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Cowboy Strong (Cowboy Up Book 5)

Page 39

by Allison Merritt

  “Can’t wait,” he said.

  They shared a lovers’ smile.

  Uncomfortable, Taylor fixed her gaze on her bowl. They were clearly in love, and watching them reminded her there was nothing between her and Waylon but a night of sex. Very good sex, but still just that. Nothing more.

  Her appetite vanished.

  What was she doing? She should have sent him on his way this morning and forgotten about him. They had no future and prolonging the inevitable wouldn’t make it any easier.


  After Taylor dumped the last bag of apples in the box, she was exhausted. She rubbed her shoulder where the carrier had dug into her skin.

  “Tired?” Waylon leaned against the ATV. He looked as fresh as he had that morning. As if he could go all night, too. A naughty thought of how he could go filled her head and Taylor flushed.

  “Exhausted,” she admitted.

  “Turn around,” he ordered.

  After giving him a searching look, she turned her back to him. He moved close and pushed her ponytail aside, then began rubbing her shoulders. She moaned. “That feels good.”

  “How about a soak in a hot tub?”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Where?”

  “My brother’s house. Will and Lily have one. I’m staying there until they come back. Wade was supposed to, but….” He shrugged.

  “Is he staying with Marin instead?” she guessed.


  “You think Will and Lily would be okay with us using their hot tub?” She turned around to face him, nibbling her bottom lip.

  “I’m positive,” he assured her.

  Taylor debated. A soak sounded wonderful, but she should really stop seeing Waylon. The more time they spent together the more she liked him.

  “Come on,” he urged. “It’ll feel great.”

  “I need my suit,” she said.

  A wide smile split his face. “I’ll take you to get it.”

  “We should ask Marin and Wade,” she said. “I’m sure they’d like a soak, too.”

  Disappointment flashed in his eyes before he masked it. “Sure.” He called to them. “Hey, guys. Do you want to hang out in Will’s hot tub with us?”

  They conferred for a moment, then agreed.

  After planning to meet in an hour, the two couples went their separate ways.

  Waylon helped Taylor into his truck, then closed the door. She sighed and leaned back into the seat. When he climbed behind the wheel, she spoke. “Marin must have the stamina of a workhorse if she does this all the time.”

  “She’s strong,” he agreed. “You held up your end of the deal, too. Not bad for a model.”

  “Do you think models can’t work?” She glared at his profile. “Try standing in front of a camera all day, or behind one, for that matter.”

  “I bet it’s tough.” His tone was sincere, melting her ire.

  At her house, she ran inside and changed into a turquoise two-piece suit, then grabbed a towel and flip-flops. She took her hair out of its ponytail and after running a brush through it, put it in a messy bun. She pulled a sundress over her suit and hurried out to meet Waylon. He waited in her living room, once again lounging on her rose-colored sofa. Although he was too big for the delicate furniture, dwarfing it, she liked the way he filled her home.

  She held up her bag. “Ready.”

  “Let’s go.” He placed his hand on the small of her back, sending a wave of heat up her spine. If he didn’t stop touching her, she would lose all resolve to not sleep with him again. Her body craved his too much.

  Marin and Wade had beat them to the hot tub and were already soaking. Steam filled the early evening air. Taylor wondered if it was from the water, or the chemistry of the couple already in the tub.

  “Water’s great,” Wade said. He had his arm wrapped around Marin, who nodded.

  “I need to grab a suit,” Waylon said. “Be right back.”

  Taylor nodded, then slipped out of her sundress. Feeling Waylon’s eyes on her, she turned to see him watching her. She flushed a little at the blatant hunger in his gaze. If they had been alone, she was sure he would make a move. And she wouldn’t stop him.

  With a wink, he disappeared inside.

  She stepped into the hot water. She settled across from the couple and sighed in contentment. “This is nice.”

  “You worked really hard today,” Marin said. “Thank you.”

  “It was fun,” Taylor told her sincerely. “And you couldn’t have done it alone.”

  “No.” Marin looked adoringly at Wade. “It’s wonderful to have friends.”

