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Love in Bloom (De La Fuente Family #3)

Page 13

by Lexi Buchanan

  He growled and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go before I can’t go anywhere until I’ve—”

  “Stop, right there,” Erin interrupted him, her eyes heated. “I can’t think about,” she waved her hand in front of his crotch, “about, well…um, oh, what the hell. I don’t want to be thinking about your cock when we have to leave.”

  He was stunned by her words before he burst into laughter. She made him feel like a teenager. “Why? Your little panties wet?”

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him out the bedroom as she teased, “They would be if I had any on.”

  With her parting comment, they walked down the quiet hallway, and then the stairs where the last minute preparations were under way, while he wondered if he’d survive the day.

  All that was in his head was the fact that she had no panties on. His woman certainly knew how to tease him.

  He’d never felt more alive as he did with Erin.

  Before they reached the bottom of the stairs, he held her back and moved in front of her. Going to one knee while he hoped his injured one would hold up, he did what he’d wanted to do since he saw her in the silver heels.

  His hands carefully caressed up the calves of her sexy legs and hesitated at the hem of her dress. “All day I’m going to be thinking about having these wrapped around my waist.” He inched past the hem and groaned as more of her creamy thighs came into view.

  “If you keep doing that, Diego will get an eye full of my,” she whispered, “naked pussy.”

  “Fuck.” His hands tightened before he forced himself to let her go and stepped back.

  “I can see this is going to be a long day for you,” Diego commented, mischief in his eyes.

  He turned and greeted Diego, who smacked him on the shoulder. His brother grinned and stared at Erin, who smiled back with a lovely blush on her cheeks.

  His youngest brother could be an ass when he wanted to be and he loved nothing more than to flirt with a beautiful woman. At least Mateo knew that Erin was his. He’d staked his claim, not that she ever had eyes for anyone else.

  “Erin,” Diego took her hand into his, “you’re beautiful.” He dipped his head and kissed her knuckles. “But I always knew that.”

  At her giggle, Mateo yanked her hand free of his brother. “Don’t you have someone else to annoy?” he grouched.

  Diego laughed, his eyes full of teasing amusement. “I think you should come with me Erin and let Kasey get a look of you.”

  “Kasey and the others, will see us soon.” Mateo slipped his arm around her shoulders and stared at his brother.

  “You’re so easy to tease, bro.” Diego shook his head, his usual grin in place. “Mom sent me to hurry you along. The wedding’s about to start and she wants you to keep an eye on Aiden.”

  He frowned as they started to make their way toward the outdoor seating area. “Why? What’s he done?”

  “He hasn’t done anything…yet.”

  “You’re still not making any sense,” he commented but Diego shrugged and walked off as they neared Kasey.

  Ignoring Mateo’s scowl, Kasey whistled and looked Erin over before he smirked at his brother. Mateo didn’t give his brother chance to comment though, and asked, “What is going on with Aiden and why does he need watching?”

  “Ask Mom.” Kasey turned to go, but Mateo caught his arm.

  “I’m asking you.”

  “Aiden was fine until…Sarah arrived, and she wasn’t alone.”

  Well, that would do it.

  “Sarah looks uncomfortable and Aiden can’t stop staring at her. Before too long, her husband is going to notice.”

  “Fuck!” As he cursed, he pulled Erin into his arms while he spotted Aiden talking to Dante in the distance. “I’ll keep an eye out.”

  “We all will.” Kasey moved over to where Diego was.

  “What’s going on with Aiden and Sarah?” Erin asked, and he could do nothing but be honest with her.

  “Aiden has a thing for Sarah, except I think it’s a lot more than a mere thing. She’s attracted to him, which doesn’t help matters…Sarah’s married, Erin. There have been rumors around town about her husband not being able to keep it in his pants. I know my brother and he’ll step in if there’s ever a need.”

  Erin met his gaze. “I’m sorry for him, and her. It can’t be a nice situation for them both, but right now I can see your mom waving us over.”

