I Know You Love Me

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I Know You Love Me Page 15

by Aline de Chevigny

  "As long as it takes for you to relieve my discomfort, Love."

  Laughing, she leaned against his hip. “Where is this discomfort of yours?"

  Frowning at her, Drew leaned up on both elbows, pulling a giddy giggle from her lips. “Baby, are you trying to be funny?"

  "Maybe a little, but you had it coming, pretending to sleep while I was..."

  "Having your way with me. You've become positively naughty, Love, and I like it. Come here; let me show you how much I adore this new attitude of yours."

  Laughing, she slinked up his body until he held her tight. “How exactly do you plan on doing that, Sheriff?"

  "Allison, you really need to stop calling me Sheriff while we're making love, or you will find me coming home and carrying you off to the bedroom on a very regular basis."

  She liked that thought very much. Maybe that was why Bonnie had been having sex in the file room; she couldn't wait ‘till she got home to make love to the man she adored. “Is that supposed to deter me from using my favorite name for you? Seriously, Sheriff, I don't see the down side to..."

  Drew growled and pinned her back against the mattress. “I love this bed. There's so much room for me to do just about anything I want to you in it. We are definitely bringing this bed home with us."

  "Drew, do you love me or this bed more? Seriously, man, kiss me already."

  "As you wish, my love. Your wish is my command. Anything you want I will do my best to provide."

  Laughing, she cupped both sides of his face and pulled him down to within kissing distance. “Shut up and kiss me, you fool.” When Drew kissed her, she knew she'd lost her heart for good. She was deeply in love with this man, and when...if he decided he was tired of her and wanted someone younger or more...

  "You aren't in the room with me anymore Allison. What's wrong?"

  "I'm sorry Drew; I was just imagining our life together ten years from now."

  "Don't lie to me, Allison McKay. You were thinking I'd leave you. You still don't truly believe that I adore you beyond all logical reason. I'm hurt and crushed and I'm going to take a shower."

  "Drew, don't...” He shook his head at her, there was such sadness in his eyes she was at a loss for words to explain it. Could he really love her as much as he claimed? “Drew?” Silence... “Drew, please don't make me beg you to answer me."

  "I'm sorry baby, but that was uncalled for. How could you still doubt...me?"

  "Would you care for some company in there? I'd rather not have this conversation through a wall.” Poking his head out the door, he looked at her for so long she knew he was going to tell her he was leaving and that she couldn't stand to hear. “Forget I asked. I'll go make you some breakfast, and shower while you eat."

  She got up and made her way as quickly as possible toward the door, before the damned tears started. She'd messed up this relationship faster than all her others combined. After this, no more men. She was done, it wasn't worth the pain. A strong arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back into the bedroom.

  "I'd love some company in the shower; I have this irresistible urge to wash those perfect breasts for you. Then once they're clean, we can kiss, make up, and you can tell me how much you love me over and over again until I believe you."

  Turning in his arms, she slid her arms up around his neck and held on tight. “I do love you, Sheriff, so much that it scares me."

  "I will never hurt you, baby. I know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out when someone you thought loved you walks out and never comes back."

  "She came back, Drew..."

  "Too little, too late, baby. I found me a sexy woman who adores me and is hell on wheels in bed. I'm not ever letting her go."

  Allison giggled uncontrollably at Drew's use of really horrid English. He was trying to be cute and was succeeding with flying colors. “Well in that case...while you're washing my breasts, maybe you can explain something to me."

  Grinning like a mad fool, he lured her into the shower and proceeded to soap up her breasts...a lot. It hadn't escaped her notice that the longer he...washed her, the harder his shaft became.

  "Oops. Baby, I seem to have dropped the soap. Can you get it for me?"

  Allison may have been inexperienced, but she wasn't an idiot. The look on Drew's face gave away his intentions immediately. “Drew, honey, is this your way of getting that repeat of last night?"

