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Whitman River

Page 9

by Maeve Ashfeld

  What the fuck? I’ve got to get help.

  She called the emergency line.

  “911. What’s your location?”

  “The apartments on Bluebrook Avenue. Down the street from the pharmacy. I think he’s going to kill my friend. He tried to drown me and-”

  “Ma’am, are you hurt?’

  “A little. I mean, I’m fine. My friend, Jody, was hit. He carried her inside. Please send help.”

  “Are you in any immediate danger? Is this person armed?”

  “No, I’m driving towards the station. I’m too scared to go back. Please save her.”

  “Ma’am, we have someone on the way.”

  “Please hurry.”

  When Glenna arrived at the police station, she was immediately led to an office. She explained everything that was going on. The woman taking down her details offered her tissues. While the officer typed, Glenna looked out the little window and into the hall. She watched as they took someone down the hall.


  The officer looked up, “Yes ma’am?”

  “That’s him.” Glenna pointed at Albert.

  The officer rose. “I’ll be right back.” She took off down the hall.

  When the officer walked back in, Glenna let out a weak smile.

  “Ma’am, you are under arrest for domestic assault.”


  “You are under arrest for domestic assault involving a Ms. Jody Schubert-”

  Glenna’s ears started pulsing. She could barely make out anything they were trying to tell her.

  “Do you understand your rights?”

  “Yes, I do. But I didn’t hurt anyone. Albert tried to drown me.”

  “Ma’am, I’m taking you over to the holding area for processing. They will give you more information about how to proceed.”

  The officer placed Glenna in handcuffs and walked her to a different part of the building. The cuffs were removed and she was placed on a bench in front of a clerk. The first officer walked away. Another two officers were in the holding area. One near each of the exits. She watched as Albert walked past the the window and smirked at her.

  What’s going on?

  The Two Women

  Guthrie fumbled with the keys on the door. It didn't help that she was the most nervous she had ever been. The lock finally clicked and she took a deep breath.

  When she opened the door, she saw Robert sprawled out on the floor. He was groaning and holding his stomach. He was alive. Barely. Merlin was curled up at his feet.

  She quickly put on nitrile gloves and rushed to the floor. She gently lifted Robert's head and placed it in her lap. Her fingers ran through his hair as she rocked back and forth. Robert gasped for air.

  Her nose burned from holding back tears.

  "This isn't fair. You leaving me like this. We're not done."

  Robert looked up as best he could.

  "I know you'll always be with me. But it's not the same." Guthrie sniffled. "It's not the same."

  Robert's eyes wandered around the room, aimlessly.

  Guthrie pulled a small glass tube from her pocket. Inside was a single cotton swab. She opened Robert's mouth and scraped across his lips and tongue. The swab was placed inside of a small, glass vial. She used a razor to peel a small batch of skin from the inside of his arm. She closed the razor inside a small dish. She gave both to Victoria.

  Victoria put the vial and dish into a cold, insulated bag.

  Robert reached to Victoria and grabbed her arm. "Glenna?"

  Victoria pulled away and rushed to the truck outside. Robert's took a deep, rattly breath.

  Guthrie furrowed her brows. "I'm going to miss you, partner." She kissed him on the forehead. "I love you."

  Carefully, she removed his head from her lap. She stood and looked over at him.

  "I want to stay but you know I can't."

  Guthrie left the house. She locked the door behind her and walked to the truck. Once inside, she removed her gloves and put them in a bag.

  She cried and punched the dashboard.

  Victoria grabbed her hand to calm her down. She smiled and shook her head. Then, she moved Guthrie's hand to the steering wheel and nodded towards the road.

  Guthrie wiped a tear away with her free hand and started the car.

  The Release


  Glenna looked up from the floor. One of the guards was standing on the other side of the cell. The light from behind him was bright and made him just a silhouette.

  “You made bail.”


  The only one that Glenna knew with money was Albert. Surely he wouldn’t try to kill her again. Not after he’s the reason that she ended up in jail.

  The guard opened the cell and motioned for her to come forward.

  “This way, please.”

  The guard escorted her out. She walked down the large hall of holding cells.

  There were two big cells on each side. Inside, small benches lined all four walls. A line was formed at the phone on the wall. The rooms were full of people. Some of them were nice and smiled at Glenna as she walked past. Most were still drunk or too pissed about being in jail to care about her.

