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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

Page 10

by WL Knightly

  They walked into Marty Wallace’s office and found the woman behind her desk. “Good morning, Detective. Ms. Bishop. Please have a seat.”

  Darek sat, and Raven walked over to sit beside him. “Good morning,” she said.

  “Morning,” said Darek, mumbling under his breath. His anger was still at a pinnacle, and he tried to calm down before he had a meltdown that wouldn’t do anyone, not Raven or Noah, any good.

  The woman opened up her case file and made a few notes. “I wanted to see you both to talk about Noah’s current situation. He’s begun talking, but only in response and only where it regards his well-being. If he’s asked to eat, he’ll say simple sentences like ‘not hungry’ or ‘don’t like that,’ but he’s not really talking voluntarily. He’s also not sleeping. They’ve found him up in his room at night, staring out the window.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t like the house he’s staying at,” said Raven. “I’m currently living in a friend’s hotel, and I have employment. I’m also about to be given an opportunity in Nashville. I’d like it if Noah could come with me.”

  “Noah’s house is one of our finest foster care families. They are more than qualified and have provided a wonderful home environment for Noah. We do, however, think it’s time that we bring you and Detective Blake around more often.”

  Raven turned her eyes to Darek, who exchanged a look with her. “Why the detective? Won’t he just remind Noah of that horrible night? And I don’t mean in a good way. I thought you said he’d be a trigger?”

  Darek sank back in his seat. She didn’t even want him around Noah now? “I still need to investigate the crime, Raven. I’m sure my being there is only on a professional basis and not a personal one.”

  “What about his partner? The woman, Lizzy—”

  Marty’s eyes narrowed. “Agent McNamara told us that you were unfit, and now you want her to be the one who visits Noah with you?” The woman leaned back in her chair. “Is there a reason you don’t want Mr. Blake to be a part of these sessions?”

  Raven shifted uncomfortably. “No, of course, that’s not it. My only concern is for Noah’s well-being. I’m sure Detective Blake will be fine if you agree to that.”

  “We think that he and the detective bonded. He’s only responded to one other question and that concerned Detective Blake.”

  “What did he say?” Darek leaned forward and smiled at Raven, not to rub it in, but because he was glad to hear the boy had made some kind of progress.

  Marty hesitated a moment. “He asked if you would come to take him back home.”

  Darek’s heart sank, and Raven wiped her eyes, which had teared up.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Bishop. I know it’s tough.” Marty got to her feet, and she walked to the door. “Please excuse me a moment. I’ll see if they’re here with Noah yet.”

  After she left, Darek reached over and placed his hand on Raven’s. He had sworn to take care of her. He hated what she had going on in her life with Ethan, and even the deal with Bay, but he knew it shouldn’t void the responsibility he’d volunteered for, especially when it came to Noah. The kid deserved all the help he could get.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said.

  Darek took her hand and urged her closer. She leaned over into his arms and cried on his chest. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. You know I’m still going to do anything for you.”

  The door opened, and Darek thought that Marty had returned, but when he turned his head, Lizzy strolled in, giving him a pointed look.

  “Wallace said you were in here,” she said. “I’m sorry. Has there been some terrible news about Noah?” She walked over and placed her hand on Darek’s shoulder as he pulled away.

  “No, it’s just that he’s not making any progress,” said Raven with a clipped tone.

  Lizzy gave a nervous smile. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was told to come on back. They called me down, said something about us needing to send another copy of the police report.”

  About that time, Marty returned. “Noah is in the other room. He’s ready for your visit. Hello, Agent McNamara. It’s good you could join us.”

  Lizzy smiled. “My honor. I hope we get some kind of breakthrough today. I know that Ms. Bishop here is ready to have some good news.” She reached out and patted Raven on the back.

  Darek couldn’t believe she’d done it but thought maybe she was trying her best to be sincere. Knowing Raven, he was surprised Lizzy didn’t draw back a nub.

