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I Know You Love Me

Page 16

by Aline de Chevigny

  "Hell, no; I'd rather he abstained!"

  Allison snorted. “Get real."


  Drew snickered but kept his mouth shut. It was fun to see Jimmy in trouble with Allison instead of him, for a change.

  "Fine. Either you tell him about safe sex and give him the protection he needs to stay safe..."


  "Or I will!"

  That was the last straw for Drew. He sat down in the blue chair and burst out laughing. “Hell, I can picture it now. The object of his pre-pubescent affections telling him how to not get a girl pregnant, then handing him a pack of magnums and telling him to be careful, but still have fun. Christ, the poor kid will either be so embarrassed he'll want to crawl under a rock, or proposition her on the spot."

  Jimmy glared at him, and then turned a worried look on Allison. “You wouldn't dare."

  "Accept his proposition? Of course not. I like the kid. I wouldn't want him getting killed."

  "You don't play fair, Allison."

  "Would it be fair to the girl who ended up pregnant? One of the two needs to know and be prepared. It may as well be the one we can control. Wouldn't you agree?"

  Jimmy sat on the bed and wiped a hand across his face. “I really hate that you're making sense right now."

  "I'm just glad I got you to stop and think. Just make sure that whatever condoms you get him are the right size."

  "Size? How the hell does she know about condom sizes, Drew?"

  Drew shrugged and bit back the all-out laugh fest he felt coming on. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed this hard, but Lord, it felt good. Allison was not letting this topic go, either. He almost felt sorry for Jimmy right now. Almost.

  "Yes, size. He's still a kid not finished growing from what I understand. I highly doubt he'll be able to carry off wearing one of yours...or maybe he would. Think of how popular he'd get once word of that got out."

  Drew sat up and frowned at her, jealousy warring with common sense. “I don't want to know where you got that information, baby."

  Rolling her eyes at him, she grinned. “Strip poker. And stop pouting at me like that. I wouldn't trade you in for anything or anyone. You have nothing to worry about where Jimmy is concerned."

  Drew grinned at his best friend. “That's her polite way of saying I'm bigger."

  Allison frowned at him, her expression completely serious. “Don't start to brag ,or I'll point out a large fault you have."

  "Not funny!"

  "Not meant to be. So Jimmy, why are you really here?"

  "Besides saying hello and being immensely grateful that my best friends are back in town?"

  Allison narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes, besides that."

  "Well, I thought Drew should know that Sam is living with..."

  Drew laughed. “Wilson, yeah I heard."

  "Did you also hear that he knocked her up?"

  Allison snorted on her way out of the room. “And the man wonders why I want him to talk to his brother. Men can be such morons!"

  Drew was torn between laughter and shock. “It's only been three weeks since she got to town."

  "What can I say, the boy is quick. Unfortunately, she hasn't taken into account the fact that he gets bored easily."

  Allison stopped with her hand on the door jamb. “Doe this mean she'll sign the papers?"

  Seeing the hope shining in her eyes, Drew didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. He knew Sam, and she'd find a way to use this to her advantage. He also knew that Allison would never forgive a lie. “I hope so, Sweetheart. I truly hope so, but knowing Sam, I wouldn't count on it. Anything else, Jim?"

  "Nope, and on that note, I need to get back to the station. Are you back for good this time, Allison?"

  "Not yet; I still need to sell my house, move the rest of my furniture here, and finish off some contractual obligations in Europe—all in all, another six months before I'm here for good. Jeremy will love knowing he has my car on and off during that time, don't you think?"

  That was all news to Drew. He'd thought for sure she was back for good, and those probably weren't the only things he wasn't aware of. Then again, they hadn't done much talking once she'd seduced him into bed.

  "Well, as long as you're here for my birthday next month, I'll be a happy man. Later, guys. I'll leave word for Jeremy that you're back."

  Drew waited until he heard the main door close before taking Allison into his arms and pulling her over to the bed.

  "Something we need to discuss, Sweetheart?"

