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I Know You Love Me

Page 8

by Aline de Chevigny

  "Drew, I..."

  One look had the words silenced on her tongue. “For the record, she dated Jimmy. She hasn't been with him, and in all honesty, it wouldn't matter to me if she had."

  "Don't be a fool. He's admitted to seeing her wearing nothing but his jersey, and she's seen him naked."

  Laughing, he leaned forward. “I'll go you one better—I caught them in his bed together just this morning. I don't care, Sam. I love her."

  "I won't give you a divorce!"

  This was it. He knew there was a reason she'd come back. Maybe now he'd find out the truth of her mysterious reappearance. “It may not be a willing divorce, Sam, but I will get it. You heard my girl; I have a wedding in three weeks. I plan on being single by then."

  "We'll see about that! I've learned a lot about the court system since I left, Drew. You can't take advantage of me this time."

  Interesting... I wonder what else she's learnt since then? “Yes, we will see about that. Why are you really back, Sam? You said you found out about our non-divorce when you tried to apply for a marriage license. Why not just get our divorce finalized and marry this new guy like you had planned?"

  Sam turned her back on him. “It fell through."

  Bingo. The sullen look on her face when she turned around answered all his questions. “He did a background check and found out who you really were. Lucky bastard, he was saved from making the same mistake that I did."

  "I thought you were told to play nice,” she whined.

  Leaning back in his chair, he watched Sam through slit eyes. “Will you give me my divorce without a fight?"

  "No! Never."

  Drew stood and made his way toward the door. “Then nice time is over, and I'm going home to claim my present for good behavior."

  "I'll tell her you were mean to me."

  Sam was sounding more desperate by the moment, grasping at straws, hoping he'd cave. Ignoring Sam's parting jibes, he kept moving. “Gertrude, I'll be out of town for the next three days. Call Jimmy if you have any problems. I will be incommunicado."

  "Yes, Sheriff."

  Turning toward Sam, he took her in one last time and knew he was making the right decision. “Goodbye, Samantha. It was an educational experience seeing you again."

  Sam grabbed his arm. “Drew, I have nowhere to stay."

  Looking down at her hand on his arm, he frowned. Not only did the feel of Sam's fingers on his arm disgust him, Allison had said no touching. “Then I suggest you leave."

  "It's my house, too,” she announced arrogantly.

  Brushing her fingers away, he grabbed his hat. “No, Sam, it isn't. I made certain of that when I realized you weren't coming back. Give it up and go home."

  "I have no money."

  Reaching for the door, he turned to look at her. “Then I suggest you find yourself a job. I hear they're hiring at the Dairy Queen two towns over."

  "You're choosing her because she's rich and I'm not. I'm not a fool, Drew. That's the only explanation there could be."

  Laughing, he walked out of the station toward his car, Sam right on his heels. Stupid woman, why did I marry her? “She's a county auditor, Sam, they don't make much money."

  Sam sniffed in disgust. “She's a singer, Drew. She's been raking in the dough since she was fifteen."

  "And an author. Don't forget that little tidbit of information. According to Jeremy, she's the ‘radest’ one ever. She has quite a following from what I'm told. So what?"

  "She has money."

  Drew closed his eyes and sighed. Leaning up against his hatchback, he counted to ten before answering her. “So do I. I don't need hers."

  Grinning in victory, Sam crossed her arms over her chest. “Good. I need some, and legally half is mine."

  "Goodbye, Sam."

  * * * *

  * * * *

  Drew surveyed the house as he approached it. No lights on. Maybe she's already gone to bed. Looking over at Jimmy's house, he noticed that the lights were all out there too. Getting out of the hatchback, he started toward the house hoping Allison had left the door unlocked. The sneaky woman had stolen his keys, and he didn't want to wake her until he was crawling into bed beside her.

  Finding the door unlocked, he quietly entered the house. Drew headed to the bedroom, peeking into the living room on his way through the house.

