was the head vampire in the agency, who was in charge of all of the vampires on the continent. He had a huge army of vampires at his ready who fought without question and at a moment’s notice. His wife, Christina, was the most powerful witch who originated from the first bloodline. Her aunt Autumn had been until Christina accepted her powers in the moon ritual. Toget
her, the duo was unbeatable. Most witches needed three to harness magic to their full abilities. Autumn and Christina didn’t.

  Next was Alan Black, one of Autumn’s two mates. He was the alpha of the wolf shifters in Northern America and represented them in the Guardians. Her other mate, Braden Wilder, was the alpha of the jaguar shifters in North America and also member of the Guardians. Together, they all made up one big, happy—odd family.

  Working the day shift at Mocha Express meant more humans and the need to contain her wolf better, but it also meant less shifters that her mangy mutt would try to jump on. It was a catch-22.

  Unfortunately, word must have gotten out of her schedule change. The door chimed announcing the arrival of the mob of six shifter men, all sporting huge grins and hungry looks. The intensity shooting from their eyes confirmed the hunger they had wouldn’t be sated with Danish rolls or pastries. Anger immediately boiled through her veins. Tough luck, boys. You aren’t getting your hands on my cookies. Make a move. I dare you.

  Quickly drawing her attention back to the task-at-hand, she hurriedly finished the order and braced herself for the scene that was about to unfold. With her wolf chomping at the bit, she gritted her teeth and shoved the animal back into its restraints. Time for some fun. Let’s see if you boys can keep up! She plastered the biggest smile she could muster, and turned to her overeager customers. “Good afternoon, gentlemen! What can I get for you today?”

  Logan and Chad were at the lead of the pack, making their interest a far cry from subtle. Both were wolves she had grown up with, and who now pursued her relentlessly. They had all been inseparable at one time, going as far as to call themselves the three amigos, complete with wooden swords. Now, they were just a major pain in her ass.

  Chad was blonde haired and blue eyed, with a true surfer boy appearance that stood out like a sore thumb in the farm country of Oklahoma. He preferred board shorts and tank tops to jeans and flannel like most of the residents of Creekville. The small town was known for its remote location, rich strawberries, and numerous lakes, creeks, and rivers. It was an ideal place for mythical creatures of all types, and was one of the only places witches, shifters, and vampires cohabited harmoniously.

  Logan was the first to approach, with his pearly whites sparkling bright. His hair mopped in adorable sandy brown ringlets, giving him more of an angelic look that hid his true orneriness. A mischievous twinkle gleamed in his chocolate brown eyes, making Jessa’s breath hitch a notch in her chest. Good looking or not, she wasn’t interested. He was definitely up to something, making her guards triple and her eyes narrow in preparation for the bullshit she was about to be fed.

  He leaned over the counter toward her, getting his lips mere inches from her ear. “Are you on the menu, Jessa?”

  “No, but I can get you a cold frappe to ice your troubles away, and maybe an order of doughnut holes to stuff in your hole?” She gave her best no-nonsense face and rested her hand on her hip impatiently.

  “Aw, now, I have a couple of other holes in mind, and none of them are mine. I wouldn’t mind licking some icing off your sweet, little, honey spot, darlin’.”

  “Logan, I am working. Either order off the menu or get the hell out of here. I am not interested in anything from any of you. Get it through your head. Not today. Not tomorrow. Never!” Her blood felt like it was literally boiling in her veins. Her wolf growled at her, pissed that she was turning the group of eligible relief to the fire of need that was building inside of her away. If the dang mutt had her way, she would be humping half of the town by now. As if her irritation wasn’t bad enough with the urges she felt, now she was being teased and taunted by a group of perfectly good suitors, except she wanted to be loved, not just banged and forgotten about. If her true mate could hurry up, life would be great.

  Logan stepped back with his hands up in a surrender. “Easy, lass. No need for such anger. Why don’t you let me come pick you up and take you home this evening. I promise to behave, and will make sure no one bothers you. What do you say?”

  Jessa’s mood softened, ever so slightly. He is playing the nice guy routine. Great. “I appreciate your concern Logan, really I do. But no thanks. I can take care of myself, and anyone else who gets in my way.” She stepped to the side and exaggeratingly gave Chad her attention with a lethal stare. Laughter surprised and pissed her off all in the same instant. When she turned back to Logan, he was holding his sides and roaring like a hyena. “What the hell has you in hysterics?”

  When he whistled and gasped for breath in exaggeration, he leaned one arm on the counter. “Oh, nothing much. Just the small fact there is a good crowd gathering in the parking lot, waiting for their turn to talk to you. You need an escort, Jessa. I don’t want you thrown to the wolves, so to speak. I will pick you up at six, unless you would rather get through the heat in a hurry. There are probably plenty of overzealous guys out there to lay you up until it ends,” his voice lowered into a deep know-it-all grumble.