  "A few things, actually."

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took her hand and pulled her down into his lap. “Okay, start."

  "First, there's the sex thing."

  That amused him; the sex was beyond spectacular. He couldn't wait to hear about this. “Sex thing? Do we have a problem with the sex thing?"


  That can't be good. Looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes he ran a soothing hand down her back. “Didn't you like it?"

  "Oh Drew, of course I did. I do. Very much, but...” Biting her lower lip she sighed softly.


  "Drew, we didn't use any precautions, either...any point in time. In the past week that we've been, uhm...we have yet to make sure either of us were protected against exactly what I was warning Jimmy about."

  "Aren't you...of course you aren't. What was I thinking. You've never needed it before, have you?"

  "I'm a hypocrite and you were thinking that it was the best sex of your life and that when I did this...” she said teasing and running her hand down his chest, up his shirt and tweaked his nipple the way she knew he like it. “You can't think straight."

  Drew had stopped thinking and listening the moment her hand had crept up under his shirt. That first move always meant sex, specifically sex with his very sexy woman and more experimentation on both their parts.

  "Your mind has only one thought going through it, and that was...oh...oh...yup that's the one.” She finished with a sexy giggle.

  "Baby, stop talking and kiss me.” Her smile told him she had no doubt left that he adored and wanted her. That was a goal he planned on celebrating very soon. “I think we should go to bed now. We need to be up very early for the judge tomorrow."

  "Sheriff, you read my mind. But no more sex without protection. Okay?"

  Reaching over to the nightstand, he pulled open the top drawer. “Hmmm, we need to stop at the drug store on the way to the courthouse, or I'm going to be seriously sad until the wedding."

  "Poor baby, are you out of condoms?” She asked him, pushing him back against the bed and straddling his waist before giving him a kiss.

  Flipping her under him, he chuckled throatily. “Not out, just down to my last three, and we both know that won't last us past the morning, Love."

  Pushing him off of her, Allison giggled and sat up before picking her tee up off the floor and slipping it on over her head. “Then, Mr. Perry, I think we should behave ourselves and get some sleep. It wouldn't do to antagonize the judge or Sam by showing up late."

  Pulling her back into his arms, he sank into the soft mattress. “I hate it when you make sense."

  * * * *

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  Chapter Seventeen

  The trip to the courthouse had been a waste of time. The new judge had gotten held up out of town and wouldn't be able to make it for a few days. Drew wasn't too upset about it. He was disappointed that things weren't settled yet, but Eric promised it wouldn't be more than another week, and that meant more time spent with his girl, even if he did have to work on occasion.

  The moment they walked through the front door, Allison pushed him into the first chair they saw and started kissing him. He loved when she took control, and her confidence was growing. He liked that. Kissing his way down her neck, he ran his free hand up under her skirt, only to find his path blocked by her hand.

  "Drew...” She whispered softly run
ning her fingers through his hair causing him to moan and pull her closer. “I'd love to, really I would, but we're not alone."

  Kissing her neck, he moved to undo the buttons on her blouse ignoring her initial protest. “Of course we are. I locked the door after..."

  "Seems that she has her own key."

  Chuckling, Drew returned his attentions from her lips to her neck. “She? Allison, you're the only woman I gave a key to...not that you needed a key to get into my house."

  "Sheriff, you're not listening to me again."

  Drew laughed and kissed the swell of her breasts. “I'll start listening when you give in."

  Allison shivered, her hands clenching in his shirt. “Damn it Sheriff, if you don't turn around and get rid of our unwanted guest right this second, I'll never give in again."

  Pouting, he turned toward the back door, curious to see who could be stupid enough to ruin his plans. If it wasn't life and death, they were in serious trouble.

  "Well whoever is behind me better be scared. I am not happy at having my future happiness threatened."

  "You just don't like when I say no,” Allison teased.

  "Sweetheart, having you say no is challenging. Having you make threats because I'm too..."

  "...determined to get your own way, to process anything else?"