  They filed out, and Raven took out a tissue to dry her eyes. She walked into the room, and Noah’s eyes lit up, and he ran into her arms. “Auntie Rave,” said the boy, burying his head in the crook of her neck when she knelt down to hug him.

  “Yeah, kiddo, it’s me.” She cupped his face and smiled at him. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He looked over at Darek and Lizzy and then back again. Darek didn’t think he was going to say another word.

  Raven stood and took his hand, and they walked over to sit in a rocking chair, her pulling him into her lap. “How have you been, Monkey?”

  He tucked his chin and looked around the room. Marty got to her feet. “I think I need to step into the other room. Agent McNamara, perhaps you’d like to join me?”

  Lizzy nudged Darek, but Mrs. Wallace shook her head when Darek was about to leave. “I think he should stay and visit.”

  Darek looked at Lizzy, and it was as if someone had thrown water in her face. “Okay, then. Have a nice visit.”

  Once everyone was gone, Raven pulled Noah to her for a tight squeeze. “I’m doing my best for you, Noah. But I was hoping you’d do your best and try and tell me what you’re thinking. Do you like the place you’re staying?”

  “I want to go with you,” said the little boy.

  Darek looked up at Raven and smiled. “I want that more than anything. But you see, Noah, the people who are trying to help mommy, they need your help. They need you to tell them anything you know.”

  Noah laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. After a moment, the boy fell asleep, and Raven rocked him until it was time to go. Not wanting to disturb the little boy, Raven carried him to the car and carefully put him into his booster and seatbelt.

  Darek and Lizzy stood beside her as he drove away, and Mrs. Wallace walked over to comfort her. “I’m so sorry the meeting wasn’t more productive.”

  Raven shook her head. “At least he got to sleep. I hope you see how important we are to each other. I might not be his mother, but I love him, and I’m his family. I’m making money, and I’m going to get us a stable home.” Raven stared at Darek a moment then turned her eyes to Lizzy. “I am the best person for him.”

  As she walked away, Darek wasn’t sure if she meant Noah or him.

  Chapter 16


  Bay walked into his office, where Mia sat on the edge of her seat next to a regal-looking man, who wore a crisp green suit and a floral pocket square. “Bay, there you are. I wanted you to meet Marvin.”

  The man got to his feet. He jutted out a hip and held out his hand. “I’m Marvin Xavier. I work for Dos. Mia tells me you’re coming to our event.”

  Mia’s eyes were wild with excitement. “I met him down at the deli. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited him here for lunch.”

  “Mia tells me she’s about to start a company.” The man looked Bay up and down as if measuring every inch of him.

  Bay wasn’t sure Marvin’s first impression was impressive. He had a strange sort of energy to him that Bay couldn’t read, which rarely happened. “We are, yes. She’s going to be the creative genius, and I’ll keep her down to earth and practical.”

  “Well, if there is anything I can do, you just let me know. I’ve worked for Dos for years, and I might be persuaded to jump ship and work on another team if the timing is right.” He leaned forward. “I’m so sorry. You have to excuse me for staring, but who does your hair color? It’s fascinating.”

  Bay had never used dye on his hair o
r rinses of any kind, but he’d gotten the question more times than he could count in his life. “It’s natural.”

  “It’s gorgeous. Have you ever modeled?”

  “No, but I’ve been told I should.”

  “You should have taken that advice.” The man put his hand to his mouth as if he were about to wipe the drool from the corners of his lips.

  “And here I decided to be an attorney. What a waste of career paths.” Bay’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on Mia, and she sank in her chair a little.

  “Oh, I mean no offense,” Marvin said. “Just that you’re very handsome. I dress models who are not half as photogenic.” Marvin tugged at his collar.

  Mia cleared her throat. “I heard that he was working on the Dos event and thought I’d pick his brain about the industry.” She turned her gaze to Marvin, her eyes full of hero worship. “I’ve been fascinated from afar, swimming in the kiddie pool if you will, but I’m ready to jump in the big pool now.”

