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A.L.F.A. Mates

Page 15

by Milly Taiden

  “How about this?”

  Hamel glanced over and saw the biggest bug eyes he’d ever seen. He stumbled to the side. “Maybe a bit smaller. Like mine. See how everything is in proportion to the area?”

  “Yes, I do. How about this?”

  Hamel was almost afraid to look. He turned and looked into a virtual mirror. “That’s good, Wilson, but maybe not so much like mine. It’s kinda creepy to look into my face every time I talk to you.”

  “There. Do you like this?” He’d made his eyes larger, his nose flatter, and his mouth longer.

  “That’s perfect. Much better. And don’t forget to move your mouth when you talk.” Wilson’s lips separated then came back together. “And you never really answered the question on speaking our language. Do you know any others?”

  “Only one. It is . . .” He seemed to be thinking, though it was hard to tell. “It is some form of Latin.”

  “Italian? That’s based on Latin. Spanish, French, Romanian?”

  “I remember. It is pig.”

  His brows pulled down. “What is pig?”

  “The Latin I know. It is pig.”

  Hamel had a hard time keeping his laughter under control. “You know pig Latin?”

  “Es-yay, I o-day.”

  Hamel rolled his eyes. Yes, that was pig Latin, but he’d rather not use something so childish. “That’s a wonderful language, but—”

  Wilson stopped and Hamel almost bumped his face into him. The first thing he noticed was the demon had no smell. Interesting.

  “Was that sarcasm, Clint? I know the definition of the word, but not sure how it is used.”

  “You are correct, Wilson.” Hamel sensed happiness from the demon. Could demons be happy? Seemed strange, but so did this whole thing.

  “Pig Latin,” Wilson explained, “is moving the first letter in the word to the end and add ‘ay’ to that letter. For example, your name would be lint-cay.”

  “I know how it works, Wilson, but how about we stick with English? I speak it faster.”

  “I agree, Clint.”

  Both fell quiet until more questions came to Hamel’s mind. “Where I’m from, demons supposedly possess humans and are evil. Is that true?”

  “That requires a long answer. Do you wish to hear the long or the short?”

  He didn’t have time for that. “Let’s go with the short answer.”

  Wilson appeared to think before replying, “Yes.”

  Hamel waited for more and when Wilson didn’t continue, he asked, “Yes, what?”

  “The short answer is yes. Demons possess humans and can be evil.”

  Hamel wiped a hand over his glistening face. “Okay, let’s go for a medium answer. That doesn’t tell me enough.”

  “Medium answer. O-kay. Demons have some power in this realm. We can protect ourselves by manipulating the energy to shock others. Except for the powerful king, we cannot do much.

  “In your realm, we have no powers. You cannot even see us as you see me here. If we are to have an effect, we need to have a way to do that. When possessing a body, we have to be stronger than the spirit already attached to it.”

  “If you’re not, then you can’t possess the body.”

  He nodded vigorously. “You are correct, Clint. But there are still other issues to overcome. Because of how the human brain works, taking control of the body is difficult. It is a learned process. The person’s spirit has been with the body since birth and has learned how to move efficiently. A new spirit coming in has to learn it. That is where your zombies come from. They walk stiffly because the demon inside doesn’t have good control.”

  “So zombies are real, too.” Shit. Just what he needed to hear.

  “It is what you call zombies in your myths and legends. Demons have learned much since we crossed realms. We don’t let ourselves be known until we have more control over the body.”

  “That makes sense. You mentioned more than one issue.”

  “Yes. If the spirit voluntarily gives over the body, then we don’t have to push the spirit to the side. It is shared control. We are able to immediately move like before possession. No one would notice a difference.”

  Hamel thought of the janitor at the lab. No one would’ve guessed he was possessed. But Walog didn’t have a smell. He thought it was hunter’s block. But perhaps it was from possession. Something to consider later. “Why would anyone voluntarily give their body to a demon?”

  “Usually it is trickery or lies the demon uses to persuade the spirit. The promise of what the spirit longs for most. Humans will do much to get what they want.”

