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Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family #3)

Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  She had him constantly hard and aching, which was why he’d leapt from the bed that morning to take care of business. He’d jerked off twice in two days because of Erin.

  Glancing at his brother, he wondered what to tell him. They were all curious about his sudden attachment to Erin, after eighteen months of not being bothered by her. It was as though he’d had a wake up call when she’d stepped off the plane.

  “She’s cute.” He groaned at his lame reply. “I mean she’s cute and so damn different that it’s as though Caprice and Erin were two completely different people…but they aren’t.”

  Aiden acknowledged his words and turned back to Kasey and Erin. “Kasey’s as bad as you.”

  Mateo frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that our younger brother is attracted to her.” He pointed. “Watch.”

  The thought that his brother was attracted to her didn’t sit well with him, which begged the question, was she attracted to Kasey? His common sense told him to stop being an idiot, it was him she was attracted to, but watching her laugh and seeing Kasey flirting with her made his gut clench with jealousy.

  No, that couldn’t be right?

  Him jealous?

  No fucking way.

  Kasey brushed something from the side of her face and he saw red.

  He was fucking jealous!

  He heard Aiden laughing behind him as he moved toward Kasey and Erin. She had no idea that he was coming up behind her, but Kasey glanced up, frowned, and then grinned. “I thought you weren’t interested in…the foal.”

  He narrowed his eyes at his brother, not missing the meaning behind his words. “I am.”

  Kasey the ass, burst out laughing. “I’ll leave you to it.” He kissed Erin on the cheek and walked away, taking Aiden with him.

  Erin turned and faced him. “What was that all about?”

  “You don’t know?” He stepped closer.

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking.” She placed her hands on her hips, which drew his attention down and to the swell of her breasts. Her nipples hardened while he watched, which his erection reacted to.

  Ignoring his reaction to her, he moved into her personal space. “I didn’t like you with Kasey, even though he’s my brother.”

  “You were jealous.” She smiled with glee.

  “I don’t like the feeling,” he grumbled, trying to search his memory for a time when he’d been jealous, but nothing came to mind.

  “Mateo, you’re serious? I thought you were joking.” She bit her lip.

  He was beginning to realize that it was a nervous habit of hers, but it was so fucking hot that his blood would always run south in one big rush. “I think I was. Stupid.” He rubbed the back of his neck, ignoring not only the throb in his knee but the one between his legs.

  He was being ridiculous and that had to stop. “Look, if you want to hang out with Kasey then, okay. He’s my brother and I’d trust him with my life. So if that’s what you want, then go for it. I mean he’s closer in age to you anyway.”

  What the fuck was he saying?

  Erin looked close to tears and he wasn’t sure why when he’d just said it was okay to hang out with his brother. Really though, what did she expect?

  She expected you to want to spend more time with her.

  “Okay. I like Kasey.” Erin’s voice was cool but there was still so much warmth to the tone that he was struck again by how different she was from Caprice. She moved past him and walked off toward the house.

  He turned and watched her, and what a sight she was in her fitted jeans. Her T-shirt stretched over delicious curves, her hips swayed as she stomped off. He couldn’t blame her for being in a temper after how they’d spent the previous evening and waking in bed together.

  Fucking bastard!

  “A mighty fine ass.”

  He turned and glared at his youngest brother, Diego. The twenty-seven year old fire fighter had a rep with women, although he wasn’t sure whether or not to believe what he’d heard. Something about it didn’t ring true with what he’d seen with his own eyes.

  Diego loved his own space and would have the occasional hookup that he knew, but the odd one didn’t give him a reputation. So he wondered.

  “Let’s leave Erin’s ass alone.” He passed one more glance to Erin and faced Diego. “What’s going on with you? Emelia said your bells been quiet?”

  Diego’s eyes widened in surprise before he started to laugh. “Don’t you just love my twin?”

  “I do.” Mateo grinned feeling his mood lightening a bit. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Bro, get real.” Diego turned back to the barn so Mateo followed.

  “I haven’t seen you for months. We used to hang out.”

  “I’m good, okay.” Diego came to a stop at the barn doors.

  His brother looked tired, as though he was at the end, or had taken as much as he could. “You’re tired.”

  “You need to go check on Erin before Kasey sneaks in. He wouldn’t shut up about the change in her last night after you’d taken her out.”

  That was all he needed.

  “I’ll go and grab Erin in a minute and if you don’t talk to me I’m going to make sure Emelia knows there is something wrong with you.”

  Diego chuckled before he became serious and looked lost in thought. “I’m really okay, Mateo. I am tired…there was a fire that we went to and both of the couple’s children died.” Diego dropped to the wooden bench just inside of the barn, so Mateo joined him. “It was hard for us all to see. I guess I’m second-guessing myself even though the reports are saying that the children had been dead for a while.”

  “How had they been dead for a while?”

  “Mom and Dad had left them alone in the house while they went out. The eldest had been seventeen and the younger one nine. The smoke had gotten to them before the fire had even been seen from the front of the house.”

