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My Aubree: A Short Story (Regret, South Dakota Book 1)

Page 4

by M. K. Moore

  “Yeah, gimme a second,” she says, her voice muffled.

  “You want me to pause this?” I ask.

  “Nah, I’ve seen it a million times,” she says

  I turn my attention back to the episode of Star Trek: Voyager which we have seen a million times, but before I can get to invested in the mishaps of Captain Janeway and her crew, she comes out of the bathroom, completely naked, holding something. Something I’ve seen four times before.

  “Is that what I think that is?” I ask, pausing the show.

  She nods, and I see tears are already in her eyes.

  “Are we?” I ask, getting out of bed. She nods again. I pull her into my arms, kissing her.

  “I can’t believe I am going to have another baby,” she says, her face buried in my neck.

  She squeals as I lift her off the floor. “What’s not to believe, Bree? I fill your sweet pussy often.”

  “I know, Cal. I feel the same way each time I see that plus sign. Like in awe of the universe or something. Do you think we’ll have a girl this time?” she asks as I set her down gently on the bed.

  “Having a healthy baby is all I care about. I am ecstatic. Plus, I am keeping my promise. Giving you bunches of babies. I feel like a caveman.”

  “My caveman,” she says pulling my shorts down.

  “Only yours.”

  “Love me,”

  “I do love you.”

  “Prove it,” she says, biting her lip.

  “Are you wet for me?”


  She parts her thighs for me after laying on the bed. My already hard cock seeks her. Craves her.

  I slide into her while leaning down until our foreheads are pressed together. I spend a few precious moments kissing her.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “For what,” she moans.

  “Letting me love you.”

  “Oh God, please don’t do that now. I can’t take it. Move please,” she begs.

  I fuck into her slowly at first, but her moans and the way she whispers my name has me lifting her left leg and changing my angle, fucking her faster, harder. Her nails dig into my shoulders as she comes silently. As much as I love her moans and screams of pleasure, there is something about the way her face lights up and twists when she doesn’t make a sound, that has me coming with a shout of her name.

  When I pull out of her, there is a rush of my cum sliding out of her. It’s filthy and so hot. Normally, I’d push it back in, but since she is already knocked up, she doesn’t need it. I kiss her swollen lips, then she yawns loudly, causing me to chuckle. I get up and head into the bathroom, take care of some business, and grab a wet washcloth to clean her up. She is sound asleep by the time I get back, so I wipe away the mess quickly and cover her up, kissing her forehead. God, she is so fucking beautiful, it makes my chest hurt. I tell myself every damn day how fucking lucky I am that she loves me.

  I pull my shorts back on and go to check on the kids.

  Kyle is sound asleep with his TV on. We’ve learned that it has to stay on all night. It could be infomercials, there just has to be sound in his room or he freaks out. At five, he rules the pack. I pull his covers back up and move down the hall to check on Cord.

  I flip the hall light off so I can peek in at him. He’s four and just about as different from Kyle as someone could be. There can be no sound or light for him or he won’t sleep. You also can’t touch him or shift his covers or he wakes up and is up all night.

  Tyler and Wayne share a room. They are not twins, as Tyler is three while Wayne is two, but they are absolutely inseparable. They do everything together. They refuse to sleep apart, so they have bunk beds, but they both end up on the bottom bunk before morning. They are sound asleep.

  Satisfied that my boys are safe and sound, I head out to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. Looking down, I see Lucy, Aubree’s Pomeranian, and Buster, the boys basset hound, sleeping by the oven. They have fancy beds but they never use them.

  “Outside,” I say, letting them out the sliding glass door for the last time today. It’s December, so I know they will be done quickly. Less than five minutes later, they are scratching on the door, so I let them in and they head right back to the kitchen. Shaking my head, I lock the door and move to do the same for the front door, setting the alarm.

  Going back into the bedroom, I find Bree sprawled out on the bed, the covers slid down to her waist.

  I could get used to another fifty or so years like this. I have more than any man deserves and I am forever grateful My Aubree is finally and forever all mine.

