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Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family #3)

Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Oh, wow.” She tightened her fingers over him and smiled when he cursed before he removed her hand.

  “Enough of that. Wanted to prove a point.”

  “Point proved…So, why are we here?”

  “Thought we’d go for a swim.”

  Her eyes widened and then narrowed. “You just want to see my boobs.”

  Mateo who had been in the process of getting out of his truck stumbled. “Babe, you better plan on keeping your panties and bra on.” He looked up to the sky as though he was praying for sanity.

  She loved that she could tease him badly enough to get him worked up.

  Chapter Nineteen

  What the fuck had he unleashed? One minute she’d blush and the next she wouldn’t stop talking about blowjobs. He was still trying to get over the fact when he rounded his truck to see her kicking off her flip-flops and unzipping her jeans.

  She turned her back to him, shimmying the denim down her legs. Her round bottom in thin, pink lace high-leg panties stuck up in the air as she bent to collect her jeans. He was frozen to the spot as he watched more of her clothing disappear. She was beautiful and the way his body reacted to her would probably one day get him into a whole lot of trouble.

  Reaching down, he re-arranged his junk before he quickly turned his back to her and slowly removed his own clothing, willing his erection to shrink.

  The frigid water would do the trick, but he had to get from where he was to the water for that to have an affect.

  He really had to stop thinking with the brain below his belt and start using the one above. He’d known that he’d royally screwed up that morning in the bedroom. He’d been seconds from thrusting inside her virgin sheath and did what he did because she scared the fuck out of him.

  When he’d arrived in the kitchen after running out on her, Aiden had been in there, drinking his own hot beverage in the dark. He was worried about his older brother, who they all knew had a thing for the vet, Sarah. The very married Sarah. He didn’t know how to help him, but Aiden had given him some unasked for advice.

  Stripped down to his briefs, he shoved his clothes into the truck and wondered if he could do what Aiden had suggested. Could he forget about their age difference, about how different their lives were? He wanted to and he wanted to put the past behind them. More than anything, he wanted the beautiful woman who had gradually gotten under his skin in the couple of days that she’d been in Montana.

  She gave him peace, and when she smiled at him, she made him forget everything, but he found that he hated seeing that disappointed look on her face when he’d been an ass.

  He loved how she called him on his behavior that morning, although he wished she hadn’t mentioned blowjobs because he sure as fuck couldn’t get the image of her on her knees in front of him out of his head. If they were ever in that position, he’d probably come within seconds.

  Hearing her gasp behind him, he turned and hoped like hell he had the strength to keep his hands to himself, at least while they were in public.

  Erin had walked into the cool water wearing only her panties. Why the fuck couldn’t she keep her bra on?

  Panting, he clenched his fists to one side and followed her. As he approached, she turned and met his gaze. He couldn’t keep his eyes on her face even if his life depended on it. So, he let them caress down her torso and stared as the water lapped around her breasts, the nipples, hard, tight peaks in the cold water.

  Thank god his waist was below the water level because he was hard enough to pound nails.

  “Where,” he cleared his throat. “Where’s your bra.” His voice still didn’t sound like it belonged to him.

  “I’m not exactly small.” She shrugged. “I don’t want to go without a bra once I’m dressed.”

  He should have realized that.

  “You’re killing me.” His eyes darkened. “I need to cool off.” With one last glance at her beautiful breasts, he dived beneath the water and swam.

  He held his breath as long as he could before he resurfaced, and treading water, he turned and found Erin watching him. Was it relief he saw on her face?

  Staying above the water this time, he swam back to her and just the sight had his cock back to hard and aching. “You going to swim with me?”

  She shook her head, biting her bottom lip.

  “You’re already in the water…come swim with me.” He smiled, but as he watched her gaze dart around the pond, he realized that something was wrong.

  He moved closer, forgetting how aroused he was when his dick poked into her. He ignored it, but loved seeing the light blush on her face. “What’s up?”

  She raised a brow and laughed.

  He chuckled. “Apart from that,” he added.

  “I’m not really a swimmer, so I’d rather stay in my depth.” She moved closer and held onto his biceps. “You always throw me out of it.”

  He was losing a battle with himself over Erin. Trying to respect the age thing and the direction that their lives were heading, was gradually crumbling.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She met his gaze. “With my life.”

  He’d just lost his heart.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he hauled her up his body. “Wrap you legs around me.” She did and his eyes rolled at the feel of her against his cock. He swallowed, and added, “I’m going to float you on the pond.”

  Erin gasped when he tipped and she floated on top of him.

  At first she looked nervous and unsure, but soon she settled and relaxed against him. He just wished that he could relax.

  Her hot little body was against his hard one and her breasts…he screwed his eyes tight to get his mind off her, but that didn’t work because all he could see behind his closed lids was Erin standing chilled in the water.

  “Mateo,” she whispered, her voice had a husky lilt to it.

  “Mmm.” He opened his eyes and watched as she ran her tongue along her lips.

  “You…um…you’re hard.”

