I Know You Love Me

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I Know You Love Me Page 13

by Aline de Chevigny

  Allison pouted her lips impishly and ran her finger down his chest. “No, Mr. Linebacker, you don't look daft at all."

  Laughing, Drew tickled her sides until she was squirming with laughter. “I'm a quarterback, not a linebacker, you evil woman."

  "Okay, okay. I know. It was Jimmy who was the linebacker. I knew that without even being told. He's got the body type for it..."

  Groaning, Drew ran a gentle hand over his face in an attempt to get the image out of his brain that Allison had just implanted.

  "Do me a favor."

  "...more brawn than...."

  "Allison! baby, please don't remind me about that, okay?"

  "Sorry, what's the favor?” She asked laughing teasingly.

  Holding her tight against his chest, he ran his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. “Don't ever mention that night again."

  "I much prefer your body to his,” She whispered into his ear, starting to undo the buttons of his dress shirt.

  "Ah gross, man, do you two have to do that here?"

  "You still here, Runt?” Drew knew the kid was still there. He'd been testing him to see if he'd be rude to his sister or not.

  "Stephan, it's my house, and I'll do what I please in it. Why don't you go out...for the night. I'd like to pretend I have some privacy for a change."

  "Where am I supposed to go, Allison?"

  Allison shrugged. “How about William's, or Nathan's, or Vince's? I mean, you have three guys on the go. Pick one."

  Stephan refused to look at her. “We had a falling out."

  Laughing, she shook her head. “They found out about each other, didn't they? I warned you not to play games with people's emotions, but what did I know, right? You can go visit our parents for all I care. Just get out of my house for the next twenty-four hours."

  Stephan turned angry eyes on Drew. “This is all your fault. Why couldn't you just stay away?"

  "A man needs to sleep, Runt, and I haven't had a decent night's sleep since my baby here left. Come to think of it, I'm exhausted. Let's go to bed, baby.” Allison giggled, the sound making him want to get her into bed more than ever.

  "Now, Sheriff, you will behave yourself. It's early yet. How about I cook dinner, we can have some wine..."

  Hearing Stephan's snort of disgust, Drew turned to face him. “Are you still here, Runt? Do you need help finding the door out?"

  "If you two are just going to bed, why should I leave?"

  The petulance in his voice told Drew that this boy had never worked a day in his life. Well, that stopped today. He'd talk to Allison about letting the boy find his feet on his own. It was time she let the boy fend for himself. “Who said we'd be in the bedroom?"

  "Oh gross...I swear I'll never be able to sit in any room of this house again."

  "You don't need to worry about it; we're taking the living room furniture.” He saw the argument in Stephan's eyes before the boy could say a word. “Not a word, or we'll take all the furniture!"

  "Drew, honey, what about your furniture?"

  "My stuff is pretty nasty, and it's our house now. I want you to feel at home. I'm not attached to my furniture, so I don't mind throwing it away."

  "Not the blue chair; that one I want to keep."

  "Baby, it won't match...” One thing he'd learnt from being a cop was when not to fight a losing battle. “You're right. I'll move it into the bedroom.” He knew why she wanted to keep it. His baby was sentimental about things. He was just learning loads of interesting information about her today. Things were finally starting to make sense.

  "I'm out of here. Call me when it's safe to come back."

  Allison ignored him. “Drew, about your bedroom set. Would you be terribly upset if I asked that we get rid of it?"

  Drew shrugged. It was time to replace it anyway so he really didn't care other than the fact it was where he first held her in his arms. “Not particularly, but we do need a bed, baby."

  "We can take mine—No men have ever slept in it, I swear—or we could go shopping for a new one."

  Laughing, he hugged her close. “Let's go check this bed of yours before I decide. Tonight we sleep, tomorrow...ah baby, tomorrow..."

  Allison got up off his lap and held out her hand to him. Drew took it and let her lead him into the back of the house and into the bedroom. What he saw there left him in awe of this tiny woman.