  Nine months later, our daughter, Presley, was born.



  Nineteen Years Later

  “Mom!” Presley shouts at me from her bedroom. “I can’t find my engagement ring. Have you seen it? Jesse is gonna kill me,” she continues to rant.

  My baby is marrying Jesse Beaumont today. In about an hour to be exact.

  “I have it right here, Presley. You asked me to clean it, remember?”

  “No, mom, I can’t remember shit right now,” she says fumbling with her hair. I hand her the newly cleaned ring back and she slides it on, smiling contentedly.

  “Why not? Are you pregnant?” I ask, partly joking.

  “No,” she pauses. “Fuck, I could be. I’m late with all this wedding stuff, I thought it was just stress.” Gina, Meredith’s daughter walks into the room. “Gins, can you go to the drug store for me?”

  “Sure, what do you need,” she asks.

  “A pregnancy test and Twizzlers,” she says, plopping down on her bed.

  “On it, be back soon.” She says leaving the room. No questions asked. Not only are they cousins, she is also Presley’s best friend. She stands again to pull her huge wedding dress on.

  “Baby, you might want to wait to put that on. Those things can get messy. That skirt won’t work.”

  “God, mom. You’re right. What if I am not ready for this. What if Jesse isn’t? When we talked about this, it was always in the future.” She walks into my open arms for a hug.

  “Don’t cry, you’ll mess up your mascara. Let me let you in on a little secret. He will be happy because it’s you. We can all see how much he lives for you, loves you.”

  “Mom, you and Dad set such an example that there was no way I could settle for anything less.

  “I am glad, Presley. You deserve everything you want in this world.”

  “I just want him.”

  “You have him. Your makeup is perfect, just relax a minute.”

  “I’m back,” Gina says, handing the bag to Presley.

  “Thanks, Gina. She takes the bag and goes into the bathroom. She comes back out a few minutes later, a Twizzler hanging from her mouth.

  “It’s positive. I am going to be a mother.” Well, this will be interesting. I am pregnant again too. At forty-three, I thought all that was done. My youngest is eleven. Between Presley and Eric, there were no other pregnancies, despite our constant trying. Same thing after Eric.

  “You’re what?” Jesse asks from the doorway. Yikes. I wonder how much he heard.

  “You’re not supposed to see the bride before the wedding,” Presley says, taking her half eaten candy out of her mouth.

  “You carrying my baby, Elvis?” Jesse asks, his normally deep voice even lower than usual. He is tall and stocky. Perfect for playing professional football, but he turned them down to stay here in Regret with Presley. Not that she wouldn’t have gone with him. He said the road was no place to raise a family. I know my girl is worrying for nothing. Just jitters and hormones getting the best of her.

  “Come on Gina,” I say, pulling Gina out of the room and the door closed.

  “Are you guys ready?” Cal asks, ready to walk his only daughter down the aisle.

  “We need a few more minutes. Gina go ahead and get in line.”

  “Right-o Auntie,” she says walking away. She is a strange one, but we love he

  “What’s going on?” Cal asks as a rhythmic thumping starts against the door. He moves to open the door, but I stop him, pulling him down the hall to our room.

  “Trust me, you did not want to open that door. Your daughter was just telling Jesse that she’s pregnant,” I say, fixing my lipstick.

  “What? She’s just a baby, herself. I should kick Jesse’s ass.” I burst out laughing. The way he looks at me has me sobering up quickly.

  “I know you are having a hard time with this, Cal, but she’s eighteen and minutes away from getting married. It’s okay to let her go. Besides it’s not like she’s going far.” Jesse built her a cabin a few miles away on our property. He found that he liked building things and is damn good at it. With help from some friends, he started Beaumont Construction.

  “It’s too soon,” he says re-tying his tie. I can tell he is frustrated. Since he sold the oil company, retirement hasn’t agreed with him. He’s been irritable and not even blowjobs calm him down anymore. Don’t get me wrong, he loves them, but once he comes he’s worrying about something, anything again.

