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Lillian's Light Horseman

Page 22

by Jasmine Hill

  He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and focused on keeping Victory on track. His stallion was an excellent stock horse, built for endurance and agility, and they worked together well. But he still needed his wits about him, particularly when they were galloping through the countryside and he was keeping a keen eye out for anything that might lead him in a different direction.

  He slowed Victory to a walk when he recognized that the billabong was close, not wanting to alert Steele to his presence—if he and Lillian were even there. He prayed that his intuition was correct and that they had stopped at the waterhole for a break. He approached cautiously, his ears and eyes alert for the slightest sound or motion.

  * * * *

  Lillian splashed water on her face and upper torso before reluctantly standing to make her way out of the billabong. She had no wish to be caught in such a state by Steele. That thought was positively mortifying. As she stepped out of the shallows and walked toward her clothes, a figure in the trees caught her attention. She froze, unable to make her feet obey her mind’s command to move and get to cover. She peered into the foliage and was shocked then horrified to see that it was John Steele.

  A shiver ran through her when she realized the import of what she saw. How long has he been watching me?

  He stood from his crouching position and slowly walked toward her. He had a look on his face that made her blood run cold. She knew that expression now, recognized it for what it was—raw and primal lust. He licked his lips as he drew closer, his attention aimed at her breasts. And still she couldn’t move, as if her legs were mired in quicksand. Her pulse thundered in her ears as she cast around her for a means of escape.

  “Don’t be afraid, Lillian,” he rasped, hungrily raking her body with his gaze. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  And that was all it took to shake her out of her frozen state. She stepped to the side quickly and groped for her clothes, managing to snare her skirt. She clutched it to her chest.

  “John, this is highly inappropriate.” She hated the tremor in her voice, knew that she needed to appear strong and in control, but she couldn’t help it. She was shaken and worried about his intentions. The situation of being alone with John had always been a concern, a constant in the back of her mind, but nothing could have prepared her for the daunting reality.

  “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you, Lillian.” He moved closer and raised a hand to stroke her hair. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  His gaze traveled from her face to caress her body visually. She shivered and clutched her skirt closer.

  She tried to placate him, keeping her voice soothing but strong. “John, I’m very flattered, but please allow me to get dressed. Then we can talk.”

  He sidled closer still, snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She felt his undeniable arousal pressed against her stomach.

  He dipped his head to hers and breathed deeply. “You smell so good,” he murmured into her hair.

  Lillian’s heart spiked in alarm, beating so hard she felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. “Please, John. Don’t.”

  She’d never before been in such a situation and she knew instinctively that it would be bad to antagonize him. Her mind raced as she tried to work through her options—there were not many. Perhaps if she could get him to talk to her it would buy her some time. But before she could follow that thought through, John wrenched her skirt out of her hands, rendering her once more completely naked, exposed—and absolutely terrified.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  William dismounted and looped Victory’s reins over a low-lying tree branch. He scanned the area as he slowly approached a nearby clearing. The billabong, he knew, was off to the right, but if they’d stopped, he assumed that they’d be resting in the clearing.

  He heard the horses before he saw them, their soft snuffling and whickering unmistakable. He stilled, crouching and peering through the foliage in the direction of the sounds. He could see two horses, one a stallion and the other a smaller mare—his mare.

  He hadn’t realized that he’d been holding his breath and he exhaled slowly, relief and exhilaration coursing through his veins.

  Thank fuck. I’ve found them. His thoughts were followed by feelings of caution. He didn’t want to give Steele and Lillian an opportunity to run. Given that Lillian believed the lies of George Dawson and his daughter, she wouldn’t be amenable to just getting on her horse and following him home. No, he had to handle the situation with care. He scanned the immediate area from his hiding spot and couldn’t see Steele or Lillian. He stayed put for a minute longer to ensure that they were not in the immediate vicinity, then he stood and approached the horses. His plan was to walk the animals some distance away and hopefully buy some time. He needed to delay Lillian and make her listen to him. Just as he was about to snatch up the reins, sounds to his right, toward the billabong, drew his attention. He stopped dead in his tracks and strained an ear toward the noises. Then he started running.

  He sprinted toward the billabong and burst through the trees. The sight that confronted him was confusing, infuriating and startling in equal measures. It took a moment for his brain to catch up with what his eyes were witnessing. Lillian was naked at the edge of the water and John Steele was standing in front of her. The man was close, far too close.

  William’s vision hazed to red and his chest constricted. Anger and a fierce possessiveness coursed through him. He fisted his hands at his sides and trembled, as a rage he’d never previously felt overtook him.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he thundered, advancing quickly on the pair.

  Steele jumped and spun around to face him but William wasn’t focusing on Steele. His gaze settled on Lillian’s panicked expression.