  A four-poster solid mahogany wood king-sized bed sat dead center in the room. The bed was huge, and he was certainly looking forward to sharing it with her. There were two nightstands, one on either side of the bed, a wardrobe in the corner, and a vanity on the wall by the door that most probably led to the master bathroom. Turning her toward him, he pulled her into his arms and slowly started backing her toward the monstrosity of a bed.

  "This will do. No wonder you said your bed was too big and cold."

  "My fridge is coming too; yours is falling apart, and Jimmy says..."

  "Can we please finish negotiating tomorrow?” At this point he had her firmly pinned beneath him on the bed, his lips tracing a pattern of kisses down her neck.

  "What about food? I was going to..."

  Drew chuckled and kissed her lips to quiet her. She was babbling nervously. He always did think nervous babble was cute, especially on this woman. “If we get hungry, Sweetheart, we can always order in."

  Allison sighed and slipped her hands into his shirt. “I told you that once you got comfortable, we'd end up in bed."

  So she had, so she had. Smart woman, his fiancee; she already knew what he liked.

  * * * *

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  Chapter Fourteen

  Drew woke feeling anxious and confused. Opening his eyes, he made a mental note that the sun had set, and the only light in the room came from the clock radio next to the bed. That answered his first question—it was night out. You know how to handle this, Drew. Just assess your surroundings.

  He seriously hated not knowing where he was when he woke up. When Sam had left him, he'd found himself waking in many a strange place, from strange women's beds to alleys behind the bars in which he'd drunk himself into a stupor the night before. He'd long since come to terms with her abandonment, but every now and then when he had a new conquest, he'd forget where he was.

  To keep his sanity intact, he'd stopped spending the night. Most had no issues with that rule, but a few would try to guilt him into staying, thinking if he stayed he'd realize he was in love with them. That had never happened, nor had he ever frequented their beds again after those occurrences.

  Then he'd met a fiery little woman who wouldn't give him the time of day and refused to share his bed, and fell head-over-heels. Now he couldn't sleep if she's wasn't in his arms. Jimmy was right; he was a love sick fool.

  What woke me?

  Closing his eyes, he let his senses wander through the room. Soft bed beneath him, with a warm body over him that smelled slightly of rose petals. A grin lit his face. Allison.

  A sound from the other room caught his attention and had him slipping out of bed quietly to investigate. They were supposed to be alone, and he planned to have a very intimate conversation with whoever had the bad taste to break into his woman's house. Especially tonight.

  "Drew, what's wrong?"

  "Go back to sleep, baby, I just heard some noise. New house, and I'm not sure what's normal yet.” Snuggling against his pillow, she smiled sleepily. Lord, she looked seductive when she did that.

  "It's probably Stephan sneaking in, thinking we wouldn't notice."

  "Your brother. Right, I'd forgotten all about the runt. Baby, I'm still going to check. I'll never get back to sleep if I don't."

  She sat up sleepily, the blanket falling away, revealing her very sexy naked body. He still couldn't believe he'd been able to restrain himself this long with that kind of perfection in his arms, but like her, he'd compromised. She willingly slept naked, and he willingly waited impatiently for their wedding night. The other option was to
o horrible to even consider.

  "I'll come with you."

  Lust washed over him, causing him to groan in pain at the intensity of the rush. Good Lord, he wanted this woman more than he'd ever desired anyone in the past, including Samantha.

  "Allison, this could be dangerous, you stay here. I'll be right back."

  Leaning over he kissed her lips gently, evading her questing hands as she reached out for him.

  "When I get back, we will be having a serious discussion regarding our relationship status young lady."

  "We will?"

  Was that sadness in her voice? He knew he'd told her he'd wait but a man can only take so much. If only he could pleasure her...orally would do; he needed to taste her, and soon. He couldn't resist stealing one last kiss, a deep groan leaving his lips when her hand came up to caress his face.

  "We most definitely will. Now cover up to stay warm. Be a good girl, stay put, and I'll be right back."