  The bed was empty. She must have felt more comfortable staying with Jimmy so she wouldn't be alone until I came home.

  Heading for the back door, he noticed the door to the spare room was shut. He never closed that door, and that, if anything was suspicious. “Could she...” Silently opening the door, he peered inside and felt himself relax with relief.

  "She didn't feel right sleeping in your bed without you."

  Turning toward the voice, Drew wasn't surprised to find Jimmy still there. He realized Jimmy's presence was something he'd need to get used to if he wanted to keep this woman by his side. “She looks so sad. Is she ok?"

  "She'll be fine, now."

  "Why are you sitting here in the dark?” He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He hated how sad she looked, and wanted nothing more than to get in there and wipe that look off her face, but he couldn't do that until he found out why Jimmy was still there.

  Sitting forward, Jimmy ran a tired hand over his face. “Allison convinced herself that you realized your mistake and got back together with Sam. I tried to tell her that was ludicrous, but well...she didn't believe me."

  Drew backed out of the room so they wouldn't wake Allison. “Is that why you're still here?"

  Jimmy grinned tiredly. “The sneaky woman almost left twice. When I caught her, she said something ridiculous about it being for your own good."

  "What about her own good?"

  Jimmy shrugged. “That topic never seems to come up with her. Allison doesn't believe that her wants or needs matter...So, what happened with Sam?"

  Drew opened the door to make sure Allison was still there before answering. He couldn't shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach that the moment he took his eyes off of her she'd disappear for good. He just wished he knew if it was over Sam's unexpected arrival or Allison's obsessive need to do the right thing.

  "Sam's refusing the divorce, which means I have to sue her for it. She's broke. She actually told me she wants half my money and my house."

  "What did you tell her?"

  "I told her she couldn't have my house and if she wanted money she needed to get a job."

  Jimmy laughed quietly. “Next, she played Allison's age right? That would be classic Samantha."

  Drew laughed softly. “Of course. But my baby looks good for her age, so that plot failed miserably. For a guy who doesn't like Sam, you know her moves awfully well."

  Grimacing, Jimmy walked farther form the bedroom door. “You're a funny man. So next she played the money card, telling you that Allison was loaded and accusing you of choosing Allison over her because of that."

  Well, hell. Jimmy really did know Sam better than he did. “Go ahead!"


  "Say it!"

  "Say what?"

  "I told you so. I know you've been dying to say it since I popped the question seven and a half years ago."

  "No, Drew, I have no need to say it. You've already learnt that lesson. Just treat Allison well, and we'll be even. She deserves some happiness. Of course, it should have been with me...but the woman can't be perfect in every way. She has horrible taste in men."

  Drew laughed, relaxing for the first time since Allison had left the station. “We'll never be even, Jim; I owe you for watching over Allison tonight. You went above and beyond anything I had a right to expect."

  Leaning back against the wall, Jimmy looked his friend over. “Save your thanks; that woman is prone to think the worst. So if you ever don't come home one night and forget to call her to let her know, she won't stick around to ask you questions. She'll pack her bags and leave. Allison's been seriously hurt by the men she's tru
sted. You're going to have your hands full with her."

  Drew wasn't fooled; he knew the minute he fucked up Jimmy would be first in line to soothe her pain. It was what he'd do in Jimmy's shoes. “I'm looking forward to it. Oh, before I forget, I told Gertrude that you're in charge while I'm out of town. Keep an eye on my house. Don't let Sam into it or I'll never get her out."

  "How about I get Jeremy to house-sit? He's only got two classes a day next week and he can make sure no one sets up house while you're gone."

  "That's brilliant. I'll owe him one when I get back. That reminds me, Michael has been suspended without pay. I'll be informing him in the morning, when I let him out of the drunk tank. Oh, and here are Allison's keys..."

  Jimmy laughed. “Keep them; she'll need those keys to get into her house tomorrow. She already gave Jeremy her spare set and told him he could use her car while she's gone."