  It gave him chills to think of Diego running into burning buildings while everyone else ran out, but he didn’t say that and never would. But to witness death up close and personal, knowing that there was nothing you could do, would be hard for anyone.

  His brother was too damn young to have to experience that. There were only five years between them, but he always felt protective of Diego.

  “I wish I knew what to say, but with something like that, I don’t.”

  Diego shook his head. “You don’t have to say anything, but I appreciate you making me say it out loud.”

  He slung his arm around Diego’s shoulders and tugged him closer. “I don’t give a shit if we’re guys, you’re my brother…Just remember that whenever you need to talk about work, or anything, D. Anything.” He smiled to himself. “Even if you want pointers on the female anatomy.”

  Diego laughed, which had been Mateo’s intention and shoved him away.

  “I’m good on the pointers, but I’ll remember everything else.” Diego leaned forward, looked out the barn and placed his wrists on his thighs before he turned his head and added, “I think you better go and find Erin, she’s chatting with Kasey again.”


  Chapter Fourteen

  Erin liked that Mateo was being possessive with her because it meant he cared more than she hoped he ever would. She’d only been slightly embarrassed when he’d interrupted her while she’d been talking to Kasey. Now that the truth was out, Kasey seemed to have accepted it like the click of a switch and she was grateful.

  But Mateo’s highhandedness had gotten her inside his truck as they headed toward town again. She didn’t have any objection and really did enjoy being with him. The fact that he was good on the eyes didn’t hurt either.

  Mateo hadn’t said a word since he’d dragged her away with him, but as he steered the vehicle through town, she laid her head against the chair rest and stared at the man who was constantly in her thoughts.

  His profile was strong and rigid, but his lips curled as though he was on the edge of la
ughter. And then he parked the truck and turned his body so that he faced her, his eyes alight with mirth and his beautiful mouth wide in a smile just for her.

  “See anything you like?” he asked, his voice dark and husky. Filled with lust? Maybe.

  “I’m not sure.” She bit her lip, which drew his gaze, so she teased him by slipping the tip of her tongue through her lips to caress her bottom lip.

  Delight bubbled up inside her as Mateo reacted to the sight of her teasing. His eyes narrowed and a slight blush coated his cheekbones as he lifted his eyes and met hers. “Considering how innocent you are, you sure as hell know how to get a guy worked up.” He inhaled and exited his truck.

  She smiled to herself knowing what she was capable of doing to such a strong man.

  “Out,” he demanded when he opened her door. “Before I have other ideas.”

  She chuckled and slipped out. “We wouldn’t want that now, would we?”

  He growled in her ear. “Behave so I can get through the day.”

  She started walking up the steps to Barbara’s Bistro, when she said over her shoulder, “And what about the night when I’m in nothing but a silk Victoria’s Secret?”

  Mateo froze mid-step and looked at her. “I need to sleep in a bath full of ice,” he mumbled as he continued past her and opened the door to the Bistro. “After you.”

  She grinned and walked through the door before she waited in the entrance. “We’ll get takeout.” His hand landed on her back and slipped to a stop on the curve of her hip.

  Every nerve ending came to life at his public display of affection. She didn’t think it was for show because he’d never willingly touched her when she’d been Caprice. So this was nice and it began to feel hot as arousal flooded through her system. It hadn’t really been that far away, but having Mateo so close with his hand on her wasn’t helping to cool her down.

  Barbara eventually came over to them and while she was more pleasant than the night before, she was still reserved with Erin.

  She gazed out of the window and only half listened to Mateo’s conversation with Barbara. Erin had always been picky and choosy in the Bistro in the past, so Barbara’s reservation with her was warranted. Erin just wished it didn’t continue to hurt. Perhaps her staying around for Eric’s wedding wasn’t such a good idea.

  At least if she was back home, she wouldn’t have to accept how people treated her because of how she’d treated them. Back home everyone knew her and considered her a friend. She’d never been one of the popular kids and was considered more nerd, but it was who she was.

  One of the other students in her class had asked her out a few times and flirted with her at every opportunity. A date with him wouldn’t compare to being with Mateo, but at least she’d be moving on and away from what she’d done to keep a roof over her own head.

  There was definitely something between her and Mateo. He’d gradually gotten under her skin to the point that he was all she could think about. If only things had been different. If only they’d met under different circumstances. There were a lot of if’s.

  “I’m sorry,” Mateo said, pulling her gaze back to him. “She’s just a bit reserved with you, I guess.”

  She sadly shook her head. “You don’t have anything to apologize for. It’s my fault not yours…But thank you, anyway.”

  He pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head. As he held her tightly, her pulse leaped at the feel of his strong hard body against hers. She laid her cheek against his chest and heard the thumping of his own heart while her arm went around his back and held him just as tight. He was just as aroused at her closeness, as she was.

  “I’ve asked for two cakes and two takeout coffee’s.” He kissed the top of her head again and sent a shiver down her spine at his caress of her long hair down her back.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, surprised she had any voice with the arousal running through her.

