I Know You Love Me

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I Know You Love Me Page 14

by Aline de Chevigny

  Alec spoke up, quietly. “I know that I'm the stranger here, and that I should probably just keep my mouth shut, but... I think what you said, Mr. Drew, was very sweet. Ms. Allison is very lucky to have a guy like you. Not many straight men are sensitive enough to a woman's feelings to notice when she's in pain. He's a keeper, honey. I'd cuff him to my bed if I were you."

  "You're as pathetic as he is, Alec. Why don't you just leave? I'm not in the mood to be with someone who would take their side over mine."

  "Get used to it; you were cruel to that poor woman. After everything even you admit she's done for you, you went out of your way to be downright mean to her.” Standing straight, Alec shrugged his shoulders and turned to go. “I don't know what I ever saw in you."

  Watching her brother implode his life and hit rock bottom was not Allison's idea of fun. She'd always felt guilty that he couldn't seem to find his place in life. He couldn't sing, had been musically disinclined, and hated to read or write as proven by his poor grades.

  He had some artistic talent, and she'd asked him to create some illustrations for her young adult novel, but he'd handed her sketches of lewd sexual positions involving two or more men. She couldn't put that in her books; she'd get sued by the parents of the children who read her works. That had been when he'd accused her of not caring and she'd given in to the five year plan he'd suggested. Allison now realized she should have stopped supporting his weaknesses over three years ago.

  Slipping out of the room, she hoped Drew understood that she just couldn't stand there and listen to the hurtful words anymore.

  "You can go with him. After everything that woman has done for you, to choose the most harmful thing you could think of to say to her is unforgivable. You are nothing but a spoiled, selfish brat, and unless she wants to see you, I won't allow you anywhere near her ever again. Get out of this house Stephan, and don't bother coming back."

  "What about my stuff?"

  Drew laughed harshly. “You mean the stuff you bought with your sister's money? That stuff?"

  "It's mine; I bought with the money she gave me,” Stephan whined, grating on Drew's last nerve.

  "We'll send it to you when you find a new place, or we'll give it to the Salvation Army. Allison will decide when she feels up to it."

  "This isn't over. We are so far from done here."

  Drew was furious with Stephan. If the boy had any brains at all in his head, he'd leave now. With one cruel sentence, the kid had nearly ruined his future with Allison. He'd at the very least succeeded in alienating Allison from him, and for that, Drew would never forgive him.

  "If you've caused Allison any pain over this, I'll make you suffer."

  "Afraid my words of wisdom will make her come to her senses?” Stephan taunted.

  Yes, God help me, yes. Drew had no doubt that Allison was way too good for him, but he loved her unconditionally. He could only hope that was enough.

  "If you're asking if I'm worried she'll decide she no longer loves me, then no. Feelings can't be turned off that easily."

  "Too bad for you. Seems to me like she has."

  The little sadistic prick knew just how to choose the right words to cause the maximum amount of emotional pain.

  "She's gone, big guy, and we both know what that means."

  "Get out of this house and don't come back!"

  * * * *

  * * * *

  "Allison...baby...” He could tell she was in bed and didn't think she was asleep yet. “We can talk about what happened in the kitchen tomorrow, after you've had time to sleep on it.” Removing his jeans, he got into bed and turned to face her silhouette. It took all his self-control not to reach for her. If she was hurting, she'd need time to process her feelings. If she wants to be held, she'll cuddle...I hope. He told himself skeptically.

  "I'm not promising to leave if you decide that's what you want; I will do everything in my power to convince you that I don't care about the famous Allison McKay, it's the auditor I adore and can't resist. I'll even seduce you again if I have to."

  He waited a few minutes for a reaction to his bold statement, any reaction. Heaving a heavy sigh, he turned on his back and closed his eyes to attempt sleep. He knew Allison had listened to every word he'd said, but had chosen not to comment. Drew heard the soft rustle of the sheets as she turned over to face him and wondered what came next.