  Drew chuckled and shook his head. How many women would allow a sixteen-year-old boy to use their car while their out of town. Allison was definitely one in a million, and all his.

  "If I'm not careful, that boy will fall for my girl."

  "Drew, my foolish, foolish old friend, he already has!"

  Hanging his head, Drew laughed at what should have been obvious from the start. Jeremy was a lot like his older brother after all. “I better watch my step. He won't be a kid forever, and he's already a charmer."

  Jimmy shook his head and chose to ignore that comment. “Do you have a number where I can reach you if there's a problem?"

  "I'll get back to you with that before we leave in the morning. I'd say take the rest of the night off, but you're in charge, and I need to take Allison to bed where she belongs."

  Laughing, Jimmy took the hint and started toward the back door. “I'll see you in the morning."

  Ignoring the laughter, Drew turned back toward the bedroom and opened the door to watch Allison sleep. She couldn't seem to find a comfortable position; she kept tossing and turning in the bed. Approaching the bed, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the master bedroom where he knew she'd feel much more comfortable.


  "It's me, Love. I'm home like I promised."

  "Put me down, you fool, before you hurt yourself."

  Grinning, he kissed her forehead. “Just lean back and relax; we're almost there. Then you can go back to sleep."

  "Where are you taking me?"

  Damn she was cute when half asleep. Her arms around his neck told him she didn't really want him to put her down. In fact she wanted to be held closer.

  "To bed."

  "Drew, I was already in bed."

  "You were in the wrong bed. I'm just correcting that slight."

  Her arms tightened around his neck, as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Oh, I didn't realize there was a wrong bed."

  Resting her in the oversized king bed, he watched her curl around his pillow and then turned to remove his uniform and place his sidearm in the fireproof safe, resting his badge beside it in the red velvet lined box before locking it up. Draping his uniform over the arm of the reading chair, he turned out the lights and crawled into bed. He kept his boxers on so she would know he had no plans other than sleeping tonight. Truthfully it was more for his sanity than her security.


  "Yes, Love?"

  "I'm cold...Hold me?"

  "I was just about to do that, baby. Just getting comfortable before I take you in my arms.” A soft chuckle left his lips as Allison slid into his arms before he could do more than move to make her wish come true. She fit him perfectly, her body formed around his like she was made for him. Any lingering doubts he'd had about their future evaporated. “Better, baby?"

  "I feel like I'm finally home."

  "You are. May as well accept it.” Closing his eyes, he held her tighter.

  "Are you really coming with me in the morning?"

  Her words were soft and sleepy...soothing to his senses. “I'm not letting you out of my sight until the wedding. Besides, I want to see where and how you used to live. I need to make sure my girl is happy living here with me, and the best way to do that is to make the transition as seamless as possible."

  "Cocky, aren't you?” She teased softly.

  "You have no idea."

  Moving her hip, she rubbed up against him, pulling a groan of need and desire from his throat. A small self-satisfied smile curved her lips at his involuntary reaction. “Oh, I think I might."

  "Woman, you stop moving, or I will claim my reward tonight. I'm not a saint, after all."

  Allison giggled and turned over. “Can I at least get a proper kiss good night? It feels wrong to sleep in a man's arms without that slightest bit of intimacy."

  Drew tightened his hold around her, to stop her from squirming and to grant her request. “You my perfect woman, can have anything you want."


  Drew chuckled softly. “I thought you were cold and sleepy?"

  "I'm not cold anymore, and I'm too curious to be sleepy. What did Samantha say?"

  The topic switch threw him for a loop he wasn't inclined to follow. Who cared about Sam at a time like this? He'd much rather learn more about this incredible woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Before Allison, he'd never believed in love at first sight, or in the existence of a perfect woman. Funny what a week could do to a man.