  She smiled and slipped her hand into his. With a slight tug he followed her to the seating. There was family milling around and on the opposite side, he spotted Lucien McKenzie with his wife, Sabrina. He hadn’t been sure if any of the McKenzies would make it, but apparently they all had a soft spot for Sylvia as well with her being the personal assistant to Michael and Sebastian McKenzie.

  He just wished that there hadn’t been secrets when he was a child so that he could have grown up surrounded by his cousins. He knew that his father had made contact with Elias McKenzie so, hopefully soon, the past really would be behind everyone.

  But as he introduced Erin to Lucien and his wife, he saw the confusion on Lucien’s face. Of course, everyone, other than his immediate family, knew that he was engaged to Caprice. He should have thought ahead, especially when he noticed the forced smile on Erin’s face.

  “It’s a long story,” he admitted to Lucien. “I’ll tell you about it someday.” Mateo wrapped his arm around Erin’s shoulder, kissing her on the top of her head. “But I will admit to having gotten it right this time.”

  Erin wrapped her arms around him, squeezed before she let him go and stepped slightly away. Nothing forced about her smile this time.

  “Any more McKenzie’s here?” he asked Lucien.

  Lucien smiled. “We’re all here…even Mom and Dad.”

  His eyes widened. “They’ve talked?” That was a surprise. He was so glad, but he hadn’t known that they’d all be present for the wedding.

  “I do believe so.” Lucien patted him on the shoulder and led his wife to their seats, which was when Mateo spotted Lucien’s brothers with their wives and husband.

  He knew that just having them there would mean the world to his brother and his bride.

  Taking Erin’s hand in his, he sat her with his mom. “Take care of her for me.”

  “I will.” His mom smiled and already looked close to tears.

  He bent and whispered to Erin, “I’ll be back with you soon.” He lightly kissed her lips and forced himself to step back and join the bridesmaids.

  As he walked away from Erin, he glanced at his brother Eric and snickered. The poor guy looked nervous as hell. He shook his head and carried on walking.

  When he reached the others, they’d already lined up ready to walk up the makeshift aisle with a bridesmaid. He’d forgotten about that part of the wedding.

  Luckily for Dante, he was able to walk his wife up the aisle. Kasey and Diego flirted with the women they’d been partnered with, Aiden looked uncomfortable and distracted. Mateo noticed Lily so took his spot next to her.

  “Hey, Lily. You look gorgeous as usual.” He bent and kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you, Mateo. You look pretty good yourself.” She smiled.

  His eyes lit with amusement. “How pissed is Michael that another guy is walking you down the aisle?” He knew how possessive Michael was of his beautiful wife.

  She grinned. “He’s probably more worried about having to control our three children right now.”

  “It’s good to see you here, Lily. All the McKenzies really. I must make sure to search out Uncle Elias later.”

  “You must.” Lily slipped her arm through his. “We’re on the move.”

  “I’ll introduce you to my woman later. I think she’s overwhelmed.”

  “I’d like that Mateo.”

  Kasey turned and grinned at him. “Stop chatting Michael’s wife up.”

  Before Mateo could reply to his younger brother, the woman he was with grabbed his arm and tugged him forward.

ss,” Mateo whispered under his breath.

  Perhaps Mateo hadn’t been as quiet since Lily started chuckling beside him. He offered her a grin and moved up the aisle when it was their turn.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sylvia looked amazing in her dream creation wedding gown—just like a princess. Her dress had a fitted bodice and the skirt had flared around her like silk. Eric had been close to tears when he’d spotted her walking toward him.

  At first, when she’d seen Mateo with a grin on his face and a beautiful woman on his arm, she’d felt a stab of jealousy. He’d had his eyes on a man she hadn’t met before who seemed to have his hands full of baby, and it had taken her a minute to work out that it was the man’s wife on his arm.

  Mateo had confirmed that later when they’d been alone. He’d been teasing his cousin.