  Wade’s hold on her tightened and he brushed a kiss over her lips. Taylor was sure if she wasn’t there, they would deepen the kiss. She looked away. The hot tub sat in Lily’s backyard, on a redwood deck. Evergreens gave them privacy, although it wasn’t needed. The nearest neighbors lived more than a half mile away.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Waylon walking toward them. It was her turn to stare. The man looked good enough to eat in western shirts and jeans, but in swim trunks he made her quiver. Last night she’d been too drunk to truly appreciate his male beauty. Today, she admired every inch of him from his dark hair, cut short, to his flat belly and long legs.

  He slid in beside her, their thighs touching. “I knew this was a good idea.”

  “It’d be even better with a drink,” Taylor said.

  “Way ahead of you.” Wade reached behind him and withdrew two beer bottles. “It’s not fancy wine, but it’ll do.”

  Taylor took the beer with a smile. “Perfect. But only this one. I had a few too many last night.”

  “At the wedding?” Marin asked.

  “No. After.” Taylor didn’t elaborate and Marin didn’t pry.

  “Thanks, brother,” Waylon said.

  Wade tipped his bottle their direction, then drank.

  They sat in silence for a while, and Taylor let the heat and the beer relax her. She sank into the water, letting one of the jets hit her sore shoulder. Her entire body ached. Some of it from the previous night, she was certain, not only from the day spent picking apples.

  She hadn’t enjoyed herself so much for a long time.

  The thought startled her.

  She’d had a wonderful day with a basic stranger, his brother and a woman she didn’t know well. She had friends she loved, but this group had invigorated her. Who would have ever guessed eating an ordinary breakfast at the Mineshaft, picking apples and sitting in a hot tub would make her so happy?

  It wasn’t what she’d done, but with who. Marin and Wade were great, but it was one person who’d filled her soul.


  She glanced at him. Sexy. Nice. Fun. He was pretty much the perfect guy. And he lived two states away.

  She sighed.

  No need to get down about it. She’d known this was a temporary fling and jumped in anyway. Second thoughts weren’t productive. Her best bet was to enjoy her time with Waylon, then forget him.

  She didn’t think that was possible, though. For whatever reason, the cowboy had branded himself into her memory.

  “I’m getting hungry,” Wade said. “A big, thick steak sounds good.”

  “I agree. I’m starved.” Marin frowned. “Although I didn’t thaw anything.”

  “I’m buying,” Waylon said. “Just say where.”

  “There isn’t much open on a Sunday night in Lonesome Valley.” Taylor didn’t want to go to Finnegan’s. The steakhouse was expensive, a place a man took a lady for a first date, or an anniversary. The Mineshaft was closed on Sunday evenings. Not to mention she and Waylon had already been there once today. “What about The Pop Stand? No steaks, but they have chopped steak sandwiches to die for.” The small drive-in cafe was where Lonesome Valley’s teens liked to hang out and eat, but the food was good enough adults enjoyed it, too.

  “Oh, that’s a great idea.” Marin clapped her hands. “I love their fish and chips.”

/>   “Sounds like a plan.” Waylon stood and hitched up his wet swim trunks. “Wade?”

  “I’m game.” He also climbed to his feet and helped Marin up.

  Taylor could feel Waylon’s gaze on her as she exited the hot tub. Either it, or the cool evening air raised goosebumps on her skin and hardened her nipples. She reached for her towel and wrapped it around her. “Is there somewhere I could change?”

  “I’ll show you,” Marin offered.

  Inside, the other woman indicated a bathroom. “Use that one. I’ll go upstairs.”

  They met back outside in a few minutes. The men stood when they appeared.

  “We should all ride together,” Wade suggested.

  “Works for me.” Waylon looked at Taylor. “Okay with you?”


  As she settled in the back seat of the pickup, it occurred to Taylor that she’d spent nearly twenty-four straight hours with Waylon and wasn’t ready for it to end.

  A record for her. Usually after a few hours with a guy, she craved her space.

  She wondered what Waylon’s record was. He’d mentioned a long-term girlfriend. They’d probably spent most of their time together.