  “Cal,” he looks up and sees what I am holding.

  “Is that what I think it is?” he asks, quietly. Each time he has asked me this. It’s like a tradition.

  “Yep. We got ourselves a Father of the Bride, part two situation going on here,” I say, laughing, as he picks me up and spins me around.

  “Damn, I am one lucky son of a bitch.” He kisses me like a man possessed, but we don’t have time for that right now. Later, we’ll celebrate properly.

  “We both are, Cal. I love you so much,”

  “I love you too, My Aubree. Let’s get this party started.”

  I cry as my little girl gets married with her salon done hair all messed up.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beaumont,” the Reverend says. Chloe and I are sitting next to each other, holding hands. We are both crying ugly tears. We clap along with everyone else.

  This is exactly how my life was supposed to go. I thank God that I have a husband I love more than life itself, and six, almost seven babies that I love just as much.

  “I’m gonna love you forever,” he says and my heart melts. Again.

  “Me too, I love you so fucking much, it hurts.”

  “I kept my promise, Bree. All the babies,” Cal whispers in my ear while we dance later that afternoon.

  “You sure did, Cal. You sure did,” I whisper back and smile.

  I love how fast his heart beats for me even after all these years together.

  My life is perfect thanks to this man and his love for me.

  Her Forever (Chloe and Justin~Regret, South Dakota Book 2) will be exclusively available in The Only Forever Anthology beginning February 14th , 2019.


  I want to thank my husband, Daryl. You are so supportive, and I love you so fucking much for like ever.

  Thank you, Mama, for all of your support! I love you.

  Karlee, thank you for being a friend. #GoldenGirls reference. But seriously, thank you!!!! Love you .6 times!!!

  Elisa, thank you for being so supportive and beta reading this for me! Love you, my #unicorn friend!!!

  Jenny, thank you for being the best beta reader ever!

  To the V Sqaud. Thank you for your daily inspiration! ChaShiree, Amanda, Vanessa, Gianna, Annelise, Danielle, Deedra, Kimber, and Trisha. You guys are amazing and don’t let anyone tell you different.

  To my arc team, no matter how many arcs I send in a short amount of time you guys pull through! Thank you so much for hanging out with me!

  To all of the readers, you guys are the ones that make this possible! Thank you for reading me and taking the time to review. You don’t know how much seeing your words of encouragement help me when I am struggling!


  Other books by MK Moore

  To Love Series

  -Brother in Law to Love

  -Heel to Love

  -Wife to Love

  Royally Yours

  -A Princess for Hans

  Love In Norlyn

  -Madame President

  Clearwater Curves Serial written with Elisa Leigh, C.M. Steele, & KL Fast

  -Fancy Curves (Book # 2)

  The Caribbean Rivalry Series written with C.M. Steele

  -Stealing Destiny (Book # 2)

  -Taking Her For Granted (Book # 4)

  Kissing Junction, TX series written with KL Fast

  -Candy Corn Kisses

  -Thankful Kisses

  -Candy Cane Kisses

  -Champagne Kisses

  -Chocolate Kisses

  -Midnight Kisses

  -Shamrock Kisses

  -Summer Kisses

  All for Love Series written with Elisa Leigh

  -All for Erica at Christmas

  Moosehead Minnesota Series written with ChaShiree M.

  -Marry Grinchmas

  -Sterling and Kennedy

  -A Rose for Max

  -The Time Between Us

  Queen of Hearts Ink Series

  -Inked Heart

  -Inked by Him

  -Inked by Her

  -Ink Me

  -Ink My Soul

  Stalk Me

  MK is married and lives in Tennessee with her husband. She is an avid reader and now a writer. She loves meeting readers, so come hang out with her!


  TWITTER: @smutyourmouth


  BOOK + MAIN: @mkmoore

  INSTAGRAM: mkmoore0320

  SNAPCHAT: mkmoore032010


  For more flirty, filthy fun check out my Facebook group with KL:




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