  Drew pulled her close and turned a glare on their intruder. “Forgive me, Love?"

  Cupping his cheek, she kissed him gently. “There's nothing to forgive; its part of what I adore about you. Now can we please get rid of her?"

  Sam was bound and determined to ruin his life, he could tell. Why else would she show up in his house now?

  "Of course we can, baby. Sam, I'd love to know how you got keys to my house."

  "Well, I showed the local locksmith's son my ID and asked him to make me a key. Told him I lost my key and you'd be livid if I told you that again. In a small town, you'd think he'd know better. I must say, this is a beautiful house we have here. Although some of the furniture is a little feminine for your tastes."

  "You can thank Allison for that. This is our home—Mine and Allison's—and she helped me decorate a few things when she moved in. Get out!"

  Sam shook her head. “No, I'm staying. My bags are already sitting in the corner of the master bedroom where they belong. I'm surprised you didn't see them."

  Drew couldn't believe his ears. When the hell did she have the time to do that? They hadn't been gone that long. “Sam, I'll throw you and those bags out on your ass if I have to."

  "Temper, temper, Drew. I saw our new bed. I can't wait to stretch out on that luxurious mattress. Your little plaything will just have to find elsewhere to sleep."

  "Samantha, if you enter one toe in Allison's bedroom or even breathe on her bed, I'll have you put in a jail cell before you can call your incompetent lawyer."

  "You can't arrest me, Drew. I'm your wife."

  He couldn't believe her gall. “Ex-wife. And this is your last chance to leave voluntarily."

  "Forget it, Drew; my lawyer told me the truth. If I'm living here when the judge shows up, I get half of everything."

  Allison got up off his lap in disgust. “Money, more money. Is that all you ever think about?"

  "This from Miss moneybags. Of course you wouldn't understand!” Sam spat in disgust. “I earned every dime I get out of Drew. I sacrificed a lot when I married him, and now it's time for him to pay up."

  "Sam, get out of my house!"


  "Aren't you with Wilson now?” Allison asked just as she was about to leave the living room.

  That was a very good point his baby had just brought up. Walking over, he hugged Allison close, then turned toward Sam in curiosity. “Aren't you?"

  "He dumped me when he found out that you preferred her!"

  "Smart man."

  Smiling a full toothed grin, Sam sat on the sofa. “Don't be mean, Husband dear. It's very unbecoming."

  Turning his attention back to the beauty in his arms, he rubbed her arms soothingly. “Allison, baby, would you please call Jimmy at the station, then go upstairs and bring down Sam's bags? She isn't staying!"

  Sam lifted her chin arrogantly. “I already unpacked!"

  Allison stiffened in his arms. “Where exactly did you put your things, Sam?"

  Crossing her legs, she smiled smugly. “Well its simple, Husband dear. I took that...woman's size ten clothing and threw them into the spare bedroom, then placed my perfect size twos in the dresser and closet where they belonged."

  "You did what?” Allison's fists clenched at her sides as she advanced toward Sam, anger radiating in every step. “Why, you evil little dyed blonde, boob—job, needy bitch! I've been on your side through all this, and that is the thanks I get? Wait until I get my hands on your scrawny little chicken neck, you slut. I'll tear you limb from limb."

  Drew had never seen Allison like this before, and the strangest part was that he liked it. It excited him to think that she considered him hers. “Whoa there, Tiger. As much as I'd like to see that, I can't let you hurt her...yet. I'd have to arrest you, and I have a better way to use my handcuffs with you."

  "Fine, but be warned, Drew. This means war. The gloves come off, Princess, and I won't hesitate to pull in all the favors people owe me. Consider your life ruined; you've picked the wrong girl to piss off."

  Sam looked from Drew to Allison with a stunned expression on her face. The kitten she'd been tormenting suddenly showed she had teeth, and he didn't care. All he wanted to do was take this spitfire up to bed and let her expend all this angry energy out on him.

  "Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?"