  “Like transformers who will do anything to protect their mates.”

  “I will warn you, Clint. Do not let others know your feelings for the woman. They will use that against you. Strangers are better than lovers.”

  “Warning taken. Thank you for telling me, Wilson.” He wondered if he should ask another personal question. What the hell? Only live once. “Wilson, demons are known to be evil to the core. But you don’t seem that way.”

  He floated lower. “No, I am not. I know what it feels like to be hurt and I do not wish that upon anyone. I do not want more than what I have. I have no need to feel the power like those who go to your realm. Only evil goes, so you only know the worst of us. Many are like me, but we keep it to ourselves.”

  “Ya know, buddy, I’m starting to think your realm needs an attitude adjustment. And I’m just the cat to give it to them.”


  Hamel noticed how high the sun sat in the sky. Based on Earth’s time, he estimated they had shorter days. Great, just what he needed. Next time he came over, which better be never, he’d have Sefu drop him a bit closer. Like ten miles closer.

  “Wilson, how much farther? I’m running out of time. I only have until sunset.”

  Wilson turned to him. “You don’t see it, Clint?”

  Hamel turned in a full circle. “I don’t see anything but dirt. No offense, but your planet isn’t the most beautiful.”

  “It is not. I heard the land was once full of green plants and living creatures. But when the demons took over, it became this. It is truly sad.”

  “So, what am I supposed to see that I don’t?” He squinted but only saw emptiness.

  Wilson gasped. “The palace. You do not see the palace?”

  “I’m going to say no to that.”

  “Ah, you must not be a believer. You cannot touch or see everything that exists with human hands and eyes, Clint. Sometimes, you must let yourself believe.”

  Hamel sighed. “You aren’t the first to tell me that today. How do I . . . believe?”

  “Close your eyes,” Wilson instructed. “Now, open yourself to the world around you. Let everything in you reach out, and let all that is out, in. Only when allowing your sixth sense, the power of the mind, to roam freely will you see all that is there. By holding it in so tightly, so closed, you depend on your five human senses. Those are not enough for the truth.”

  Hamel did his best to do what Wilson said. He felt a little change in him, but nothing earth-shattering. Then his animal instincts took control and opened to the world his human self wouldn’t see. His eyes opened, and he stumbled back and fell. Directly in front of him was a temple like only Hollywood could create. Marble walls rising fifty feet into the air. Sparkling floors with tall columns, statues, and stuff he’d never seen before.

  “Holy hell. Where did that come from?”

  “It has always been there, Clint. You just chose not to see it. Let us go to the throne room.”

  “Hold up.” He lifted his sword, which had marked the trail to the return rock pile. “Help me put this in the leather thing on my back.”

  “It is called a sheath, Clint.” Wilson floated behind him. Hamel poked the sword over his shoulder. “More to the left.�
�� He poked again. “Too far away, get closer to your body.” He stabbed again. “Close, you almost made it.” He jabbed again. “No, now you are too far right.”

  Frustration exploded in Hamel. “Wilson! Goddammit. Would you just put the fucking thing in?” He didn’t know or care how Wilson slid the oversized knife into the sheath. Just as long as he did. “Okay, let’s get going. Things to see, people to do.”

  Hamel followed Wilson, taking in the magnificence surrounding them. Who would’ve thought demons lived so well? Why in the world would they want to come to Earth?

  A warm hand touched his back. He turned to see three very beautiful women dressed in white draping toga-like dresses. Gold glittered on their fingers, ears, feet. One hurried around him.

  “Hello, ladies.” The two giggled and stepped closer. Their fingers brushed down his arms and chest.

  “We have never seen a man so well . . . taken care of.”

  “Yes, I try to eat right and work out when I can.” The ladies circled him, fingernails leaving light trails across his skin. He felt a palm glide over his ass. That was going a bit too far. He was here to find his mate. Melinda’s beautiful eyes flashed into his mind.

