A.L.F.A. Mates

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A.L.F.A. Mates Page 17

by Milly Taiden


  Melinda was pissed enough to spit goddamn poisonous darts. At Hamel, preferably. How could that son of a bitch say those things? And he’d sounded like he meant every word.

  How much money did he have to be paid before he willingly came to rescue her?

  She is no one to me. That hurt the most. Brought tears to her eyes again. When she stumbled onto the room where Hamel and the king spoke, she knew Hamel had come to save her. But hearing those words just before she walked in stopped her.

  When the other voice asked Hamel if he wanted to fuck her before he left, he didn’t even answer. Was he so disgusted by her that he couldn’t stand the thought of making love to her? What about the other night they shared in her bed? Was that all fake?

  Then a horrible thought punched her in the stomach. If he was paid to rescue her, was he also paid to sleep with her, to pretend to be her friend? Her heart crumbled. She couldn’t face him. She turned from the door and fled back to the harem, where she could hide among the beautiful women. No one would notice her when seeing all the gorgeous bodies and faces in the room.

  Not long after returning to the harem, one of the women took her to a different room of the palace. It looked like a bedroom set for King Arthur. Whoever designed this castle must have watched every king and knight, demon and sword movie created. She thought it strange that some things were modern—post medieval times—while others weren’t. It was a clusterfuck of grand proportions.

  Tired of pacing, she plopped face-first onto the bed. Here was an example of old and new. The bed frame looked hand-carved. Something from long ago before machines. But the mattress and sheets were new. Didn’t even look used.

  She rolled over. What did she really care? Her heart was broken. And she was angry at letting herself fall again. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She pummeled her fists into the blankets with each word. With her jerky movements while laying back, the small plastic vial slipped out of her bra, onto her chest. Oh, shit. She sat up and stuffed it back in.

  She was sure the virus was why she was here. The ladies in the harem had explained where she was, and she’d refused to believe them until they’d showed her demons floating by and the little magic they could do. Holy shit. That was enough to make a sane person crazy. There was no lying to herself anymore. No matter what science said, demons existed, and she was in another realm.

  She told the women that when she was rescued, she’d come back for them. They told her no. They wanted to stay. They were living a dream life. All they did was lay around, relaxing, having food and drink brought to them. They were allowed to come and go as they pleased, but with nothing but desert for miles, the women never ventured out of the castle.

  And if they were feeling sexually deprived, they were welcome to join the succubi in one of their orgies. That was highly recommended.

  She sighed. All she wanted was to go home to her own bed and sulk. Then she’d go back to work Monday and forget any of this virus or Hamel stuff happened.

  Suddenly, the doors rattled. “Melinda, it’s me, Hamel.”

  She jumped off the bed and turned from the door. “What do you want? Go away.”

  “Melinda?” She heard the question in his voice.

  “Yes, you heard me correctly. Go. Away.” Her hands fisted. “What do you care? I’m no one to you! Can’t even bring yourself to think about fucking me.” Sobs choked her words. She slapped a hand over her mouth to keep them quiet. She leaned against the wall, looking out a glassless window, seeing a land as barren as her heart.

  “No, Melinda,” he pleaded. “You don’t understand. I had to say those things.”

  She became disgusted with his lies. Her sobs returned. She was pathetic. Now she was angry at him and herself.

  “Look, Melinda, let me in and we can battle it out after we get out of here. We’re running out of time.”

  That caught her attention. “Time for what?”

  “The witch doctor, Sefu, he sent me here to rescue you. He was the one with the serum all those years ago. We only have until sunset before we’re stuck in this realm forever.”

  She only understood part of what he was saying. “Sefu? What does he have to do with the serum? He’s a voodoo guy. What do you mean, stuck in this realm?”

  He pounded on the door again. “Melinda, unlock these doors. We have to go.”