  Her vision clouded red. How dare he make jokes out of the situation! Even worse, how dare he have a damn good point! She felt her chest rumble in a low, vicious growl. Through clenched teeth, she barely managed to whisper, “Fine. Six it is. If you value your life, come alone. I would love a reason to rip someone to shreds right now, so you better not have any stupid plans or ideas, Logan Lane Runningwolf.”

  “I will be on my best behavior, scouts honor.” He traced a cross over his heart with his finger, a huge smirk stretching across his features. “Now, can I get a large cup of coffee to go please?” He casually leaned back onto the counter, obviously amused at her discomfort.

  With a loud sigh, she turned and made the cup, intentionally forgetting a protective sleeve. When she handed it to him, he jumped and almost dropped it, shaking his burned fingers and letting lose a string of curse words. She flashed her own satisfying smirk back. Instead of lashing back at her like she expected, he lowered his voice and dropped his gaze to her breasts, slowly and intentionally getting a good visual before he met her eyes. “You are lucky there is a crowd. That, my feisty little wolf, just earned you a bright pink ass.”

  Her heart pounded at the simple statement, making her wolf pant and pace impatiently—again. A pool of moisture flooded her panties. Damn that dog! Damn my traitorous body! This freaking blows! How am I supposed to protect my own dang honor when my own body goes against me?! Jessa steadied her rapid breaths, hoping he couldn’t see the effect he had on her. “Only in your wild and wet dreams, Logan. Now get out of here before I call Alan and tell him you are harassing me again.” She knew her words held no threat but was thankful when he shut up and just smiled before walking away.

  When her eyes moved back to the group in front of her, her stomach knotted. Shit. More horny, drooling, fleabags. My life totally sucks right now. Okay, well, let’s just see how they fare with me on full bitch mode. “Okay, gentlemen, if you so much as utter a word that doesn’t contain an item from the menu, I will jump over this counter, drag you outside, and rip your heart out. Understand?” She stared them each down, making sure they all understood she meant business.

  Chad was next in line, and shot her his playboy grin. “Geeze, Jessa, on edge much? You know, you wouldn’t be so grumpy if you just picked a wolf or four and let them fuck off some of that edge. If you won’t make horrible discombobulating threats, I would love a double shot of espresso. Only if it isn’t too much to ask...” his voice dripped with sarcasm.

  Her body shook, signaling that her wolf was fighting for freedom. “Chad, I am warning you, behave or get out.”

  “I would rather get in, to you that is. I bet after one romp with me you will be hooked for life. I can burn the heat out of you, baby. Give me that sweet cherry and you will never want anyone else.” Jessa could almost feel smoke rolling out of her ears. The egotistical, self-centered, chauvinistic, jackass, fuckhead! I will show you romp! I will romp your head off your damn shoulders!

  That was her breaking point. She snapped and
went off the deep end instantaneously. “I warned you, Chad Dillon Browning!” She was mid-leap over the counter when two huge hands caught her. Before she could figure out what was going on, she was restrained in two iron arms, unable to do anything but breathe. Silence choked the room for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, her warden spoke. “Jessa, what is the meaning of this?” Alan Black. Shit. Of course, the Alpha had to walk in at that exact moment. He will probably lock her in a damn room with the group and let them have their way with her. Shit! Her mind reeled, frantically searching for words. Her tongue literally felt like it had swollen up to gag her mouth shut.

  Much to her surprise, Chad jumped to her rescue. “Hey, Alan. Jessa was coming over to help me. I somehow choked on a jawbreaker and couldn’t breathe. I guess the surprise of seeing you catch her in mid-air shot it out of my windpipe. Thanks.” He looked Alan square in the eye with his shoulders back and his chest big and proud. It almost warmed her to know he was willing to stand up for her and take the blame for once. He must really, really want in my pants. Alan’s grip around her didn’t loosen. He remained silent, looking deep in thought before he at last spoke. “Well, I am glad you can breathe, Chad. The world wouldn’t be the same if you couldn’t spew your opinions in it. Now, I want all of you to place your order and leave. Am I clear?” There was no hesitation in their headshakes and mumbled “yes” responses.

  When he turned his attention back to Jessa, she wanted to crawl under the counter and hide. It seemed that she was just destined to annoy the Alpha lately. He refused to agree with her on her morals, and she refused to back down and accept any of the wolves he offered her. When his grip softened and she could escape, she quickly pulled and attempted a getaway when he caught her by the arm. “Not so fast, Jessa.” Shit. Almost got away. She tried to hide her eye rolling at the lecture that was about to be fed to her—whether she liked it or not.


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