  Her stomach knotted with something like jealousy.


  At The Pop Stand, they sat on one of the brightly painted picnic tables arranged around a firepit. Theirs was lavender. Others were pink, yellow and turquoise.

  Taylor patted the tabletop. “Usually this place is packed with kids, but since it’s Sunday we lucked out and got a prime spot.”

  “I hope I don’t get food poisoning,” Wade grumped.

  “You won’t.” Taylor frowned at him. “I’ve eaten here a gazillion times and never had a problem.”

  “Don’t let his mood fool you,” Waylon said. “He’s just hungry, which makes him grouchy. My brother’s eaten stuff at cow camp that would turn your stomach.”

  Taylor arched her brows. “Such as?”

  “Rocky mountain oysters, for one.”

  Marin’s eyes grew wide. “You mean—?”

  “Yup. Bull calf testicles. You still want to kiss him?” Waylon grinned at his brother, who in turn glared at him.

  “Sold at any high-dollar restaurant,” Wade countered. “And no worse than snails or fish eggs, also sold at expensive places.”

  Marin stuck out her tongue. “Yuck.”

  “Not for me either.” Taylor glanced at Waylon. “And you?”

  He faked a shudder. “Nope. Not my thing.” He grinned at her. “It’s safe to kiss me all you want.”

  Taylor’s tummy tightened at the thought. She used a dry tone. “Good to know. I’ll be sure to let all the girls know.”

  “I only care about what you think.” The look in his eyes went intense.

  To avoid the heat there, she turned to watch the teenage waitress carrying their order toward them. “Here comes dinner.”

  The teen passed out three chili dogs and a Philly steak sandwich for Wade. All of them with onion rings on the side.

  Taylor picked one up and crunched it between her teeth. “Nobody’s kissing me tonight.”

  Waylon frowned at her and popped a small onion ring into his mouth. “Your loss.

  It was her loss. But falling in love with him wasn’t an option and the more kissing they did, the more entangled her heart became with his. Or, she could spend a few days with him, and then go on with her life.

  Could she?


  She wasn’t made that way. She’d gone completely out of character to sleep with him, and she could blame a lot of that on too much alcohol. But a no-strings affair would leave her bruised and bloodied.

  “Excuse me.” She pushed away her food. “I need to powder my nose.”

  Marin stood. “Me, too.”

  They walked around the back of the building to the restrooms. At the washbasin, they washed their hands, and then Taylor touched up her Pink Promise lipstick.

  “I like that color,” Marin said.

  “Thanks.” Taylor closed the tube and dropped it in her bag. “I guess we need to head back to the guys.”

  “Did you just meet Waylon?” Marin’s brown eyes were filled with curiosity.

  “Last night at the wedding.” Taylor dug around in her bag and found her lavender body spray. She opened it and spritzed a bit on her wrist. “Want some?” At Marin’s nod, she sprayed a bit on her, too. “What about you and Wade? You’re in a new relationship, right?”

  “Yes. We only met about a week ago.” Marin’s smile was shy. “But I’m crazy about him. In fact, I’m thinking about moving to Montana to be with him.”

  “Wow.” Taylor turned to face the petite brunette. “That’s so fast.”

  “Are you and Waylon falling in love?” Marin asked bluntly.

  “I don’t know,” Taylor told her. “I like him a lot, but he’s leaving soon. I don’t want a long-distance relationship, and I doubt he does either.”

  “That was exactly what Wade and I said, but the heart wants what the heart wants.” Marin tapped her fingers over her chest. “And mine wants Wade. What does yours tell you?”

  Taylor hesitated. It was far too soon to declare any kind of feelings for Waylon. But this woman was standing in front of her, affirming she’d fallen in love in a week and talking about moving two states away to be with him. “I’m not sure,” she said finally.

  “Understandable,” Marin said. “It takes a huge leap of faith to trust if you’ve ever been hurt by a man.” A hint of bitterness seeped into her voice.

  “It’s not so much that,” Taylor said. “In fact, I’ve always been cautious with my heart. I’ve had boyfriends, but no one I grieved for when we broke up.”