  Anger, frustration, heartbreak swirled in her heart. She wanted to scream, cry, and jump up and down like a three-year-old having a tantrum. Most of all, she wanted Hamel to hold her. But he didn’t want her. “Why are you even here, Hamel? Did they pay you that much?”

  She heard a sigh and the pounding stopped. “Melinda, please open the door and we can go. There’s a place in the desert we have to be before sunset.”

  Her pride was taking a hit also. “Maybe I want to stay here. The ladies in the harem love it here. They say it’s a dream come true to lie around and get fed all day.”

  “That sounds to me like they are being fattened up for the kill.”

  She gasped. Oh my god. Was that true? She had to get help. Her eyes darted around the room for some means of escape. Her room was thirty feet off the ground. She’d break her entire body if she jumped. The bed lay directly in her sight.

  Hurrying over, she threw off the quilted overlay and snatched the sheets. Just like in prison movies, she tied them together. That made sixteen feet; adding pillowcases made it twenty. Then add her height, and she’d fall about five feet. That wasn’t bad. She’d fallen off a slide in grade school that was higher than that. But it also had pea gravel, and she was a lot younger.

  “Melinda, I’m going to rip these doors off in a second and it’s going to scare you.”

  She tied the end of the sheets to the bed leg. “Humans cannot rip open a door like that, Hamel. Now go away. I’m saving myself.” She threw her legs over the windowsill.

  “You’re what? Melinda, don’t do anything to get hurt. I’ll take care of you. I . . . I love you, Melinda.”

  Still sitting on the sill, she twisted around to look at the door. She shook her head and grabbed on to the first sheet. She didn’t say it very loud; she couldn’t muster the emotional strength. “No. No, you don’t, Hamel.”


  Hamel laid his head against the thick doors separating him from the love of his life. The last words she said tore at his heart. Yes, he did love her. He didn’t give a shit about his job or his past anymore. All he was worried about was his future and having the one person he loved in it.

  Grabbing hold of the steel rings attached to the door, he cleaved them open. Metal squealed and wood splintered. His eyes searched the room, seeing the white sheets trailing out the window. He rushed over and looked out. Melinda dangled dangerously many feet from the ground.

  A growl escaped him. His cat said the distance to the ground was too great for them to risk a jump. They needed to get outside.

  Hamel ran out of the room and down the hall. Why was there never a door when you needed one? Damn, he wished there was one now. The wall ahead turned blurry and fuzzy. When he reached the spot, a door sat slightly ajar.

  He pushed it open, wondering what in the hell had happened a moment ago. Nothing about the door looked strange. In fact, it looked perfectly normal. He headed outside, heading back the way he came down the hallway. Coming around a corner, he saw Melinda hanging ten feet off the ground.

  She wore thin white material wrapped toga-style around her. After seeing her in lab coats for so long, her being almost naked was breathtaking. She probably wore little to nothing underneath. As he stared, her hands slipped over a knot on the tied blankets, not slowing her descent. A shocked squeal escaped her.

  Hamel’s cat exploded through him and dashed toward her. He could shift when his faster cat reached her so human arms could catch her. But then she’d storm away, not wanting to see him as Hamel.
br />   Staying as a cat, he ran under her. Reaching the last knot, Melinda hollered when it slipped through her hands. Hamel’s cat slid along the ground, rolled belly up, and provided Melinda with a safe landing spot. Her knees slamming into his chest wasn’t the best of feelings, and neither was not being able to breathe. But he got over it quickly and to his feet, growling for any demons to get away. There were none. Looked like Cuzork was keeping his word about letting them “escape.”

  “Jag,” he heard Melinda say, and turned to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I knew you were my protector. Sent to keep me safe. No man can compare to the true heart of an animal.” He licked the tears on her cheek then pulled away. They needed to get going. Since they weren’t sneaking out through the castle, hopefully they’d get a head start and be at the circle before Cuzork realized they’d gone.

