A.L.F.A. Mates

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A.L.F.A. Mates Page 16

by Milly Taiden

  “So, you’re a transformer, dear guest. Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

  Hamel shrugged. “I didn’t think it made a difference who I was, and you never asked. So . . .” He let his answer drift off like it didn’t matter to him. The king broke into a smile, his body language shifting from superior to cautiously friendly. Hamel would do the same, but even more watchfully.

  The demon steepled his fingers. “Let’s make a deal, you and me, warrior.”

  “I’m always open to suggestions.” Hamel listened very carefully for subterfuge or any trickery.

  “I will pay you the equal amount of gold as those who paid you, to leave and tell the world the woman is dead.”

  Hamel thought on that. It seemed like a straightforward, fair deal. But since when would a demon be fair? The king could use this as a stalling tactic, but for what? To keep the woman here until after sunset. Then she couldn’t return to Earth. That had to be it.

  Now the question became whether he should accept the deal. If he did, that would keep him in the castle longer, hopefully long enough to find Melinda. But then there’d be more opportunity to ambush him. Fuck. He hated decisions like this.

  He’d just have to stay on his toes. “I accept your offer, king.”

  “Please, call me Cuzork.”

  Hamel thought he’d just call him “Dork.” “My name is Clint, Cuzork.”

  “Nice to meet you, Clint.”

  Hamel felt the demon’s voice trying to seduce him, trying to put him under his control. “I am a transformer, Cuzork. Please don’t try to spell me. I’d hate to have to kill you.”

  The king burst into laughter, but Hamel saw the red beat in his eyes. “I assure you, Clint. No tricks from me. I have nothing but respect for your kind.” He stood from his throne and clapped his hands twice. “Let’s eat to seal our deal, warrior. You must rest before you leave. It is a long journey into the desert and you just got here.”

  Well, fuck. This couldn’t have worked out any better. The demon asking him to stay instead of him asking and seeming suspicious. “Yes, that would be welcome.” Good god, could he sound any lamer? He felt like he was in a cheesy medieval movie playing the role of the rogue warrior assassin. All he needed were cheap scenery pieces and buxom maidens walking around with empty baskets.

  When he blinked, the room turned from expensive, garish shit to a simple wooden table covered in cloth and with plush cushioned benches. The table was set with gold plates, eating utensils, and goblets similar to the ones the succubi had. Again, very lavish and over-the-top.

  The demon gestured Hamel to the table to sit. Hamel took the bench on one side while the king sat opposite. “If you could wish for anything to eat, what would it be?”

  This would be a story for the record books if he made it back to tell. “I’d wish for a big juicy steak, rare. I don’t suppose you have cows here?”

  “No need for earthen animals here. We work in magic.” From a side door, a nearly naked woman walked in carrying a platter with the best-looking slab of meat he’d ever seen. And damn, it smelled divine. She set it on the table between the two. Hamel waited for the king to make the first move. He trusted the king as far as he could throw him. Actually, Hamel could probably throw him a good distance, so that cliché didn’t really work.

  The demon smiled. “Dig in, as humans say. What are you waiting for?”

  “I was contemplating the reasons you would want to poison me. There are several. But I must say, if I don’t return, an army of transformers much stronger than me will come looking. And your succubi can only take so many.”

  The demon king frowned. The red in his eyes flashed again. He waved a hand over the platter, but Hamel didn’t see anything change. The demon must’ve removed whatever poison was there. He forked the meat onto his own plate and cut into it.

  “Tell me. What is the relationship between you and the woman?”

  Wilson’s warning came screaming into his head. He shrugged. “I was hired to bring her back. She is no one to me.” A commotion came from behind a door, but it didn’t open.

  The demon grinned. “Would you like to fuck her before you go? I know that is all earth men think about. She is pretty, yes?”

  Hamel just about came out of his fucking chair and over the table, claws extended. No one talked about his mate like an object that meant nothing.

  At his silence, the king added, “Perhaps one of the other ladies in the harem. They are all fabulous lovers. They could suck a nail out of a board.”

  “I think,” Hamel said, trying to keep calm and play along, “I’d like to take the woman. She would be a nice notch on my belt.”

  The king laughed. “You devil. Of course she would be. Fuck her brains out. Put your seed into her again and again.”

  Hamel looked at the steak on his plate. If he didn’t divert his eyes from the bastard in front of him, he’d kill him. The amount of disrespect for the fairer sex was disgusting. It was probably the same toward humans in general. He needed to change the subject before he lost control of his cat. It couldn’t take much more of this talk about their mate.

  “Cuzork, I’m curious, how do demons possess humans? How’s the whole process work?” He needed more information than what Wilson had provided if he was to find a weakness in the whole possession process. For shifters, they had animals to kick out the spirits, but if one tried to attack Melinda, how could he stop it?

  The king appeared happy to have the question brought to him. “It’s quite scientific, actually, besides for the spirit part. Demons are spirits just like what’s in humans and those like you. We have power here, but in the other realms we have almost nothing. The only way to gain power is through the native species.