  “It’s a shark tank, honey. But don’t you worry, biscuit, I can help you swim.” He picked up his drink and took a sip from his straw.

  Bay nodded. “Since you’re so generous, perhaps you could help us out and show us around at the event? Maybe introduce Mia to a few of the people we should know or give us the name of some of your factories, your models, photographers.”

  “Dos only has one photographer, Spencer Wiggs, and you don’t want to fuck with him. But there are a few up and comers, some who have tried to come in as a backup.” He waved his hand and shook his head. “That’s never worked out. Mostly because Spencer is an asshole, but he’s also a control freak.”

  Bay could relate, but Marvin had a point. There was only room for one control freak in this operation, and while Bay was proud that Mia had found the opportunity to pick Marvin’s brain, he wasn’t sure the man wasn’t looking for his own ship to steer. “Are you a control freak, Marvin?”

  Marvin laughed. “I’m a worker bee, always just behind the spotlight, and honestly, that’s how I like it. I like to make people look pretty, and I know how to do it. I know what cuts fit a body, what colors look good, and I keep the MUAs in line.”

  “MUAs?” Bay asked.

  “Makeup artists. Sometimes, they don’t see the final picture like I do.”

  Suspicions piled up in Bay’s mind. “Sounds like you’re the go-to man. Why would you want to jump that ship?”

  “Because I don’t know how much longer it’s going to be afloat anyway.” He leaned forward. “This ‘charity’ event? It’s a last-ditch effort to see a little profit. Spencer knew the only way to get people to show up was to give a portion of proceeds to charity. But it’s going to be a small portion; I can promise you that. The rest is going to be put up his nose. His problems are mounting. He’s been relying on the scandal to help keep him in the news, but that’s not working as well as it was.”


  “Yes, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but our biggest model, Shannon Steele, was seeing that handsome country star, Ethan Cline. I think that romance has played out in an ugly way. Most people are tired of it. He’s even trying to work an angle with Shannon to get back with Ethan. I don’t think it’s going to work out, though.”

  Bay smiled. He wondered if handsome Ethan knew anything about his ex’s plans to rope him back into a relationship.

  “I told him we knew Ethan.” Mia gave Bay a look like she wasn’t sure it was okay she’d done that.

  But before Bay could react, Marvin spoke up. “He’s a good guy. I picked him up from the airport. I liked his progressive thinking.”

  Bay had never really considered Ethan a progressive thinker. He smiled and nodded his head. “I’ve known him most of my life. He’s an old friend.”

  “Lucky you,” said Marvin. “But yes, I can show you around the show tomorrow.”

  “We have VIP passes,” said Mia.

  “Then I’ll see you at the VIP dinner. How fun!” Marvin waved his hand then brushed it through the back of his hair as he glanced at Bay. “I’m so glad I got to meet you. I just knew I was going to have an adventure today.” He put his hands together like he was praying and then gave them both a big grin. “I am so glad I came to lunch with you, Mia. We’ll have to stay in touch.”

  He reached into his pocket for his phone, and while the two of them exchanged numbers, Bay eased back in his chair and watched them get along like two little girls having a tea party.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” said Mia. “Perhaps we can even meet up again next week for lunch?”

  Bay was sure he had faded into the furniture for a moment.

  “I’d like that. Call me, girl. We can talk about boys and fashion.” He got to his feet, and Mia rose to show him out. “I’m afraid I have so much to do when I get back to the studio. This event is going to be the death of me.”

  Mia smiled and offered a pat on the back. “I can’t wait to see what all of your hard work produced.”

  “See you later, Bay. It was good to meet you.” Marvin waved from across the room, and Bay smiled and waved back.

  Once the door was shut, Mia spun around and ran across the room to his lap with a squeal of joy. “Oh, em, gee! Can you believe my luck today?”

  Bay’s smile faded a bit. “I’d say you hit the jackpot, but I think I’ll have to see this guy in action tomorrow before I can honestly say he’s worth your time.”