  But now that it had turned to dusk, Erin sat and watched the dancing or, more specifically, Aiden. He had hardly taken his eyes from Sarah, who had returned his stare when Aiden hadn’t been looking. They weren’t obvious about it, but it made her heart hurt just watching the longing she saw on each of their faces.

  “Hey.” Mateo slipped into the chair next to her, but he turned it so that his thighs caged her in as his arms went around her waist. “You okay?” He nibbled her lobe.

  “I’m fine, more so now that I have you close.”

  “Mmm. I want you closer. Do you want to dance?” He kissed the curve of her neck.

  “In a minute. I want to watch Aiden.”

  She felt him tense against her so she added, “I think he’s more or less worked up to asking Sarah to dance. I don’t want to miss it if they do.”

  He chuckled into her neck. “You spying, babe?”

  She grabbed his hand. “Just romantic…Look.”

  Aiden had approached Sarah from behind, entwined his fingers with hers and walked her toward a dark corner. She didn’t think words had been spoken between them, but when she watched Aiden look at her, it was clear for Sarah and the world to see just what he felt.

  Their arms slipped around each other as Aiden held her close, his face buried in her shoulder while she held him just as close. They swayed to the music but Erin wasn’t sure if they actually heard it.

  As they went deeper into the darkened corner, she felt Mateo’s hand on her thigh before he growled in her ear. “We need to dance because watching my brother with the woman I think he’s in love with and having you so close, has me craving you closer.”

  She sure needed a distraction after watching Aiden and Sarah. She had tears on her lashes over the feelings that they obviously shared. She really hoped they could work it out one day.

  Shaking the thought free, she let Mateo take her hand into his and sighed when he wrapped his arms around her. He always made her feel safe and secure when he held her like he did. He was big and strong to her much smaller frame, which she found sexy.

  The man had sex appeal like no one she’d ever met before and with her lust threatening to overtake her common sense, she wanted to have him right there.

  Her hands flattened against his back, under his dress coat as one of his hands cupped the back of her head, his other rested on the base of her spine.

  She loved this man.

  Mateo pressed the side of his face to hers after placing a kiss to the side of her head.

  As she swayed with him, her hands had a mind of their own and caressed up and down his back with small dips toward his firm bottom. He was firm all over, but his ass was delicious and she’d yet to take a bite out of it.

  A hand slipped beneath the back of his trousers, her fingers tickled between his firm cheeks that flexed at her touch. His dick thickened and pressed against her belly as her touch became more daring.

  Mateo growled in her ear as he gentle rubbed against her. “You’re asking for trouble.”

  “The best kind.” She laughed and pinched his ass, his cock twitched.

  He grabbed her hand and held it to his chest. “Behave before I embarrass us both.”

  “Hmm. I’ll be good,” she moved closer still and smiled when he caught his breath as she pressed fully against his erection, “as long as you take care of me. Soon.”

  “Woman,” he growled. “I wasn’t kidding about the rubbing. I’ve been hard and throbbing most of the day with you in that dress knowing you don’t have panties on underneath. I want to touch you…coat my fingers in your arousal.”

  Erin put her mouth to his ear, and whispered, “I don’t think I’ve ever had sex on the brain until I met you.”

  Her words were so true. He made her heart pound and the apex between her legs throb with just one look.

  She had a sexy, aroused male against her and she wanted him to drag her outside and fuck her brains out. Just the thought made her giggle as her free hand traced down over his hip, buttock and the top of his strong thigh before she brought it up in front of her.

  Mateo held her gaze and his eyes widened at the naughty smirk that she had on her lips, seconds before her hand grazed him through his trousers. No one could see into the shadows where they were dancing so, feeling more daring, Erin gripped his dick and pressed against him.

  She felt his thighs quiver against her and when she pressed with her thumb around the bulging head, her Mateo dipped his head and claimed her lips.

  Her thoughts, even her name left her as he overtook her senses. She opened her mouth, sucking his tongue inside. His hands cupped her face, holding her against him.