  The guard dropped her off at the clerk’s desk. The clerk took her name, date of birth, and other identifying information. She asked Glenna to complete exit paperwork.

  Glenna took the clipboard and pen. As she filled out the form, she thought about how embarrassed she was. Embarrassed and completely terrified.

  Glenna walked back up to the desk.

  She gave the clipboard back to the clerk. The clerk looked it over and began reading her rights.

  “Your bail has been posted and you are being released. The terms of your probation are listed on this form. It includes repercussions for violating those terms. You have also been issued a restraining order. Your paperwork details those terms and repercussions for violating those terms. Should there be any updates, we will get in contact with you. Do you understand all that I have said?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “Yes ma’am. I have one. Who bailed me out?”

  “Your mother.” The clerk pointed towards a woman near the exit doors.

  Ms. Guthrie?

  The woman turned and Glenna saw that it was the woman that had visited their apartment.

  Did Albert really send his client here to bail me out?

  “Okay, thanks.”


  Glenna turned around.

  “You’re a nice girl. I don’t want to see you in here again.” The phone on the clerk’s desk rang. “Have a good day, Whitman. Benton County Jail. Sherry speaking. How may I direct your call?”

  Glenna walked out the door. She was both relieved to see the sun and terrified about what this meant. The woman followed behind her.

  “You have some nerve calling yourself my mother. Where is Albert?”

  The woman shrugged and shook her head.

  “Glenna? We have a hotel set up a few miles from here. Let’s go.”

  Glenna looked up to see Guthrie standing across the street from the police station. She was waiting by the old truck. Glenna’s jaw dropped.

  “Wait. Guthrie, you knew about the affair? Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you bring her here?”

  Guthrie reached out to grab Glenna’s arm. “Why don’t you just get in the car?”

  Glenna snatched her arm away. “I trusted you. You’ve been like a mother to me.”

  The woman tucked her chin and bolted for Guthrie’s truck. She sat in the back seat, sulking.

  “You can still trust me.”

  “Obviously not!”

  “Is there a problem, ladies?”

  They both stopped and saw the guard standing in the door of the station. He had his hand on his hip and his eyebrows furrowed. Glenna glaread at Guthrie. She wanted to burn a hole through her head. But she wanted to go back inside that jail eve
n less.

  “No, we’re fine. Just a little family argument.” Glenna waved at the officer and headed to the truck. Guthrie followed behind.

  The ride was silent. Nobody wanted to be the first to say something. Crazy Lady coughed into her hands. Deep, heaving coughs.

  What does Albert see in here, anyway?

  Glenna stared out the window. She could see the woman in the rearview mirror. This was the first time she could really see her up close. Underneath the wrinkles, she was beautiful. It was her eyes. They were soft but sad. It just looked like she had been through hell and back.

  That’s what happens when you cheat.

  She really studied her. Her eyes, her nose, her lips. Something about her seemed familiar. But, that makes sense; she’d never forget that visit.

  Cheating was one thing but impersonating someone’s dead mother is something unforgivable. Guthrie should know that. Guthrie had been there since the beginning. What would make her allow this woman… this person to do this?


  Guthrie cleared her throat, “Yeah?”

  “How’s Jody?”

  Glenna could see Guthrie’s throat tighten.

  “I don't know. I can’t go see her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Restraining order. I was interviewed and Albert has them convinced that I may have egged you on.”

  Glenna’s eyes bucked, “What? This is all so insane.”

  “I know sweetie. I know.”

  Glenna let that settle in for a while. She’d lost contact with Glenna and Albert had tried to kill her just last night. Now he had sent his mistress to bail her out of jail.

  “How did you bail me out?”

  Guthrie motioned to the woman in the back, “She helped.”

  Glenna looked at the woman in the side view mirror. The woman saw and looked away to avoid eye contact.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, Victoria helped me out. She paid.”

  “How’d you know where I was?”

  “Jody told me she was coming to see you. She hadn't come back so I headed this way. I went to your apartment and asked nosey neighbors about it. They saw police come over. So, here we are.”

  “I see.”

  Within a few minutes, they were at a hotel.

  “I got a room with a view. I figured you would want some sunlight after your little stint in jail.” Guthrie chuckled.