  He’d laugh if he weren’t so fucking turned on. “The feel of your bare breasts against my chest…the hard nipples digging into me…your ass rubbing against the head of my dick …it’s a sensory overload.”

  Her eyes darkened at his words and filled with her want, but instead of commenting, she wiggled and covered his dick.

  He headed for shore before he drowned them both. Once his feet could reach the bottom, he gripped her ass in both of his hands and walked her to a large rock.

  Just the right height.

  He placed her gently on the edge. “Lie back.”

  Showing her trust again, she lay back and the sight before him very nearly unmanned him. His erection throbbed badly for release from his briefs, wanting to be buried deep inside her. It sure as hell didn’t help having her pussy in his face.

  He dropped his head and inhaled her feminine scent. Gripping the band at either side of her panties, he slowly raised his head and tortured her by slowly removing them before he tossed them to shore.

  He slid his palms along her legs and up to her thighs before he moved back to her dainty ankles. He placed each one over his shoulder. “I’ll warm you up.” That was the last thing he said as he dipped his head and kissed her mound.

  Her pussy opened beautifully to him so when he licked between her folds, his head swam with the pleasure he felt at her taste. His dick was rock hard and throbbed with each swipe of his tongue over her hard clit.

  “Mateo,” she groaned, arching up.

  His eyes strayed to her breasts and the hard nubs that needed some attention.

  Pulling away, he groaned. “Cup your breasts and rub your nipples…imagine it’s my hands on you.”

  “Oh, God.”

  He kept his eyes on her when his tongue went back to searching and seeking…and then he tickled around the entrance to her heaven and the groan she gave had him on the edge of release.

  The throb between his legs was intense and even the thrust of his hips couldn’t
calm him down. He needed to be touched…rubbed…

  “I’m going to come,” Erin panted.

  Using his finger to rub her clit, he breached her entrance and fucked her with his tongue…seconds later, she came apart on his mouth and it was the sexiest fucking thing ever.

  With one hand, he quickly reached into his shorts and gripped the base of his shaft. He’d thought to quickly jerk off because it wouldn’t take much. For once though, he wanted to show her that he wasn’t always preoccupied with his dick like a fucking teenager.

  “What about you?” she questioned, her voice as sated as her body. “Mateo?” She pushed up from the rock and looked down.

  Of course she couldn’t see anything, except his hand beneath the water. She knew what he held.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” She scooted to the edge and dropped down in front of him.

  His hands whipped up to steady her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Kiss me.”

  She didn’t give him chance to respond as her legs wrapped around his waist and her lips sealed over his. Her tongue pushed for access and all he wanted was to sink to his knees and take her over-and-over again with his cock.

  He carried her to his truck, his legs feeling like jelly. There was no other who tasted hot like cinnamon buns than Erin. She wasn’t shy in the kiss and consumed him with her heady need.

  She pulled back and panted as hard as he did. “Wow.” She licked her lips.

  He winced as she wiggled down, but had no complaints when she took his briefs with her.

  “Step out.”

  Watching as Erin went to drop to her knees, he remembered just in time to stop her. “Let me get towels.

  He passed her one and felt his cock jump toward her when she dropped to her knees and beckoned him over to her.

  “I’m not going to last,” he moaned.

  “Mmm.” Her fingers trailed up his thighs and his obscene cock loved the feel.

  “I hate seeing these scars on your knee.” She kissed around the scars and then her gaze moved to his erection.

  Chapter Twenty

  Erin hadn’t lied about giving a blowjob before although, technically, she hadn’t because he came on her hand, but with Mateo she intended to swallow. She wanted to know what all the fuss was about because Mateo sure as hell showed her what the fuss was about when he went down on her—that had been a first.

  Seeing Mateo’s balls hanging heavily beneath his hugely swollen cock made her wet. He certainly put all her fantasies to shame because he was long, thick, and pulsing, like nothing she’d ever imagined.

  With a slow, light caress up his length, she felt him come to life at her touch and sighed in utter delight when he leaked clear liquid at the tip.

  She knew that meant he was too aroused, but she needed more. She looked up and held his gaze as her tongue slipped between her lips and swirled around the bulging head. Her eyes closed when his unique taste burst her senses wide open.

  His hands slipped through the wet strands of her hair and her eyes met his again while she took more of him inside. She felt the tremor run through him as her hand rubbed his sac.

  He was a beautiful man and when her hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, her mouth took more. Her tongue swirled and rubbed the sensitive underside, his hold on her hair tightened.

  “I’m not going to last,” he growled.

  She didn’t speak because that would mean moving away from the pleasure she gave him.

  Her hand tightened, stroked, and with one powerful suck, she felt him swell.

  “Erin,” he hissed.

  She sucked again and he spilled inside her mouth with a long, loud groan of pleasure.

  Her hand tightened around him and pulled back, while she sucked and enjoyed the power she had over him.

  It was Mateo who pulled his dick free of her eager mouth and hand. “No more,” he panted and pulled her up into his arms. “I can’t…fuck.”

  Instead of more words he quickly kissed her, smiled and wrapped her up in a towel. “Thank you.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “I want to take you on a real date.”