  "Well, I thought that since you'll be down there already....we could experiment a little."

  Allison pressed her soapy breasts against his chest as she slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I'd love to experiment with you, what do you want me to do?"

  "Turn around and bend forward to pick up the soap, baby. I'll take care of the rest."

  "Drew, shouldn't we take care of a few of those important details like calling Eric?"

  "Soon, Love, soon. By the way, what will you be doing while I talk to Eric?"

  He could be such a little kid when he didn't get his way. “Resting up for..."

  "Oh no you won't; you will be calling your publisher and the auditor's office to change your address. Once you have completed those tasks, you will choose a moving company...Why are you smiling at me like that?"

  "I'm just wondering how long before you remember the soap and your erection?"

  "My...come here, baby. Let's take care of this pesky problem of mine, and then maybe take a nap to recover for later..."

  Laughing, she ran her hands seductively over his chest.

  The woman was going to drive him to distraction, and they'd never get anything done this week. Lord, he was a lucky man. Turning her away from him, he pulled her plump ass back against him and cupped her breasts from behind her. Allison moaned in pleasure. She liked having him play with her breasts, and what his baby liked, his baby got.


  Kissing her neck, he lifted one of her arms and placed her palm against the shower wall, then took the other and did the same thing. He loved how she trusted him enough to let him manipulate her like a Barbie doll. Raining a few more kisses along her neck, he slid his hands around her hips and pulled her back toward him. She was already wet and ready for him. He'd made sure of that while he washed her.

  With one smooth thrust, he entered her, stopping before he'd entered completely; he wanted to tease and taunt her to an orgasm, but Allison had other ideas. One thing he'd learnt about his baby over the past few months—she had a mind of her own, and when she wanted something, she went for it.

  Allison pushed back, taking him in to the hilt. “Yes...finally."

  "Baby?” Her words confused him.

  "You've been holding back on me, Sheriff. I knew something was missing, and it turns out to be about two inches."

  With a deep chuckle, he pulled out and thrust back in pulling another moan of pleasure from her lips. She was right. Something had been missing, and never again would he hold back any part of their sex life without talking to her first.

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  Chapter Sixteen

  Snuggling down into the covers, Drew pulled Allison close. “Baby, I did something unforgivable last night."

  "Will you ever do it again?"

  "Not even in our next lifetime together. No more holding back, and no more denying you a say in how..."

  Allison kissed him to quiet him. “I love you, Drew. Know what?"

  "No, baby, what?"

  "I didn't hurt today when we made love in the shower."

  "I saw how sore you were while walking earlier, Allison. Don't ever lie to me about things like this...please?"

  Stroking his cheek, she leaned up to kiss the tip of his nose. “I promise. You are such a goof; I was talking about the actual act of sex. There was no pain.” He looked at her with a blank expression. “What I'm telling you, Sheriff, is that all that practice we've been having during the past twenty-four hours have paid off."

  A slow grin crawled across his face as understanding washed over him
, making her laugh in amusement.

  "Which means, my dear man, the more we practice, the less it will hurt the next morning...unless we keep up the pace we've been going at. Then I probably won't be able to walk at all."

  Laughing, Drew hugged her close. “Sweetheart, I love the way you think."

  "I thought you might. Now I believe you said something about phone calls?"

  Snuggling back under the covers, he pulled Allison down with him. He groaned at her reminder of the real world, a world he wasn't ready to enter just yet. “Maybe later. I need a nap first."

  "No, now! Come on, Lazy Bones; you still need to call Eric."

  "You are a cruel, cruel woman, draining a man's energies then refusing to let him rest and replenish them."

  Allison laughed and shook her head, her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight streaming in through the window. “That's my plan exactly; if you have no energy, then I don't have to worry about you dragging me off to the bedroom, or anywhere else for that matter. At least not until we finish running a few errands."

  "Just an hour, baby. Stay here and keep me company for an hour."