  In his cat form, Hamel set off away from the castle, around to where the trail led to their rendezvous point, Melinda following him. He kept them at a run not only to get them there quickly, but to keep the sadness at realizing that he’d failed his mate from obliterating his heart.

  He couldn’t seem to keep her from danger, couldn’t make her love him. He didn’t deserve her. If that didn’t suck. All these years going on missions to save others and when the time came, he couldn’t save his own mate. He’d get her back to their dimension, work with Sefu to destroy the serum and virus, then return to the States.

  Maybe it was time to retire. Get new blood into ALFA. Young blood. He was old and tired. In his hometown, everyone was a shifter and knew everyone. There were other towns across the American continents that were shifter towns, but since they hadn’t been discovered, they weren’t “contracted” to work with the government.

  Perhaps he should visit and see about living close to one of them. Maybe even find a suitable partner for companionship. He’d give her kids and love and protect them. But his heart would never be truly happy. It was apparent he didn’t deserve that.

  In the distance, his cat eyes spotted the pile of desert stones. Good thing. The sun was becoming alarmingly low on the horizon. Melinda panted behind him, never falling too far back. Even though she’d said she wanted to stay in the harem, she didn’t. He must’ve really pissed her off for her to even think that, much less say it to him. More proof for him to go.

  Then the next problem hit him. How did they get back to their side of the veil? Did they just stand in the circle and Sefu would zing them back? How would he know they were there? He blinked, then his pounding heart about blew from his chest. Fucking Cuzork was there.

  The son of a bitch had an oasis image that would’ve been right at home in Elizabeth Taylor’s Cleopatra. The bastard lounged on a golden chaise. Women in scant clothing waved large palm leaves over him while another female fed him grapes.

  If he didn’t know what the hell was going on, he’d swear this whole place was one movie set scene after another. Or duplicates of pictures in history books of how Egyptians and kings used to live. Then he realized everything here existed on Earth. For being in another dimension with creatures with magical powers, nothing was new or something he’d never seen before. He wasn’t sure what that meant, if anything. But right now, he had an asshole to deal with.

  Melinda walked by him, hands on her hips, breathing heavily. “How the hell did you get out here? You weren’t here, then suddenly you were.”

  Cuzork looked at Hamel and he shifted back to his human form. “So, Clint, did you find where the serum is?”

  Melinda’s head cocked. “What the fuck are you talking about? Clint?” Hamel put a hand on the small of her back as he stepped beside her. She startled away with a screech, then stared at him, her eyes taking in his bare chest and buckskins. His eyes stayed on her, but he spoke to the demon king.

  “I have an idea, but not the exact place. I’ll have to search the area then bring it back. You can pay me then. That is if you’re still planning to abide by our agreement.”

  The demon snorted and his eyes raked down her sweat-covered body, the thin white fabric transparent where touching her flesh. He licked his lips. “Of course, transformer. I’m abiding by our agreement. You get what I want and the female and I will wait in my rooms. I believe it’s time to put my plan into action. Starting with her.” The tented area of the demon’s crotch became very evident.


  Melinda had never run so long or fast in her life. But if she didn’t keep up with the black jag in front of her, she’d probably never get the chance to run, much less breathe, ever again. Something inside told her she was in serious trouble. Despite the weird-ass conversations with the ladies and the beautiful palace and gardens, something wasn’t right. It seemed too perfect.

  How could she forget the fact that they abducted her? They were probably trying to make her forget that. Make everything so nice that she’d want to stay. If she were to stay, she’d just be exchanging one lonely life for another. She was only really happy when Hamel was with her.

  Well, not anymore, apparently. She was nothing to him. God, she was so glad she didn’t tell him she loved him. Talk about the utmost humiliation. But he did say he loved her at the castle. Did he mean it? If so, he was lying to someone—her or the demon.

  She felt bad leaving him behind. She wondered if the things he said Sefu mentioned were true. If she were here after sunset, would she be a permanent resident? The sun was getting rather low. She prayed her savior jag knew where he was going. She followed him blindly.