  "This is her house, Sam. You're the one who's violated her space. Explain to me why I should even consider it? Personally, I like this side of her."

  "Where'd she go? Drew if she touches me..."

  Until Sam pointed it out, he hadn't realized that Allison had left the room. For a split second he panicked. Had she left him again? The sound of tearing fabric and heavy objects hitting the ground revealed her location. She was upstairs.

  "Stay here, I will not stop her from attacking you if you enter our bedroom again."

  Taking the stairs two at a time, he ran into the bedroom to see what could have caused all that noise. He was stopped short by the sight of Allison sitting in the middle of the spare bedroom, her clothes strewn all around her, crying quietly. “Baby?"

  "Why me? I don't understand, Drew."

  "Baby, what are you talking about? Talk to me, Lady."

  "Why me? Why would you choose me, when you could have someone like her?"

  Drew sat on the floor and took her into his arms. “I like my women sweet, kind, and cuddly. Sam is none of those things, but you, my Love, are all of them and more."

  Sniffing, she looked up at him with unshed tears making her eyes sparkle like diamonds. “Drew, I threw all her things out the bedroom window. It's all sitting outside in a puddle getting muddy and wet."

  Laughing in relief, he kissed her gently. “That explains the loud noises—her suitcases hitting the ground and snapping open. But what about the tearing sounds I heard?"

  Wiping at her eyes, she repressed a grin. “When the suitcases opened, her clothing spilled out and got caught in the branches of the tree. The wind was tearing them loose."

  "Well, seeing the mess she made with your beautiful things, she deserves whatever she gets.” He was worried about her; she looked broken for the first time since he'd met her. He didn't like seeing her broken. He wanted the spitfire back. “Tell me what's really wrong, Allison."

  "You know how I have to leave in four days?"

  "Yeah I know, you need to go away for a week. We've come to terms with that. I plan on making you the happiest woman in the world so that you rush back to me. Combine that with our daily and nightly calls to each other, and we should both survive the separation."

  "I need to leave sooner now, Drew."

  "Why?” Yes he sounded suspicious,
but he really didn't care.

  A sad giggle escaped her throat at his worried tone. “Because, you goof, I don't have any clothes left to wear but what I'm wearing right now. She tore everything to shreds before throwing it in here."

  Grabbing the first piece of clothing he could reach, he held it up and cursed. Why had Sam done this? Why was she trying to ruin everything good in his life, shredding Allison's clothing made no sense?

  "I'll go talk to her."

  "Don't leave me, Drew. Please let her do whatever she wants. We can deal with her tomorrow; I just don't want you to leave me alone right now. Hold me?"

  "Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I'll never, ever leave you. You know that, right?” His concern was deepening. True, he'd only known her for a few months, but she'd always been so sure of herself. Even when she pushed him away, she was in control. Could Sam's being in their home really have caused this insecurity? Or was there something deeper causing this change?

  "What am I doing? I'm acting like an insecure idiot. Go, Sheriff, you need to go make sure she isn't robbing you blind. I'll go through the clothes here and see what's salvageable, and tomorrow after I get Eric to sue her ass for destruction of personal property and get Jimmy to charge her with breaking and entering, I'll stop to talk to the locksmith and his son...then go buy new clothing."

  Drew had spent enough time with her to recognize the warning signs. She was pulling away from him again, and he wasn't having any of it. He only wanted to hear her call him Sheriff when in the throes of passion or while she was teasing him mercilessly. Not when she was trying to send him away or looking for excuses to leave. He wasn't about to let her reach the part where she tried convincing herself she was doing it for his own good. Let Sam rob him blind. Then he'd have an excuse to lock her up.

  "Stop it! I am not going anywhere unless you come with me. Don't even try to push me away, Allison, because it won't work. You, my lovely lady, are stuck with me. It's too late now; I know you love me.” He watched her deflate right before his eyes, and was relieved to see the invulnerable spitfire he'd fallen in love with looking up at him.

  "I'm not trying to push you away, honest. I just...I don't know how to handle a situation like this."


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