  “Could this be different? The real thing?”

  “Maybe. I like him a lot.” The truth was it was the complete opposite than any other relationship she’d ever embarked on. If it weren’t, she would have blamed their night together on too much alcohol and sent Waylon packing. Not spent the entire night, next day and evening with him.

  “You didn’t ask my advice,” Marin said. “But I’ll give you some anyway. Just go with the flow. If it’s right, things’ll work out.”

  Her advice sounded so simple. If only it were so easy. With a sigh, Taylor adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “I guess.”

  They walked back to the men, Taylor’s mind whirling.


  After the women walked away, Wade pinned a stare on him until Waylon squirmed. “What?”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Waylon held up his chili dog. “Eating.”

  “With this girl, brother. What are you thinking?” Leave it to Wade to play big, bad brother.

  With a shrug, Waylon said, “Enjoying her company for a few days.”

  “What about Logan?” Waylon took off the lid of his drink and tipped up the cup to get the last drops of cola in the bottom.

  “What about her? She wanted to move, remember? A lot like Suzanne.” Wade winced at the mention of his ex-wife who had divorced him to find herself.

  “Logan still loves you,” Wade said. “And I thought you loved her.”

  “I do and always will, but I’m not going to hang around waiting until she comes back.” Waylon crumpled his used paper food boat in his fist. “She made it clear she didn’t want that.”

  “So you’re using Taylor to fill the gap?” Scorn filled Wade’s voice.

  “Not at all. Why are you pushing this?” Waylon swirled his cup to have something to do with his free hand other than make a fist.

  “Because she seems like a nice girl and I don’t like watching you use her,” Wade said.

  “I’m not using anyone. I’m single, she’s single. We’re having a good time.” Waylon took a breath. “I like her, a lot. Maybe we can make something here, just like you and Marin. You fell in love in less than a week. Who says the same thing can’t happen to me?”

  “There’s a big diff
erence between us,” Wade said. “I’m not using someone to forget the love of my life. You and Logan were soulmates. Not only next-door-neighbors, but first lovers, too. You’re on the rebound. Taylor’s a good-looking girl, and she obviously likes you. But you’re not serious about her. Admit it.”

  “Yes, Waylon. Admit it.”

  They spun around to face Taylor and Marin, who stood next to the corner of the building. Tears formed in Taylor’s eyes and she blinked them away.

  Marin stood open-mouthed and in apparent shock. “Oh, Wade—”

  Wade stood and went to his girl. He took her hands and looked into his eyes. “Baby, that was between me and Waylon. I’m sorry you overheard it, but it needed said.”

  Taylor turned and fled.

  For a moment, Waylon sat in shock. They’d been having a good time until his brother had to ruin everything by voicing his unasked-for opinion. He raced around the corner of the building, but Taylor was nowhere in sight. Where had she gone? He looked both directions, but no sign of her. She wasn’t in the ladies’ room or the locked truck.

  He circled the building and spotted his brother and Marin. “Have you seen her?”

  They both shook their heads.

  “Great going, Wade. Happy now?” Waylon fought to keep anger out of his voice.

  “Maybe it was better she heard the truth,” Wade countered. “Before you led her on any more than you already have.”

  “Taylor told me she really likes you.” Censure filled Marin’s soft voice.

  “I like her, too. And I’m not leading her on. Logan and I are through.” He sighed in exasperation. He loved Logan, he always would care for her as his first girlfriend and his first lover, but she’d left him, not the other way around. No matter how much their families might want them to marry and add their combined holdings, they were done. He was into Taylor and she was into him. Or she had been before Wade opened his big mouth.

  Where was she?

  Damn it.

  He hadn’t expected to go to his brother’s wedding and find the girl who made his heart happy for the first time since Logan broke it, but that’s exactly what happened. The sex had been spectacular, but it was more than physical. He’d connected with her on a deeper level. If all they’d done was screw, he’d have been on the highway to Montana before first light. Instead, he’d spent the day picking apples to be near Taylor. His cowboy buddies back home would die laughing at him, but he didn’t care. She was worth it.


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