  Erin had just worked up the courage to tease him with her fingers at the waist of his jeans when Barbara appeared with their takeout, ruining the moment.

  Mateo slowly released her to take the items, but she felt his reluctance in his body as he stayed close to her.

  Barbara looked between them, smiled and raised a brow. “So, where are you two off to?”

  “The park.” Mateo passed some money over. “It’s a nice day so might as well make use of the weather.”

  “Well, you both have a good day.” When Barbara smiled, she included Erin, which she returned.

  Perhaps everything wasn’t lost.

  Mateo led her outside and took her elbow as he guided her down the sidewalk. Erin felt lighter as though the world had been lifted from her chest. She’d carried so much for so long that it was nice to walk with Mateo without any lies between them.

  A gentle breeze caressed her face and kept her hair back from falling into her face as Mateo led her to the town park. It wasn’t too big, but it was big enough to let children run free while parents kept an eye on them. It made for a pleasurable afternoon.

  The first time she’d seen it, she’d made a snide comment about it to rile Mateo. Even then, she’d longed to be free to enjoy the beauty of it.

  At the gates, Mateo paused and glanced at her.

  No wonder.

  “I love the park, Mateo. In fact, I feel free like a child right now.”

  He grunted and led her to a large mixed-color maple tree with overhanging branches. It was slightly quieter than the other side of the park where the playground was and it gave them a kind of seclusion.

  Mateo made her nervous with his sudden hesitation now. She missed having his arms around her. It felt like a date, but she knew better than to presume that’s what it was with him. But if she were counting, she’d say it was date number two. And she loved that he’d brought her to the park.

  Heavily sighing, she dropped to the grass while Mateo appeared to be looking around him as though something was lost.

  “What are you looking for?”

  He looked sheepish as he sat beside her, his back against the trunk of the tree, his shoulder rubbing against hers.

  Instead of moving away, she stayed and enjoyed his touch.

  “I realized I didn’t have anything to put down to sit on. Didn’t think you’d want the ground.”

  She winced. Her fault, again.

  “I’m okay with the grass, Mateo.” She turned away and startled when he nudged her.

  A large coffee was offered, which she savored. “Thank you. I love the coffee from there.”

  “You’re welcome, but the best is yet to come.”

  She chuckled. “You really are like a big kid with cake.” She nudged against him.

  “You tasted it last night so you should know why I’m obsessed with it. Nothing like it.” He offered her a boyish grin, which went straight to her heart.

  He gently placed a box of cake onto her lap and opened his own while he offered her a fork. He was too distracted to even glance at her.

  Shaking her head, she opened her own box and brought it to her nose so she could inhale the delicious sweetness of the carrot cake. And then she broke a bite size piece off and placed it into her mouth.

  It melted on her tongue.

  She closed her eyes. “Mmm.”

  She took her time at letting it slide down her throat, but she moaned again before opening her eyes so she could continue to eat.

  What she didn’t expect was to find Mateo staring at her, his eyes alive with arousal. Her heart beat erratically in her chest at the sight. She missed the look when he continued to eat.

  She wasn’t confident with the opposite sex and wasn’t really sure how to seduce anyone like Mateo, although she knew her previous teasing seemed to work. She’d read enough books and knew what went where when it came down to sex, she’d just never gone that far before. Her dreams often contained ideas of a night of wild sex with the handsome man beside her, except she didn’t just want one night.

  She knew
that he wasn’t immune to her and probably with more encouragement he’d take her up on the offer. But would it be more to Mateo? Or, would he walk away after he’d gotten what he wanted?

  “Talk to me,” Mateo requested out of the blue.

  Her surprise must have shown on her face when she looked at him.

  He laughed. “I’m serious. Please talk. Tell me something about you. Anything. Something you enjoy. Something from your past. Anything.”

  She settled back against the tree trunk and thought what the hell as she rested her head on his shoulder. He stilled before he wrapped his arm around her, snuggling her close.

  His scent was of man and spice and she could stay where she was forever.

  “Okay, let me think.” She’d never really told anyone about growing up but she found that she trusted Mateo. “My mom worked a lot of hours as a waitress; she’d clean other peoples homes and even held a part time job with the police as a dispatcher. The dispatcher job didn’t last long because she’d been covering for someone on maternity leave. Once she left the position, things became more difficult. Money was always tight and sometimes dinner was a piece of toast.” She shrugged and felt Mateo tighten his arm around her.

  “But the money didn’t matter to me. I always felt loved and just before she died, I’d gotten a scholarship to the university so that my fees would be paid. She was so proud of me and couldn’t wait to see me graduate. She was the only family that I had. She’d never talk about my father.”

  “I’m sorry, Erin. No wonder you wanted to be around my family without Caprice in the picture.”

  “I’m glad my mother isn’t around to know about that. She’d have been disappointed in me,” her voice grew quiet, “just like I am myself.”

  “Hey,” he pressed a feather-light kiss to her forehead, which she felt right down to her toes, “you were offered a way to earn fast money that wasn’t illegal. It makes you feel secure having that money in your account, doesn’t it?”


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