  Her soft body slid closer to his, leaving just enough room between them that they weren't touching. To him this, having her so close and yet so far, was worse than if she'd stayed on her side of the bed. She was killing him with the waiting and wanting he felt every time she was near.

  Soft lips kissed his arm, shoulder and neck, followed by a feathery, almost nonexistent touch running down his chest to his navel. His body shivered in desire at her touch, releasing a low growl from deep in his chest. Opening his eyes, he found her leaning up on an elbow watching him with as much desire shining in her eyes as he must have in his.

  "Baby, what are you doing?"

  "You threatened to seduce me, then closed your eyes and went to sleep. So I decide to seduce you instead."

  A quick flip had her securely pinned beneath his body, his erection digging into her soft belly as his lips traveled down her neck to her collar bone.

  "I think it's time to lose the shirt love, I have a strong desire to show you pleasure, and I'm not inclined to resist any longer."

  Allison sighed in relief, and slipped her arms around his shoulders. “It's about damn time you realized that. But..."

  "But what?"

  "If I lose the shirt, you have to lose the boxers."

  Her ultimatum stunned him. His boxers were the only reminder to resist temptation. Sitting up, he stared at her in confusion as to exactly what she was saying to him.

  Allison took the opportunity presented to slip the shirt over her head and slip out of her underwear, then stopped to look at him expectantly. Drew couldn't seem to make his body respond to his unvoiced demands. She was so beautiful, and she was all his.

  "Did you need some help there, Sheriff?"

  Yes. Lord yes, he wanted her hands on him. Seeing as his voice had suddenly abandoned him, he nodded yes and watched as she leaned forward. Her hands slipped around his shoulders and she pulled him forward, her lips kissing his softly until he lay above her once more. Allison slid her hands down his sides and into his boxers, continuing down, pushing the underwear over his ass as she went.

  For a woman who'd never made love before, Drew was very impressed with her gentle, yet determined, touch. Looking deep into her eyes, he asked the only question he could think of. Her answer would determine whether or not he made love to her this night.

  "Do you love me, Allison?"

  "The word, my dear Sheriff, that you are looking for, is adore. I adore you, I love you unconditionally, and I know you had no idea who I was. The annoyance on your face that first day we met told me quite clearly that to you I was nothing but an annoying, if slightly sexy, pain in your ass."

  "I like adore. I like adore a lot. So, Ms. McKay, whatever shall I do with you?"

  Allison sighed softly, the sound going straight for his groin.

  "Make love to me, Drew. Show me exactly how you feel about me...without words."

  Drew's eyebrows shot up into his hairline in surprise. “Action only?"


  "Are you sure, baby? We don't..."

  Giggling, she ran her hands, over his ass, down his thigh and around his waist slipping her hands down into the front of his boxers. Drew gasped when her fist wrapped around his rock hard penis.

  "Teach me what pleases you, Drew."

  "No words, remember, and that...oh, Lord, Lady of mine, that pleases me.” He didn't want her to stop, but his hunger to taste her was stronger than ever. “Let me take these off, baby, I want to teach you something you'll enjoy.” She reluctantly let him go and leaned back to watch him stand. It stroked his ego to know she desired him as much as he did her. She l
ooked so inviting, lying there watching him with rapt attention.

  "You are so beautiful, Drew, so...big."

  Okay maybe a few words should be allowed; he liked being complimented in bed. “I promise to be gentle."

  "I'd rather you promise to make me feel adored, wanted and completely fulfilled."

  Leaning back over the bed, he flashed a seductive grin. “That, too, my love. That, too.” Kissing her lips, he slowly started making his way down her body, and took a nipple into his mouth.

  Allison's back arched off the bed. “Oh my God, that feels good."

  "You like that, baby?"

  "Promise me you'll never stop doing that, and I'm yours to do with as you please."

  Chuckling wickedly, he moved further down her body, leaving wet kisses every few inches along his way.

  "Drew, please, go back to my breasts; they need you."