  "Oh. Sorry, Love. You wanted to know about Sam right? She said she was broke, homeless and planned to fight the divorce.” There went his happy night; no woman in her right mind would want to get romantic after hearing that the man in question's ex-wife was about to cause trouble for him.

  Allison snuggled closer and brushed a kiss against his neck. “How did you respond to her?"

  This was one interrogation he was about to enjoy. “I told her she couldn't stay in our house, she needed to find a job to support herself because I wouldn't give her a dime, and that I would sue her for the divorce, whether she liked the idea or not."

  Allison rewarded him with another kiss, a little lower on the collar bone. “I like this game.” He whispered with a grin. “Ask me another one?"

  Giggling and grinning at his eager tone, her hands slid up his chest. “How did she use me as leverage?"

  That floored him. “Does everyone know Sam better than me?"

  Laughing, Allison patted his cheek. “Poor boy. It's in her nature to make others look bad so she can look good. I've met her kind before. She wasn't that difficult to figure out."

  Drew bit his tongue on the curses he wanted to release. “She informed me that you were an old lady.” Closing his eyes in anticipation of the kiss he was about to receive, Drew put all thought of his naivete where Sam was concerned out of his mind. He'd never fall for her false charms again.

  "And you responded?"

  "Hey, where's my kiss?"

  Allison grinned, but held her ground. “Your response, Sheriff?"

  "I told her that informing me of your age made her look bad, since she looks older than you do. My girl's a sexy old lady and I'll be the envy of all the other men in town."

  Allison trailed her fingers up his abdomen, laying soft kisses along her path. Drew groaned and rolled her back against the bed, sealing his lips to hers for a real kiss. “You're killing me."

  "How do you think I feel? First you're all caveman, carrying me to your bed, then you go and start acting all still and gentlemanly on me. I was just trying to help you relax before you hurt yourself.” Allison announced, not sounding the least bit sorry for her actions.

  "You succeeded, and now you're in deep trouble, young lady.” He was trying not to laugh, not to hurt her feelings. The sincerity on her face was so pure; she truly thought she was helping matters. He wanted her. That was all that mattered. He wanted her as close to him as possible, and there was only one way to accomplish that.

  "I think we should remove this jersey, what do you think?"

can I wear it on the plane tomorrow?"

  The nervous stutter in her voice told him she might not be ready for that step. She truly was one in a million. “And let all those men know you're mine? Damn straight you can. In fact, I insist you wear it. I'll even let you wear a clean one."

  Sitting up, she gave him a perfectly helpless look. “I think I could use a little help. If I try to remove it alone, I may end up knocking you out with my elbow or something equally humiliating."

  Grinning, he ran his hand under the jersey. Permission to fondle—every man's dream come true. “You'll need to follow all my instructions."

  Batting her eyelashes coyly, she flashed him a lopsided grin. “Every last one, I promise."

  Slowly pulling the jersey over her head, he threw it off to the side and ran his hands reverently over her breasts. “I love you, Allison McKay. Care to become Allison Kerry?"

  Her face fell, sadness entering her eyes as her nervous stutter returned. “Not until...not until...Damn it! I just can't until..."

  This was why he'd never forgive Sam. “Not until you are the only Mrs. Kerry in my life? Is that what you mean?"

  Allison's shoulders slumped against him in relief. “Yeah, is that ok?"

  He wouldn't have it any other way. “That's more than ok, and do you know why?"


  "Because, you've just informed me that you want to be my wife. Listen, I can't wait anymore. I have something for you. Don't move.” Getting out of bed, he walked over to his uniform trousers and pulled a small velvet box out of the pocket. Turning back toward the bed, he stopped long enough to take in the sight of his soon-to-be-bride. Allison looked so beautiful sitting there, her eyes shining in surprise as she looked up at him. “I hope you're willing to wear this now."

  "Wear what?"

  Kneeling by the side of the bed, he held out the velvet box to her and flipped open the lid. “Marry me, Allison."

  Her eyes grew in surprise. “That's....that's...."


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