  He was unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off in seconds as he took quick strides to reach them. He shoved Steele out of the way and gripped Lillian around the wrist, wrenching her body against his and draping his shirt around her shoulders. He just hoped that the panicked expression on her face wasn’t triggered by her guilt, but as he felt the shudders rack her body he knew it was fear causing her distress. He pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around her waist protectively.

  “I’m here now, my darling,” William reassured her, feeling like a heel for even doubting her for a second.

  “Why the fuck are you here, Cartwright?” Steele interrupted. “Haven’t you caused enough damage, sticking your nose and other…parts of your anatomy where they don’t belong?”

  William thrust Lillian behind him then turned to face Steele. Rage coursed through him and he took a couple of deep breaths. He wouldn’t gain anything by losing control, even if it was a prick like Steele on the receiving end.

  “Leave now, Steele. Before I do something that we’ll both regret.”

  Steele chuckled, a low mocking sound. “Always the same supercilious asshole, Cartwright. Who died and made you God? You’ve caused Lillian enough distress. Don’t you agree?”

  Lillian’s name spoken so easily and so familiarly from the other man’s lips had William fisting his hands anew. How dare the fucker! Who the hell does he think he is? He breathed deeply, allowing the air to expand in his lungs for a few seconds before exhaling loudly. “Why don’t you tell me why I found you here, with Lillian, while she was undressed?” he advanced toward Steele. “What were you planning to do?”

  “This is no concern of yours,” the other man snarled. “You negated your right to question whatever Lillian does after you got Margaret Dawson with child!”

  “Enough!” William roared and stepped toward Steele. The other man feinted to the right. William spun around just as Steele grabbed Lillian by the arm and wrenched her toward him.

  “Lillian, let’s go,” Steele ordered and started dragging her away.

  Vaguely, William registered Lillian struggling against Steele and once again, he saw red. His gaze shimmered through scarlet and the thin hold he had on his
control snapped. He reached out, grasped Steele by his collar and yanked him back—hard. The motion jolted Lillian backward and out of Steele’s grip.

  William saw his advantage and took it. “Lillian, move away.” He spun Steele around to face him then released his hold on the man’s collar.

  “Now, are you going to go quietly? Or do I have to persuade you?” William asked, his voice ominously low.

  “Do your best, Cartwright,” Steele taunted. “Lillian and I have been doing just fine together. Then you come riding out to the rescue, to claim your gorgeous prize. What’s the matter, one woman’s not enough for you?”

  William saw Lillian out of the corner of his eye. She looked to be just about to wade into the argument and he couldn’t have that. If events took a turn for the worst, he wanted her to be out of the firing range. “Lillian, stay where you are,” he commanded, giving her a stop motion with one hand to drive his words home. He risked a quick look in her direction and noted her furious stance, hands on her hips and her lush mouth set in an angry line. He turned his attention back to Steele, not wanting the man to get the upper hand on him.

  “One woman is plenty for me, Steele, and that woman is Lillian. Whatever else you’ve heard is bullshit—not that I need to explain anything to you. Lillian is coming with me.”

  Steele’s eyes narrowed. “Not if I can help it,” he snarled. “This is one time that I plan to make things difficult for you.” He started to bounce around on his toes. “For once in your life, you might not get what you want!”

  William’s boxing training kicked in. He automatically put his guard up and increased the distance between them. Steele was a swarmer—not a particularly good one at that—and he was out of condition. In-fighters in particular needed to keep fit to maintain their stamina and Steele didn’t keep up with his training as William did, which would make Steele slow and sloppy. William was an out-boxer, quick footed with a fast, long-range punch, and he had won his fair share of matches, both in and out of the army. He had no qualms that he could take Steele easily and quickly.

  William locked his gaze on Steele, assessing his every move to anticipate his next action. The man closed the gap between them and unleashed a flurry of body punches to William’s torso. William grunted and took the punches, preferring to wear Steele down a little and assess his strength. Steele’s blows lacked power and almost as soon as his flurry started, he backed off, breathing heavily.

  William vaguely registered Lillian’s frantic yelling in the background but he blocked her out, focusing entirely on his opponent.

  Keeping his guard up, William stepped back, widening the gap between him and Steele once more. Steele moved in again and threw a right-left combination that William evaded easily, bobbing and weaving back up to face the other man head on. Steele tried again, dancing closer, crowding him before unleashing a few fast punches that William quickly blocked.

  “Had enough yet, Cartwright?” Steele panted. “I think you’ve lost your edge.”

  William smirked, keeping his defensive stance and bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I’m merely warming up, arsehole.”

  He’d had enough of dancing around Steele and he wanted to end it, but the man was obviously not going to give up without a fight.