  A hot red blush crept up over her cheeks as she self-consciously reached down to pull the blanket up to cover herself. Damn, he loved her, and he could be an intense idiot at times. He'd embarrassed her. He left the room before he could stick his foot any further down his throat.

  Quietly making his way down the stairs, he made a decision he knew Allison wouldn't approve of. Step one; call the judge first thing in the morning and make Sam an offer of a one-time payment of ten thousand dollars, payable once the divorce is legal, binding and finalized. He could take out a second mortgage on the house to pay her off. Step two; procure a wedding license and marry that angel upstairs. The sooner step two happened, the happier he'd be.

  Step three; make her so deliriously happy she'd never even dream of leaving him.

  Stopping just outside the kitchen door, he listened again. The sound was definitely coming from that room. Stealing into the room, Drew positioned himself against the counter and watched Stephan go about his business like the little thief he seemed to be. “Hey, Runt, whatcha doing?” Drew grinned at the panicked expression that crossed the boy's face. Serves him right for disobeying Allison.

  "Christ, don't do that; you nearly scared me to death. And keep your voice down!"

  "Good! I'm glad I scared you. You're not supposed to be here, remember?"

  "Yeah, well, screw you. I live here, not you, and when Ali leaves, this place is gonna be mine to do with as I please."

  Not if Drew had anything to do about it. “Why? Are you planning on offering to buy the place from your sister?” Drew already knew the answer. He just wanted Stephan to admit the truth out loud.

  "Not a chance; she's gonna give it to me."



  Drew narrowed his eyes at the boy. “I think it's time you left, Runt, before your sister wakes up."

  "What are you gonna do if I refuse? Throw me out?"

  "Nope, I don't have the authority to do that—"



  The look of panic on Stephan's face hinted that maybe Allison was finally at her breaking point with the kid. He did want him to keep his voice down so she wouldn't find out he was there after all.

  "Hey Steph, what's...oooo...who's the babe?"

  Stephan grimaced and threw Drew a glare. “He isn't a babe."

  "Suit yourself, but I think he's scrumptious, all those muscles..."

  "He's straight, Alec."

  Drew grinned. Poor kid looked more annoyed now than when he'd ordered him to fetch his bags.

  "Oh. Too bad; what a waste of perfectly good male."

  "Sorry, kid, but a little lady already stole my heart,” Drew announced with a laugh.

  "You have to admit, Stephan, he's pretty cute for a straight guy, and he hasn't freaked out yet about getting hit on. You have to like that in a guy."

  Stephan turned petulant eyes on Drew. “Great. Now you made an admirer out of my boyfriend. Who are you gonna corrupt next? My parents?"

  "I'll try my damndest; I am marrying your sister after all...which brings us to the point of this little get-together. You aren't supposed to be here, Runt, and Allison doesn't allow strangers in her house when she's in residence. That I know for a fact. Sorry, kid, but you have to go."

  "Drew? Drew, are you still out there? Is everything okay?"

  The worry in her voice convinced him to overlook the fact that she'd disobeyed him; he expected no less from her. “Come here, baby."

  The minute she stepped into the kitchen, he took her hand and pulled her back against his chest. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he leaned his chin on the top of her head. “You were told to stay upstairs,” he reminded, kissing the crown of her head in affection.

  "You were supposed to come right back. I got lonely."

  He grinned at her counter remark. “You win this round. By the way, you look quite fetching in this outfit."

  "Thank you, Sheriff, I found it just lying around on the floor..."

  "Can we leave now?” Stephan blurted out rudely.

  The angry look Allison turned on her brother actually made him feel for the kid. That feeling lasted a whole ten seconds.

  "Stephan, what are you doing here?"

  "I live here, remember?"

  Drew winced at the snotty tone. Geez, Runt. That is so the wrong way to get yourself out of trouble.

  "Really? Where's my rent? You haven't paid me a dime in the four years I've let you stay here, and who is that?"

  "A friend."

  "You know my rules Stephan. How could you break them? And with Drew here? Are you trying to make me look stupid?"