  “We look for those who are weak, those whose spirits we can push aside, and take control of their brain. In humans, the brain controls everything. Once we get access to that, then it’s like nothing happened to the person, except a change in personality.” He smiled.

  “So the trick is finding someone with a weak spirit.”

  “Yes, the number of weak humans grows exponentially. They don’t treat each other with respect. They hurt each other, steal from and beat each other. Only a few places strengthen the spirit. As you can imagine, we despise these places.”

  Hamel asked, “Then why haven’t you possessed all these weak humans?”

  “That’s where science comes in. The human brain is very complex, even for us to understand. It’s taken hundreds of years to discover how to move the body through the motor skills. It takes practice, exactly like human infants learning how to walk. By the time we get everything under control, the body and brain give out.”

  The mystery was unfolding for him. “What if you possessed a baby? Their spirit is weak, right? Then you could grow with the child and learn all the motor skills as they age.”

  “Yes, we thought of this years ago. Where do you think your stories of possessed children come from? There is some fact to every myth, to every legend.”

  “Then why haven’t you possessed all the babies?” Not that he wanted the children possessed. He was just wondering.

  “Though the brain is powerful, it is fragile. The problem comes when we push the connections too hard to get all we want. We can’t help it. The electro-chemical synapses overwork and burn out. Quite effective in killing the body, unfortunately.”

  Hamel nodded. “I would think so. Is there a way around it?”

  “Currently, there isn’t. Babies need stronger brains, more connections, for us to effectively control them for some time. We thought there was a solution several years ago, but . . . it didn’t work out.”

  A bad vibe crept over Hamel.


  After stepping into her room, Melinda found her back against the wall and her escort’s body plastered to hers. She felt his every muscle, including his h
ard cock poking at her stomach. She tried to push him away, but he didn’t budge. In fact, his smile grew wider, wickeder.

  “Now, precious one, don’t be like that. I am here to grant your every desire.” He ran his fingers down her arm, thumb rubbing over her sheet-covered nipple. “I bet you’ve never had a man tongue-fuck you before, have you?” His tongue flicked in and out of his mouth rapidly.

  She turned her face away. “Get away from me. I’m not one of the harem whores you can screw at will.”

  He chuckled. “Why do you think you’re dressed like one, in the room with them? And with no one in here to stop me, I can fuck you until you’re pregnant.”

  That was twice being pregnant had been mentioned. “Why is it so important you get me pregnant?”

  “Because”—he started unbuttoning his pants with one hand, the other holding her wrists above her head—“the king rewards us well when we do.”

  There were no children in the harem rooms. Were they kept elsewhere? “Where are the children?” Maybe she needed to rescue them.

  He shrugged. “Once they’re born, we don’t see them again. The king takes them.”

  Melinda pulled her arms, not finding any wiggle available. “What does he do with them?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.” He slid his stiff dick free of his pants and lifted the bottom of her covering. She’d had enough.

  “Well, I do.” She smashed her heel onto his bare toes, then slammed her knee into his exposed crotch. He doubled over, releasing her hands. With the back of her elbow, she bashed the man’s temple, sending him to the floor.

  Melinda fled down the hall. Not sure if the harem ladies would help her, she ran the opposite direction of their rooms. Hearing a lot of commotion ahead, she slowed to a walk to pretend like she had every right to be there. When passing a large set of double doors, she glanced into the room to see a multitude of people working in a massive kitchen with appliances that looked to be from the 1950s.

  With her short glimpse, she didn’t get great detail, but when a woman came through a door, she thought she saw Hamel on the other side sitting at a table with someone wearing flashy clothes.

  Was that really Hamel? Oh my god! He’d actually come for her. She was giddy with shock and excitement. Then fear for him flooded her veins. He’d found his way to rescue her and now she had to make sure they both got out of there alive and in one piece. But how, with all the people around? Melinda continued past the door, then flattened her back against the wall. She had to go through the kitchen to get to Hamel. Head held high, she started a purposeful but not too fast walk across the room. When she reached the door, it was slightly ajar. The stranger’s voice floated to her.

  “What is the relationship between you and the woman?”

  With no emotion in his voice, Hamel said, “I was hired to bring her back. She is no one to me.”

  Behind her, someone dropped a pan or dish. It barely registered in her head as her mind reeled from what Hamel said. He couldn’t possibly mean that, could he? Were all his pretty words just to get her in bed?

  Her heart broke. She should’ve known better. Someone like him would never care for some geeky nerd like her. God, what was she thinking?

  “Hey, you, harem bitch. What are you doing in here? Your food will be ready in a moment. Get out.” Even though she didn’t turn to the person yelling, she knew the admonishment was for her. She hurried out of the room and down the hall, paying no attention to anything except her aching soul.

  When she looked up next, she was in her room, minus the asshole who had tried to force himself on her. She slammed the doors shut, locked them, then flung herself on the bed to plot ways of killing Hamel, for lying and using her, if she ever got out of this alive.


  Hamel sat at the wooden table with the demon king sitting opposite. The intel the demon shared was too much to take in at once. Pieces. He needed to take it in pieces.