  William dodged back a couple of steps, drawing his opponent toward him. Steele took the bait and lunged forward, ready to unleash another round of punches. But Steele was already tiring where William had barely raised a sweat. His reflexes were quick and, when Steele dropped his guard, William attacked. He unleashed a fierce right uppercut, taking Steele under the chin. The man was lifted off his feet slightly and taken off balance. Immediately William followed through with a powerful left hook. Blood flew from Steele’s mouth and he staggered, swaying for a moment, an odd look of surprise on his face before he crashed to the ground.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Lillian gasped and ran toward the two men. William was breathing heavily and looming over John Steele’s prone form, his fists still clenched as if he was waiting for the man to jump up and continue the fight.

  Lillian knelt next to John and felt for his pulse, terrified that William had killed him. She couldn’t believe he’d survive a punch like that. Blood trickled from his mouth but she was relieved to see his chest rise and fall steadily in respiration.

  “He’s knocked out,” William spoke from above her. “Interesting that you’re so worried about him, my dear.”

  His voice dripped with sarcasm and she gazed up into his face. His expression was impassive but his eyes glinted dangerously.

  “I was worried that you’d killed him,” she snapped.

  “He’ll be fine. He’ll come around in a couple of minutes.” William studied her upturned face. “Did he touch you?”


  “You heard the question. If he touched you without your consent, you should pray that he never wakes up because I will kill him.”


  “No, he didn’t touch you? Or he didn’t touch you without your consent?”

  Lillian threw him an exasperated look. Does the man honestly think I’d be intimate with another? If she told him it was only his timely arrival that had stopped John’s probable plans to molest her, there was no telling what he’d do. “No. He didn’t touch me,” she stated adamantly.

  Suddenly the enormity of the situation sank in and she stood on shaky legs, swaying slightly as she tried to regain her equilibrium. William was at her side instantly, enclosing her in a protective embrace. Lillian melted against him, momentarily forgetting the events of the previous days and taking solace in his arms. She breathed in his familiar masculine scent and immediately felt comforted by his presence. Nothing had ever felt so good or so right as the feel of his arms around her. William smoothed his hands down her back in a soothing caress and for an instant, she submitted to the calming sensations.

  “Do you know how worried I’ve been? How desperate?” he said into her hair.

  Lillian stiffened and pulled away from his embrace, cruel reality suddenly intruding upon the intimate moment. She turned her back on him, glad when he didn’t try to stop her, and engaged in a quick internal dialog with herself. She needed to harden her heart and her mind to what William had to say. She’d been surprised to see him. She’d already convinced herself that he was better off without her in what was no doubt a complicated situation. And she’d convinced herself that William would see things the same way. Now, here he was, having tracked her down. She couldn’t imagine how hard he had to have been riding to catch her and John Steele. And how had he done that? How had he known where they’d been heading?

  He was standing motionless behind her and she could almost feel the tension radiating off him. She turned and gazed up into his face, noticing for the first time the strain around his eyes.

  “Why did you follow us, William?” she finally asked.

  He let out a long breath and scraped his hands through his hair. “Why do you think? Did you really believe that I’d allow you to leave me with only that pitiful letter for an excuse?”

  Lillian studied him and wondered if he was even aware of Margaret Dawson’s state. George Dawson, she was sure, would’ve taken the first opportunity to enlighten him. Perhaps she’d been wrong about William after all. Perhaps he really didn’t care about the consequences of his actions.

  “It’s beyond us now. You have to think about Margaret Dawson and the baby she is carrying—”

  William cursed loudly. “That’s a complete lie,” he snarled. “I can’t believe you’d take the word of a cad like George Dawson without even having the decency to talk to me! What sort of man do you take me for?”

  Lillian blanched. For the first time, she worried that she’d been too hasty in her decision to leave. Her mind raced through her conversation with George Dawson and her subsequent reasoning. “But why would he say that? Why would he lie like that?” she whispered.

  William’s jaw hardened. “I don’t ful
ly understand the man’s reasoning, but he did tell me that the combination of our two properties would be beneficial to the both of us. Perhaps that was his justification—pure, callous greed!”

  Lillian paled. “But using his own daughter and risking her reputation? That’s just despicable.”

  William laughed coldly. “Dawson is ruthless when he wants something. If Margaret is pregnant, it definitely isn’t mine. Perhaps Margaret told him that I’m the father. I don’t know for sure at the moment but I do intend to find out. My only priority was finding you safe and well. I didn’t hang around the Dawsons’ to ask about details, other than the direction in which you were heading.”

  Lillian suddenly felt ill and a dull throb had started in her temples. She wanted to believe William with every fiber of her being, but she just couldn’t reconcile the fact that George and Margaret Dawson could be so calculating and cruel. She had so many questions, but a low moan jolted her out of her reverie, reminding her that John Steele was at that moment lying on the ground injured.

  She knelt next to him. He moaned again and opened his eyes.

  “He’s coming around,” William announced dispassionately. “I’ll get his horse.”


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