  Her eyes lit at the idea and then she remembered her experiences in town thanks to the Caprice charade.

  “Hey, none of that.” Mateo raised her chin and made her look at him. “I have somewhere in mind.” He grinned. “And that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Then I’d love to go on a date with you.”

  “Good, now get dressed before someone comes along. We’ve pushed our luck a bit too much.” He placed a quick kiss to her lips and moved toward his clothes.

  With the chill giving her goose bumps, Erin quickly towel dried and pulled her bra, jeans, and long sleeved shirt back on. She found that she couldn’t get warm so when Mateo appeared, looking sexy in his pale blue jeans, and T-shirt, she walked straight up to him.

  Her arms went around his waist, seconds before his wrapped her up tightly against him. “Are you okay?”

  She wasn’t surprised he’d asked. “Other than still feeling the chill, I’m fine.”

  He started to rub her back and arms. “I shouldn’t have kept you naked like that.”

  She pinched his butt. “Don’t you dare regret any of that because I don’t.”

  He chuckled. “I couldn’t regret any of that even if I tried.”

  She let his warmth seep into her, and whispered, “You regretted this morning.”

  Mateo sighed and held onto her shoulders. “I don’t regret this morning, Erin. I…just didn’t know how to handle it. I wanted to thrust inside you so badly that it scared me—the depth of want that I feel for you. I was an ass for running and I’m sorry about that. I’m old enough to stay, but instead I acted like an idiot.” He kissed her forehead. “I can’t promise that I won’t do something stupid again, but I do promise that what I’m beginning to feel for you is real…It’s fucking scary.”

  She leaned in and gave him one last hug. “Thank you for saying that.” Smiling, she stepped away. “Do you think we could go for coffee in town?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Mateo smiled, ushering her inside his truck.

  Mateo’s truck was the two-row kind so she watched him as he leaned in and smiled when he came up with a sweatshirt. “Here, put this on.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t want you freezing to death before we go on a date.” He ran around his truck and climbing inside, added, “At least we’ll both be home so I don’t have to worry about what time to leave to pick you up.”


  She’d love to be able to call Mateo’s home hers and wondered if she ever would.

  Regardless of his words, she wondered whether or not he truly believed them. She knew that he was attracted to her because that had been pretty hard for him to hide. Her worry was when they weren’t together. Would he have second thoughts, or think about something else to put in the way of them having a normal, healthy relationship?

  With Mateo she really wished she could be certain of him, but until he’d proved himself, she’d probably continue to guess.

  Gah, her head hurt with thinking too hard.

  “What the fuck,” Mateo cursed and slammed on the brakes when they hit the center of town. “I’ll be right back.”

  Brought back to the present abruptly, her eyes flew out the front window to see what caused Mateo’s reaction…and that’s when her heart sank.


  Erin had glanced at Mateo just as the woman threw herself into Mateo’s arms. He looked startled, but then his arms wrapped around her, pulling her in tight to his body. He cupped the back of her head. It looked like a lover’s embrace.

  What was going on?

  It look liked there’d been an accident and somehow Allie was involved. She was obviously upset over something.

  Erin tried really, really hard not to react to seeing the other woman in Mateo’s arms, but she wasn’t sure that she succeeded.

  A heavy heart wasn’t nice, but as she climbed fr
om the truck and made her way to where they stood, she felt like she didn’t belong, which was soon put into words.

  “What’s she doing here?” the woman sobbed into Mateo’s shoulder.

  Mateo briefly met her gaze and he let her see the apology in his eyes. But then it was gone and he turned his attention back to Allie. “She was with me in the truck.”

  “Make her go,” she begged. “Please, Mateo. I don’t want her here.”

  Shock hit her in the stomach when she realized that Mateo was actually listening to Allie’s words. Surely Mateo wouldn’t ask her to leave. Would he?

  “Erin, I’m sorry.” He wouldn’t meet her gaze. “I’ll call the house and get someone to come get you.”

  He did not just send her away?

  Allie started to sob again into Mateo’s chest.

  “Erin, please just go and wait at the Bistro. I’m going to follow the ambulance in my truck with Allie.”

  Hurt and bewildered at how Mateo treated her, Erin didn’t know whether she should be more firm and stand her ground or whether to give him what he asked.

  “You have to go past the road to your parent’s place to get to the hospital, right? So just quickly stop and let me jump out.” She held her breath and waited for a response, which wasn’t long in coming.

  “That will work…Shit, I’m sorry, Erin. I shouldn’t be abandoning you in town or anywhere.” Mateo held a hand out to her, which she took and let him intertwine their fingers together.

  “I don’t want her in the truck with us,” Allie wined. “Please, Mateo. It’s my brother…I don’t want anyone.” She looked up at Mateo with eyes that begged. “Please let it be just us? I can’t be with anyone else right now.”

  She could see how torn Mateo was and because she cared about the man, she pulled away from him even though he tried to keep hold of her hand.

  “I can find my own ride,” her voice wobbled. She turned away so that he wouldn’t see the tears on her lashes.

  “Erin, wait,” he called. “Come with us.”


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