  She had to release his aroused flesh to hold on to his side so she didn’t fall over with the strength of his want. Her legs turned to jelly as her whole body throbbed with need of the man who continued to ravish her mouth.

  It didn’t last though.

  A cough to the side of them brought her back to the here and now.

  “Brother, calm it down.”

  Mateo slowed the kiss and turned to face a grinning Diego.

  “That was hot as fuck, which was why I broke it up. Don’t want you embarrassing us, bro.” Diego laughed and walked away.

  Mateo dropped his forehead to hers, his eyes heated with desire. “We need to leave…but—”

  “We can’t yet.”

  He groaned. “I’m so fucking hard I’m not sure I can walk.”

  “You’ll survive and we can disappear for a short time.” Erin grinned, took his hand and tugged him out of the marquee. “Your truck?”

  She wanted to get in his pants and the sooner the better. She’d tried to get into his pants for the past few days but he’d been adamant that he was waiting until he was sure she had fully healed. But he’d corrupted her and she loved every minute of it.

  At his truck, he gave her a boost inside. She scrambled further along the seat and hitched her dress above her hips. Mateo followed her inside and lightly spanked her naked bottom that was in his face.

  His hands gripped her hips as his mouth dipped and nibbled her ass. He spread her open and tickled her entrance with his tongue. The sensations that rolled through her caused her head to drop to the seat as his tongue penetrated her.

  “Oh, God, Mateo,” she moaned against the leather. “I want to see you.”

  “Fuck,” he hissed, pulling his mouth away before he flipped her over.

  He was panting and she loved seeing him so raw and just like he was. His dark suit rumpled, his shirt half in and half out of his trousers. His thick erection outlined behind his zipper and his eyes dipped low as he devoured her.

  “God, I need you.” He threw his jacket off, yanked the shirt over his head and finally ripped his pants open.

  And there he was.



  Rock hard.

  The tip wet with precum and as he wrapped his hand around his own flesh, Erin’s eyes rolled. She’d never seen anything as hot.

  “You like watching…I’d forgotten.”

  “Keep your hand there.” She wanted to taste him, but while he stroked himself. With some maneuvering, sh
e was on her knees, facing him.

  “Hold yourself to me.”

  “Fucking hell, Erin. I’m going to come.”

  “That’s the plan.” She dipped her head closer and swirled her tongue around the engorged head. “Stroke yourself. I want to watch.”

  After a string of cursing, Mateo slowly stroked back and forth while she licked him up, but she sensed his knee was starting to hurt him.

  “Sit on the seat.”

  “You enjoying giving me orders?”

  She smiled. “I am, but I don’t want you hurting.” She leaned in and kissed his lips.

  “My balls are aching more than my knee right now.”

  “Hmm.” She moved to put her mouth back on him, but he stopped her and moved her over him.

  “As much as I’d love a blowjob, I want to come inside you.”

  She lined herself up and slowly sank down on his silken length. “You feel so good.”

  “That’s my line.” She watched as he closed his eyes, his head resting against the headrest.

  She rose up, leaned forward and nibbled along his collarbone and up to his lips. She cupped his face, sealing their lips together while he gripped her hips and pounded up into her.

  The furious pace he set had her on the brink of climax, and then she saw stars, screaming into his mouth. Her body felt like it had taken flight as pleasure rippled through her. Even when she felt Mateo’s warm release inside, she rippled and convulsed around his cock.

  “Fuck, baby.” Mateo panted and groaned while trying to get into a more comfortable position. “That was so fucking hot, but I’m too old to do this in my truck.”

  “Delicious,” she mumbled, nibbling on his lobe.

  He groaned. “Well, I aim to please.”

  “I do have a question though.”

  “Anything, babe.” He met her gaze.

  “Um, when we get out of your truck I’m going to have your release running down my legs so, I don’t suppose you have something to clean me up with in here.”

  He groaned. “Shit. I’ll look.” He lifted her off him, her muscles clenched around his length, not wanting to release him. “Erin. God,” he panted.


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