  "Hush, woman, you just told me your body was mine to do with as I pleased. Now lay back and enjoy what I'm going to do next.” Spreading her legs apart, he kissed her inner thigh and ran a knuckle lightly over her mound. “Baby, you're so wet."

  "Don't stop..."

  "Never. I'm going to take the next step now, okay?"


  The frustration in her voice made him grin. She was right where he wanted her. Slipping his index finger into her canal, he felt her body clench around his digit as she cried out in pleasure. Leaning forward, he added his lips and tongue to the assault on his woman. Allison's body arched off the bed as a wave of pleasure flowed through her body.

  "Drew! Please, I can't take much more."

  Looking up at her rosy cheeks, he grinned evilly. “Yes you can, and you will. I will not enter you until you are as wet as I can make you, Love."

  "Are you trying to kill me?"

  "No, baby, I'm making love to you. Now, hush and enjoy.” Lowering his head, he resumed his meal. Lord, she tasted good. This was better than he'd imagined, and he'd imagined this night often.

  Allison panted and tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him in place. “Yes, yes! Oh, God, Drew, more."

  She was squirming uncontrollably below his mouth, her body cresting toward her first orgasm. “You like that, baby?"

  "More, Drew...” she whispered breathily.

  Kissing her thigh, he grinned when Allison's fingers tightened in his hair and dragged his head back to her mound.

  "I didn't give you permission to stop, Sheriff!"

  Laughing, he ran his tongue slowly over her damp mound, relishing how easily he could make her cum. While she tried to catch her breath, he made his way back up her body and kissed her lips softly. “Did you enjoy that my love?"

  "Immensely, Drew. Is there a way for me to please you the way you've just pleased me? Do men enjoy being pleasured that way? Show me how."

  How did a man answer that question? And which should he answer first? The crude answer came automatically; it was what his past conquests preferred to hear, but Allison was different. She deserved to be treated with love.

  "Yes, a woman can and occasionally does perform oral sex on her partner. A lot of women don't like to perform the act, because men...myself included in the past, can get carried away while the woman is giving them a blow job."

  "But do men like it when their women do this?"

  "Yes, baby, men like it very much."

  "Do you?"

  Now that was a loaded question if ever he'd heard one, and yet it still deserved an honest answer. “Yes, baby, I like them very much."

  "Would you like me to...uhm...” Her cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment. “...blow you, Drew?"

  His shaft throbbed in anticipation of feeling her lips around it. To say no would have been an all-out lie, one he didn't think she'd ever forgive, once she'd learnt the truth.

  "Are you sure you want to do this love?"

  "I'll never know if I like it or not if I don't try, and if your little friend is any indication of your answer, you like being blown very much. So what do I do?"

  A soft groan left his lips as her hand closed around his shaft. “Baby, take pity on this overly-excited man. Every time you use the word blow, I get close to the edge. Soon I won't be able to control myself anymore."

  "Do you want me, Drew?"

  "Hell, woman that has got to be...” Stopping himself, he took a deep breath, trying to ignore her wandering fingers, and answered her honestly. “Yes."

  "Good. Promise to teach me how to pleasure you properly."

  The combination of her soft words and talented fingers had him promising before she'd even finished her sentence. “Baby, I will teach you everything I know and more about making love and pleasure."

  With a sexy smile, she leaned up and kissed him, completely grabbing his undivided attention, and then slowly luring him down on top of her, she slipped her arms around his shoulders and held him firmly in place.

  "I love you Sheriff Drew Perry."

  "I adore you, too Ms. Allison McKay. I think it's time I showed you exactly how much I love you, without words."

  The heat in her eyes drew him down to her lips and into a kiss that lasted forever, yet ended all too soon. Leaning his head down, he took her nipple into his mouth to distract her, just before he entered her. Allison cried out from the pain, but held on tightly, refusing to let him stop.

  "Don't stop Drew, please don't stop."

  Running a soft hand down the side of her face, he kissed her again and started to move inside of her—slowly at first; he wanted her moaning in pleasure before he increased the pace.