  Allison slipped out of bed with a giggle. “You stay there and be lazy. I'm going out to run some errands. See you in a few hours."

  Popping a bagel into the toaster, she heard Drew's bare feet enter the kitchen behind her. “I may not be able to see you, Sheriff, but I can hear you. Stop staring at me like that and come help me prepare some breakfast."

  "I think I may be a little underdressed to go anywhere near hot appliances, baby."

  Turning to face him, a hot blush covered her cheeks and a giggle escaped her lips. “You are supposed to be too tired to do that,” she said pointing at his erect penis.

  "What can I say, Love? You bring out the best in me."

  Laughing, she threw her tea towel at him. “Go get dressed, you goof. What if Stephan comes back. Do you want him to see you dressed...or undressed like that?"

  Drew grinned and leaned up against the door frame. “Think he'll start showing you more respect if he sees me like this?"

  Allison narrowed her eyes at him. “Let me rephrase that. I don't want him to see you like that! That state of un-attire, Mr. Perry, is for my eyes only."

  "I love that you're so possessive of my body, Ms. McKay, because I feel exactly the same way about yours."

  * * * *

  * * * *

  "Hey Judge, any progress?"

  "Drew you sound much more chipper these days. The progress is minimal; Sam still won't sign the papers. How's Allison?"


  "Make me stop worrying about that answer."

  Drew laughed and walked over to the study to watch Allison sort through her papers. “Wish I could, I truly do, but you wouldn't believe me anyway. Listen, Judge...” Walking back into the living room, he sat on the sofa and opened the phone book. “Make Sam a new offer—ten grand one-time payment, she signs today. I pay her as soon as the bank approves my loan, and the divorce is finalized."

  "Drew, are you sure?"

  "I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I need to do this, Eric.” He hoped the judge could hear the sincerity in his voice. He needed the man on his side.

  "Ok, I'll offer her seven and raise to a maximum of ten. And before I forget, your wife, dear friend, is now shacked up with Wilson, putting her in a precarious position as far as I'm concerned."

  That caught Drew's attention and surprised him a little. “How? I mean, in all honesty, I'm shacked up with Allison, and I don't plan on hiding it from anyone. So how can Sam doing the same thing put her in a precarious position?"

  "All of that is true, Sheriff, but you did not leave her, and you want the divorce, while she claims she wants you back. I have Judge MacKenzie coming in tomorrow to hear this case."

  His stomach clenched as cold dread entered his gut; he knew what Eric was going to say next, and he wasn't ready to hear it. “He didn't have a problem with taking this case over?"

  "Not when I explained that I had to recuse myself because of a personal conflict of interest."

  Drew sat forward. “What did you tell him exactly?"

  "High school crush. I didn't have to tell him anymore than that."

  "You mean he wasn't confused by your cryptic answer?"

  "Not in the least. He knew immediately that I was talking about Allison. I never had a crush on anyone else in high school."

  Eric was laughing, making Drew feel even more stupid than normal. “Man, was I the only one who didn't know who she was?” The statement was rhetorical, so he wasn't surprised when Eric didn't comment on it.

  "You need to be here when MacKenzie gets to town, Drew. It also wouldn't hurt to have Allison with you."

  No, not yet, he needed more time alone with her. “We were going to go see a realtor tomorrow. Can't this be done without me?"

  "Of course the choice is yours, but my legal advice would be to come home and bring Allison with you. Show Judge MacKenzie that you're serious about wanting your divorce."

  Allison entered the living room and plopped down beside him laying her head on his lap with a sigh. “Who's on the phone?"

  Looking down at her, he realized that he had no choice. Eric was right, he had to be there. “We'll be there.” Hanging up, he looked down at his beautiful woman. She was breathtaking, smart, kind, and sensitive. He really didn't want to expose her to Sam any more than he needed to, but Eric said she should be there.


  "Sorry. That was the judge. He says the hearing is tomorrow and I need to be back there for it. He also says I should bring you along, that the new judge he called in would then see how much I want to marry you and that will work in our favor."