  Mia’s smile held on. “He’s the stylist for Dos. He has practically planned the entire event tomorrow.”

  “And he is looking to bail on them. I agree he might be helpful, though. We could kick things off with some good drama, and that would get us noticed.”

  She sat on Bay’s knee. “This is the most excited I’ve been since you told me I could open a shop, Bay. I really think this friendship is going to be good for me. I’ve always wanted a gay bestie.” She clapped her hands with delight and kissed Bay’s cheek.

  His phone rang in his coat pocket, sending a buzz to Mia’s backside. She jumped a little and giggled. Bay took it out and checked the ID before answering.

  “Lane? How’s it going, old friend?” Bay tapped Mia, encouraging her to take her petite ass to the couch.

  Lane’s tone wasn’t as enthusiastic as usual. “It’s not good. Carter and Brandy were found dead.”

  “Oh man. I had a bad feeling about him and her. Apparently, Brandy killed Justin, and since Carter was the only other person who knew about her fake marriage and how she was hoarding all of Corey’s money, she took him out too.”

  “Don’t tell me any more, Bay. Jesus. I don’t want to hear it and have to be mixed up in their drama.” He made a sound of frustration. “You had suspicions all along?”

  “Yes, but how was I to know if I was right?”

  Lane sighed, the sound of his breath loud through the phone. “You know what this means, right? We’ve inherited the stores.”

  “Yeah. So, why didn’t they call me since I was handling the will?”

  “They called me because my name was still on the paperwork they found in Justin’s house.” Lane sounded less than enthused, but things had worked out just like Bay had intended.

  “Did you tell them about my involvement?” Bay wasn’t worried if he had. He was only the lawyer for her will and nothing more. There was no paper trail leading him to Justin or Brandy. He’d made sure of that.

  “No, I didn’t think it mattered.”

  “It doesn’t. Carter screwed me into thinking he wanted to pray for her. I let him come along, totally blind to what he was up to. I really thought something was strange when Carter didn’t want to come back with me, but then, I just thought it was the problems at home.”

  “Well, what do you want to do with the stores?”

  “I don’t know. Do you want some time to think about it?”

  “I say we wait a year and sell them, but we have a lot of business to do. The will was filed, so there’s no dispute, but I’ll have someone send the paperwork to your of

  “Why mine?”

  “I’m in town this weekend. We’ll handle it.”

  “Wait, you’re in New York?”

  “Just got in today. I have a charity event I’m attending for a friend.”

  Bay smiled. What were the chances? “The Dos fashion gala?”

  “That’s the one,” said Lane. “You heard about it?”

  “I’m going. I’m about to help Mia break into the world of fashion. I thought I should invest something into her and make her work for me.” Mia’s head didn’t even look up from her phone, where she was intently focused. “I have VIP tickets. Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  Lane chuckled. “I do as well.”

  Lane had come a long way from being the chubby kid who was bullied on the playground and at home by his father. He had really done something with his life and made his way, and Bay wondered if sticking his knife into that girl had given him the confidence he needed in life to go out and take what he wanted.

  “Send the papers. We can get together after the gala and sign them. Then we can decide what’s best for us when it comes to these stores.”’

  “I agree. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lane hung up, and Bay couldn’t help but think how every one of the Zodiacs would be in town. He’d have to keep an eye out at the fashion show. Surely, the killer wouldn’t be bold enough to attend.

  Chapter 17


  Ethan’s head pounded as another chorus of horns honked. He hadn’t been so sick of being in one place in a long time, but being stuck in New York traffic was the worst. “I’ll be glad when we can leave this place.”

  Nate cracked his window. “You used to love New York.”

  “No, I loved Shannon, not the city. I hoped to take her out of it. You realize we’re already twenty minutes late, right?” From the looks at the road in front of them, they weren’t going to make it anywhere for at least another hour.

  “Yeah, I know. I didn’t think you’d want to hear me bitch about it.” He was right about that. He had enough on his plate to bitch about, and Ethan was sick of him sounding like a nagging wife as it was.


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