  "I don't give a damn about your rules. I invite who I want, when I want, to my house."

  "Your house?” Allison's whole body shivered in anger at his words. “Fine. You win, Stephan. I've had it with you. Starting tomorrow, you need to find a new place to live. I want you out by the time I leave. I'm selling the house when I move."

  "You can't do that. Where am I supposed to go?"

  Allison shrugged, her body held rigidly still so her brother wouldn't see how angry he'd made her.

  "I don't care anymore. With all the money you've been saving on rent in the past four years, you should have enough to afford a nice little house."

  "What money? I don't have any money,” Stephan whined.

  Allison looked at him, appalled. “What about the monthly allowance I've been giving you?"

  "I spent it. That's what allowances are for."

  Allison closed her eyes and counted to ten. “On what? I buy all the food, the drinks, the necessities."

  "Stuff. Clothes, and...just stuff. What do you care? It's my money to do with as I please."

  "As of this moment, you'd better find yourself a job. I'm through supporting you. I thought, ‘he's young, he'll grow out of the selfish phase.’ Boy, was I wrong. Damn it, Stephan, how could you be so irresponsible? You're twenty five years old. Didn't you save anything?"

  Stephan pushed past her, hoping to get out of the kitchen before the axe truly fell. “Why should I? You were supporting me."

  "Not anymore! You have two weeks to find a new place to live, and then your things find a new home on the front lawn."

  "You wouldn't dare."

  Allison laughed and returned to Drew's side, taking his arms and putting them around her waist. She needed to feel his arms around her in support, to know that at least one person here was on her side. It hadn't escaped her attention that Stephan's friend was staying very quiet in his corner.

  "Try me. Hell, I should have a yard sale to collect some of the money I've wasted on you over the years. This has gone on a lot longer than I should have let it. You're an adult now. Start acting like it."

  Turning toward Drew, Stephan growled in anger. “This is all your fault. You put her up to this."

  Drew held up his hands in surrender. Pulling a disapproving growl from Allison.

  "Hey, who said you could let go?” Allison grumbled with a pout.

  Laughing, he slipped
his arms back around her waist. “I haven't said a word one way or the other. You, on the other hand, have single-handedly pissed your sister off beyond anything I've ever seen or accomplished myself. Bravo!"

  "That reminds me, what Drew says goes from this point on. He has the authority to enforce the rules we agreed to, and I will give him a copy of them in the morning—A signed copy."

  Drew leaned his chin on her head. “Baby, are you telling me that he signed an agreement, and now's he's blatantly breaking it?"

  "Sad, isn't it? We'd agreed that I would support him for five years while he got himself back on his feet after his last breakup. I never noticed how spoiled rotten he'd become over the years."

  "I'm spoiled...hell, open your eyes, Sis. The only reason that guy is with you is because you're Allison McKay."

  Fighting off the doubts and fears that what Stephan said could be true, Allison left the comfort of Drew's arms and approached her little brother. “It's possible, even probable, but in my heart, I know that given time, he'll learn to love me for who I am now and not who I used to be."

  "Baby, until I spoke with the judge or heard you sing—hell, even then—I had no idea who you were, beyond the ball-buster auditor who drove me to annoying distraction. That's who I fell in love with—the woman who took over my office and ordered me to sit my gorgeous tush down in the visitor's chair until she was ready for me, the woman who looked at me with tears in her eyes because all her plans were ruined by something she couldn't control. You know that, right?"

  She knew. Jimmy had told her to be patient with Drew because he had no idea what he was getting into, how Drew had been more into the heavy metal bands like AC/DC than Ten Deep. She knew and she loved him for it. Stephan was only trying to cause trouble and cause her pain. Stephan was only trying to make her doubt her own heart.

  "That's pathetic,” Stephan sneered laughingly. “Are you that desperate for someone between your legs, that you're willing to demean yourself with someone so far beneath you?"

  "Get out, Runt, before I physically remove you from these premises, and don't come back till I'm gone, or the next time I hear a noise, I'll shoot first and ask questions later."


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