  Glenna cracked a smile and got out.

  When they got upstairs, Guthrie gave her the key to one of the rooms. She would stay in one and Guthrie would take the adjoining room with Victoria. Guthrie let Victoria inside.

  “Hey, I’m heading out to get something to eat. You want anything?”

  “No, I don’t really care.”

  “Pizza it is. I’ll be back.”

  “You can just order it, you know? I’d do it but Albert has my cell and I just… I just…” Glenna threw her head back and tears rolled down the sides of her face.

  Guthrie pulled her into a hug. “Don’t think about him right now. He can’t hurt you. You’re never going to be alone again.” She pulled back and smiled at Glenna.

  “Of all people, why couldn’t you pose as my mother? You were the only mother I ever really knew. I didn’t realize that when I was a kid. You were there for me.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Why are you leaving me with her?” She motioned towards the other door.

  “I’ll tell you when I get back.”

  “Why not now?”

  “Now is not the right time.”

  “Please,” Glenna pleaded.

  Guthrie shook her head and gave her the room key.

  “I love you, Glenna. I’ll be right back.”

  When she opened the door, Possum Demon jumped down from the bed and rubbed up against her ankles.

  The Showdown

  Glenna woke to a knock at the door. At first, she thought it was the officers coming to get her from her cell. Then, she remembered.

  She groggily sat up. The sun was still showing through the hotel curtains. She hadn't napped for very long.

  “Who is it?”

  There wasn’t an answer.

  It must be Guthrie back with the pizza.

  There was knocking again.

  “I’m coming.”

  Glenna patted Merlin on the head and stepped off the bed. Her feet landed on the cold hotel floor. She pulled her jacket tighter and unlatched the door.

  “I’ll clear off the desk.”

  She turned and started pushing things aside.

  “Did you grab some plates?”

  The door closed and the light flicked on. Glenna looked up and her heart dropped. Albert was standing in the door. He was holding a takeout bag.

  “Room service.”

  Glenna froze. It was like a nightmare. He was the last person she thought she'd see coming through that door.

  “What do you want?”

  “I just want to have a meal with you.”

  She furrowed her brows. Something was going on with him. He was breathing heavily and standing awkwardly.

  “Have a seat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  He curled his lips, “Have a fucking seat.”

  Merlin arched his back and hissed.

  “And you better get your fucking cat.”

  “Leave him alone. I’ll sit. Okay? I’ll sit.”

  Albert smiled and put the bag on the desk. He moved the desk to the edge of the bed where Glenna was sitting. The desk pinned Glenna between it and the bed. It dug into her hips.

  “Wouldn’t want you to hop way.”

  He sat in the office chair at the end of desk. He was between Glenna and the exit.

  “Now…” Albert whispered as he rubbed his hands together. He opened the bag and laid out three boxes. He opened each box and peeked inside.

  “Whoop. That’s yours,” he said as he put one box in front of Glenna.

  Glenna looked over at the door. It was cracked just a little bit. She could escape if she could manage to get on the other side of him. Albert looked up at her.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Vegetable tikka masala from that Indian place we go to.”

  She looked at the food. The vegetables looked amazing covered in that red gravy. There was a mound of rice on the side with fennel seeds and clove. The smell was intoxicating. She hadn’t had a real meal since this time yesterday.

  “Have some,” Albert said.

  She didn’t want to, but she was more afraid of what he may do if she didn't eat. She picked up her fork and poked at the food. She brought a small forkful to her lips and bit down. It was spicy and savory and … perfect. She looked over and saw Albert staring at her. It made her uneasy.

  “What do you want?”

  “Me? I want to have lunch with my fiancee.”

  “Then why aren’t you eating?” She motioned to his untouched plate.

  “Just waiting for you to dig in.” He ate some of his food and pointed at hers. “Eat.”

  Glenna took another forkful. Then another. Soon enough she was shoveling food into her mouth. She noticed that he wasn’t eating and she stopped.

  “Ya know that saying? Like father, like daughter?”

  Glenna nodded.

  “It’s funny because, this is the same meal your father had before he died.”

  Glenna looked down at her plate. The she looked at Albert. He was smiling menacingly.

  How would he know that?

  “Your father and I used to meet up for lunch all the time.”


  “Oh yeah. Once every two weeks.”


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