  He turned back to Wilson to find the third lady pushing him through a door then closing it. She hurried back to the group and joined in the maul. Their voices were soothing, cajoling. They glided him toward a side room. Inside, plush pillows and blankets covered the floor. Food and gold wine goblets sat on tables. A delicious smell perfumed the air, but he didn’t know what it was.

  The women kept up their ministrations. Hamel relaxed, realizing they wouldn’t hurt him. From somewhere, more women came in, all touching, loving him. Succulent grapes were offered from fingers painted fire-engine red on the tips. A cup was shoved into his hand. They encouraged him to drink, drink.

  Hamel’s head felt light, like he had nothing in the world to worry about. In fact, he couldn’t remember why he was here. He drank more from the cup. When had the room become so hazy?

  He was guided deeper into the room and rested on the pillows. So soft, so comfy. He could stay here all day. Hmmm, he felt so good. Lips caressed his skin. Succulent, sweet lips. So good.

  Hands glided down his chest to his buckskin pants. Wonderful pressure surrounded his cock. Hot and moist. He could come quickly, feeling light and horny. Melinda’s mouth was as good as her pussy felt. Melinda. His Melinda.

  He opened his eyes to see a gaggle of naked women writhing around him and on one another. Tongues flicked plump clits, highly aroused. Mouths sucked in nipples, nipping and licking. Slender fingers pumped in and out of wet pussies, squelching. Moans filled the foggy air. What was he breathing? It made him giddy and hornier.

  Melinda. Where was Melinda? A hot palm wrapped around his stone-hard cock. He was completely naked. Chills ran up his legs as more lips made their way along his skin. Goddamn, it felt so good. If he could just come with Melinda, he’d be perfect. Melinda.

  The woman trying to put her mouth around his cock wasn’t his love, wasn’t his mate. He jerked away from the seductive orgy surrounding him. Fuck, if this wasn’t a man’s wet dream, he didn’t know what was. But he wasn’t into that anymore. He had a mate to find.

  Yes, he was here to find Melinda, who they took. His head cleared enough to realize he’d been tricked by a harem of succubi. Hands reached for him, drawing him into the group. No fucking way. Not again. He tried to push away, sliding across the floor. Sunlight came from the corner of the room. He crawled toward it, hoping his mind wouldn’t succumb further, because his body wanted him to stay. Fingers latched onto his legs. Ah, shit!


  Heat warmed his face, and he took in a deep breath of fresh air. He wasn’t sure, but he felt he was lying on his back, his sword digging into his spine. Hamel opened his eyes to see Wilson hovering inches from his face, bug eyes wide and creepy, startling the shit out of him.

  “Clint, are you well? You made it out of their grasp. You are safe here in the courtyard.”

  Hamel sat up, Wilson moving back. Fuck. He had the worst hangover he’d ever had. “Are they succubi?” He noted he was fully dressed with his pants and shoes. Was he ever really undressed?

  “Yes, they trap males and sex them to death. You are lucky to escape.”

  “Maybe,” Hamel said. “I know plenty of men who’d voluntarily die that way.”

  Wilson made a shocked face. “You humans are strange.”

  Hamel got to his feet. “You ever experience sex?”

  “No, I am not sure if that is possible.”

  “Well, let me tell you, little friend, it’s worth dying for if you’re with the one you love.”

  Wilson remained quiet. Hamel glanced at the sun. It was on its way down.

  “Shit. Wilson, come on, we’re running out of time. Take me to the demon king or Melinda.”

  Wilson floated next to him. “I will take you to the king. I do not know where she is in the castle.” Wilson zoomed away, leaving Hamel to run to catch up. They came to a set of twenty-foot-high doors with a guard on each side. “We wish to see the king,” Wilson said.

  One of the sentries replied, “He is not available. Come back later.” Wilson turned away.

  “Wait,” Hamel said. “How do we know they are telling the truth?”

  Wilson paused. “We do not know. Do you want to challenge them?”

  Hamel wiped a hand over his face. “No, I just want to talk to the king and get out of this godforsaken realm.” He faced the guard who had answered. “Is the king truly gone or are you saying that to make us go away? I am someone your king would want to speak to. I am a transformer.” Both guards stiffened. The other sentinel grabbed the long gold handle and pulled the door open.