  When the demon just mentioned “several years ago,” Kintu and Sefu’s story about the first discovery of the virus came to mind. This was all connected. This was what Sefu meant when he said Kintu didn’t need to know what really happened.

  Sefu engaged with the demons and beat them when destroying the first batch of serum. Now, Melinda had a second vial, a second chance for these bastards to carry out some horrific plan to possess humans.

  “I have a feeling you’re telling me this for a reason.”

  The king smiled. “You asked. But you are correct. I have another deal we could make.”

  “More money?” Hamel raised a brow, pretending that’s all he cared about.

  “Indeed, warrior. Much more money.”

  “What is it?”

  The demon’s smile turned sly. “The woman has something I want. We’ve been waiting for it a long time. She’s hidden it and won’t tell us where. I need you to get that information from her.”

  “Sure, but why would she tell me, a complete stranger?”

  Scowling, the demon went quiet. He probably hadn’t planned this far into his new scheme. A door opened and Wilson floated out, holding a pitcher of liquid. Wilson was shaking so hard from fear that he was splashing it everywhere.

  The scared raisin poured/splashed drink into the goblet sitting next to his untouched steak.

  “Lamozierus,” the king yelled. “You incompetent, worthless fairy.” The king hauled back his fist and punched forward. Before it struck the little guy, Hamel was out of his seat, sharp teeth descended, the king’s fist in his clawed hand. Hamel squeezed the demon’s fingers he caught.

  He growled to the king. “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, Cuzork. You earn the loyalty of your people through love, not fear. Fear will incite your downfall.” His eyes locked onto the king’s. Both refused to give ground. Hamel slowly released his grip.

  Wilson snatched up the pitcher he’d dropped and glanced at Hamel with such grateful, sad eyes that Hamel would’ve shed a tear if he weren’t a big bad transformer.

  “Cuzork, thank you for your hospitality and food. I’d like Wil— Your servant here to give me a quick tour of your beautiful palace. I don’t want to take any more of your precious time than I already have. Plus this will give me a private moment to consider all you’ve generously offered.”

  Whether the king had duties or not—probably not—he agreed and allowed Wilson to guide Hamel to another room. Once out of the previous room’s range, Wilson plastered himself around Hamel’s leg in a huge hug. No words needed to be said.

  After a few seconds, Wilson floated ahead of Hamel as they passed through different areas. “Wilson, do you know where she is?”

  The little dried-up grape spun around and put a “hand” over Hamel’s mouth. “Shhh.” Its eyes looked from one side of the room to the other. “She is in the arem-hay.”

  “The what?” Hamel tilted his head to hear better, even though his supersonic animal ears could hear outside the building.

  Wilson winked at him. “You know, the arem-hay.”

  Oh, fuck a duck. How did that pig Latin shit go again? First letter plus “ay” at end. So she’s in the harem. “Okay, where is that?”

  “On the ar-fay ide-say.”

  Chrissakes, Hamel wanted to kill him. But fuck him, if it didn’t work. They were communicating. He translated in his head “far side.” The harem was on the far side of the palace. They were quiet while he studied the artwork and paintings they passed. He noted the common elements of torture, death, and pain of humans in each. The demon king wasn’t growing on him. In fact, he’d be happy to kill the bastard and give reign to someone else.

  “Hey, Wilson, Cuzork said he has a plan. Do you know what it is?”


  “Dammit, Wilson, just say no, will ya?”

  “Sorry, no. But the arem-hay is getting much bigger.”

nbsp; That was interesting. Maybe the king was a horny bastard. “Wilson, do demons have sex?”

  “Not in our natural forms. Only in human bodies do we feel the effects.”

  Okay, that tossed sex out the window for the harem. What else—?

  The demon king hurried to them. “There you are.” The two turned to the king. The man growled at Wilson. “Heel.” Wilson lowered his eyes and floated to the floor behind the king’s feet. He wouldn’t look up at Hamel.

  “As I was saying. I have an idea to get the woman to trust you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Tell her you love her. That seems to get men what they want in your realm.”

  Hamel thought if only that worked, he’d be a happy man. “That could work, Cuzork. Except I’m a stranger. She wouldn’t believe me.”

  He frowned. “Even after you fuck her, she won’t believe you?”

  “Human women don’t work that way. Trust me. I know. The man has to do something to show they love, they can’t just say it.”

  “What can you do to show her love?”

  “Usually men try with flowers, candy, taking them out—”

  “That’s it. Do that.”

  “Do what?” Hamel got lost somewhere in the conversation.

  “Take her out. Pretend you are taking her home. Tell her you love her, then ask where the serum is.”

  Hamel slapped Cuzork on the shoulder. “My man, you have come up with the best plan creation has ever seen.” The little bastard preened at his words. Hamel wanted to throw up. But he had a better idea for more authenticity. “For more gold coins, I’ll get the serum and bring it to you.”

  The king laughed. “Yes, I like that. I’ll give you two coins.”

  “Great,” Hamel said. Could this demon be this gullible or does he have something up his sleeve? he wondered. “Tell me where she is, and I’ll get started wooing her.”


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