  It was weird how she got the feeling that the big cat cared for her. Like someone determined to keep her safe, and keep her, period. She’d rejoice if she were a cat. The human side simply loved the animal back.

  Squinting, she saw something low to the ground not far ahead. Looked like they were headed for that. Was it a portal between dimensions? That must be how her cat found her. As they approached, she saw a pile of rocks within a circle.

  The wind gusted, blowing dust into her eyes. After she cleared the tears, Cuzork stood—well, lay—in front of her. She couldn’t believe the mirage surrounding him. Something out of an old Egyptian movie. She moved closer to him. Why was he here?

  The demon looked over her shoulder at the jag behind her. “So, Clint, did you find where the serum is?”

  She cocked her head, giving him a confused stare. “What the fuck are you talking about? Clint?” A hand touched the small of her back and she startled away with a screech. Who the hell—?

  Hamel stood beside her, but not only that—he was shirtless with tan pants that fit him tightly in all the right places. Holy shit. Drool-worthy. Not only did she love him, but he was damn fine to see half naked.

  His eyes stayed on her, but he spoke to the demon king. “I have an idea, but not the exact place. I’ll have to search the area then bring it back. You can pay me then. That is if you’re still planning to abide by our agreement.”

  What were they talking about? Bring what back? Wait. Someone mentioned the serum a minute ago. The virus serum? This was all about the fucking tube resting between her boobs. She could fucking scream, she was so mad. Her head whipped around, looking for Jag. It was time to get out of here. Where did he go?

  The demon snorted. “Of course, transformer—” There was that word again. No wires showed anywhere, so the word must mean something else. She turned to Cuzork as he continued talking. “I believe it’s time to put my plan into action. Starting with her.” Melinda startled again.

  “Me? What plan?” All the pieces started coming together. He wanted her for the serum. And by the way his pants stood at attention, he wanted more than just that. Oh, fuck, she was going to puke. Her hand slapped over her mouth as her body shuddered.

  Hamel ran his hands up and down her arms and whispered into her ear, “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let him touch you.” A breeze blew through the mirage, making her shiver again. He held her tighter, sh
ielding her from Cuzork’s hungry stare. “Are you cold? I wish I had a cloak to keep you warm while I kill the bastard in front of us.”

  Motion on the ground caught both of their attention. Before their eyes, a pile of material appeared from thin air. Melinda reached down and picked it up. It was a cloak. “Oh, fuck,” Hamel said. “That’s exactly what I imagined it looked like. Where did that come from?”

  That was the question of the day. In her head, her dream with Sefu in his luxury hut flashed. She understood nothing of that dream. He kept talking about realities and weird concepts. She wondered . . . “Hamel, did Sefu say anything to you about reality or dreams?”

  “Oh, yeah. He said to tell you to remember whose reality you’re in. Whatever that means.” It had to mean something. What? She replayed the dream in her head.

  Cuzork sat up on his chaise. “What are you doing? I saw that.”

  She ignored the demon, putting more pieces of the puzzle together. The last piece clicked. Oh, fuck. She looked up at Hamel. “Wish for something again.”

  His brows drew down. “Wish for something?” His one brow raised. “I wish for a hamburger.” Melinda rolled her eyes. If it wasn’t sex, it was food for men. On the ground where the cloak appeared, a hamburger sat in the sand. Melinda dropped her head against Hamel’s hard, warm chest. Sefu was right. She needed to pay attention to whose reality she was in. And holy shit, this was such a mind fuck. But she was in a parallel dimension.

  “Hey!” A bolt of lightning from Cuzork’s finger blasted the ground beside them. He stood and walked closer. “Hmm, seems you two do know each other. That or you get cozy really quickly, Clint.”

  Still wrapped in his arms, Melinda leaned back and looked up at Hamel. “Clint? Seriously?”

  His cheeks reddened and he shrugged. “I had to think on my feet. Who else but my idol?”


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