  With no further words, Hamel and Wilson entered a grand room. The room was gaudy and over-the-top with precious items. Statues, paintings, busts, trinkets, artwork, and stuff packed the room. How could anyone live like this?

  A voice boomed through the air. “Who dares to enter my presence without presentation?”

  Hamel was not impressed. He hollered back as he and Wilson continued up a red carpet path, “I do. Come out and face me, demon.” From a side entryway, a tall, skinny man dressed in a black-and-white-striped suit stomped in. Hamel whispered to Wilson, “Why is he in human form and you’re not? I expected a bunch of big-ass raisins running around.”

  “I am a lowly demon. I am not allowed to change.”

  Well, didn’t that just tickle him pink. He didn’t think he’d like this king too much. The man sat on the throne and waved a hand, beckoning them closer. Hamel walked up to the steps in front of the golden chair.

  Behind him, Wilson grabbed on to the thin leather straps draped over his shoulders that held his sword’s sheath. Then he snuggled to Hamel’s back and began trembling. A lot. Hamel spoke over his shoulder. “W-Wilson, I—I c-ca-an’t ta-alk wi-ith you sha-ak-ing so mu-uch.”

  A “Sorry” floated to his ear. The quaking on his shoulders stopped. He turned back to the king, then his lower back and hips started to vibrate. Wilson had moved down to his waist and held on. He could talk, but it felt weird with his commando-style freedom allowing his junk to shake in his buckskins.

  “Lamozierus, where have you been? Consorting with outsiders, I see. Get back to work.”

  Wilson mumbled, “Yes, Your Highness,” then zipped away almost too quickly for Hamel to see.

  Hamel’s jaguar wanted out. The animal didn’t like this realm, and the demon king even less.

  “I am here to return the woman taken this morning back to her realm.” He tried to sound as intimidating as he could. Didn’t seem to faze the demon king.

  The king raised a bored brow. “I cannot let you do that. I need her.”

  “Need her for what?” Maybe he could finally get information to make sense of this fiasco.
r />   “That is no business of yours, warrior. Is that all?”

  Fuck. This wasn’t going well. He had to think fast. “I’ve been paid to take her home. You don’t think an honest warrior like myself would simply walk away, do you?”

  The king’s face scrunched up. “No. That would be no fun.” A narrow grin sent chills down Hamel’s back. But he refused to show any reaction to the douchebag. The king’s eyes zeroed in on his, drilling deeply, diving into his soul. Hamel felt him, rooting around, as if searching for something.

  Since Hamel cared little for the pompous ass sitting on the throne, he thought maybe a little scare would do the big shot some good. Hopefully make the demon more wary, make him think twice about jumping into his head again. Hamel spoke to his jaguar through their animal bond, which allowed mental communication. Let’s have a little fun. Time for you to chase some prey. The jag liked that idea. Hamel created a scene in his mind for the king’s brain to mentally interact with. Like a movie in his head, he watched it play out.

  The king was surrounded by white clouds. His hands pushed at the cottony air, getting it out of his way as if he were on a path, looking for something. The cat came up behind the king. Low to the ground, the jag took one stealthy step after another, never making a sound.

  Agitation rolled from the demon. What did the guy want? Was he trying to possess him? Not gonna happen. The cat slithered to less than a foot from the demon. Its muscles tightened, prepared to jump and take down the intruder.


  Hamel stared into the demon king’s eyes, both in a trance locked inside Hamel. But he had a foot up on the demon. It didn’t know he was a transformer with a second soul that fought rougher than he did.

  Flicking its tail, the feline sprang forward like a loosed rubber band. It tackled the king and rolled him on the ground. It wrapped its teeth around the demon’s neck, but didn’t bite down.

  The demon came screeching out of Hamel, probably ready to shit his pants. The man on the throne recoiled a touch, barely noticeable if you weren’t watching closely. Then his eyes narrowed.


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