  She was close. He could see it in her eyes. He'd prepared her well. The pain was gone and the desire was back in her beautiful blue eyes. But it wasn't enough yet; he wanted her begging for more. He rubbed his thumb softly against her clit and was rewarded by her hips arching off the bed in search for more.

  "Drew, are you trying to make me crazy?"

  "No, baby, I'm just trying to make sure you don't remember any of the pain come morning. I want you to come to bed willingly at night, not dreading it."

  Allison wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands up his chest seductively. “Honey, I expected the pain. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now will you continue making love to me and stop holding back?"

  Drew laughed and kissed her, resuming his soft strokes and building up speed as her breathing grew shallow and ragged. He wanted her first time to be perfect, so he timed his release to match hers. Then collapsed against her, completely out of energy.

  "That was...amazing. When can we do that again, Drew?"

  "When I catch my breath and regain my energy,” he told her with a tired laugh, rolling onto his back and pulling her along to lie on top of him. “Baby, you wore me out. Sleep now. More later."


  "Baby, you just try to keep my hands off you when I wake up."

  In a few weeks, when she wasn't so new to the act of lovemaking, he'd take her up on the more offer. But tonight, he refused to push her. She'd already be sore come morning, without making matters worse.

  Settling her head against his chest, she closed her eyes and cuddled closer. “I love you, Drew."

  "I love you too, baby."

  * * * *

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  Chapter Fifteen

  Allison woke wrapped tightly in a pair of strong arms, with her head resting lightly on a bare chest. She'd woken up with Drew holding her for dear life before, but his was different; his hold today was one of possessiveness and terror.

  Trying to slip out from under his arms, she giggled when his hold tightened and one of his legs moved to cover hers, effectively pinning her into place against him. The only way she was getting out of this predicament was if she woke him up.

  Every time she moved, she felt soreness in her lower body, yet it wasn't as sore as she'd expected. Trapped as she was, her choices were to wake her slumbering sex god or watch him sleep with enjoyment
. Allison chose the latter; she wasn't ready to wake him just yet; he'd either have a lot of questions, or he'd be ready for round five. That's what had happened every time she accidentally woke him during the night—he'd kiss her, and she'd melt, becoming putty in his hands.

  He'd walked her through how to please him orally, and she'd quite enjoyed the experience. Drew had laid back, a look of bliss on his face, his hands clenched in the blankets around them as she practiced and experimented to see what he'd enjoy best. The greedy man told her he enjoyed it all and hoped she'd continue to experiment on him. Smiling softly, she realized that she would, as often as he wished it. She enjoyed the control it gave her over him, and she enjoyed even more having him pleasure her in that way. Drew was definitely a talented man in the bedroom. She hoped she would be able to keep his interest in theirs so he wouldn't find the need to go looking elsewhere.

  Drew had promised to teach her a new position tonight, something he said they'd both enjoy immensely. She was curious, and anxious to find out what he'd meant by that. Drew shifted slightly beneath her. The man was awake, pretending to sleep. His erection was tenting the covers, giving her a wicked urge to teach him a lesson he'd enjoy. When his hold around her loosened, Allison knew she'd been right.

  Pulling back the covers, she traced soft lines down his chest to his hips. Drew moaned softly, but still refused to open his eyes. Leaning down, she rained kisses down his neck to his shoulder, and then moved from his shoulder to his nipple, where she ran her tongue round the peak, a grin crossing her lips when it pebbled the way hers did when he did the same thing.

  Using her teeth, she softly bit down on his nipple and sucked it into her mouth before licking it and moving over to the other one and lavishing the same attention on it as she had the first. That was one complaint she had—he always seemed to focus all his attention on one breast and ignored the other. Both her breasts demanded equal attention, and she hoped he'd understand when she brought the subject up.

  Moving further down, she lay kisses all around his shaft, never quite touching it. It amused her that Drew would pretend to be asleep, yet his erection would suddenly jump over to the place her lips had just been. “How long do you plan on lying there pretending to be asleep, Sheriff?” she teased.


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