  "So who's the judge Eric called in?"

  It didn't surprise him that she blushed when he mentioned his desire to marry her, or that she ignored that he wanted her there. That was just Allison.

  "Some judge named MacKenzie."

  "Mac...oh, no. Drew, that's not good. Maybe I should stay here, because I will definitely not help you there."

  Drew frowned at her. “Why ever not? The judge said to bring you."

  "Well, for starters, I highly doubt he's forgiven me yet."

  "For what? I know you can be annoying, and argumentative, and bossy, and...” Allison slapped his knee, pulling a deep chuckle from his lips. He really couldn't imagine anyone being annoyed with her unless they were in love with her. He also recognized the signs when she didn't want to discuss it any further.


  "I once told him that I wouldn't date him, sleep with him or marry him even if he were the last man on earth."

  "Ouch, that is awfully harsh, Sweetheart. Why would you say that to a judge?” The look of disgust that crossed her face amused him.

  "He wasn't a judge at the time. He was a pimply faced college kid with too much testosterone and grabby hands. He had it coming."

  Leaning over to steal a kiss, he dropped a second one on the tip of her nose. “Whether he likes it or not, I want you there. Now, go pack. We leave in the morning."


  "I need you there with me, Allison."

  "Fine, but it's on your head if it all backfires on you."

  He chuckled as he watched her leave, and then called to make their flight reservations and rescheduled the realtor.

  * * * *

  * * * *

  "Hello? Anyone home?"

  Allison never even looked up when Jimmy's voice echoed down the hall. “In here, Jimmy."

  Leaning back on the bed, Drew watched her put her clothes away in the drawer of his dresser. A month ago, she would never have been so bold as to take over half his room. He liked the change.

  "Now, how in the world did you peg our Drew so accurately after only a month?” Jimmy teased.

  Drew grinned. “Ha ha, very funny, Jim. Don't you like your job?"

  Jimmy held his stomach and laughed. “Good one, Boss. Nice to see y
ou have your sense of humor back.” Turning to look at Allison, he opened his arms. “Come here, beautiful. I've missed you while you were gone."

  "You may have.” She replied with a grin, walking into his arms for a hug. “But I can think of one person who'll be extremely bummed I'm back."

  "Don't count on it. Jeremy offered to never drive again if you'd just come home."

  Drew laughed. “See? I'm not the only one who thinks of this as your home."

  She threw Drew a dirty look and stuck her tongue out at him. “That's so sweet; some men know how to treat a lady."

  Getting up off the bed, Drew walked over toward them. “Okay you've held my woman long enough, Buddy. Give her back, now."

  "He's awfully possessive. Are you sure you made the right choice?"

  Allison looked from one man to the other, repressing the grin Drew knew was dying to break free.

  "You mean I had a choice?"

  "Funny lady,” he replied reaching out to pull her out of Jimmy's arms and into his own.

  "I try. So, Jimmy, how is Jeremy doing?” she asked, scooting back against Drew's chest before pulling his arms around her waist.

  "He's the object of attention from all girls his age, and the object of envy for all the boys."

  "My car?"

  "Yes, your car. I don't know how to deal with it all."

  Drew laughed, kissed the top of her head, and went to unpack his suitcase while they talked. Allison followed to hang up a few dresses he'd slipped into her suitcase, because he was dying to see her in them.

  Hanging the dresses, Allison turned back toward Jimmy. “The same way you dealt with it when you went through it in high school. Give him the talk, buy him some condoms, and let him ride it out. As long as he knows you're there for him, he'll be fine. He's a really good kid."

  "No way. Have you lost your mind? You've been hanging out with Drew too long. There isn't a chance in the world that I'm buying Jeremy some condoms."

  Allison threw him a look of disdain, one Drew had gotten to know very well before he'd won her over. “Would you rather he knocked-up some poor girl?"


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